- Want to support? Note: You can either send to my wallet address immediately, or, you can use AnonPay if you want to use other coins which you can swap immediately. If you use AnonPay be quick since the transactions can take some time and expire.
- Monero (I tend to hold onto it): [451VZy8FPDXCVvKWkq5cby3V24ApLnjaTdwDgKG11uqbUJYjxQWZVKiiefi4HvFd7haeUtGFRBaxgKNTr3vR78pkMzgJaAZ](monero:451VZy8FPDXCVvKWkq5cby3V24ApLnjaTdwDgKG11uqbUJYjxQWZVKiiefi4HvFd7haeUtGFRBaxgKNTr3vR78pkMzgJaAZ?recipient_name=Ari%20Archer&tx_description=Donate%20to%20ari-web) (OpenAlias: `xmr@ari.lt`) | [AnonPay](https://ari.lt/xmr), [AnonPay onion](https://ari.lt/oxmr)
- Litecoin (I can use this immediately to pay for servers and whatnot :D): [ltc1qfmx6hvyfrphsp0uu29fjwzrqdpt8vse8p5xxh3](litecoin:ltc1qfmx6hvyfrphsp0uu29fjwzrqdpt8vse8p5xxh3?message=Donate%20to%20ari-web&time=1731763810) (OpenAlias: `ltc@ari.lt`) | [AnonPay](https://ari.lt/ltc), [AnonPay onion](https://ari.lt/oltc)
Probably won't update this, because this account is just a fallback. See my main at <https://git.ari.lt/ari> or check my website out at <https://ari.lt/> :)