import random import time import threading import sys import os import json import datetime from datetime import datetime, timedelta import hashlib os.system("title " + "Let's go gambling! dududu ehh. God damn it!") # GAMES RouletteWheelNumbers = [" 0","32","15","19"," 4","21"," 2","25","17","34"," 6","27","13","36","11","30"," 8","23","10"," 5","24","16","33"," 1","20","14","31"," 9","22","18","29"," 7","28","12","35"," 3","26"] RouletteWheelColors = ["🟩", "🟥", "⬛", "🟥", "⬛", "🟥", "⬛", "🟥", "⬛", "🟥", "⬛", "🟥", "⬛", "🟥", "⬛", "🟥", "⬛", "🟥", "⬛", "🟥", "⬛", "🟥", "⬛", "🟥", "⬛", "🟥", "⬛", "🟥", "⬛", "🟥", "⬛", "🟥", "⬛", "🟥", "⬛", "🟥", "⬛" ] RouletteRed = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 12, 14, 16, 18, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 30, 32, 34, 36] RouletteBlack = [2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 29, 31, 33, 35] SlotSymbols = ["❌", "🍒", "🔔", "🍋", "🍒", "🔔", "🍋", "💎"] # Intended for Slot Mashines # Keno. No list to implement # Horse betting. No list to implement cards = {"A": 1, "2": 2, "3": 3, "4": 4, "5": 5, "6": 6, "7": 7, "8": 8, "9": 9, "10": 10, "J": 11, "Q": 12, "K": 13} # Casino war # Coin flip. No list to implement # Crash. No list to implement dailyrewardlistmoney = [250, 500, 750, 1000] dailyrewardlistXP = [75, 100, 125, 150] money = 1000 merry_christmas = True username = "N/A" xp = 0 xptoreachbase = 100 level = 1 wins_roulette = 0 wins_slots = 0 wins_keno = 0 wins_casinowar = 0 wins_coinflip = 0 wins_crash = 0 wins_horsebetting = 0 json_datetime = "N/A" legit = True value1 = 0 save_file = "Casinosave.json" def Stats(): global username, xp, xptoreach, level, wins_casinowar, wins_coinflip, wins_crash, wins_horsebetting, wins_keno, wins_slots, wins_roulette xptoreach = xptoreachbase*level xp_filled_value = round((xp / xptoreach) * 20) xp_filled = "" for _ in range(xp_filled_value): xp_filled += '#' for _ in range(20 - xp_filled_value): xp_filled += '-' print("\033[H\033[J", end="") print(f"Username: {username}") print(f"Money: {money}") print(f"Level: {level}") print(f"XP: {xp} / {xptoreach}") print(f"[{xp_filled}]\n") print(f"Roulette wins: {wins_roulette}") print(f"Slots wins: {wins_slots}") print(f"Keno wins: {wins_keno}") print(f"Horse betting wins: {wins_horsebetting}") print(f"Casino war wins: {wins_casinowar}") print(f"Coinflip wins: {wins_coinflip}") print(f"Crash wins: {wins_crash}\n") print(f"Press enter to exit") input() def Roulette(): global money, wins_roulette, xp def WinRoulette(winmultiplier, winxp): global money, wins_roulette, xp money += bet_roulette*winmultiplier print("You won ", bet_roulette*winmultiplier, " dollars ") wins_roulette += 1 print(f"You gained {winxp} XP ") xp += winxp def is_odd(number): return number % 2 != 0 print("\033[H\033[J", end="") print("🎲 Welcome to Roulette 🎲") print("The goal of roulette is to predict the spot which the \"ball\" will land.\nYou can bet on specific numbers, colors or whenever the result is odd or even") print(f"\nCurrent balance: {money}") print("Enter your bet or say \"Color\" for the color table") inputlist = ["red", "black", "odd", "even", "1st12", "2nd12", "3rd12"] userinputroulette = "" while True: try: input_payout_or_bet = input() bet_roulette = int(input_payout_or_bet) if -1 < bet_roulette < money+1: money -= bet_roulette break else: print("Please select a valid bet") except ValueError: if input_payout_or_bet.lower() == "color": print("= Color table =") print("Red: ", RouletteRed) print("Black: ", RouletteBlack) print("Enter your bet or say \"Color\" for the color table") if input_payout_or_bet == "xameren": print("xamarin???") else: print("Please select a valid bet") print("\033[H\033[J", end="") print("| Select the bet |") print("+---------------------------+") print("| Red | Black || Odd | Even |") print("|===========================|") print("| 1st 12 | 2nd 12 | 3rd 12 |") print("|===========================|") print("| Individual numbers (0-36) |") print("+---------------------------+") while True: try: input_roulette = input() if input_roulette in inputlist or -1 < int(input_roulette) < 37: break else: print("Please select a valid option") except ValueError: if input_payout_or_bet.lower() == "color": print("= Color table =") print("Red: ", RouletteRed) print("Black: ", RouletteBlack) print("Enter your bet or say \"Color\" for the color table") else: print("Please select a valid bet") userinputroulette = input_roulette roulette_speed = 0 decor = 1 print("\033[H\033[J", end="") for i in range(random.randint(15, 51)): # if you change this to 1 ( eg. for testing), youll get the result 15. The default is random.randint(15, 51) start_index = i % len(RouletteWheelNumbers) the_roulette = RouletteWheelNumbers[start_index:start_index+5] if len(the_roulette) < 5: the_roulette += RouletteWheelNumbers[:5 - len(the_roulette)] the_roulette_colors = RouletteWheelColors[start_index:start_index+5] if len(the_roulette_colors) < 5: the_roulette_colors += RouletteWheelColors[:5 - len(the_roulette_colors)] translationtable = str.maketrans(",", "|", "[\']") cleanedtext = str(the_roulette).translate(translationtable) cleanedcolors = str(the_roulette_colors).translate(translationtable) time.sleep(roulette_speed) roulette_speed += 0.01 if decor == 1: decortext = "/" decor += 1 elif decor == 2: decortext = "|" decor += 1 else: decortext = "\\" decor = 1 print("\033[H", end="") print(decortext, " Roulette wheel ", decortext) print("|‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾\\/‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾|") print(f"|{cleanedtext}|") print(f"|{cleanedcolors}|") print("|________/\\________|") print(decortext, " Roulette wheel ", decortext) textdecorup = "|‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾##‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾|" textdecordown = "|________##________|" textdecornumberrouletteend = 0 for i in range(5): print("\033[H", end="") print(decortext, " Roulette wheel ", decortext) print(textdecorup) print(f"|{cleanedtext}|") print(f"|{cleanedcolors}|") print(textdecordown) print(decortext, " Roulette wheel ", decortext) textdecornumberrouletteend += 1 time.sleep(0.2) if textdecornumberrouletteend == 1: textdecorup = "|‾‾‾‾‾‾‾>##<‾‾‾‾‾‾‾|" textdecordown = "|_______>##<_______|" elif textdecornumberrouletteend == 2: textdecorup = "|‾‾‾‾‾‾>>##<<‾‾‾‾‾‾|" textdecordown = "|______>>##<<______|" else: textdecorup = "|‾‾‾‾‾>>>##<<<‾‾‾‾‾|" textdecordown = "|_____>>>##<<<_____|" if str(RouletteWheelNumbers[start_index+2:start_index+3]).translate(translationtable) != '': result = int(str(RouletteWheelNumbers[start_index+2:start_index+3]).translate(translationtable)) else: result = 0 result_color = str(RouletteWheelColors[start_index+2:start_index+3]).translate(translationtable) # Holy Yandere Dev. Not anymore :) expected_inputs = ["1st12", "2nd12", "3rd12"] conditions = [13, 25, 37] won_roulette = False try: if int(userinputroulette) == result: if result == 0: WinRoulette(10, 75) else: WinRoulette(5, 50) except ValueError: for index in range(3): if userinputroulette == expected_inputs[index] and result < conditions[index]: WinRoulette(2, 15) won_roulette = True if userinputroulette == "odd" and is_odd(result) or userinputroulette == "even" and not is_odd(result): WinRoulette(2, 15) elif userinputroulette == "black" and result_color == "⬛" or userinputroulette == "red" and result_color == "🟥": WinRoulette(2, 15) elif won_roulette == False: print("You lost ", bet_roulette, " dollars ") time.sleep(2) def Slots(): global money, wins_slots, merry_christmas print("\033[H\033[J", end="") print("🎰 Welcome to slots 🎰") print("Slots is a game where the goal is to roll the same symbols multiple times for a payout") print(f"\nCurrent balance: {money}") print("Enter your bet or say \"Payout\" for the payout table") while True: try: input_payout_or_bet = input() bet_slots = int(input_payout_or_bet) if -1 < bet_slots < money+1: money -= bet_slots break else: print("Please select a valid bet") except ValueError: if input_payout_or_bet.lower() == "payout": #"❌", "🍒", "🔔", "🍋", "💎" print("= Payout table =") print("❌ - Empty slot") print("🍒🍒 - 1.25x") print("🍋🍋 - 1.5x") print("🔔🔔 - 1.75x") print("💎💎 - 2x") print("🍒🍒🍒 - 3x") print("🍋🍋🍋 - 4x") print("🔔🔔🔔 - 5x") print("💎💎💎 - 10x") print("Enter your bet or say \"Payout\" for the payout table") else: print("Please select a valid bet") if input_payout_or_bet.lower() == "merry christmas": if merry_christmas == True: print("Merry christmas and happy new year") money += 100 merry_christmas = False slot_one = "💎" slot_two = "💎" slot_three = "💎" print("\033[H\033[J", end="") random_time = random.randint(20,25) def menu(decor = "==", decor2 = "==", decor3 = "=="): print(f"+={decor}==={decor2}==={decor3}=+\n| {slot_one} | {slot_two} | {slot_three} |\n+={decor}==={decor2}==={decor3}=+") for _ in range(random_time): print("\033[H", end="") menu() slot_one = random.choice(SlotSymbols) slot_two = random.choice(SlotSymbols) slot_three = random.choice(SlotSymbols) time.sleep(0.25) for _ in range(5): print("\033[H", end="") menu("##") slot_two = random.choice(SlotSymbols) slot_three = random.choice(SlotSymbols) time.sleep(0.25) for _ in range(5): print("\033[H", end="") menu("##", "##") slot_three = random.choice(SlotSymbols) time.sleep(0.25) print("\033[H", end="") menu("##", "##", "##") time.sleep(0.25) def win_slots(slot): global money,xp, wins_slots, xpwin, youwon decor_value = 1 xpwin = 0 def win_win_slots(winmultiplier, winxp): global money,xp, wins_slots, xpwin, youwon money += bet_slots*winmultiplier youwon = bet_slots*winmultiplier xpwin += winxp conditions = ["🍒", "🍋", "🔔", "💎", "🍒2", "🍋2", "🔔2", "💎2"] MoneyMultiplier = [1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10] XpMultiplier = [3, 4, 5, 10, 10, 15, 20, 25] for index in range(8): if slot == conditions[index]: win_win_slots(MoneyMultiplier[index], XpMultiplier[index]) for _ in range(12): decor_print = "/" decor_1 = "/" decor_2 = "|" decor_3 = "\\" if decor_value == 1 or decor_value == 4 or decor_value == 7 or decor_value == 10: decor_print = decor_1 elif decor_value == 2 or decor_value == 5 or decor_value == 8 or decor_value == 11: decor_print = decor_2 else: decor_print = decor_3 decor_value += 1 print("\033[H", end="") menu("##", "##", "##") print(decor_print, " You won ", youwon, " dollars ", decor_print) print(decor_print, " You gained ", xpwin," XP ", decor_print) time.sleep(0.15) xp += xpwin time.sleep(0.2) wins_slots += 1 def lost_slots(): decor_value = 1 end_screen1 = f"x=##===##===##=x\n| {slot_one} | {slot_two} | {slot_three} |\nx=##===##===##=x\n\\ You lost , {bet_slots}, dollars /" end_screen2 = f"+=##===##===##=+\n| {slot_one} | {slot_two} | {slot_three} |\n+=##===##===##=+\n You lost , {bet_slots}, dollars " for _ in range(7): if decor_value == 1: print("\033[H", end="") print(end_screen1) decor_value += 1 else: print("\033[H", end="") print(end_screen2) decor_value -= 1 time.sleep(0.5) if slot_one == slot_two or slot_one == slot_three or slot_two == slot_three: if slot_one == slot_two == slot_three: if slot_two != "❌": win_slots(f"{slot_two}2") elif slot_one == "❌" and slot_two == "❌" or slot_two == "❌" and slot_three == "❌" or slot_three == "❌" and slot_one == "❌": lost_slots() else: if slot_two != "❌": win_slots(f"{slot_two}") else: lost_slots() time.sleep(2) def Keno(): global money, wins_keno, xp print("\033[H\033[J", end="") print("🍀 Welcome to keno 🍀\n") print("Keno is a game where you choose numbers from a set between 1 and 60, and win prizes based on how many of\nyour chosen numbers match those drawn randomly (Which is different 20 numbers). You can bet up to 20 numbers at once (More guesses = Bigger payout)") print(f"\nCurrent balance: {money}") print("Enter your bet or say \"Payout\" for the payout table") # Picks: {mistake count: multiplier, mistake count: multiplier, mistake count: multiplier, mistake count: multiplier, } payout_keno = { 1: {0: 1.5}, 2: {0: 1.6, 1: 1.15}, 3: {0: 1.8, 1: 1.15, 2: 1}, 4: {0: 2, 1: 1.2, 2: 1.1, 3: 1}, 5: {0: 2.5, 1: 1.5, 2: 1.2, 3: 1}, 6: {0: 3, 1: 2, 2: 1.5, 3: 1.2, 4: 1}, 7: {0: 3.5, 1: 2, 2: 1.5, 3: 1.2, 4: 1.1, 5: 1}, 8: {0: 4, 1: 3.5, 2: 3, 3: 1.5, 4: 1.2, 5: 1.1, 6: 1}, 9: {0: 4.5, 1: 4, 2: 3.5, 3: 2, 4: 1.5, 5: 1.1, 6: 1}, 10: {0: 5, 1: 4.5, 2: 4, 3: 2, 4: 1.5, 5: 1.2, 6: 1.1, 7: 1}, 11: {0: 7, 1: 6, 2: 5, 3: 4, 4: 1.5, 5: 1.2, 6: 1.1, 7: 1}, 12: {0: 8, 1: 7, 2: 6, 3: 5, 4: 2, 5: 1.2, 6: 1.1, 7: 1}, 13: {0: 9, 1: 8, 2: 7, 3: 4, 4: 2, 5: 1.2, 6: 1.1, 7: 1}, 14: {0: 10, 1: 9, 2: 8, 3: 5, 4: 2, 5: 1.2, 6: 1.15, 7: 1}, 15: {0: 15, 1: 10, 2: 9, 3: 6, 4: 2, 5: 1.2, 6: 1.15, 7: 1}, 16: {0: 25, 1: 15, 2: 10, 3: 7, 4: 2, 5: 1.2, 6: 1.15, 7: 1}, 17: {0: 40, 1: 25, 2: 15, 3: 8, 4: 2, 5: 1.2, 6: 1.15, 7: 1}, 18: {0: 50, 1: 40, 2: 25, 3: 15, 4: 2, 5: 1.5, 6: 1.3, 7: 1}, 19: {0: 75, 1: 50, 2: 25, 3: 10, 4: 5, 5: 2.5, 6: 2, 7: 1}, 20: {0: 100, 1: 75, 2: 50, 3: 25, 4: 10, 5: 5, 6: 2.5, 7: 1.5, 8: 1}, } while True: try: bet_keno = input() bet_keno_int = int(bet_keno) if bet_keno_int > money or 0 > bet_keno_int: print("Please select a valid bet") else: break except ValueError: if bet_keno.lower() == "payout": print("1 pick: 0 mistakes = 1.5x | | |") print("2 picks: 0 mistakes = 1.6x | 1 mistake = 1.15x | |") print("3 picks: 0 mistakes = 1.8x | 1 mistake = 1.15x | 2 mistakes = 1x |") print("4 picks: 0 mistakes = 2x | 1 mistake = 1.2x | 2 mistakes = 1.1x | 3 mistakes = 1x") print("5 picks: 0 mistakes = 2.5x | 1 mistake = 1.5x | 2 mistakes = 1.2x | 3 mistakes = 1x") print("6 picks: 0 mistakes = 3x | 1 mistake = 2x | 2 mistakes = 1.5x | 3-4 mistakes = 1.2-1x") print("7 picks: 0 mistakes = 3.5x | 1 mistake = 2x | 2 mistakes = 1.5x | 3-5 mistakes = 1.2-1x") print("8 picks: 0 mistakes = 4x | 1 mistake = 3.5x | 2 mistakes = 3x | 3-6 mistakes = 1.5-1x") print("9 picks: 0 mistakes = 4.5x | 1 mistake = 4x | 2 mistakes = 3.5x | 3-6 mistakes = 2-1x") print("10 picks: 0 mistakes = 5x | 1 mistake = 4.5x | 2 mistakes = 4x | 3-7 mistakes = 2-1x") print("11-20 picks: Multiplier increases with higher picks, max 100x for 0 mistakes in 20 picks.") else: print("Please select a valid number") print("Select your chosen numbers (in a format of \"1, 2, 3\".)") while True: user_input_keno = input() try: chosen_number_list = [int(x.strip()) for x in user_input_keno.split(",")] if all(1 <= number <= 60 for number in chosen_number_list) and len(chosen_number_list) <= 10: print("Valid numbers:", chosen_number_list) break else: print("One or more of your numbers is out of range.") except ValueError: print("Invalid choise or format") NumbersPicked = [] money -= bet_keno_int print("\033[H\033[J", end="") while True: while True: a = random.randint(1, 60) if a not in NumbersPicked: NumbersPicked.append(a) break print("\033[H", end="") print("Numbers which you have picked: [", user_input_keno, "]") print("Numbers randomally chosen: ", NumbersPicked) if len(NumbersPicked) == 20: break time.sleep(0.5) matches = set(chosen_number_list).intersection(NumbersPicked) num_matches = len(matches) num_picks = len(chosen_number_list) num_mistakes = num_picks - num_matches payout_for_num_picks = payout_keno.get(num_picks, {}) reward_multiplier = payout_for_num_picks.get(num_mistakes, 0) money += bet_keno_int * reward_multiplier print("You won ", bet_keno_int*reward_multiplier, " dollars") print("You gained ", 2*reward_multiplier," XP") xp += 2*reward_multiplier if bet_keno_int*reward_multiplier > 0: wins_keno += 1 time.sleep(2) print("\033[H\033[J", end="") #keno() def HorseBettin(): global money, wins_horsebetting, xp def winhorsebetting(horseinput, randfloat, horsiewinner): global money, wins_horsebetting, xp money += round((horseinput*randfloat), 0) wins_horsebetting += 1 xp += 15 print(f"# {horsiewinner} won the race! #") print("You won ", horseinput*randfloat, " dollars") print("You gained 15 XP ") def losehorsebetting(horseinput, horsiewinner): global money money -= horseinput print(f"\\ {horsiewinner} won the race! /") print(f"You lost {horseinput} dollars") round(money, 0) print("\033[H\033[J", end="") round(money, 0) Horse1progressleft = Horse2progressleft = Horse3progressleft = Horse4progressleft = "" Horse1progressright= Horse2progressright= Horse3progressright= Horse4progressright = "-------------------------------------------------" random_float_1 = round(random.uniform(1, 2), 2) random_float_2 = round(random.uniform(1, 2), 2) random_float_3 = round(random.uniform(1, 2), 2) random_float_4 = round(random.uniform(1, 2), 2) print("🐎 Welcome to horse betting 🐎\n") print("The point of the game is to bet on the horse that will win the race\nYour winnings are calculated using the odds of winning (bet*odds)\n") print("Current odds:") print("Horse 1: ", round(random_float_1,2)) print("Horse 2: ", round((random_float_2),2)) print("Horse 3: ", round((random_float_3),2)) print("Horse 4: ", round((random_float_4),2)) print(f"\nCurrent balance: {money}") print("Pick a horse you will bet on") while True: try: horsiechooseinput = int(input()) if 0 < horsiechooseinput < 5: break else: print("Please select a valid horse") except ValueError: print("Please select a valid number") print("How much will you bet?") while True: try: horsiebetinput = int(input()) if -1 < horsiebetinput <= money: break else: print("Please select a valid bet") except ValueError: print("Please select a valid number") change_title = 1 horsiewinner = "" print("\033[H\033[J", end="") while horsiewinner == "": if change_title <= 2: cooleffecthorsetexttitle = "-#- Race in progress -#- Race in progress -#- Race in progress -#-" change_title += 1 else: cooleffecthorsetexttitle = "#-# Race in progress #-# Race in progress #-# Race in progress #-#" change_title += 1 if change_title == 5: change_title = 1 time.sleep(0.2) a = random.randint(1,4) if a == 1: Horse1progressleft += "-" Horse1progressright = Horse1progressright.replace("-", "", 1) if a == 2: Horse2progressleft += "-" Horse2progressright = Horse2progressright.replace("-", "", 1) if a == 3: Horse3progressleft += "-" Horse3progressright = Horse3progressright.replace("-", "", 1) if a == 4: Horse4progressleft += "-" Horse4progressright = Horse4progressright.replace("-", "", 1) print("\033[H", end="") print(cooleffecthorsetexttitle) print("Horse 1: [", Horse1progressleft, "🏇", Horse1progressright, "]") print("Horse 2: [", Horse2progressleft, "🏇", Horse2progressright, "]") print("Horse 3: [", Horse3progressleft, "🏇", Horse3progressright, "]") print("Horse 4: [", Horse4progressleft, "🏇", Horse4progressright, "]") print(cooleffecthorsetexttitle) for index in range(4): horseright = [Horse1progressright, Horse2progressright, Horse3progressright, Horse4progressright] horses = ["Horse 1", "Horse 2", "Horse 3", "Horse 4"] floats = [random_float_1, random_float_2, random_float_3, random_float_4] if horseright[index] == "": horsiewinner = horses[index] if horsiechooseinput == index + 1: winhorsebetting(horsiebetinput, floats[index], horsiewinner) break else: losehorsebetting(horsiebetinput, horsiewinner) break round(money, 0) print("Your current balance:", money) time.sleep(2) print("\033[H\033[J", end="") def CasinoWar(): global money, wins_casinowar, xp print("\033[H\033[J", end="") round(money, 0) print("⚓ Welcome to casino war ⚓\n") print("The point of the game is to receive a higher value card than your opponent.") print("If it's a tie, you can either surrender (losing half of your bet) or go into war \n(both receive yet another card. If your card is higher, you win; otherwise, you lose).\n") while True: try: print(f"\nCurrent balance: {money}") print("How much will you bet?") bet = int(input()) if bet > -1 and bet <= money: break else: print("Please select a valid bet") except ValueError: print("Please choose a valid number") if bet > 0: if bet > money / 2: print("Caution: You have entered more than half of your money. You can't go into war. Proceed? (Y/N)") while True: proceed = input().upper() if proceed == "N": return elif proceed == "Y": break else: print("Please choose 'Y' or 'N'.") print("\033[H\033[J", end="") picked_card_player = random.choice(list(cards.keys())) picked_card_dealer = random.choice(list(cards.keys())) card_value_player = cards[picked_card_player] card_value_dealer = cards[picked_card_dealer] print("Dealing cards...") time.sleep(1) print(f"Your card: \n[ {picked_card_player} ]") time.sleep(1) print(f"Dealer's card: \n[ {picked_card_dealer} ]") time.sleep(0.1) print("\033[H\033[J", end="") print(f"Your card: \n[ {picked_card_player} ]") print(f"Dealer's card: \n[ {picked_card_dealer} ]") time.sleep(1) if card_value_player > card_value_dealer: print(f"= You won {bet} dollars =") money += bet wins_casinowar += 1 print("You gained 15 XP ") xp += 15 elif card_value_player < card_value_dealer: print(f"\\ You lost {bet} dollars /") money -= bet else: print("You're tied!") print("1) Surrender\n2) Go into war") while True: try: choice = int(input()) if choice == 1: print("You surrendered.") money -= (bet / 2) break elif choice == 2: if money >= bet * 2: print("You went into war!") picked_card_player_war = random.choice(list(cards.keys())) picked_card_dealer_war = random.choice(list(cards.keys())) card_value_player_war = cards[picked_card_player_war] card_value_dealer_war = cards[picked_card_dealer_war] print("\033[H\033[J", end="") print("Dealing cards...") time.sleep(1) print(f"Your war card: \n[ {picked_card_player_war} ]") time.sleep(1) print(f"Dealer's war card: \n[ {picked_card_dealer_war} ]") if card_value_player_war >= card_value_dealer_war: money += bet * 2 print(f"= You won {bet} dollars! =") print("You gained 20 XP ") xp += 20 round(money, 0) else: money -= bet * 2 print(f"\\ You lost {bet} dollars! /") round(money, 0) else: print("You can't go into war as you do not have the required sum of money.") money -= bet break else: print("Please select a valid option.") except ValueError: print("Please enter a valid choice (1 or 2).") round(money, 0) time.sleep(2) print("\033[H\033[J", end="") def Coinflip(): global money, wins_coinflip, xp def coinflipwin(b): global money, wins_coinflip, xp money = money+(b*2) wins_coinflip += 1 print("You won ", b, "dollars!") print("You gained 10 XP ") xp += 10 def coinfliplose(b): global money money = money-b print("You lost", b, "dollars!") print("\033[H\033[J", end="") round(money, 0) print("🪙 Welcome to coinflip 🪙") print("Guess the side which will land. If you guess it, you\nwill double your money. If not, you lose it") print(f"Current balance: {money}") print("How much will you bet?") while True: try: b = int(input()) break except ValueError: print("Incorrect value") print("\033[H\033[J", end="") print("= Pick a Side =\n1) Heads\n2) Tails") leave = False while True: try: a = int(input()) if a == 2 or a == 1: break except ValueError: print("Incorrect value") if leave != True: stringeffect = stringeffect2 = result = "" count = speed = 0 while count < random.randint(9,10): print("\033[H\033[J", end="") print(stringeffect + "Tossing..." + stringeffect2) if count == 1 or count == 3 or count == 5 or count == 7 or count == 9: print("-> Heads <-") result = "heads" else: print("-> Tails <-") result = "tails" print(stringeffect + "Tossing..." + stringeffect2) if count == 3 or count == 6 or count == 9: stringeffect2 += "]" stringeffect += "[" count += 1 speed += 0.075 time.sleep(speed) if result == "heads": if a == 1: coinflipwin(b) else: coinfliplose(b) else: if a == 1: coinfliplose(b) else: coinflipwin(b) time.sleep(2) def stopper(): global cashout, dead, coolstoppingargument while coolstoppingargument == False: input() cashout = True dead = False coolstoppingargument = True if coolstoppingargument == True: break def Crash(): global money, cashout, dead, coolstoppingargument, wins_crash,xp print("\033[H\033[J", end="") print("📈 Welcome to Crash 📈") print("The goal is to cash out before the game \"crashes,\" meaning the multiplier randomly stops,\ncausing those still in the game to lose their bets. \nThe longer you wait, the higher the potential payout, but with increased risk of losing everything.") while True: try: print(f"\nCurrent balance: {money}") print("How much will you bet?") bet = int(input()) if bet > -1 and bet <= money: money -= bet break else: print("Please select a valid bet") except ValueError: print("Please choose a valid number") print("\033[H\033[J", end="") coolstoppingargument = False cashout = False multiplier = 0.80 threading.Thread(target=stopper, daemon=True).start() while cashout == False: coolmultiplierrandomisation = random.randint(1, 14) multiplier = round(multiplier, 2) print("\033[H", end="") print("=== Crash ===") print("/=================\\") print(f"|Multiplier: {multiplier}x|") print("\\=================/") if coolmultiplierrandomisation == 1: dead = True cashout = True else: multiplier = round(multiplier + 0.05, 2) time.sleep(0.25) if dead == True: print("Crash!") print("You lost", bet, " dollars") print("\nPress enter to continue") while coolstoppingargument == False: time.sleep(0.1) # To whoever is reading this, DO NOT delete this part. If you do, it WILL crash else: print("You cashed out!") if multiplier > 1: print("You won ", bet*multiplier, " dollars") print("You gained ", 10*multiplier," XP") xp += 10*multiplier wins_crash += 1 else: print("You lost ", bet-(bet*multiplier), " dollars") money += bet*multiplier coolstoppingargument = True time.sleep(2) def dailyreward(): global money, xp, lastrewardtime, json_datetime def menu(): print("\033[H\033[J", end="") print("Your daily reward is...") print("\033[H\033[J", end="") currenttime = try: lastrewardtime except NameError: try: loaded_datetime = json.loads(json_datetime) lastrewardtime = datetime.fromisoformat(loaded_datetime["current_time"]) except (json.JSONDecodeError, KeyError, ValueError)as e: lastrewardtime = datetime(year= 2020, month= 1, day= 1, hour= 1, minute= 1, second= 1, microsecond= 1) timediff = currenttime - lastrewardtime if timediff.days >= 1: print("Spin a wheel which gives you a random amount of money or XP.\nThe more levels that you have, the bigger the payout\n\nPress enter to continue") input() menu() decordaily = "" for _ in range(5): print("\033[H\033[J", end="") print("Your daily reward is...") print(f"[{decordaily}]") decordaily += " " time.sleep(0.1) time.sleep(0.5) for _ in range(10): sleepytime = 0.1 bigrandom = random.randint(1, 2) if bigrandom == 1: randmoney = random.choice(dailyrewardlistmoney) menu() print(f"[ {randmoney*level} $ ]") else: randxp = random.choice(dailyrewardlistXP) menu() print(f"[ {randxp*level} XP ]") sleepytime += 0.1 time.sleep(sleepytime) if bigrandom == 1: money += randmoney*level menu() print(f"> {randmoney*level} $ <") else: xp += randxp*level menu() print(f"> {randxp*level} XP <") time.sleep(2) lastrewardtime = next_reward_time = lastrewardtime + timedelta(hours=24) formatted_next_reward_time = next_reward_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") now_str = lastrewardtime.isoformat() json_datetime = json.dumps({"current_time": now_str}) save_game() else: next_reward_time = lastrewardtime + timedelta(hours=24) formatted_next_reward_time = next_reward_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") print("You have already collected your daily reward\n") print("Please wait until ", formatted_next_reward_time) time.sleep(2) now_str = lastrewardtime.isoformat() json_datetime = json.dumps({"current_time": now_str}) def CasinoMenu(): global cashout, dead, coolstoppingargument, username, money, xp,level,xptoreach money = round(money) xp = round(xp) while True: xptoreach = xptoreachbase*level while xp >= xptoreach: print("Calculating your new level...") xp -= xptoreach level += 1 print("\033[H\033[J", end="") xptoreach = xptoreachbase*level xp_filled_value = round((xp / xptoreach) * 20) xp_filled = "" for _ in range(xp_filled_value): xp_filled += '#' for _ in range(20 - xp_filled_value): xp_filled += '-' print("\033[H\033[J", end="") save_game() print(f"Welcome to the Casino, \033[1m{username}!\033[0m") print(f"Money: {money}") print(f"Level: {level}") print(f"XP: {xp} / {xptoreach}") print(f"[{xp_filled}]\n") print("1) Roulette") print("2) Slots") print("3) Horse Betting") print("4) Casino War") print("5) Coin Flip") print("6) Crash") print("7) Keno") print("8) Daily reward\n") print("s) Stats") print("q) Exit") while True: try: choicemenu = input("\nSelect an option: ") if choicemenu == "1": Roulette() elif choicemenu == "2": Slots() elif choicemenu == "3": HorseBettin() elif choicemenu == "4": CasinoWar() elif choicemenu == "5": Coinflip() elif choicemenu == "6": coolstoppingargument = True cashout = False dead = False Crash() elif choicemenu == "7": Keno() elif choicemenu == "8": dailyreward() elif choicemenu == "s": Stats() elif choicemenu == "q": sys.exit() break except ValueError: print("Please select a valid option") # This is designed for saving and loading. Remove the next 3 definitions to remove this feature, and end the script with CasinoMenu() def save_game(): global xptoreach, value1, legit, json_datetime, m m = hashlib.sha256(f"{money+xp+xptoreach+level+wins_roulette+wins_slots+wins_keno+wins_casinowar+wins_coinflip+wins_crash+wins_horsebetting}".encode()) value1 = m.hexdigest() game_state = { "money": money, "merry_christmas": merry_christmas, "username": username, "xp": xp, "xptoreach": xptoreach, "level": level, "wins_roulette": wins_roulette, "wins_slots": wins_slots, "wins_keno": wins_keno, "wins_casinowar": wins_casinowar, "wins_coinflip": wins_coinflip, "wins_crash": wins_crash, "wins_horsebetting": wins_horsebetting, "value1": value1, "legit": legit, "json_datetime": json_datetime } if legit == False: game_state["value1"] = "cheater" game_state["legit"] = False with open(save_file, 'w') as file: json.dump(game_state, file) def load_game(): global m, json_datetime, lastrewardtime, legit, value1, load_fail, money, merry_christmas, username, xp, xptoreach, wins_casinowar, wins_coinflip, wins_crash, wins_horsebetting, wins_keno, wins_roulette, wins_slots, level, username if os.path.exists(save_file): try: with open(save_file, 'r') as file: game_state = json.load(file) username = game_state["username"] money = game_state["money"] merry_christmas = game_state["merry_christmas"] xp = game_state["xp"] xptoreach = game_state["xptoreach"] level = game_state["level"] wins_roulette = game_state["wins_roulette"] wins_slots = game_state["wins_slots"] wins_keno = game_state["wins_keno"] wins_casinowar = game_state["wins_casinowar"] wins_coinflip = game_state["wins_coinflip"] wins_crash = game_state["wins_crash"] wins_horsebetting = game_state["wins_horsebetting"] value1 = game_state["value1"] legit = game_state["legit"] json_datetime = game_state["json_datetime"] g = hashlib.sha256(f"{money+xp+xptoreach+level+wins_roulette+wins_slots+wins_keno+wins_casinowar+wins_coinflip+wins_crash+wins_horsebetting}".encode()) new_value1 = g.hexdigest() if legit == True: if new_value1 == value1: legit = True else: legit = False except Exception as e: print(f"You have an outdated or a corrupted save file! Error {e} \n A value might be missing") time.sleep(3) sys.exit() if legit == False: # ): print("I should have allowed you to change the odds \nof the games in the save file aswell, eh?") time.sleep(7) if money > 999999999: print("Youre so greedy aswell...") money = 0 time.sleep(3) load_fail = False else: load_fail = True print("Cant find save file") time.sleep(0.1) def pickusername(): global username load_game() if load_fail == True: while True: print("\033[H\033[J", end="") print("You seem to be new here. Let's create you an account!\nYou will be prompted to pick an username. You can also quit this program with Ctrl+C.") a = input("Pick an username: ") print(f"Your username will {a}.") b = input("Proceed? (y/N) ") if b.lower() == "y" or b.lower == "yes": break username = a CasinoMenu() pickusername()