diff --git a/blog.json b/blog.json index bfa2061..fbb1d66 100644 --- a/blog.json +++ b/blog.json @@ -127,6 +127,34 @@ "post-preview-size": 196, "read-wpm": 150, "posts": { + "linux": { + "title": "linux", + "description": "exploring the standards of linux, gnu, posix, bsd and alternatives, expressing my opinions on a bunch of shit, showing some distributions and talking about linux in general, its all based off my opinion and personal exp so take stuff with a grain of salt, it does have a bit of standard, distro and code basing kinda lol, just me expressing my concerns abt it and stuff, opinions, anyway enjoy, cheers :3", + "content": "hi\n\ni wanna nerd abt linux if u want read if u dont then dont ty, easy simple, anyway,\nill literally b covering linux from a to z so like if u knnow linux alrd this probs wont b\ninteresting and u probs have ur opinions on gnu and whatnot, esp the start when im explaining\nbasics, this is all opinions and personal exp so like dont take anything i say to heart danke\n\nfirst topic lets get the basics -- linux,, linux isnt an operating system on its own,\nlinux is actually an open source kernel -- a collection of apis, drivers, standards and other stuff\nallowing to interface with the hardware via code, it handles anything hardware related and\nis basically the 2 nd lowest thing on ur computer -- first one being efi firmware, which handles\nhardware initialization, loading of bootloaders and general base settings -- like the\nspark plug of the computer\n\nbut u cant rlly use a kernel on its own as is, this is where gnu+linux comes in, first to explain what\ngnu even is :\n\ngnu is a non-profit organization founded by richard stallman in 1985 which aims to promote and develop\nfree and open source software ( foss ), it advocates for users' rights to study, run, modify, distribute\nand share pieces of software ( their code ), gnu has made a huge impact on the open source community by\ncreating open source license called [gpl](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html), a foundation named [fsf](https://fsf.org) and many popular open source projects,\na famous example being gnu bash -- an extremely popular shell used in many linux distributions\n\nalthough gnu has their issues with for example code quality, from personal exp gnu standards, code\ncleanliness, optimization and structure tend to b all over the place, well the code quality does vary,\nbut still, overall from what ive seen -- gnu code sucks, ill give it to them that the finished product\nis an easily usable utility with a good high level user interface, but like the code behind the scenes\nis horrid lol\n\nmy concern is that with such code less and less people will want to contribute and as gnu is extremely\nimportant to the open src community its very scary to see it be like this lol, i tried to contribute to\ngnu bash, boy when i saw that styling, structure and shit i ran away far far screaming for my dear life lol,\ni mean its not the worst gnu code ive seen but goddamn\n\ngnu also tends to fuck the standards lol, it doesnt stick to the core of posix, it adds its own things and\nthat not only enforces users to write bad code but also can make software slower, like ill give an example -- bash,\nusers tend to use bash over posix sh and bash scripts arent posix meaning it just sucks overall, bash also\ntends to b slower than just pure posix as it has more features and weirder standards, it can all b done in a\nposix script _basically_ just as easy, there are some caveats, but generally stick to posix sh lol, bash\nmakes u use their standards and i at least see standards as very important things, for example posix as per compared\nto not as solid or wide-spread gnu standards\n\nbut not all hope is lost with gnu+linux, a lot of distributions tend to strip out a lot of control out of gnu,\ngnu can handle many things including :\n\n- [userland utilities](https://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/)\n- [compiling code](https://gcc.gnu.org/)\n- [efi firmware](https://wiki.osdev.org/GNU-EFI)\n- [code debugging](https://www.gnu.org/software/gdb/)\n- [booting process](https://www.gnu.org/software/grub/)\n- [system initialization](https://www.gnu.org/software/shepherd/)\n- [package manager](https://guix.gnu.org/)\n- [... and much much more](https://www.gnu.org/software/software.html)\n\nmany distributions tend to use a couple of components of it, but at the end of the day its mainly users' choices,\ninstead of gnu coreutils u can use [busybox](https://www.busybox.net/)\ninstead of gnu gcc u can use [llvm clang](https://clang.llvm.org/),\ninstead of gnu-efi firmware u can use [tianocore](https://www.tianocore.org/),\ninstead of gdb u can use [lldb](https://lldb.llvm.org/),\ninstead of gnu grub u can use [systemd-boot](https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/systemd-boot/),\ninstead of shepherd u can use [openrc](https://github.com/OpenRC/openrc),\ninstead of gnu guix u can use [portage utilities](https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Portage)\nand so on, theres alternatives to everything gnu and the alternatives that ive mentioned\nhave alternatives -- its linux, the choice is urs\n\ntl;dr my main criticisms for gnu are code quality, performance and their standards, which can not only b\nless weird but can also b solid, simpler and generally id say most people would say better -- try posix :3\n\nbut thats where bsd comes in, during [the unix wars](https://wikiless.tiekoetter.com/wiki/Unix_wars?lang=en)\nbsd and linux were rival competitors, at the end linux won, but bsd is still a great choice today\nif ur looking for simplicity, solid standardization, great licensing, freedom, choice, re-usability,\nrecreate-ability and general cleanliness, bsd is very so-to-say correct and does not go off the track\never, although as it lost the unix wars its much less popular and has less support for drivers ( hw support ),\ncommunity support might suck, breaking changes might still happen and bugs might b more common as maintaining\na project almost the size of linux with a community significantly is much harder, meaning also harder to\ncatch bugs and stuff, although because of bsd standards its much easier to fix and its probably not as bad\nif theres a bug in bsd if theres one in linux -- the bsd standards separate stuff more so if one part is going\nto fail theres 10 to back it up\n\ni personally prefer bsd standards, but i like linux, but thats where minimalist linux distros come in, heres\na few examples :\n\n- [crux](http://crux.nu/)\n- [gentoo](https://www.gentoo.org/)\n\nthese distributions are source-based meaning u can change p much anything,\nalthough in this case gentoo would b a worse choice than crux\n\nand another good example would b\n\n- [alpine](https://www.alpinelinux.org/)\n\nit limits gnu stuff enough while still being a binary-ship distro, like using busybox for coreutils and\n[musl](https://musl.libc.org/)\ninstead of [glibc](https://www.gnu.org/software/libc/)\n\n[void linux](https://voidlinux.org/) isnt the worst either tho, but id say a worse alternative compared to alpine\n\ngenerally id say gnu+linux is def important, but there should b a balance, and seeing how gnu treats their\nstandards, code quality and stuff id say minimize gnu\n\nbut yeah, enough abt gnu and stuff, even though its a huge part of linux, i wanna talk abt some linux distributions\nas ive mentioned before\n\nthe sheer amt of linux distributions is honestly beautiful, this just shows how much choice linux users have,\nhow versitile linux is and how generally amazing linux is, theres distros focused on perfromance and size ( alpine linux,\nvoid linux ), distros focused on user friendlyness ( [ubuntu](https://ubuntu.com/), [debian linux](https://debian.org/), [linux mint](https://linuxmint.com/) ),\ndistros focused on user freedom ( gentoo, crux ), distros made for phones ( [android](https://www.android.com/), [postmarketos](https://postmarketos.org/) ),\ndistros made for servers ( debian, [rocky linux](https://rockylinux.org/) )\nand so on, its very cool\n\nalthough this can lead to a lot of bullshit, for example a user-oriented linux distribution\n[garuda linux](https://wikiless.tiekoetter.com/wiki/Garuda_Linux?lang=en),\nin my honest opinion -- it was one of the worst ideas known in the linux history, i mean its my\nopinion, but i truely do believe in what im saying -- its extremly huge, its extremely bloated,\nits horribly stupid and generally its a horrid distro, it takes more resources to run garuda normally\nthan it takes to run windows, like how do u manage to fuck linux up this bad lol, i never liked that\ndistro and never will, im sry xD\n\ni feel stupid currently, i forgot what i rlly wanted to even say abt linux distros, but anyway yh,\nthats it ig xD, this is\n\nbut theres some other stuff like corporate involvement, code size and community stupidity sometimes,\nbut oh well, like linux could not survive without corporate involvement so yeah, code size is huge, 27 mil\nlines of code probs even more now, and thats excluding stuff like coreutils, and stupid community decisions\nlike introducing rust into the kernel, but ig if i use it i gotta live with it lol\n\nlinux can sure b amazing, but some stuff def annoys me abt it, anyway, i def advocate for bsd more than gnu+linux,\nor at least non-gnu linux, idk, its all opinions and preferences, dont take any this to heart\nim just saying xD\n\nanyway, thanks for listening to my 124ing and i shall no go back to not touching grass or something,\nidk, cya next time :3", + "keywords": [ + "standards", + "gentoo linux", + "gnu linux", + "linux", + "freebsd", + "guix", + "gnu", + "servers", + "bsd", + "berkley software distribution", + "tech talk", + "arch linux", + "netbsd", + "garuda linux", + "busybox", + "tech", + "openbsd", + "technology", + "opinion", + "alternatives" + ], + "created": 1694629298.682371 + }, "omg-pls-stop": { "title": "omg pls stop", "description": "dealing with ddos attacks and online harassment from some random idiots online ugh",