from collections import Counter import re import time from os import system system("title " + ".txt file analyser") FirstTime = True def FileMenu(): print("\033[H\033[J", end="") Words = text.split() WordCount = Counter(Words) x = "[()]," y = " :" TranslateTable = str.maketrans(x, y) LongestWord = max(Words, key=len) SmallestWord = min(Words, key=len) Sentences = [s.strip() for s in re.split(r'[.!?]+', text) if s.strip()] # magic i came up with at 30 past midnight. Removes special chars and shit. SentenceCount = len(Sentences) - 1 CharCountNS = sum(len(word) for word in Words) CharCount = len(text) print("====== Sentences =======") print(f"Number of sentences: {SentenceCount}") print(f"Longest sentence: {max(Sentences, key=len)}") print(f"Shortest sentence: {min(Sentences, key=len)}\n") print("======== Words =========") print(f"Number of words: {len(Words)}") print(f"Longest word: {LongestWord}") print(f"Shortest word: {SmallestWord}\n") print("====== Characters ======") print(f"Character count (no spaces): {CharCountNS}") print(f"Character count: {CharCount}\n") print("======== Other =========") print("The 5 most common words:") print(str(WordCount.most_common(5)).replace("), (", "\n ").translate(TranslateTable)) # i spent too much time here for what i should have... print("\n========================") print("Press enter to choose another file") input() def MainMenu(): # amazing menu global text, FirstTime while True: print("\033[H\033[J", end="") if FirstTime == True: print("Welcome to the Xameren's text file analyser") FirstTime = False print("Please enter your file name (for example, \"xameren\", not \"xameren.txt\")") filechosen = input() try: with open(f'{filechosen}.txt', 'r') as file: text = FileMenu() except Exception as e: print("Please enter a valid file") print("error: ", e ) print("\nIf it shows a \"file missing\" error, but file exists, please restart the app") time.sleep(5) MainMenu()