async function user_account_create() { let username = prompt(`Enter your username`); let password = prompt(`Enter the password for '${username}'`); let password_confirm = prompt(`Confirm the password for '${username}'`); let tmp_boot_entries = { 0: { "type": 'error', "text": "User account not created: canceled by user", "sleep_time": 0 } } let valid = ( username && password && password_confirm && password.length > 6 && password == password_confirm ) if (!valid) { if (confirm('The credentials you entered are not valid (password/username too short or the password don\'t match), try again?')) { user_account_create(); return 1; } add_boot_entry({0: tmp_boot_entries[0]}); await sleep(2500); } else { alert('The next popup will show your credentials, press OK to proceed') let confirm_credentials = confirm(`Are these credentials correct?: USER: ${username} PASS: ${password}`); if (confirm_credentials) { localStorage.setItem('username', username) localStorage.setItem('password', hash(password)) alert('Credentials saved!') } } }