Table Of Contents (ToC):
- these contacts are defined in the
- msc1929 endpoint
- too, when contacting please specify the username you want, i'll let
- you know if it's taken, and if it is not, i will reply with your
- temporary password, which i highly suggest changing right
- after login,, you will also be auto-joined in the
- #root:ari.lt room and
- #ari:ari.lt space
- -
- you must follow all german and lithuanian law, not following
- this, depending on how severe it is will get your account
- deactivated with or without 1 day notice
- -
- hate speech and constant harassment is not tolerated,, you will
- get a warning if found out, and if the behaviour continues you
- will get 1 day or so notice and then your account be deactivated
- permenantly
- -
- basic human decency is a must ( such as not engaging,
- distributing child pornography ( lolicon included ) ), action is
- depending on severity, generally 1 day notice is what you'll
- get, but if its servere enough your account may get instantly
- deactivated
Last updated: 2024-01-29
- the homeserver collects no explicitly privacy invading data on you (
- not even webserver logging ) except the default dendrite logging
- which helps to debug certain issues, though it doesn't include
- anything too identifying or sensitive
# Introduction
- in general, if you're a decent human being - you're good :) welcome
- to
- ari.lt ! just to warn,
- no, this homeserver is not a "freeze peach" ( 'free speech' as
- in like total anarchy free speech, hate speech, etc -- seen way
- too many of those ) homeserver, just be decent and fair please
- <3
+ Hello! This is the
+ ari.lt Matrix homeserver's
+ home page. For those who are unaware -
+ Matrix
+ is an end-to-end encrypted, decentralized, federated
+ messaging protocol, and I've been maining it for a while
+ now - that's exactly why I have spun up a
+ Dendrite
+ homeserver, of which you can find the source
+ configuration (source code is unchanged) at
+ https://matrix.ari.lt/git. This document defines this homeserver's limits, data
+ processing, compliance and main focuses: democracy,
+ freedom (free speech: see
+ "Freeze peach"), and privacy.
- psst you should check out the
- matrix.imwiki.org matrix wiki
# Registration
+ The server is not open registration in a way
+ where you can just sign up at your own will instantly -
+ as to prevent spam, "alt" (alternative account) spam,
+ ban evasion, and attacks. So to say -- to provide a
+ smooth experience for people using this homeserver. If
+ you want an account on this homeserver (as in you want a
+ Matrix account on
+ ari.lt and your MXID
+ (Matrix ID, username) will appear as
+ @your_username:ari.lt) you have to contact me through
+ one of the following
+ contacts listed in
+ the MSC1929 endpoint
+ and make sure to read
+ the notice below:
+ Before contacting, please read
+ Privacy,
+ Guidelines, and
+ Termination sections, and
+ make sure, whenever you contact me for an account,
+ you add
+ this consent statement
+ to your request:
+ I have read the Privacy and Termination
+ policies, along with the Guidelines of the
+ ari.lt homeserver
+ located on the
+ https://ari.lt/page/matrix
+ page and I understand and consent to the
+ policies and statements written in that
+ document.
+ This is done to prevent future confusion and
+ accusations that may or may not happen, and to note
+ that I (the owner of this homeserver)
+ do not (don't) take any accountability,
+ responsibility, or repercussions for the users of
+ this homeserver (ari.lt).
# "Freeze peach" (free speech)
+ Just because this homeserver is focused on freedom and
+ democracy, this does not mean total anarchy and zero
+ control. Many people nowadays misinterpret "free speech"
+ as total anarchy: allowing hate speech, spam, no banning
+ or termination, no warnings, etc. This is not this type
+ of homeserver. I have seen way too many of those and I
+ am tired of such homeservers. For this homeserver human
+ decency is a must and there's no way around that,
+ Guidelines
+ go more in-depth on this.
Please be a decent human.
# Privacy
+ ari.lt does not collect
+ any identifiable information (not even
+ nginx logs!) about the
+ users of its services, except:
+ -
+ The default logging
+ Dendrite
+ does by default (used for issue diagnostics and does
+ not include any identifiable information).
+ -
+ Matrix data: messages, media (avatars, attachments), ... -
+ whatever you upload on the homeserver. (encryption
+ depends on whether or not encryption for the
+ specific resource is available and if so - was it
+ enabled? (for example private messages have
+ encryption, but public rooms do not)).
+ That's about it. This homeserver tries to keep logging
+ to a minimum to provide a private experience to its
+ users. You may also be interested in the following
+ statements:
# GDPR compliance
+ This homeserver is fully
+ compliant. I.e.:
+ -
+ Data is collected by your own explicit consent,
+ as you have to contact the owner ("me") to
+ create an account, having read all terms,
+ conditions, and statements.
+ -
+ Data is only collected for legitimate interest
+ as mentioned above (error diagnostics and data
+ storage).
+ -
+ No extra data is collected (no third-part
+ cookies, advertisements, analytics, etc.).
+ -
+ Data is only processed to provide wanted
+ services (in this case - Matrix messaging,
+ attachments and avatars, etc. as defined and
+ implemented by
+ the Matrix specification
+ and
+ Dendrite Matrix homeserver
+ implementation). The data provider is
+ Contabo GmbH
+ and the server is hosted in Germany (Frankfurt),
+ see their privacy policy
+ here.
+ -
+ Disclosure to law enforcement - available data
+ will be disclosed to law enforcement agencies if
+ required to do so.
+ -
+ You can request copies of your personal data and
+ request changes to the data.
# DMCA compliance
+ This homeserver is not a breeding ground for DMCA
+ violations, all intellectual property rights of
+ others is respected. If you face any violations
+ please use
+ the listed contacts to
+ report it. In the report the following data will be
+ required:
+ -
+ Description of copyrighted data or intellectual
+ property
+ -
+ Description of where the material is infringing
+ on your copyright
+ - Contact information
+ -
+ Proof of infringement and belief that the
+ infringer is not authorized to use the
+ intellectual property at hand
+ - Proof of your copyright
+ - Your electronic or physical signature
TL;DR? Privacy is a focus here,
+ though that does not absolve the users of repercussions
+ of their acts.
# Termination
+ Termination (deactivation - you won't be able to log in
+ or access any of your data after the act of
+ deactivation) of an account is depends a lot on
+ what you've been doing, the severity of what you've been
+ doing, how far you've went, and the warnings you've
+ gotten beforehand (if applicable):
+ -
+ Violation of
+ Lithuanian
+ and/or
+ German
+ law
+ -
+ If seen as minor: 12-hour notice before
+ termination
+ -
+ If seen as anything else besides minor:
+ instant termination
+ -
+ Violation of guidelines
+ -
+ Single minor violations of guidelines will
+ only get you a warning, with enough warnings
+ (say like 2 or 3), you will get a 1-day
+ notice to move away from this homeserver,
+ and your account will be terminated
+ -
+ If your violation of guidelines was medium
+ severity, you will get a 12-hour to 1-day
+ notice to move away from this homeserver,
+ then your account will be terminated
+ -
+ And finally, if your violation of guidelines
+ is seen as severe: you will get an instant
+ account termination with zero notice
+ -
+ Reports from users
+ -
+ If a lot of users report you (by any forms
+ of
+ contacts listed above), showing unhappiness in your stay on the
+ homeserver, after a discussion along with
+ proof, and a talk with you: you may or may
+ not get terminated (of course, you will be
+ involved in the process, so you'll have
+ plenty of time to move on). At least a
+ warining is unavoidable.
+ -
+ If the proof is severe enough and it
+ violates any
+ Guidelines, the
+ termination policy for guideline violation
+ -
+ The administrators of the homeserver keep the right
+ to request a full homeserver or per-user ban off a
+ homeserver, room, space or any Matrix messaging unit
+ if they think it is in best interest of the users,
+ with or without notice.
TL;DR? Follow the law and be
+ human. Termination is dependent on your actions and
+ (optionally) given prior notice(s).
# Guidelines
+ The activity of rooms and accounts on the
+ ari.lt homeserver, any
+ events sent over, etc. must follow and adhere to the
+ following guidelines. if any of the following guidelines
+ (rules) are broken
+ Termination policy applies.
+ -
+ You must follow all
+ Lithuanian
+ and
+ German
+ law
+ -
+ Creating an unhealthy environment for
+ ari.lt homeserver or
+ not users (hate speech, harassment, ...) is not
+ allowed.
+ -
+ Human decency is a must, such as:
+ - Tolerance
+ -
+ Non-discrimination (For example (keep in
+ mind their derivatives too):
+ Racism,
+ Homophobia,
+ Transphobia,
+ Sexism,
+ Xenophobia,
+ Fatphobia, etc.)
+ -
+ Not spreading misinformation and/or
+ disinformation
+ -
+ Taking responsibility and accountability for
+ your own actions
+ -
+ Not spreading
+ CSAM (Child Sexual Abuse Material)
+ - Respect for other Matrix users
+ -
+ Other basic human decency rules, which are
+ common knowledge ...
+ -
+ Spreading personal information without the person's
+ (or self) consent, sometimes also known as
+ Doxing
+ and its "minor" forms.
+ -
+ Content that violations the intellectual property
+ rights of others is disallowed, this also ties in
+ with law.
+ -
+ Sending bulk unsolicited messages to others (spam)
+ is disallowed.
+ - Harassing and stalking others is disallowed.
+ -
+ Causing any other form of harm to other individuals,
+ jurisdictions, systems, etc. is also disallowed
+ (such as
+ (D)DoS attacks)
+ -
+ Other acts which are seen as abusive by the
+ administrators of this homeserver is also seen as a
+ violation of the guidelines
TL;DR? Be decent, follow the law,
+ and don't abuse what you are given.