<h1class="heading"id="welcome">Welcome to <i>the home page</i>!</h1>
<li><ahref="#who">Who even am I?</a></li>
<li><ahref="#what">What is this?</a></li>
<li><ahref="#before-fork">Before forking</a></li>
<h1id="who">#1 Who Am I?</h1>
Good question, I am ari, I live in Lithuania and I like programming.<br/>
I'm currently learning the C++ programming language. I can do python and I think i'm okay at it.<br/>
I can do some lua, but not as much as python.<br/>
I can also do some fronyt-end web deveopment using CSS, SCSS and HTML, but I'm pretty garbage at it<br/>
I know some JavaScript, but i hate it, but I love it. We have a love-hate relationship.<br/>
I also enjoy linux, I have tried LOADS of distros, but now I stick with Arch Linux.<br/>
Though I have to thank the people in the <ahref="//endeavouros.com/">
EndeavourOS team</a> and pals @ the <ahref="//t.me/endeavouros">EndeavourOS telegram</a> group.
<h1id="what">#2 What is this?</h1>
This is my webbpage. I created this page for fun.<br/>
I wrote this webbpage mainly in JavaScript, but there's loads of HTML too.<br/>
Here I will be sharing things I do and maybe introducing cool features over time.<br/>
This page uses SCSS as its main styling language, the SCSS is transpiled into CSS.<br/>
<h1id="before-fork">#3 What should I know if I want to fork this?</h1>
You should only edit the *.scss files and transpile them using something like <ahref="//github.com/Wscats/compile-hero">compile-hero VScode(-ium)</a> extension.<br/>
The transpiled (*.css) files are here because the app is hosted on <ahref="//netlify.app">NetLify</a> directly from GitHub.<br/>