Gentoo linux is perfetct for me
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Gentoo has everything I need/want. it meets my requirements well:
- Choice - you can get anything on the distro (Like a custom kernel, init system,
- Lightweight - the distro is light, comes with barely anything
- Manual installation - the installation process is manual
- Customisable software - you can decide what features go into software you install
- Source-based - the software I install should be compiled from source on my local system
- Rolling release - the distribution has the most recent packages
- Big repositories - the software repositories should be big enough for me to be able to use it
- Good package manager - easy to configure, easy to add and create repos package manager
Gentoo has them all except "big repositories", well it is usable by default - i still had to create my own custom overlay for a couple of packages, though GURU (basically gentoo's aur) has them all, so that's like 0.5 of a point.
Gentoo also has great forums and in general community so I personally love gentoo in a lot of ways.