A warrant canary is a method by which a communications service provider reveals that it has been served with a secret government subpoena, despite legal prohibitions against acknowledging the existence of the subpoena. It publishes a regular transparency report (the "canary") declaring that it has not received any such subpoenas; if the report stops being published, users are left to assume they have received such a subpoena.
As of 2024-05-16, I declare the following:
We are dedicated to safeguarding the digital privacy and rights of our users. If any of the above points is no longer true, we will take down this message. While we cannot legally comment on the received orders as directed by a court, the removal of this warrant canary would indicate to users that a form of legal process has been served.
Note: This warrant canary carries legitimation only up until the unpublication of the statement or if it hasn't been updated in more than 3 months. A removal of this statement would be indicative of instant expiry. The statements made do not include any personal qualities of predictability and do not carry any future implications.
Last-updated: 2024-05-16 (see GPG signature)
Signed-off-by: Ari Archer <ari@ari.lt> using the GPG key 4FAD63E936B305906A6C4894A50D5B4B599AF8A2 with the signature index.html.asc.