diff --git a/blog.json b/blog.json index f4cf1e8..e5bd0d4 100644 --- a/blog.json +++ b/blog.json @@ -575,6 +575,12 @@ "content": "i unironically use 'corporate marionette' to describe people who are sheep\nto companies, usually in context of digital privacy, which is becoming a more and more\nconcerning issue and worst part, nor people in power nor general public isnt doing anything\nabt it, its genuinely sad to see how brainwashed people are and how much they dont give\na fuck about it, not understanding ( actually not even wanting to understand ) how big\nof an issue this is and how theyre basically marionettes for companies\n\nin this post 'corporate marionette' will be referring to the more specific digital\ncorporate marionette and not general corporate marionette, although there might be\nmentions of both types, the primary audience of this post are people who're ( if i say\nwhore, i dont mean whore, i mean who're ) interested in digital corporate marionettes\nand people who are willing to learn more about it and are stuck in the corporate marionette\necosystem :)\n\nbefore reading this, please keep in mind that i talk a lot about proprietary stuff, as that tends\nto be more evil than open source, but keep in mind open source companies can still be creepy and weird\n\nlets start off with the issue itself -- at a high level this is purely a digital privacy issue,\nbut under it, we have more issues, including addiction, bad education, other mental health problems\nand ignorance, sometimes even if youre aware its hard to make the switch without dropping\nhalf your life down the drain, todays society is focused on being a corporate marionette, once\nagain due to the same issues\n\nwe already broke the problem down, so lets address some of the issues one by one,\n\nfirst -- **addiction**, many people, probably including me ( although im unsure ), are addicted\nto technology, they get hooked on the dopamine rush they get from various medias online,\nlets say youtube has videos and shorts, instagram posts and reels ( although ive never heard anyone\nuse them srsly ), tiktok is purely an addiction machine, twitter has a very good algorithm\nthat runs on rage ( yk the feeling when someone says something obv wrong and you correct it\nand yall keep talking abt it and none of you wants to give up ? )\nand so on, every big service runs on addiction and data collection, all are algorithm-ised,\npeople keep going down the addiction hole and companies keep mass mining their data and its just\nan infinite cycle of addiction and violating your freedom, privacy and so on until youre so deep down\nthe addiction hole you have no escape\n\n**bad education** about digital privacy and general IT is also a huge problem, digital privacy is\nbecoming more and more relevant as the new world is becoming more and more digital, companies\nget access to so much of our lives now its crazy, it sometimes feels like you can survive purely\nin that world and be just fine, almost every service has gone digital, from registering medical\napts to shopping, from entertainment to communication and so on, people arent aware of how much\ndata companies get and how much can be extracted from it and so on, people are so ignorant to the\nfact that data = power, also, IT education is also horrible, here in lithuania at least, its terrible,\nall we do is make word documents basically, in older classes we do get some more serious education,\nalthough its nothing serious, its mainly focused on specific proprietary software and how to use it,\nwhich\n\n- isnt applicable anywhere outside that specific software as its\n usually 'so u press this, then that, then press this, drag that\n and this is how u import a picture in word'\n- doesnt teach people anything\n- does not teach anything outside IT that isnt 'computer = word = windows = chrome = OS = number'\n\nits stupid how bad IT education is where everything is so digital\n\n**mental health problems** is also related to **ignorance**, some people are just so broken\nmentally they cant be bothered to give a fuck about anything, and not like social media with\nplastering of numbers, insecurities, triggers and addiction ( this is the PERFECT formula for\na social media site, make it cause mental health problems which eventually will lead to depression\nor something similar and then be the seemingly only remedy that will help it )\nwill make it better, so companies profit of that people ( not specific mentally ill people )\nlive in ignorance and they keep feeding into it\n\nand then theres **dependence**, even if people are fully aware people face issue of de-transitioning\nfrom that specific software or ecosystem, e.g. apple feeds of this with their hardware and software\nbeing so incompatible with everything, being so good at integrating their software and hardware\nand giving people such status ( tbh it feels like the apple ecosystem is just a huge cult ), or for\nexample friends and general social communication, i have this issue with discord, ive suggested multiple\nopen source alternatives to friends and even offered to build one myself, they refuse to switch no\nmatter what so im stuck using discord as i know how problematic discord is and how shit it is, how much\nof a data farm it is, how much it shoves nitro peoples asses, how much of a pedophilia problem it has\nand so on, i hate it, im also somewhat stuck on youtube, i had a project in the works which woulve\nbeen a good alternative to youtube, ive had it planned and stuff, but then just stopped working on it,\nalthough now its a mess and ive worked on it somewhat, a lot of UI and stuff, which i find distracting,\ni might rework it though, the problem im having is that it has so much content i watch and music and so on,\nits a nice service, although it works on my very hardened profile unlike discord so i can at least\nmitigate it more, with discord there isnt as much briar between it and me\n\nthe cycle of it continues, we need to unite if we want to have a free ( as in freedom ) world,\nelse we wont get out of this creepy data-driven idiocy, make it paid or something, but omg, i want\nmy data, you can have my money, but my data is very important to me and i dont trust this fucked up\nsystem\n\nanyway, hope i at least explained some of this enough for you to get worried enough and join me\nin the act of stopping companies abusing users data and actual digital freedom instead of false\nand misleading marketing which turns people into sheep to fall into their sheep farm\n\ncya\n", "time": 1682465016.163821, "keywords": "corporate marionette digital privacy lithuania education mental health addiction dependance open source foss opensource alternative company discord lithuania youtube google article freedom free social issues soccialissues restricting software system computer IT technology" + }, + "transphobia": { + "title": "Transphobia", + "content": "omfg at this point i have to say something, its pissing me off how much transphobia is affecting me and\nother trans people recently, as a trans person, MTF, i get quite a lot of hate just from being trans,\nwhether its online in trolling, bullying form or irl bullying, other forms discrimination and so on, i\nfucking hate how the world is currently, so let me talk about it\n\nfirst up, let me define what transphobia is, transphobia is defined as follows :\n\n> Transphobia is a type of discrimination or prejudice against transgender\n> or gender non-conforming individuals. It can take many forms, including verbal\n> or physical abuse, exclusion from social or professional opportunities, or denial\n> of basic human rights. Transphobia is based on a lack of understanding or acceptance\n> of gender identity that does not conform to traditional binary notions\n> of male and female. It can have serious negative effects on the mental health and\n> well-being of trans individuals, leading to depression, anxiety, and even suicide.\n\nbut i call it 'the feeling that makes me feel shit at every moment of my life and any\ncomments can set it off, although im too much of a pussy to say anything about it bc i am a useless\nanti-social idiot on top of that i get treated like dog shit except that at least gets picked up :)'\n\nthe current state of trans people as a group is bad, everything is going to shit and it seems like\neveryone is going after us for everything, ive met so many transphobes in the recent times and tbh\nim scared to say anything about it, like i want to, but i cant, my brain isnt letting me, im\nscared and i cant do anything about it, like tranphobes made me think that standing by my own points\nis bad and should not be done but instead you should suffer in silence and say nothing abt it,\nwhich is total fucking bullshit, i am so fucking done with all of this i cant, i want to be able to,\nbut its just fucking impossible, my brain has that engraved and i hate it, i feel like a trapped rat\nin their prison of bigotism and discrimination, at this point if a person finds out im trans and they\ncomment about it i feel the need to be sorry about my identity and say 'im sorry that im trans, you\nprobably think im gross and shit, sorry' or something along the lines of that, it feels like\nwe, as a group of people are being forced into some sort of modern hitler-esc ideology where the world\nis monogamous and anything else than that should be made extinct\n\nnone of this is pretty or good, i might say its 'fine' when youre being directly transphobic to my face\nbut its really not and behind your back im not happy with any of what uve said or done, i use laughing\n( even online ) to deflect tension, i hate it, why do yall feel like we have to fit into your fucking\nclosed off box of little one-braincell ideology, fuck this shit and fuck you for doing all the shit you\ndo to make our lives as painful as you can, your complaining about how its 'unnatural, gross, ungodly,\nbad, cringe, stupid, confusing' and etc. is so fucking annoying, we already are a very small group with\nvery little rights and on top of that yall overpower us with like 2387678296789326% of the population going\nafter us, like come fucking on, get a life and stop being a plain fucking asshole, im so sorry for using\nsuch stupid language but i am so fucking mad at so many people and theres nothing i can really do than\ncomplain about how shitty their behaviour is\n\none of the [situations](https:\/\/user.ari-web.xyz\/#89) that triggered me to write this is mrbeast situation about the 'karl effect' or\nsome shit, god i see transphobes cling onto that so much on the internet now, its painful to even watch,\nits gross, this is nothing than pure homophobia and transphobia\n\nanother situation is me actually facing anti-lgbt stuff both irl and online today, wont get into\ndetail bc i dont want to\n\nand what do u know, [texas loves this shit too](https:\/\/www.theguardian.com\/us-news\/2023\/apr\/25\/texas-agriculture-department-dress-memo-sid-miller)\n'consistent to their biological gender' my ass, my brain hurts from the stupidity of transphobes,\ntheir hitler-like ideology, stupid fucking idiocy which keeps bothering me\n\nthis isnt just a US issue either, this is very relevant is every country and continent, for example, even in\neurope, which id consider fairly developed, this is a large issue, we still face issues with healthcare ( actually\nA LOT of issues ), employment, education, and housing, this is especially visible in like poland and hungary where\nits like built in lmao, lets not forget to mention my homeland of lithuania, being any type of lgbt anywhere\noutside capital city of vilnius is terrible, i face a lot of anti-lgbt comments, bullying ( to the point of physical\nharassment ) and so on, everywhere and anywhere i go, i even get spit on sometimes just bc i dont present\n\u2728 typically male \u2728, omfg, i hate this, but america, africa, australia, asia and so on also have the same issues,\nin america its right-wing individuals who are trying to shunt down transgender people all bc it doesnt fit into\ntheir conservative view of the world ( and so, they should be made extinct ), africa due to religious and cultural\nviews on gender and sexuality, australia is progressing but trans people still have quite a lot to deal with both\nsocially and access to services like healthcare and asia, once again about religious and cultural views\n\nnot that i find this funny, but its funny how close minded people are everywhere around the world, i mean yes, there\nare people who are truely open minded, but theres so many people calling themselves tolerant 'as long as i dont see them'\nor 'as long as its not my kids' or some shit, or freak out whenever a trans person comes out and they go attack\nthem just bc, actually in my psychology class we had a similar test, basically like 99% of the class called themselves\ntolerant, including myself, then we were questioned and questioned 'would you accept this person if they were a part of\n[some minority]' and other questions, they were related to race, culture, religion, sexuality, gender, etc. and guess\nhow many hands were left at the end out of 29 ... 2, fucking two, me and another classmate, omfg, i find this so fucking\ncringe and just terrible, how can you call yourself tolerant if you do this shit, my god\n\ni also find some of the reasons funny, like 'its religion' or some shit, like alright, believe in what you want, but\nhow does that give you the right to discriminate against and stuff other people ? how does that change the\nfact that youre transphobic and want people dead ? how does that change anything that youre doing, its still horrible\nand not acceptable, this applies to anything, ive heard people use the same excuse over and over and over again\nfor all sorts of topics, including racism, homophobia, transphobia, abilism and fatphobia, which none of those\nare okay\n\nanyway, concluding, transphobes fucking suck and everything about them is cringe, bad and theyre little pricks with no\nlife, i hate how many people like that exist in all shapes and sizes, in all countries, all identities, cultures, races,\ncontinents, unions and so on, but i guess ill keep pretending 'its fine, you can be transphobic, yeah i totally\ndont care, im sorry for being so gross and bad in your eyes, ill try my best to not be trans :))'\n\ntake care .\n", + "time": 1682623412.85494, + "keywords": "trans transgender rights social issues socialissues transphobia discrimination bulying europe america asia australia africa genocide transrights humanrights human humanism" } } } \ No newline at end of file