\n\n\nBITS 64\n\nsegment .text\nglobal _start\n\n_start:\n mov rax, 1\n mov rdi, 1\n mov rsi, m\n mov rdx, ml\n syscall\n\n mov rax, 60\n mov rdi, 0\n syscall\n\nsegment .rodata\nm: db \"Hello world!\", 10\nml: equ $ - m\n\n
\n\nAnd when compiled using:\n\n```\n$ nasm -felf64 a.asm && ld -o a a.o\n```\n\nWhere `a.asm` is the assembly source code you see\nabove you get a `8.7 KB` binary\n\nSo now let's do the same but using FASM:\n\n\n\n\nformat ELF64 executable 3\nsegment readable executable\n\n_start:\n mov rax, 1\n mov rdi, 1\n mov rsi, m\n mov rdx, ml\n syscall\n\n mov rax, 60\n mov rdi, 0\n syscall\n\nsegment readable\nm: db \"Hello world!\", 10\nml = $ - m\n\n
\n\nThe code hasn't changed much but when\nwe compile this code using:\n\n```\n$ fasm a.asm && chmod a+rx ./a\n```\n\nWhere `a.asm` is the assembly source code you see\nabove you get a `235 B` binary\n\nThat's literally `8.465 KB` improvement for only changing\n5 lines of code...\nThat's only one byte larger than out source code -- `234 B`\n\nCrazy how fast, small and nice this assembler is,\n[give it a try!](https://flatassembler.net/) :)\n",
"keywords": [
"created": 1656210519.256045
"fuck-smokers": {
"title": "fuck smokers",
"description": "Fuck smokers, their attitude and generally them, there's one asshole neighbour I have that is smoking in his balcony 24/7 and my room stinks because of it, even my pillows have absorbed the smell UHGGGGGG",
"content": "Fuck smokers, their attitude and generally them,\nthere's one asshole neighbour I have that is smoking in\nhis balcony 24/7 and my room stinks because of it,\neven my pillows have absorbed the smell\n\nMy head hurts from it, I cough because of it, I am\nnauseous because of this bullshit, can't do anything about it,\njust sit in fucking pain\n\nFuck smokers. Seems like smokers don't have the\nbasic knowledge that cigarettes fucking stink and hurt\npeople physically.\n",
"keywords": [
"created": 1656152659.638706
"restricting-contributions-on-ari-web": {
"title": "restricting contributions on ari-web",
"description": "changes to contribution",
"content": "Hello world,\n\nDue to\n[changed Netlify plans](https://answers.netlify.com/t/please-read-changes-to-our-recent-pricing-update/56565/45)\nI will be restricting contributions on all of my sites,\nif you want to add something make an issue and I will add\nit crediting you, until the plans change or I will be able to afford\n$40 per contributor I will keep pull requests closed\n\nAnd as it comes to the files site I will restrct it\nto private usage mainly, but don't worry, if you want to\nI can still upload files on there for you but the process\nwill be much slower\n\nI am sorry that I have to do this but I simply cannot\nafford that much per contributor, I will revert the change\nas soon as I can\n\n2023/08/27 i was confused, but the restrictions r staying as is, better safe than sorry ig lol\n",
"keywords": [
"created": 1655905254.615351
"being-lgbt-in-lithuania--my-expierience": {
"title": "being lgbt in lithuania, my expierience",
"description": "its not good lol",
"content": "**TL;DR** It's not good lol\n\nLithuania is basically a much smaller russia,\nso it's extremely anti-lgbt\n\nBasically, I have a lot of stories\nbut this is one of them:\n\nToday, I came back from home,\nmy mother was making food and I went\nto my room,\n\nMy mother started screaming at me how I'm\nso loud being lgbt and that it's a small\ncity and stuff and I don't understand but\nwhatever and how my brother got bullied today\nat school that I'm lgbt\n\nThen I got told that it's all my fault even\nthough I don't think so, like, the bullying\nshould be addressed, but not like I'm the fault\nfor Lithuanians being anti-lgbt and bullying\nhim\n\nLike idk for sure, but also pretty sure that's\ncovered by the LGBT stuff in Lithuania's law but idk\n\nThen she kept screaming and screaming how she's going\nto kill herself if I don't turn \"normal\" and shit\n\nNow she's just screaming how I'm ruining their lives\nbecause I'm lgbt even though the true source is homophobia,\ntransphobia and all type of lgbt discrimination in\nLithuania and Lithuania even though it's getting better\nit's still terrible and Lithuania is moving extremely,\nextremely slowly for making Lithuania a better place\nfor LGBT people\n\nSucks lol, but also I don't think it's my fault for\nthe bullying of my brother and that the bullies\nare anti-lgbt and also I don't think \"I'm going to kill\nmyself if you don't turn normal\" is a good way of parenting\nlol and like she's a manipulative, abusive and ancoholic\nmother either way but like what the fuck\n\nAnyway, sorry for this, I'm just like \"what the fuck\" and\njust had to share this, goodbye\n",
"keywords": [
"created": 1655373494.976878
"accesibility-issues-of-ari-web": {
"title": "accesibility issues of ari-web",
"description": "Hello world, Today I worked on making ari-web blog a bit more accesible to people and I really want to keep making it as accesible as possible",
"content": "Hello world,\n\nToday I worked on making ari-web blog a bit more\naccesible to people and I really want to keep\nmaking it as accesible as possible\n**without using JavaScript**, the current accesibility\nstuff is not very advanced and has a lot of issues\n(e.g not detecting constrast, not detecting accesibility mode),\nI'm not fully sure how to fix those issues so if any\nreaders here have issues with accesibility or have any suggestions I am more\nthan happy to hear them on my e-mail: [ari.web.xyz@gmail.com](mailto:ari.web.xyz@gmail.com)\nor user opinions site: