From 181e543633b5d1f978f9282722db1c5cb56e4e46 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ari Archer Date: Sat, 16 Mar 2024 23:02:43 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] update @ Sat Mar 16 23:02:43 EET 2024 Signed-off-by: Ari Archer --- blog.json | 27 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 27 insertions(+) diff --git a/blog.json b/blog.json index 96d3396..58c7a90 100644 --- a/blog.json +++ b/blog.json @@ -128,6 +128,33 @@ "top-words": 64, "top-tags": 64, "posts": { + "interpretation-modern-hell-siuolaikinio-pragaro-interpretacija": { + "title": "homework : interpretation of the modern hell / \u0161iuolaikinio pragaro interpretacija", + "description": "my homework : interpretation of modern hell ( both lithuanian and english versions of it )", + "content": "I was given a task to interpret how a modern hell would be, I did it. I wrote the English version in full and then needed to translate it to Lithuanian as the task was to originally write it in Lithuanian, the problem is that I suck at Lithuanian, which is where my friend (who chose to stay anonymous) comes in.\n\nKeep in mind that the Lithuanian and English versions may differ, both went through two different review processes.\nAnd, of course, there can be errors. This creative work can be classified as high-school level.\n\n## Licensing\n\nFor general purpose licensing see the bottom of the page or the meta information of this page.\n\nFor educational purposes only, I sign away all my rights to the public domain under CC0. All co-authors of this creative work follow the same licensing:\n\n Interpretation of the modern hell (creative work) for educational purposes only by Ari Archer is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal\n\n- \n\n## English version\n\n### Modern hell\n\nThis is my interpretation of the modern hell. 2024/03/14 (happy pi day!)\n\nLicense: GPLv3+ (\n\n#### Circles of hell\n\n1. Hopelessly unquenchable social validation thirst\n2. Never-ending stream of information\n3. Hopeless hard work\n4. Forever running away from reality\n5. Emotional crisis\n6. Outside world crisis\n\nThese layers each get progressively worse and come with harder and more torturous punishments. This is not traditional hell. This is a mind hell.\n\nDifferent circles of hell are associated with different 'modern sins':\n\n1. Hopelessly unquenchable social validation thirst: Narcissism, being a self-centred person without a care for others, disregarding others and what they say.\n2. Never-ending stream of information: Disinformation, forceful delusion, conspiracies, etc. - purposefully misleading others.\n3. Hopeless hard work: Exploitation and/or abuse of people, for example being unfair or dishonest about what they deserve at their expense.\n4. Forever running away from reality: Escapism rather than confrontation in life, a way of living to not experience or learn any of the unpleasant parts of life, leaving life without having learned anything.\n5. Emotional crisis: Abusing people, hurting them, manipulation, etc - making a person feel horrible about themselves when they did not deserve it or ask for it, such as racism.\n6. Outside world crisis: Hurting the environment (not nature in particular, but also people and everything around you), trashing it, not preserving what's left, pollution, non-ethical/non-moral acts to the things around you.\n\nThe sins are not one-time offense, you will only go to hell if it's constant, it is a forgiven offense to commit to one of those sins and later grow from it. Best way to learn is to make mistakes.\n\n#### What is hell\n\nHell is a place like the current world you're currently living in, however it is build to go against you. You don't know that. You don't even know you're in hell, actually. But the world you're put to will be set against you, in one way or another, and you'll be forced into torture, and death, which you will so crave, won't be an option. You're stuck there for eternity.\n\nIn hell, you'll still feel normal senses such as cold, hunger, thirst, emotions, smell, taste, etc. Though, that doesn't mean you'll be quench it.\n\n#### Descriptions of circles of hell\n\nThis section describes what each circle of the modern hell is.\n\nCircles are worlds which you can only go down in, there's no going up. You can either stay where you are, or you can commit a sin to go down a layer.\n\nThe circle you get in depends on your committed sins. You can also commit those same sins in hell. If you commit a sin in hell, you go down a layer, if not multiple, and then there's no way to go up.\n\nAt the very bottom there's a reserved space called \"The Void\", in which people who have made significant progress and learned a lot from their suffering in hell over many years can go as an escape. In The Void there's absolutely nothing, you're left there floating around in the dark, with nothingness surrounding you. This is the closest thing to an escape you'll ever experience here.\n\n##### Circle 1: Hopelessly unquenchable social validation thirst\n\nThis lighter version of modern torment, which is as though you're trapped in a realm where the need for continual social approval becomes insatiable.\n\nAt first, you bask in the glow of validation, as if you're atop the world. But, similarly to a shooting star, it fades away. Quick. It's as if your significance withers away in a jiffy, leaving nothing but void behind. The world around you seems to have forgotten your existence, as if you've become invisible entirely, and every effort you put into breaking out of this jail will be futile. The longing for being on top of the world is still there, unfulfilled - this inflicts a deeper wound far deeper than making you feel invisible or unheard. This realization of your poisoned mind drives the light away from your eyes, plunging you into straight, vile, deep, and dark depression. The sad realization that you're no longer appreciated, or seen as important, being unheard and feeling invisible hits fast, but now there's no way you're going back to the top.\n\nThis is all a game to play with your psyche. Maybe now you'll learn. Enjoy your stay just as if everyone is enjoying their life outside, except you, of course, which worsens your pain.\n\nWith time, you lose grip of sanity, it goes out of your reach. You resort to doing extreme and shocking things to get noticed, but nobody answers to your pleas for attention. Things get worse until you're completely alone, unable to meet even your basic needs, which, consequently, pushes you further into total insanity.\n\nYou might start of thinking of death as your sole escape, but you can't even manage that. This is a form of suffering after all, there's no break or escape from it. Even though you can't harm yourself, you'll still feel physical pain. Your dive into madness continues, and the thoughts you wish you could silence just make everything worse. If only you could stop thinking, but you can't. You're unsatisfied. You're left in bare plains with zero escape. This discomfort sticks with you, and is at the core of this painful experience.\n\nThis is justice for all you've done in your previous life, and this is only the beginning. Watch your step, or you may fall into a lower circle of hell.\n\n##### Circle 2: Never-ending stream of information\n\nWelcome to the circle of never-ending stream of information. You're here for to suffer for all the fear, confusion, and doubt you've caused in the past.\n\nThis world is as if the internet came alive, you being bombarded with a constant stream of information, which may or may not be true, it always contradicts itself, making you paranoid about the reality of things, questioning everything, pushing you into intense paranoia. As you're trying to figure out what's real and what's not, you realize that your grip on reality is getting looser and everything is becoming blurry and shapeless, resulting in frustration, which makes you fall into a fit of rage and a pit of darkness and confusion.\n\nSlowly, the whole world falls into paranoia, not yet chaos, but close. Every process becomes a long and complicated mess, because of the false information spreading in masses. This is a punishment for the false statements you've promoted in the past, for justice to all the confusion, fear, and uncertainty you've caused, not specifically on such a mass scale, but you've sinned, the mess and chaos you've created of the world or people's mind. You may or may not realize that all this is your fault, which may cause you feel deep regret and sorrow.\n\nAll of this mess inside of you and the world around you causes you go into self isolation, same as everyone. You're stuck with fake news sources, unable to turn them off, addicted to the high of validation and pulled in by the rage of news which don't align with your perception of reality or the same news making question your own ideas, making you anxious about your extremist views. You fall victim to even more intense paranoia with time, not knowing how to interpret anything in life anymore, you bang your head against the wall hoping to get an answer - you begin doing anything in your power to uncover the truth, but more fake news fill your mind.\n\nYou cannot stop thinking. You keep finding new links between two completely unrelated things, making a network of nonsensical paranoid thoughts in your head. This causes you immense overwhelmingness, and you continue to lose control over your thoughts and physical body. Your constant heightened state of mind tires you and causes you discomfort, but you cannot do anything besides stay where you are, or fall deeper into the confusion, which happens regardless if you want it or not.\n\nThe closest thing to an escape there is now is your own mind, a loud and uncomfortable mess, full of thoughts and constantly rushing with contradictions. You fall into it as if there's no other needs left to satisfy: No sleep, no eating, no drinking, none of the basic needs met. Just you, stuck hearing fake news, and your sorrow, paranoia, and anxiety. Like they say - karma is a bitch, your past came back to haunt you ten times worse.\n\nYour only goal now is not lose grip on reality fully that you forget that it only get worse from now on.\n\n##### Circle 3: Hopeless hard work\n\nJust like in the Greek myth about Sisyphus, you will work hopeless, long, and hard work in this world, forever. With no escape.\n\nMost of this world is filled with so-called \"successful\" people, such as Jeff Bezos, who always mistreated their workers and lied about what the workers really deserve, lying to them. Same as the individual abusers and manipulators, who lie and make a person fall into submission by putting them down, invalidating every single thing they do, manipulating everything in their life to make it seem that it's against them. Now, the world is against the abuser, you.\n\nIn the Greek myth about Sisyphus, Sisyphus was a king who was punished for deceitfulness by being forced to roll a huge boulder up a hill, only for it to roll down again every time it neared the top. Similarly, in this world you will feel like everything is an extremely hard task which will take you hours to even near completion, just for it to fail, and you having to re-do it all over again.\n\nWork will go badly, hobbies will go badly, satisfying your needs will go badly, life in general will become an insufferable agony. Everything will feel like it's in slow-motion. You will have no other options besides suffering or suffering, except if you don't do any work there's only one - down.\n\nEvery day in this world will be extremely hard, and it'll only get harder to do anything, you will be extremely exhausted and hopeless daily, just like the people you put through the same torture, at their expense. Just now, what was half their life, is now your everyday.\n\nThere's no escape from this, it'll push you into an extremely deep depression and an aching state of exhaustion.\n\nIf you choose to not do anything about it, laying around is going to push you into insanity, from the sore and constant pressure you feel to do something from the voices in your head. They keep bothering you, and you have no breathing room.\n\nThis is for all the abuse and exploitation you did in your past. This was their reality, and now it's your everyday :)\n\n##### Circle 4: Forever running away from reality\n\nIn this circle, you're sentenced to an eternity of nightmare-inducing consequences. It's crafted to grant your every wish, however every wish comes with a devastating consequence. You wanted to escape the reality, didn't you? Welcome to a reality that's far from anything you've ever known, to a reality where you cannot distinguish illusion from truth.\n\nIn this reality you'll be forced to face your biggest fears - challenges you so wanted to escape and live an easy life.\n\nThink of your deepest desires, the ones you wishes for without considering any of the challenges that come with it. Here, in this universe, they will all come true, but then the devastating challenges of the unforeseen reality will come to bite you.\n\nEver thought about drowning in power and wealth? Have them, but with them, comes the crushing loneliness, and paranoia of losing it all. Or, how about beauty and the attention it harbours? Well, you're now the most attractive person in the world. You became a target of immense jealousy leading to plots against you, sabotage, even torturing. But, of course, you cannot die, this is an eternal suffering. Every wish you hope for, anything, will come with devastating lessons about life, which you could've easily learned in life, but you chose to take the easy path and live in delusion.\n\nThe funny irony of all of this is that life was always tough, the only difference was the evasion. But now, the dreams that you clung to so relentlessly your whole life pull you deep into monstrous nightmares.\n\nYou've trapped yourself in an echo chamber of dreams in your past, constantly trying to avoid the outcomes of your goals. You become lost within yourself, longing for the mundane reality you once had, but will never return back to the original state. Because, now - you're here. Life, as you once knew it, is now an unattainable mirage, it's deformed by your own creations. The only escape is now a journey deeper into hell.\n\nYour eternity will be a constant chase of escape from the nightmares you've created. You'll be wishing for the end of it all, but it'll only push you further down into depression and guilt, knowing that there's only no escape from it and that you're at fault of all of this. The paranoia of knowing that every thought of yours will come to life also haunts you while your brain works in overdrive. Only if you've learned in your previous life to confront your fears rather than deceiving yourself that they doesn't exist.\n\nThis is the world of eternal suffering, a world where every dream just creates more vivid nightmares. Welcome to misery.\n\n##### Circle 5: Emotional crisis\n\nHere, you'll embrace a world of complete emotional crisis. You've caused a lot of hardship in the past, now it is time for your own woe.\n\nHere, you'll be living in the perfect world, where everyone is happy with themselves and their life. Where the birds are singing, nature's thriving, and weather's sunny. But there will only be one outlier - you.\n\nYou will suffer a lot. You will be the most miserable person there, nobody will talk to you, nobody will like you, everyone will constantly put you down for being such a buzzkill, being a complete narc. You will hate yourself and everything around you, and everyone being so happy with everything will only make it worse.\n\nSee, how it was living next to an abuser like you?\n\nYou will not only become your own abuser, you will live around people that despise you. This will force you into a painfully deep anguish. This vile feeling will only get worse, it'll push you further and further into an emotional crisis. You'll breakdown daily, if not hourly. It'll coerce you into self destruction while everyone is laughing at everything you do. You'll be like a cute little lab experiment to everyone, everyone will feed off your sorrow and affliction.\n\nDaily will be nothing but malaise, and the world won't let you forget that, you will be alienated, manipulated, silenced, and laughed at. You can express your emotions all you want, but nobody will care. It'll just make it worse. Sometimes people will actually listen to you, pretending as if they care, somehow every time manipulating you into giving them an answer, just to use all of that information against you.\n\nYou're funny. You were the same people laughing at you in your past. You caused a lot of affliction, yet you still pretend to be a victim.\n\nThere's only barren chaos below here. You think it can't get any worse?\n\n##### Circle 6: Outside world crisis\n\nThis is the worst layer of hell, below here there is nothing. You've been dragged through all the chaos of the previous circles, and now you're here. Welcome, scum.\n\nHere, the whole world is in total chaos and panic, including yourself. Paranoia, depression, angst, hardship, suffering, nature dying, withering of life, thought process, corruption, etc. - everything, and I mean everything, is an extreme mess. There's nothing left in order, everything feels like a burning wound in your life.\n\nThe world will be endless, every corner filled with as much discomfort as possible, no escape or peace as usual, constant anguish. Dead bodies everywhere, emotional crises, a world which is falling apart, no relations at all, let alone peaceful ones. Economy is horrible, mental health is at all time low, political parties creating horrible groups of oppressors, centralized power regimes, everyone and everything controlled by couple if not a single entity, everyone's being watched. Every second of life feels like an extreme horror film in which you confront every single one of your fears.\n\nNot stopping there. Poverty, homelessness, starvation. Everyone is extremely individualistic and there's no culture and working as a group. Everyone is self-obsessed and centred on singular things. Health is horrible, addiction is all over, immoral and unethical acts everywhere: bestiality, paedophilia, discrimination, homicide, torturing - all displayed in public, causing you trauma. Everything is extremely graphic and intense.\n\nThis never ending chaos stings. Even if you don't feel any empathy towards others or yourself, which is highly unlikely in such environment filled with total emotion - it'll be extremely hard to live. There's nothing but painful fire.\n\nThere's nothing worse than this abyss. What's left below is Void. But that would be an escape. There's no way you're ever visiting that place in this state, only people who have made significant progress and learned a lot can have the sweet escape of Void - a place where you get to exist with no torture or chaos, forever floating around in nothingness, which is the best you're ever going to get here.\n\nThis is for hurting the environment around you. Enjoy your stay, or learn - as there's nothing else you can do here now. Good luck learning from your mistakes in such an environment though.\n\n#### Modern Sinners\n\nHere, we will be exposing some modern-day sinners, and will be placing some figures who have caused a lot of soreness in the world.\n\n##### Circle 1: Hopelessly unquenchable social validation thirst\n\nKanye West is a perfect candidate for this circle. Kanye (also known as just Ye) is a famour rapper and fashion designer known for his public outbursts and a constant need validation and conversations and controversies to revolve around him. His numerous horrible self-centred acts and other narcissistic behaviour proved him time and time again to be harmful and a bad influence on his fans.\n\n##### Circle 2: Never-ending stream of information\n\nAlex Jones, a conspiracy theorist and owner of the InfoWars website, is infamous for promoting false information and conspiracy theories. Alex's disinformation campaigns have caused mass confusion and harm in the past, and continues to harbour a bad community who constantly inflicts harm on others.\n\n##### Circle 3: Hopeless hard work\n\nA notable figure in this circle could be Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, who is notorious for exploiting his employees with low pay, inhumane working conditions, and extremely long working hours. Bazos' company has been the star of numerous human and labour rights controversies, and Amazon's values only continue to cause further harm and cause more controversies with time.\n\n##### Circle 4: Forever running away from reality\n\nFacebook, a platform constantly filled with scandals, deceptive practices, and privacy issues, is known to present itself in a squeaky clean mirage, when it is anything but that. The lies of it being perfectly normal and Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, constantly deflecting and avoiding any criticism presented towards Facebook, makes Mark the perfect candidate for this circle.\n\n##### Circle 5: Emotional crisis\n\nHave you ever heard of the #MeToo movement against sexual abuse? Well, Harvey Weinstein is an infamous figure which started it all. He is a famous film producer who has been accused by many women of emotional, sexual and physical abuse. He has always been a controversial figure in the world, and has caused a lot of scandal in the past. This harm he has caused makes him the first person who comes to mind when you think of this circle.\n\n##### Circle 6: Outside world crisis\n\nUnsurprisingly, the covering power of many places are self-absorbed and have no care for anything around them. Taking the sin of this circle literally, we could Jair Bolsonaro in this circle. Jair was the president of Brazil who is known for his harm for the environment. Particularly, the Amazon rainforest, causing mass deforestation due to his catastrophic policies.\n\n## Lithuanian version\n\n### Modernusis pragaras\n\nMano \u0161iuolaikinio pragaro interpretacija. 2024/03/14 (su pi diena!)\n\nLicencija: GPLv3+ (\n\n#### Pragaro ratai\n\n1. Bevilti\u0161kai nenumal\u0161inamas socialinio patvirtinimo tro\u0161kulys\n2. Nesibaigiantis informacijos srautas\n3. Bevilti\u0161kai sunkus darbas\n4. Am\u017einas b\u0117gimas nuo realyb\u0117s\n5. Emocin\u0117 kriz\u0117\n6. I\u0161orinio pasaulio kriz\u0117\n\nKiekvienas i\u0161 \u0161i\u0173 sluoksni\u0173 vis blog\u0117ja ir u\u017e juos skiriamos vis sunkesn\u0117s ir kankinamesn\u0117s bausm\u0117s. Tai n\u0117ra tradicinis pragaras. Tai proto pragaras.\n\nSkirtingi pragaro ratai siejami su skirtingomis \"\u0161iuolaikin\u0117mis nuod\u0117m\u0117mis\":\n\n1. Bevilti\u0161kai nenumaldomas socialinio patvirtinimo tro\u0161kulys: Narcisizmas, buvimas egocentri\u0161ku \u017emogumi, nesir\u016bpinan\u010diu kitais, nepaisymas kit\u0173 ir to, k\u0105 jie sako.\n2. Nesibaigiantis informacijos srautas: Dezinformacija, prievartinis klaidinimas, s\u0105mokslai ir pan. - S\u0105moningas kit\u0173 klaidinimas.\n3. Bevilti\u0161kas sunkus darbas: I\u0161naudojimas ir (arba) piktnaud\u017eiavimas \u017emon\u0117mis, pavyzd\u017eiui, melavimas apie tai, ko jie nusipeln\u0117, nuvertinimas.\n4. Am\u017einas b\u0117gimas nuo tikrov\u0117s: B\u0117gimas nuo realyb\u0117s, o ne konfrontacija su gyvenimu, gyvenimo b\u016bdas, kuriuo siekiama nepatirti joki\u0173 nemaloni\u0173 gyvenimo aspekt\u0173, i\u0161\u0117jimas i\u0161 gyvenimo nieko nei\u0161mokus.\n5. Emocin\u0117 kriz\u0117: \u017dmoni\u0173 skaudinimas, manipuliavimas ir t. t. - privertimas \u017emog\u0173 jaustis siaubingai, nors jis to nenusipeln\u0117 ir nepra\u0161\u0117, pavyzd\u017eiui, rasizmas.\n6. I\u0161orinio pasaulio kriz\u0117: Aplinkos \u017ealojimas (ne konkre\u010diai gamtos, bet ir \u017emoni\u0173 bei visko, kas jus supa), jos niokojimas, nesaugojimas to, kas liko, tar\u0161a, neeti\u0161ki/nemoral\u016bs poelgiai su jus supan\u010diais daiktais.\n\n\u0160ios nuod\u0117m\u0117s n\u0117ra vienkartiniai nusi\u017eengimai, \u012f pragar\u0105 pateksite tik tada, jei tai bus nuolatinis nusi\u017eengimas, tai atleistinas nusi\u017eengimas, jei padarysite vien\u0105 i\u0161 \u0161i\u0173 nuod\u0117mi\u0173 ir v\u0117liau i\u0161 jos i\u0161augsite. Geriausias b\u016bdas mokytis yra daryti klaidas.\n\n#### Kas yra pragaras\n\nPragaras - tai vieta, pana\u0161i \u012f dabartin\u012f pasaul\u012f, kuriame \u0161iuo metu gyvenate, ta\u010diau ji pastatyta prie\u0161 jus. J\u016bs to ne\u017einote. Ties\u0105 sakant, j\u016bs net ne\u017einote, kad esate pragare. Ta\u010diau pasaulis, \u012f kur\u012f patekote, vienaip ar kitaip bus pastatytas prie\u0161 jus, ir j\u016bs b\u016bsite priverstas kankintis, o mirtis, kurios taip trok\u0161tate, nebus i\u0161eitis. J\u016bs ten \u012fstrigsite am\u017eiams.\n\nPragare vis tiek jausite \u012fprastus poj\u016b\u010dius, tokius kaip \u0161altis, alkis, tro\u0161kulys, emocijos, kvapas, skonis ir pan. Nors tai nerei\u0161kia, kad juos numal\u0161insite.\n\n#### Pragaro rat\u0173 apra\u0161ymai\n\n\u0160iame skyriuje apra\u0161oma, kas yra kiekvienas \u0161iuolaikinio pragaro ratas.\n\nRatai - tai pasauliai, \u012f kuriuos galima tik nusileisti, auk\u0161tyn pakilti ne\u012fmanoma. Galite arba likti ten, kur esate, arba padaryti nuod\u0117m\u0119 ir nusileisti \u012f \u017eemesn\u012f sluoksn\u012f.\n\n\u012e kok\u012f rat\u0105 pateksite, priklauso nuo j\u016bs\u0173 padaryt\u0173 nuod\u0117mi\u0173. Tas pa\u010dias nuod\u0117mes galite padaryti ir pragare. Jei padarysite nuod\u0117m\u0119 pragare, nusileisite vienu sluoksniu ar keliais \u017eemyn, ir tada nebus galimyb\u0117s pakilti atgal.\n\nPa\u010diame dugne yra rezervuota erdv\u0117, vadinama \"Tu\u0161tuma\", \u012f kuri\u0105 kaip \u012f pab\u0117gimo viet\u0105 gali patekti \u017emon\u0117s, padar\u0119 didel\u0119 pa\u017eang\u0105 ir daug ko i\u0161mok\u0119 i\u0161 daugel\u012f met\u0173 trukusi\u0173 kan\u010di\u0173 pragare. Tu\u0161tumoje n\u0117ra absoliu\u010diai nieko, j\u016bs liekate ten ir pl\u016bduriuoji tamsoje, o tave supa neb\u016btis. Tai artimiausias dalykas pab\u0117gimui, kur\u012f \u010dia patirsite.\n\n##### 1-sis ratas: Bevilti\u0161kai nenumal\u0161inamas socialinio patvirtinimo tro\u0161kulys\n\nTai lengvesn\u0117 \u0161iuolaikin\u0117s kan\u010dios versija, kuri tarsi \u012fkalina jus karalyst\u0117je, kurioje nuolatinio socialinio patvirtinimo poreikis tampa nepasotinamas.\n\nI\u0161 prad\u017ei\u0173 m\u0117gaujat\u0117s patvirtinimu, tarsi b\u016btum\u0117te pasaulio vir\u0161\u016bn\u0117je. Ta\u010diau, pana\u0161iai kaip krintanti \u017evaig\u017ed\u0117, ji i\u0161bl\u0117sta. Greitai. Tarsi j\u016bs\u0173 reik\u0161mingumas akimirksniu i\u0161bl\u0117sta, po sav\u0119s palikdamas tik tu\u0161tum\u0105. Atrodo, kad aplinkinis pasaulis pamir\u0161o j\u016bs\u0173 egzistavim\u0105, tarsi tapote visi\u0161kai nematomas, ir visos j\u016bs\u0173 pastangos i\u0161tr\u016bkti i\u0161 \u0161io kal\u0117jimo bus bevais\u0117s. Tro\u0161kimas b\u016bti pasaulio vir\u0161\u016bn\u0117je teb\u0117ra - tai sukelia kur kas gilesn\u0119 \u017eaizd\u0105, nei tai, kad jautiesi nematomas ar negirdimas. \u0160is j\u016bs\u0173 u\u017enuodyto proto suvokimas i\u0161stumia \u0161vies\u0105 i\u0161 j\u016bs\u0173 aki\u0173, panardindamas jus \u012f tiesi\u0105, bjauri\u0105, gili\u0105 ir tamsi\u0105 depresij\u0105. Li\u016bdnas suvokimas, kad j\u016bs\u0173 nebe\u012fvertina ir nebelaiko svarbiu, kad esate negirdimas ir jau\u010diat\u0117s nematomas, smogia greitai, bet dabar niekaip negalite gr\u012f\u017eti \u012f vir\u0161\u0173.\n\nVisa tai yra \u017eaidimas su j\u016bs\u0173 psichika. Galb\u016bt dabar pasimokysite. M\u0117gaukites savo buvimu \u010dia taip, kaip visi aplinkiniai m\u0117gaujasi savo gyvenimu, \u017einoma, i\u0161skyrus jus, o tai dar labiau sustiprina j\u016bs\u0173 skausm\u0105.\n\nLaikui b\u0117gant prarandate sveik\u0105 prot\u0105, jis tampa nepasiekiamas. Nor\u0117damas b\u016bti pasteb\u0117tas, imiesi ekstremali\u0173 ir \u0161okiruojan\u010di\u0173 dalyk\u0173, bet niekas neatsiliepia \u012f j\u016bs\u0173 pra\u0161ymus atkreipti \u012f jus d\u0117mes\u012f. Viskas vis blog\u0117ja, kol tampate visi\u0161kai vienas, nepaj\u0117gus patenkinti net pagrindini\u0173 savo poreiki\u0173, o tai atitinkamai dar labiau stumia jus \u012f visi\u0161k\u0105 beprotyb\u0119.\n\nGalb\u016bt prad\u0117site galvoti apie mirt\u012f kaip apie vienintel\u0119 i\u0161eit\u012f, bet net ir to nesugebate padaryti. Gal\u0173 gale tai yra kan\u010dios forma, nuo jos ne\u012fmanoma nei atitr\u016bkti, nei pab\u0117gti. Nors negalite sau pakenkti, vis tiek jausite fizin\u012f skausm\u0105. J\u016bs\u0173 panirimas \u012f beprotyb\u0119 t\u0119siasi, o mintys, kurias nor\u0117tum\u0117te nutildyti, tik dar labiau visk\u0105 pablogina. Jei tik gal\u0117tum\u0117te nustoti galvoti, bet negalite. Esate nepatenkintas. Liekate plikose lygumose, i\u0161 kuri\u0173 n\u0117ra jokios i\u0161eities. \u0160is diskomfortas lieka su jumis ir yra \u0161ios skausmingos patirties esm\u0117.\n\nTai teisingumas u\u017e visk\u0105, k\u0105 padar\u0117te ankstesniame gyvenime, ir tai tik prad\u017eia. \u017di\u016br\u0117kite kur einate, nes galite nugrimzti \u012f \u017eemesn\u012f pragaro rat\u0105.\n\n##### 2-sis ratas: Nesibaigiantis informacijos srautas\n\nSveiki atvyk\u0119 \u012f nesibaigian\u010dio informacijos srauto rat\u0105. \u010cia esate tam, kad kent\u0117tum\u0117te d\u0117l vis\u0173 baimi\u0173, sumai\u0161ties ir abejoni\u0173, kurias suk\u0117l\u0117te praeityje. \u0160is pasaulis yra tarsi atgij\u0119s internetas, jus bombarduoja nuolatinis informacijos srautas, kuris gali b\u016bti teisingas, o gali ir neb\u016bti, jis visada prie\u0161tarauja pats sau, ver\u010dia jus paranoji\u0161kai abejoti dalyk\u0173 tikrumu, viskuo abejoti, tai stumia jus \u012f intensyvi\u0105 paranoj\u0105. Bandydamas i\u0161siai\u0161kinti, kas tikra, o kas ne, suprantate, kad j\u016bs\u0173 tikrov\u0117s suvokimas darosi vis silpnesnis, viskas darosi neai\u0161ku ir nery\u0161ku, tod\u0117l jau\u010diate nusivylim\u0105, o d\u0117l to krentate \u012f pyk\u010dio priepuol\u012f, bei tamsos ir sumai\u0161ties duob\u0119.\n\nPama\u017eu visas pasaulis panyra \u012f paranoj\u0105, dar ne \u012f chaos\u0105, bet arti jo. Kiekvienas procesas tampa ilga ir sud\u0117tinga painiava d\u0117l masi\u0161kai plintan\u010dios klaidingos informacijos. Tai bausm\u0117 u\u017e melagingus parei\u0161kimus, kuriuos propagavote praeityje, u\u017e teisingum\u0105 visai sumai\u0161\u010diai, baimei ir netikrumui, kur\u012f suk\u0117l\u0117te, ne konkre\u010diai tokiu masiniu mastu, bet vis tiek nusid\u0117jote, tai - u\u017e netvark\u0105 ir chaos\u0105, kur\u012f suk\u0117l\u0117te pasaulyje ir (ar) \u017emoni\u0173 protuose. Galite tai suvokti arba nesuvokti, kad visa tai - j\u016bs\u0173 kalt\u0117, d\u0117l to galite jausti gil\u0173 gailest\u012f ir sielvart\u0105.\n\nVisa \u0161i netvarka j\u016bs\u0173 viduje ir aplinkiniame pasaulyje ver\u010dia jus izoliuotis, kaip ir visus kitus. Negalite pab\u0117gti nuo netikr\u0173 naujien\u0173 \u0161altini\u0173, negalite j\u0173 i\u0161jungti, esate priklausomas nuo didelio patvirtinimo ir \u012ftraukiamas \u012f naujien\u0173, kurios nesutampa su j\u016bs\u0173 realyb\u0117s suvokimu, siautuliu arba tos pa\u010dios naujienos ver\u010dia suabejoti savo id\u0117jomis, ver\u010dia nerimauti d\u0117l savo ekstremistini\u0173 pa\u017ei\u016br\u0173, ir ver\u010dia apie jas i\u0161mokti. Laikui b\u0117gant tampate dar intensyvesn\u0117s paranojos auka, nebe\u017einodami, kaip k\u0105 nors gyvenime interpretuoti, dau\u017eote galv\u0105 \u012f sien\u0105 tik\u0117damiesi atsakymo - pradedate daryti visk\u0105, kas \u012fmanoma, kad atskleistum\u0117te ties\u0105, bet j\u016bs\u0173 prot\u0105 u\u017epildo tik dar daugiau netikr\u0173 naujien\u0173.\n\nNegalite nustoti m\u0105styti. Vis randate nauj\u0173 s\u0105saj\u0173 tarp dviej\u0173 visi\u0161kai nesusijusi\u0173 dalyk\u0173, savo galvoje kurdami beprasmi\u0161k\u0173 paranoji\u0161k\u0173 min\u010di\u0173 tinkl\u0105. Tai sukelia jums did\u017eiul\u0119 \u012ftamp\u0105, ir j\u016bs toliau prarandate savo min\u010di\u0173 ir fizinio k\u016bno kontrol\u0119. Nuolatin\u0117 pakil\u0117jusi proto b\u016bsena jus nuvargina ir sukelia diskomfort\u0105, bet j\u016bs negalite nieko padaryti, i\u0161skyrus likti ten, kur esate, arba dar labiau pasinerti \u012f sumai\u0161t\u012f, kuri vyksta nepriklausomai nuo to, norite to ar ne.\n\nArtimiausia galimyb\u0117 pab\u0117gti dabar yra j\u016bs\u0173 pa\u010di\u0173 protas - triuk\u0161minga ir nepatogi netvarka, pilna min\u010di\u0173 ir nuolat aps\u0117sta su prie\u0161taravimais vieta. \u012e j\u0105 pasineri, tarsi nebelikt\u0173 joki\u0173 kit\u0173 poreiki\u0173, kuriuos reikia patenkinti: Nei miego, nei valgymo, nei g\u0117rimo, n\u0117 vienas i\u0161 pagrindini\u0173 poreiki\u0173 galvoje. Tik j\u016bs, \u012fstrig\u0119 gird\u0117dami netikras naujienas, su savo li\u016bdesiu, paranoja ir nerimu. Kaip sakoma - karma yra kal\u0117. J\u016bs\u0173 praeitis sugr\u012f\u017eo persekioti tav\u0119s de\u0161imt kart\u0173 stipriau.\n\nVienintelis j\u016bs\u0173 tikslas dabar - neprarasti realybes jausmo tiek, kad pamirstumete, jog nuo \u0161iol galite grimzti tik giliau ir viskas nuo \u0161iol gali b\u016bti tik blogiau.\n\n##### 3-sis ratas: Bevilti\u0161kai sunkus darbas\n\nKaip graik\u0173 mite apie Sizif\u0105, \u0161iame pasaulyje am\u017einai dirbsite bevilti\u0161k\u0105, ilg\u0105 ir sunk\u0173 darb\u0105. Be jokios i\u0161eities.\n\n\u0160is pasaulis da\u017eniausisi priglaud\u017eia vadinamuosis \"s\u0117kmingus\" \u017emones, tokius kaip Jeff Bezos, kurie visada blogai elg\u0117si su savo darbuotojais ir melavo apie tai, ko darbuotojai i\u0161 tikr\u0173j\u0173 nusipeln\u0117, pusdami jiems sm\u0117l\u012f tiesiai \u012f akis. Taip pat kaip ir pavieniai smurtautojai ir manipuliatoriai, kurie meluoja ir ver\u010dia \u017emog\u0173 paklusti, \u017eemindami j\u012f, nuvertindami kiekvien\u0105 jo poelg\u012f, manipuliuodami viskuo jo gyvenime, kad atrodyt\u0173, jog viskas yra prie\u0161 j\u012f. Dabar pasaulis yra prie\u0161 piktnaud\u017eiautoj\u0105, t. y. jus.\n\nGraik\u0173 mite apie Sizif\u0105, Sizifas buvo karalius, kuris buvo nubaustas u\u017e apgaul\u0119 - jis buvo priverstas ridenti did\u017eiul\u012f akmen\u012f \u012f kalno vir\u0161\u0173, bet kaskart priart\u0117j\u0119s prie vir\u0161\u016bn\u0117s jis v\u0117l rieda \u017eemyn. Pana\u0161iai ir \u0161iame pasaulyje jums atrodys, kad viskas yra labai sunki u\u017eduotis, kuri\u0105 atlikti u\u017etruksite valand\u0173 valandas, o gale - ji \u017elugs ir tur\u0117site j\u0105 atlikti i\u0161 naujo.\n\nDarbas seksis blogai, pom\u0117giai - blogai, poreiki\u0173 tenkinimas - blogai, apskritai gyvenimas taps nepakeliama agonija. Viskas atrodys tarsi sul\u0117tintas filmas. Netur\u0117site joki\u0173 kit\u0173 galimybi\u0173, i\u0161skyrus kan\u010di\u0105 arba kan\u010di\u0105. Jei nedirbsite jokio darbo, yra tik vienas kelias - \u017eemyn.\n\nKiekviena diena \u0161iame pasaulyje bus nepaprastai sunki, ir kasdien bus tik dar sunkiau k\u0105 nors nuveikti, kasdien b\u016bsite nepaprastai i\u0161sek\u0119s ir bevilti\u0161kas, kaip ir \u017emon\u0117s, kuriuos kankinote j\u0173 s\u0105skaita. Tik dabar tai, kas buvo pus\u0117 j\u0173 gyvenimo, dabar yra j\u016bs\u0173 kasdienyb\u0117.\n\nNuo to nepavyks pab\u0117gti, tai tik stums jus \u012f itin gili\u0105 depresij\u0105 ir skausming\u0105 i\u0161sekimo b\u016bsen\u0105. Jei nuspr\u0119site nieko nedaryti, gul\u0117jimi vietoje stumtel\u0117s jus \u012f beprotyb\u0119 nuo skausmo ir nuolatinio spaudimo, kur\u012f jau\u010diate d\u0117l bals\u0173 j\u016bs\u0173 galvoje, kurie jums sako kad ka\u017ek\u0105 darytum\u0117te. Jie nuolat jus vargina, o j\u016bs netur\u0117site erdv\u0117s atsikv\u0117pti.\n\nTai d\u0117l visos prievartos ir i\u0161naudojimo kuri\u0105 i\u0161leidote ant kit\u0173. Tokia buvo kit\u0173 realyb\u0117, o dabar tai j\u016bs\u0173 kasdienyb\u0117 :)\n\n##### 4-sis ratas: Am\u017einas b\u0117gimas nuo realyb\u0117s\n\n\u0160iame rate esate pasmerktas am\u017einai patirti ko\u0161marus sukelian\u010dias pasekmes. Jis sukurtas taip, kad i\u0161pildyt\u0173 kiekvien\u0105 j\u016bs\u0173 kiekvien\u0105 nor\u0105, ta\u010diau kiekvienas noras turi pra\u017e\u016bting\u0173 pasekmi\u0173. Nor\u0117jote pab\u0117gti nuo realyb\u0117s, ar ne? Sveiki atvyk\u0119 \u012f tikrov\u0119, kuri yra toli nuo visko, k\u0105 kada nors pa\u017einojote. \u012e tikrov\u0119, kurioje negalite atskirti iliuzijos nuo tiesos.\n\n\u0160ioje realyb\u0117je b\u016bsite priversti susidurti su did\u017eiausiomis baim\u0117mis - gyvenimi\u0161kais i\u0161\u0161\u016bkiais, nuo kuri\u0173 taip nor\u0117jote pab\u0117gti ir gyventi lengv\u0105 gyvenim\u0105.\n\nPagalvokite apie savo giliausius tro\u0161kimus, tuos, kuri\u0173 trok\u0161tate, nesvarstydami apie jokius su tuo susijusius i\u0161\u0161\u016bkius. \u010cia, \u0161ioje visatoje, jie visi i\u0161sipildys, bet tada jus u\u017egrius pra\u017e\u016btingi nenumatytos tikrov\u0117s i\u0161\u0161\u016bkiai.\n\nAr kada nors svajojote b\u016bti paskend\u0119 vald\u017eioje ir turtuose? Pra\u0161au, bet kartu su jais ateina gniu\u017edanti vienatv\u0117 ir paranoja visa tai prarasti. O gal svajojate apie gro\u017e\u012f ir jame slypint\u012f d\u0117mes\u012f? Na, dabar esate patraukliausias \u017emogus pasaulyje. Tapote did\u017eiulio pavydo taikiniu, lemian\u010diu s\u0105mokslus prie\u0161 jus, sabota\u017e\u0105, net ir kankinimus. Bet, \u017einoma, j\u016bs negalite mirti, tai am\u017eina kan\u010dia. Kiekvienas j\u016bs\u0173 noras, bet koks noras, bet kas ko panor\u0117site, ateis su pra\u017e\u016btingomis gyvenimo pamokomis, kurias lengvai gal\u0117jote i\u0161mokti gyvenime, bet pasirinkote lengvesn\u012f keli\u0105 ir gyvenote iliuzijose.\n\nJuokinga ironija yra tame, kad gyvenimas visada buvo sunkus, skirtumas buvo tik tas, kad jis buvo vengiamas. Ta\u010diau dabar svajon\u0117s, kuri\u0173 taip atkakliai laik\u0117t\u0117s vis\u0105 gyvenim\u0105, \u012ftraukia jus \u012f monstri\u0161kus ko\u0161marus.\n\n\u012estrigote savo praeities svajoni\u0173 aido kameroje, nuolat stengdamiesi i\u0161vengti savo tiksl\u0173 rezultat\u0173. Pasiklystate savyje, ilg\u0117damiesi \u017eemi\u0161kos realyb\u0117s, kuri\u0105 kadaise tur\u0117jote, bet niekada nebesugr\u012f\u0161ite \u012f pradin\u0119 b\u016bsen\u0105. Nes dabar - j\u016bs esate \u010dia. Gyvenimas, kok\u012f kadaise pa\u017einojote, dabar yra nepasiekiamas mira\u017eas, jis deformuotas j\u016bs\u0173 pa\u010di\u0173 k\u016brini\u0173. Vienintelis i\u0161sigelb\u0117jimas dabar yra kelion\u0117 gilyn \u012f pragar\u0105.\n\nJ\u016bs\u0173 am\u017einyb\u0117 bus nuolatinis b\u0117gimas nuo savo susikurt\u0173 ko\u0161mar\u0173. Nor\u0117site, kad visa tai baigt\u0173si, bet tai tik dar labiau \u012fstums jus \u012f depresij\u0105 ir kalt\u0117s jausm\u0105, nes \u017einosite, kad nuo to n\u0117ra jokios i\u0161eities ir kad d\u0117l viso to esate kaltas j\u016bs. Paranoja \u017einant, kad kiekviena j\u016bs\u0173 mintis i\u0161sipildys, taip pat persekioja jus, kol smegenys dirba nesustojan\u010diai. Jei tik but\u016bmet\u0117 i\u0161moke susidurti su savo baim\u0117mis, o ne apgaudin\u0117tum\u0117te save, kad jos neegzistuoja.\n\nTai am\u017einosios kan\u010dios pasaulis, pasaulis, kuriame kiekviena svajon\u0117 tik sukuria dar ry\u0161kesnius ko\u0161marus. Sveiki atvyk\u0119 \u012f kan\u010di\u0105.\n\n##### 5-sis ratas: Emocin\u0117 kriz\u0117\n\n\u010cia pateksite \u012f visi\u0161kos emocin\u0117s kriz\u0117s pasaul\u012f. Praeityje suk\u0117l\u0117te daug sunkum\u0173, dabar at\u0117jo laikas j\u016bs\u0173 bausmei.\n\n\u010cia, gyvensite tobulame pasaulyje, kuriame visi patenkinti savimi ir savo gyvenimu. Kur gieda pauk\u0161\u010diai, klesti gamta ir oras saul\u0117tas. Ta\u010diau bus tik vienas i\u0161siskiriantis \u017emogus - j\u016bs.\n\nJ\u016bs labai kent\u0117site. B\u016bsite pats nelaimingiausias \u017emogus, niekas su jumis nesikalb\u0117s, niekas j\u016bs\u0173 nem\u0117gs, visi nuolat jus smerks u\u017e tai, kad esate toks bukagalvis, visi\u0161kas narcizas. Neken\u010diate sav\u0119s ir visko aplinkui, o tai, kad visi taip viskuo d\u017eiaugiasi, tik dar labiau pablogina situacij\u0105.\n\nMatote, kaip smagu gyventi \u0161alia tokio smurtautojo kaip j\u016bs?\n\nJ\u016bs ne tik tapsite savo paties skriaud\u0117ju, bet ir gyvensite aplink jus niekinan\u010dius \u017emones. Tai privers jus skausmingai giliai kankintis. \u0160is bjaurus jausmas tik stipr\u0117s, jis vis labiau stums jus \u012f emocin\u0119 kriz\u0119. Blogai jautiesi kasdien, jei ne kas valand\u0105. Tai privers jus griauti savo pagrindus, o visi juoksis i\u0161 visko, k\u0105 darote. Visiems b\u016bsite tarsi mielas ma\u017eas laboratorinis eksperimentas, visi maitinsis j\u016bs\u0173 li\u016bdesiu ir kan\u010dia. Kasdiena bus tik bloga savijauta, ir pasaulis neleis tau to pamir\u0161ti, j\u016bs busite atstumtas, manipuliuotas, u\u017e\u010diauptas ir j\u016bs tapsite pajuokos centru. Galite reik\u0161ti savo emocijas kiek tik norite, bet niekam tai ner\u016bp\u0117s. D\u0117l to bus tik dar blogiau. Kartais \u017emon\u0117s i\u0161 tikr\u0173j\u0173 jus i\u0161klausys, apsimes, kad jiems r\u016bpi, ka\u017ekod\u0117l kaskart manipuliuodami jumis, kad duotum\u0117te jiems atsakym\u0105, tik tam, kad vis\u0105 t\u0105 informacij\u0105 panaudot\u0173 prie\u0161 jus.\n\nJ\u016bs juokingas. Praeityje j\u016bs buvote toks pat kaip tie kurie i\u0161 j\u016bs\u0173 juokiasi. Suk\u0117l\u0117te daug skausmo, ta\u010diau vis dar apsimetate auka.\n\n\u010cia, apa\u010dioje, tvyro tik nevaisingas chaosas. Manote, kad blogiau b\u016bti negali?\n\n##### 6-sis ratas: I\u0161orinio pasaulio kriz\u0117\n\n\u0160tai blogiausias pragaro sluoksnis, \u017eemiau nieko n\u0117ra. Buvote i\u0161vilktas per vis\u0105 ankstesni\u0173 rat\u0173 chaos\u0105, o dabar esate \u010dia. Sveiki atvyk\u0119, padugn\u0117s.\n\n\u010cia visas pasaulis apimtas visi\u0161ko chaoso ir panikos, \u012fskaitant jus. Paranoja, depresija, pyktis, sunkumai, kan\u010dios, gamtos ir gyvyb\u0117s nykimas, m\u0105stymo proceso blog\u0117jimas, korupcija ir t. t.. - viskas, turiu omenyje viskas, yra kra\u0161tutin\u0117 netvarka. Niekur neb\u0117ra tvarkos, viskas atrodo kaip deganti \u017eaizda j\u016bs\u0173 gyvenime.\n\nPasaulis bus begalinis, kiekvienas kampelis pripildytas kuo didesnio diskomforto, jokio i\u0161sigelb\u0117jimo ar ramyb\u0117s, kaip \u012fprasta, nuolatin\u0117 kan\u010dia. Visur lavonai, emocin\u0117s kriz\u0117s, gri\u016bvantis pasaulis, joki\u0173 santyki\u0173, jau nekalbant apie taikius santykius. Ekonomika siaubinga, psichin\u0117 sveikata pasiekusi \u017eemiausi\u0105 lyg\u012f, politin\u0117s partijos kuria siaubingas eng\u0117j\u0173 grupuotes, centralizuoti vald\u017eios re\u017eimai, visi ir viskas kontroliuojami poros ar vieno subjekto, visi yra stebimi. Kiekviena gyvenimo sekund\u0117 primena ekstremal\u0173 siaubo film\u0105, kuriame susiduri su kiekviena savo baime.\n\nTai tuo nesibaigia. Skurdas, benamyst\u0117, badas. Visi yra dideli individualistai, n\u0117ra kult\u016bros ir darbo kaip komanda. Visi yra aps\u0117sti savimi ir susitelk\u0119 \u012f vienutinius dalykus. Sveikata siaubinga, priklausomyb\u0117 tvyroja, amoral\u016bs ir neeti\u0161ki poelgiai visur: zoofilija, pedofilija, diskriminacija, \u017emog\u017eudyst\u0117s, kankinimai - visa tai rodoma vie\u0161ai, sukelia traum\u0105. Viskas labai grafi\u0161ka ir intensyvu.\n\n\u0160is nesibaigiantis chaosas gelia. Net jei nejau\u010diate jokios empatijos kitiems ar sau, kas tokioje visi\u0161k\u0173 emocij\u0173 kupinoje aplinkoje ma\u017eai tik\u0117tina - gyventi bus be galo sunku. N\u0117ra nieko, i\u0161skyrus skaud\u017ei\u0105 ugn\u012f.\n\nN\u0117ra nieko blogiau u\u017e \u0161i\u0105 bedugn\u0119. Tai, kas liko apa\u010dioje, yra Tu\u0161tuma. Bet tai b\u016bt\u0173 pab\u0117gimas. \u0160ioje b\u016bsenoje niekaip negal\u0117si kada nors apsilankyti toje vietoje, tik \u017emon\u0117s, padar\u0119 didel\u0119 pa\u017eang\u0105 ir daug ko i\u0161mok\u0119, gali tur\u0117ti sald\u0173 pab\u0117gim\u0105 \u012f Tu\u0161tum\u0105 - viet\u0105, kur gali egzistuoti be joki\u0173 kankinim\u0173 ar chaoso, am\u017einai pl\u016bduriuodamami ne\u017einomyb\u0117je, kuri yra geriausia, k\u0105 \u010dia kada nors gausite.\n\nTai - u\u017e tai, kad skaudinate jus supan\u010di\u0105 aplink\u0105. M\u0117gaukit\u0117s vie\u0161nage arba mokykit\u0117s - nes daugiau nieko \u010dia dabar negalite padaryti. Ta\u010diau s\u0117km\u0117s mokintis i\u0161 savo klaid\u0173 tokioje siaubingoje aplinkoje. Visas pasaulis \u010dia lyg degantis.\n\n#### \u0160iuolaikiniai nusid\u0117j\u0117liai\n\n\u010cia atskleisime kai kuriuos \u0161iuolaikinius nusid\u0117j\u0117lius ir pateiksime kelet\u0105 veik\u0117j\u0173, kurie pasaulyje suk\u0117l\u0117 daug skausmo.\n\n##### 1-sis ratas: Bevilti\u0161kai nenumal\u0161inamas socialinio patvirtinimo tro\u0161kulys\n\nKanye West yra puikus kandidatas \u0161iam ratui. Kanye (dar \u017einomas kaip tiesiog Ye) yra garsus reperis ir mados dizaineris, \u017einomas d\u0117l savo vie\u0161\u0173 i\u0161puoli\u0173 ir nuolatinio poreikio gauti patvirtinim\u0105, o pokalbiai ir kontroversijos turi suktis aplink j\u012f. Daugyb\u0117 siaubing\u0173 egocentri\u0161k\u0173 poelgi\u0173 ir kitas narcizi\u0161kas elgesys ne kart\u0105 \u012frod\u0117, kad jis yra \u017ealingas ir daro blog\u0105 \u012ftak\u0105 jo gerb\u0117jams.\n\n##### 2-sis ratas: Nesibaigiantis informacijos srautas\n\nAlex Jones, s\u0105mokslo teorij\u0173 k\u016br\u0117jas ir interneto svetain\u0117s \"InfoWars\" savininkas, li\u016bdnai pagars\u0117jo d\u0117l melagingos informacijos ir s\u0105mokslo teorij\u0173 skleidimo. Alekso dezinformacijos kampanijos praeityje suk\u0117l\u0117 masin\u012f s\u0105my\u0161\u012f ir padar\u0117 \u017ealos, ir toliau yra prieglobstis blogai bendruomenei, kuri nuolat daro \u017eal\u0105 kitiems.\n\n##### 3-sis ratas: Bevilti\u0161kai sunkus darbas\n\n\u017dymia \u0161io rato fig\u016bra gal\u0117t\u0173 b\u016bti \"Amazon\" \u012fk\u016br\u0117jas Jeff Bezos, kuris pagars\u0117jo tuo, kad i\u0161naudoja savo darbuotojus, mok\u0117damas jiems ma\u017eus atlyginimus, sudarydamas ne\u017emoni\u0161kas darbo s\u0105lygas ir itin ilgas darbo valandas. J. Bezos \u012fmon\u0117 yra tapusi daugelio \u017emogaus ir darbo teisi\u0173 gin\u010d\u0173 \u017evaig\u017ede, o \"Amazon\" vertyb\u0117s laikui b\u0117gant tik dar labiau kenkia ir sukelia dar daugiau nesutarim\u0173.\n\n##### 4-sis ratas: Am\u017einas b\u0117gimas nuo realyb\u0117s\n\n\"Facebook\" - platforma, kurioje nuolat kyla skandal\u0173, apgaulingos praktikos ir privatumo problem\u0173, - yra \u017einoma, kad ji vaizduoja save kaip \u0161vari\u0105, nors i\u0161 ties\u0173 yra visai kitokia. D\u0117l melo, kad tai visi\u0161kai normalu, ir \"Facebook\" \u012fk\u016br\u0117jo Mark Zuckerberg, nuolat nukreipian\u010dio ir vengian\u010dio bet kokios \"Facebook\" kritikos, Markas yra puikus kandidatas \u012f \u0161\u012f rat\u0105.\n\n##### 5-sis ratas: Emocin\u0117 kriz\u0117\n\nAr kada nors gird\u0117jote apie jud\u0117jim\u0105 #MeToo, nukreipt\u0105 prie\u0161 seksualin\u0119 prievart\u0105? Na, o Harvey Weinstein yra li\u016bdnai pagars\u0117j\u0119s veik\u0117jas, nuo kurio visa tai prasid\u0117jo. Jis yra garsus film\u0173 prodiuseris, kur\u012f daugyb\u0117 moter\u0173 apkaltino emociniu, seksualiniu ir fiziniu smurtu. Jis visada buvo kontroversi\u0161ka fig\u016bra pasaulyje ir praeityje suk\u0117l\u0117 daug skandal\u0173. D\u0117l \u0161ios jo padarytos \u017ealos jis yra pirmas asmuo, kuris ateina \u012f galv\u0105, kai pagalvoji apie \u0161\u012f rat\u0105.\n\n##### 6-sis ratas: I\u0161orinio pasaulio kriz\u0117\n\nNenuostabu, kad daug kur vald\u017ei\u0105 dengianti vald\u017eia yra susitelkusi \u012f save ir jai ner\u016bpi niekas aplinkui. Vertinant \u0161io rato nuod\u0117m\u0119 pa\u017eod\u017eiui, \u0161iame rate gal\u0117tume \u012fra\u0161yti Jair Bolsonaro. Jairas buvo Brazilijos prezidentas, kuris gars\u0117jo savo \u017eala aplinkai. Ypa\u010d Amazon\u0117s atogr\u0105\u017e\u0173 mi\u0161kams, d\u0117l jo katastrofi\u0161kos politikos sukeldamas masin\u012f mi\u0161k\u0173 kirtim\u0105.", + "keywords": [ + "interpretation", + "gpl", + "homeowork", + "anglu", + "modernusus pragaras", + "lietuviu", + "modern hell", + "religija", + "hell", + "english", + "language", + "pragaras", + "religion", + "lithuanian", + "namu darbai", + "kalba", + "interpretacija", + "creative work", + "cc0" + ], + "created": 1710615537.210469 + }, "new-mzunguhostingml-song-lyrics": { "title": "the new song lyrics", "description": "the new mzungu song lyrics because i couldnt find any :",