#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Manage blogs""" import hashlib import os import random import string import sys import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree from base64 import b64decode, b64encode from collections.abc import Collection from datetime import datetime from glob import iglob from html import escape as html_escape from re import Match as RegexMatch from shutil import copy as copy_file from shutil import rmtree from tempfile import gettempdir from threading import Thread from timeit import default_timer as code_timer from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Set, Tuple from warnings import filterwarnings as filter_warnings import ujson # type: ignore from css_html_js_minify import html_minify # type: ignore from css_html_js_minify import process_single_css_file # type: ignore from markdown import core as markdown_core # type: ignore from markdown import markdown # type: ignore from markdown.extensions import Extension # type: ignore from markdown.inlinepatterns import InlineProcessor # type: ignore from markdown.treeprocessors import Treeprocessor # type: ignore from plumbum.commands.processes import ProcessExecutionError # type: ignore from pyfzf import FzfPrompt # type: ignore NOT_CI_BUILD: bool = not os.getenv("CI") if NOT_CI_BUILD: import readline from atexit import register as fn_register EXIT_OK: int = 0 EXIT_ERR: int = 1 DEFAULT_CONFIG: Dict[str, Any] = { "editor-command": f"{os.environ.get('EDITOR', 'vim')} -- %s", "blog-dir": "b", "git-url": "/git", "py-markdown-extensions": [ "markdown.extensions.abbr", "markdown.extensions.def_list", "markdown.extensions.fenced_code", "markdown.extensions.footnotes", "markdown.extensions.md_in_html", "markdown.extensions.tables", "markdown.extensions.admonition", "markdown.extensions.sane_lists", "markdown.extensions.toc", "markdown.extensions.wikilinks", "pymdownx.betterem", "pymdownx.caret", "pymdownx.magiclink", "pymdownx.mark", "pymdownx.tilde", ], "default-keywords": ["website", "blog", "opinion", "article", "ari-web", "ari"], "page-title": "Ari::web -> Blog", "page-description": "My blog page", "colourscheme-type": "dark", "short-name": "Ari's blogs", "home-keywords": ["ari", "ari-web", "blog", "ari-archer", "foss", "free", "linux"], "base-homepage": "https://ari-web.xyz/", "meta-icons": [{"src": "/favicon.ico", "sizes": "128x128", "type": "image/png"}], "theme-colour": "#f9f6e8", "background-colour": "#262220", "full-name": "Ari Archer", "locale": "en_GB", "home-page-header": "My blogs", "comment-url": "/c", "blogs": {}, } DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE: str = "blog.json" HISTORY_FILE: str = ".blog_history" BLOG_VERSION: int = 1 CONTEXT_WORDS: Tuple[str, ...] = ( "the", "a", "about", "etc", "on", "at", "in", "by", "its", "i", "to", "my", "of", "between", "because", "of", "or", "how", "to", "begin", "is", "this", "person", "important", "homework", "and", "cause", ) BLOG_MARKDOWN_TEMPLATE: str = """


""" HTML_HEADER: str = f""" """ BLOG_HTML_TEMPLATE: str = f""" {HTML_HEADER} {{title}} -> {{blog_title}}
""" HOME_PAGE_HTML_TEMPLATE: str = f""" {HTML_HEADER} {{title}}


""" def remove_basic_punct(s: str) -> str: return "".join(c for c in s if c not in "'\"()[]{}:;.,?!=#") def sanitise_title( title: str, titleset: Collection[str], /, nosep: bool = False ) -> str: title = " ".join( [ w for w in remove_basic_punct(title).lower().split() if w not in CONTEXT_WORDS ][:8] ) _title: str = "" for char in title: _title += ( char if char not in string.whitespace + string.punctuation else "-" if _title and _title[-1] != "-" else "" ) _title = _title.rstrip("-") return ( _title if _title not in titleset and _title.strip() else sanitise_title( _title + ("" if nosep else "-") + random.choice(string.digits), titleset, True, ) ) def truncate_str(string: str, length: int) -> str: return string if len(string) <= length else (string[:length] + "...") class BetterHeaders(Treeprocessor): """Better headers - Downsizes headers from h1 -> h2 - Adds header links""" def run(self, root: etree.Element) -> None: ids: List[str] = [] heading_sizes_em: Dict[str, float] = { "h2": 1.32, "h3": 1.15, "h4": 1.0, "h5": 0.87, "h6": 0.76, } for idx, elem in enumerate(root): if elem.tag == "h1": elem.tag = "h2" if elem.tag not in heading_sizes_em: continue if elem.text is None: elem.text = "" gen_id: str = sanitise_title(elem.text, ids) ids.append(gen_id) heading_parent: etree.Element = elem.makeelement( "div", { "data-pl": "", "style": f"font-size:{(heading_sizes_em[elem.tag] + 0.1):.2f}".strip( "0" ).rstrip( "." ) + "em", }, ) heading: etree.Element = heading_parent.makeelement( elem.tag, {"id": gen_id} ) link: etree.Element = heading.makeelement( "a", { "href": f"#{gen_id}", "aria-hidden": "true", "focusable": "false", "tabindex": "-1", }, ) link.text = "#" heading.text = elem.text heading_parent.extend( ( link, heading, ) ) root.remove(elem) root.insert(idx, heading_parent) class AddIDLinks(InlineProcessor): """Add support for <#ID> links""" def handleMatch( # pyright: ignore self, match: RegexMatch, *_ # pyright: ignore ) -> Tuple[etree.Element, Any, Any]: link: etree.Element = etree.Element("a") link.text = match.group(1) or "#" link.set("href", link.text or "#") return link, match.start(0), match.end(0) class AriMarkdownExts(Extension): """Ari-web markdown extensions""" def extendMarkdown( self, md: markdown_core.Markdown, key: str = "add_header_links", index: int = int(1e8), ): md.registerExtension(self) md.treeprocessors.register( BetterHeaders(md.parser), key, index # pyright: ignore ) md.inlinePatterns.register( AddIDLinks(r"<(#.*)>", "a"), key, index # pyright: ignore ) def log(message: str, header: str = "ERROR", code: int = EXIT_ERR) -> int: if not (not NOT_CI_BUILD and header != "ERROR"): sys.stderr.write(f"{header}: {message}\n") return code def tmp_path(path: str) -> str: return os.path.join(gettempdir(), path) def editor(config: Dict[str, Any], file: str) -> None: copy_file(".editorconfig", tmp_path(".editorconfig")) os.system(config["editor-command"] % file) def format_time(timestamp: float) -> str: return datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") def iinput(prompt: str, default_text: str = "") -> str: default_text = default_text.strip() def hook(): if not default_text: return readline.insert_text(default_text) readline.redisplay() readline.set_pre_input_hook(hook) user_inpt: str = input(f"({prompt}) ").strip() readline.set_pre_input_hook() return user_inpt def yn(prompt: str, default: str = "y", current_value: str = "") -> bool: return ( iinput( f"{prompt}? ({'y/n'.replace(default.lower(), default.upper())})", current_value, ) + default ).lower()[0] == "y" def new_config() -> None: log("Making new config...", "INFO") with open(DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE, "w") as cfg: ujson.dump(DEFAULT_CONFIG, cfg, indent=4) def pick_blog(config: Dict[str, Any]) -> str: try: blog_id: str = ( FzfPrompt() .prompt( # pyright: ignore map( lambda key: f"{key} | {b64decode(config['blogs'][key]['title']).decode()!r}", # pyright: ignore tuple(config["blogs"].keys())[::-1], ), "--prompt='Pick blog: '", )[0] .split()[0] # pyright: ignore ) except ProcessExecutionError: log("Fzf process exited unexpectedly") return "" if blog_id not in config["blogs"]: log(f"Blog {blog_id!r} does not exist") return "" return blog_id def new_blog(config: Dict[str, Any]) -> Tuple[int, Dict[str, Any]]: """Make a new blog""" if title := iinput("blog title"): readline.add_history(title) us_title: str = title s_title: str = sanitise_title(us_title, config["blogs"]) else: return EXIT_ERR, config blog: Dict[str, Any] = { "title": b64encode(us_title.encode()).decode(), "content": "", "version": BLOG_VERSION, "time": 0.0, "keywords": "", } file: str = tmp_path(f"{s_title}.md") open(file, "w").close() editor(config, file) if not os.path.isfile(file): return log(f"{file!r} does not exist"), config with open(file, "r") as md: blog["content"] = b64encode(md.read().encode()).decode() os.remove(file) if not blog["content"].strip(): # type: ignore return log("Blog cannot be empty"), config user_keywords: str = iinput("keywords (seperated by spaces)") readline.add_history(user_keywords) blog["keywords"] = html_escape(user_keywords) blog["time"] = datetime.now().timestamp() config["blogs"][s_title] = blog return EXIT_OK, config def build_css(config: Dict[str, Any]) -> Tuple[int, Dict[str, Any]]: """Minify (build) the CSS""" log("Minifying CSS...", "MINIFY") saved_stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = open(os.devnull, "w") css_threads: List[Thread] = [] def _thread(t: Callable[..., Any]) -> None: css_threads.append(Thread(target=t, daemon=True)) css_threads[-1].start() if os.path.isfile("content/styles.css"): log("Minifying main styles", "MINIFY") _thread( lambda: process_single_css_file("content/styles.css") # pyright: ignore ) if os.path.isdir("content/fonts"): log("Minifying fonts...", "MINIFY") for font in iglob("content/fonts/*.css"): if font.endswith(".min.css"): continue log(f"Minifying font file: {font}", "MINIFY") _thread(lambda: process_single_css_file(font)) # pyright: ignore for t in css_threads: t.join() sys.stdout.close() sys.stdout = saved_stdout log("Done minifying CSS", "MINIFY") return EXIT_OK, config def build(config: Dict[str, Any]) -> Tuple[int, Dict[str, Any]]: """Build, minimise and generate site""" if not config["blogs"]: return log("No blogs to build"), config latest_blog_id: str = tuple(config["blogs"].keys())[-1] if os.path.isdir(config["blog-dir"]): rmtree(config["blog-dir"]) os.makedirs(config["blog-dir"], exist_ok=True) log("Building blogs...", "INFO") def thread(blog_id: str, blog_meta: Dict[str, Any]): if blog_meta["version"] != BLOG_VERSION: log( f"{blog_id}: unmatching version between \ {blog_meta['version']} and {BLOG_VERSION}", "WARNING", ) blog_dir: str = os.path.join(config["blog-dir"], blog_id) os.makedirs(blog_dir, exist_ok=True) with open(os.path.join(blog_dir, "index.html"), "w") as blog_html: blog_time: str = format_time(blog_meta["time"]) blog_title: str = html_escape(b64decode(blog_meta["title"]).decode()) blog_base_html: str = markdown( BLOG_MARKDOWN_TEMPLATE % ( blog_title, blog_time, config["comment-url"], config["base-homepage"], config["git-url"], markdown( b64decode(blog_meta["content"]).decode(), extensions=[ *config["py-markdown-extensions"], AriMarkdownExts(), ], ) .replace("
", '
", '
' ), ) ) blog_html_full: str = BLOG_HTML_TEMPLATE.format( title=config["page-title"], theme_type=config["colourscheme-type"], keywords=blog_meta["keywords"].replace(" ", ", ") + ", " + ", ".join(config["default-keywords"]), blog_description=f"Blog on {blog_time} GMT -- {blog_title}", blog_title=blog_title, blog=blog_base_html, author=config["full-name"], locale=config["locale"], ) log(f"Minifying {blog_id!r} HTML", "MINIFY") blog_html_full = html_minify(blog_html_full) log(f"Done minifying the HTML of {blog_id!r}", "MINIFY") blog_html.write(blog_html_full) log(f"Finished building blog {blog_id!r}", "BUILD") _tmp_threads: List[Thread] = [] for blog_id, blog_meta in config["blogs"].items(): t: Thread = Thread(target=thread, args=(blog_id, blog_meta), daemon=True) t.start() _tmp_threads.append(t) for awaiting_thread in _tmp_threads: awaiting_thread.join() log("Building blog index...", "INFO") with open("index.html", "w") as index: lastest_blog: Dict[str, Any] = config["blogs"][latest_blog_id] lastest_blog_time: str = format_time(lastest_blog["time"]) blog_list = '
    ' for blog_id, blog_meta in reversed(config["blogs"].items()): blog_list += f'
  1. {html_escape(b64decode(blog_meta["title"]).decode())}
  2. ' blog_list += "
" index.write( html_minify( HOME_PAGE_HTML_TEMPLATE.format( title=config["page-title"], theme_type=config["colourscheme-type"], keywords=", ".join(config["home-keywords"]) + ", " + ", ".join(config["default-keywords"]), home_page_description=config["page-description"], lastest_blog_time=lastest_blog_time, latest_blog_url=os.path.join(config["blog-dir"], latest_blog_id), latest_blog_title=truncate_str( b64decode(html_escape(lastest_blog["title"])).decode(), 20 ), git_url=config["git-url"], content=blog_list, author=config["full-name"], locale=config["locale"], page_header=config["home-page-header"], ) ) ) return EXIT_OK, config def list_blogs(config: Dict[str, Any]) -> Tuple[int, Dict[str, Any]]: """List blogs""" if not config["blogs"]: return log("No blogs to list"), config for blog_id, blog_meta in config["blogs"].items(): print( f"""ID: {blog_id} Title: {b64decode(blog_meta["title"]).decode()!r} Version: {blog_meta["version"]} Time_of_creation: {format_time(blog_meta["time"])} Keywords: {blog_meta['keywords'].replace(" ", ", ")} """ ) return EXIT_OK, config def remove_blog(config: Dict[str, Any]) -> Tuple[int, Dict[str, Any]]: """Remove a blog page""" if not config["blogs"]: return log("No blogs to remove"), config blog_id: str = pick_blog(config) if not blog_id: return EXIT_ERR, config del config["blogs"][blog_id] return EXIT_OK, config def dummy(config: Dict[str, Any]) -> Tuple[int, Dict[str, Any]]: """Print help/usage information""" return EXIT_OK, config def edit_title(blog: str, config: Dict[str, Any]) -> int: new_title: str = iinput( "edit title", b64decode(config["blogs"][blog]["title"]).decode() ) if not new_title.strip(): return log("New title cannot be empty") # Made it not change the slug # old_blog: dict = config["blogs"][blog].copy() # old_blog["title"] = b64encode(new_title.encode()).decode() # del config["blogs"][blog] # config["blogs"][sanitise_title(new_title, config["blogs"])] = old_blog # del old_blog config["blogs"][blog]["title"] = b64encode(new_title.encode()).decode() return EXIT_OK def edit_keywords(blog: str, config: Dict[str, Any]) -> int: new_keywords: str = iinput("edit keywords", config["blogs"][blog]["keywords"]) if not new_keywords.strip(): return log("Keywords cannot be empty") config["blogs"][blog]["keywords"] = new_keywords return EXIT_OK def edit_content(blog: str, config: Dict[str, Any]) -> int: file: str = tmp_path(f"{blog}.md") with open(file, "w") as blog_md: blog_md.write(b64decode(config["blogs"][blog]["content"]).decode()) editor(config, file) with open(file, "r") as blog_md_new: content: str = blog_md_new.read() if not content.strip(): blog_md_new.close() return log("Content of a blog cannot be empty") config["blogs"][blog]["content"] = b64encode(content.encode()).decode() return EXIT_OK EDIT_HOOKS: Dict[str, Callable[[str, Dict[str, Any]], int]] = { "quit": lambda *_: EXIT_OK, # pyright: ignore "title": edit_title, "keywords": edit_keywords, "content": edit_content, } def edit(config: Dict[str, Any]) -> Tuple[int, Dict[str, Any]]: """Edit a blog""" if not config["blogs"]: return log("No blogs to edit"), config blog_id: str = pick_blog(config) if not blog_id: return EXIT_ERR, config try: hook: str = FzfPrompt().prompt( # pyright: ignore EDIT_HOOKS.keys(), "--prompt='What to edit: '" )[0] if hook not in EDIT_HOOKS: return log(f"Hook {hook!r} does not exist"), config EDIT_HOOKS[hook](blog_id, config) except ProcessExecutionError: return log("No blog selected"), config return EXIT_OK, config def gen_def_config(config: Dict[str, Any]) -> Tuple[int, Dict[str, Any]]: """Generate default config""" if os.path.exists(DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE): if iinput("Do you want to overwite config? (y/n)").lower()[0] != "y": return log("Not overwritting config", "INFO", EXIT_OK), config new_config() with open(DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE, "r") as cfg: config = ujson.load(cfg) return EXIT_OK, config def clean(config: Dict[str, Any]) -> Tuple[int, Dict[str, Any]]: """Clean up current directory""" TRASH: Set[str] = { HISTORY_FILE, config["blog-dir"], "index.html", "content/*.min.*", "blog_json_hash.txt", "manifest.json", "content/fonts/*.min.*", } def remove(file: str) -> None: log(f"Removing {file!r}", "REMOVE") try: os.remove(file) except IsADirectoryError: rmtree(file) for glob_ex in TRASH: for file in iglob(glob_ex, recursive=True): remove(file) open(HISTORY_FILE, "w").close() return EXIT_OK, config def generate_metadata(config: Dict[str, Any]) -> Tuple[int, Dict[str, Any]]: """Generate metadata""" with open("manifest.json", "w") as manifest: log(f"Generating {manifest.name}...", "GENERATE") ujson.dump( { "$schema": "https://json.schemastore.org/web-manifest-combined.json", "short_name": config["short-name"], "name": config["page-title"], "description": config["page-description"], "icons": config["meta-icons"], "start_url": ".", "display": "standalone", "theme_color": config["theme-colour"], "background_color": config["background-colour"], }, manifest, ) with open(DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE, "rb") as blog_api_file: log(f"Generating hash for {DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE!r}", "HASH") with open( f"{DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE.replace('.', '_')}_hash.txt", "w" ) as blog_api_hash: blog_api_hash.write(hashlib.sha256(blog_api_file.read()).hexdigest()) return EXIT_OK, config def generate_static_full(config: Dict[str, Any]) -> Tuple[int, Dict[str, Any]]: """Generate full static site""" BUILD_CFG: Dict[str, Callable[[Dict[str, Any]], Tuple[int, Dict[str, Any]]]] = { "Cleaning up": clean, "Building CSS": build_css, "Building static site": build, "Generating metatata": generate_metadata, } for logger_msg, function in BUILD_CFG.items(): log(f"{logger_msg}...", "STATIC") code, config = function(config) if code != EXIT_OK: log("Failed to generate static site") return EXIT_ERR, config return EXIT_OK, config SUBCOMMANDS: Dict[str, Callable[[Dict[str, Any]], Tuple[int, Dict[str, Any]]]] = { "help": dummy, "new": new_blog, "build": build, "ls": list_blogs, "rm": remove_blog, "edit": edit, "defcfg": gen_def_config, "clean": clean, "metadata": generate_metadata, "static": generate_static_full, "css": build_css, } def usage(code: int = EXIT_ERR, _: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) -> int: sys.stderr.write(f"Usage: {sys.argv[0]} \n") for subcommand, func in SUBCOMMANDS.items(): sys.stderr.write(f" {subcommand:20s}{func.__doc__ or ''}\n") return code def main() -> int: """Entry/main function""" if NOT_CI_BUILD: if not os.path.isfile(HISTORY_FILE): open(HISTORY_FILE, "w").close() readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete") fn_register(readline.write_history_file, HISTORY_FILE) fn_register(readline.read_history_file, HISTORY_FILE) readline.read_history_file(HISTORY_FILE) readline.set_history_length(5000) readline.set_auto_history(False) if not os.path.isfile(DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE): new_config() log(f"PLease configure {DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE!r}") return EXIT_ERR if len(sys.argv) != 2: return usage() elif sys.argv[1] not in SUBCOMMANDS: return log(f"{sys.argv[1]!r} is not a subcommand, try `{sys.argv[0]} help`") elif sys.argv[1] == "help": return usage(EXIT_OK) with open(DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE, "r") as lcfg: cmd_time_init = code_timer() code: int config: Dict[str, Any] code, config = SUBCOMMANDS[sys.argv[1]](ujson.load(lcfg)) log( f"Finished in {code_timer() - cmd_time_init} seconds with code {code}", "TIME", ) if config["blogs"] and NOT_CI_BUILD: log("Sorting blogs by creation time...", "CLEANUP") sort_timer = code_timer() config["blogs"] = dict( map( lambda k: (k, config["blogs"][k]), sorted(config["blogs"], key=lambda k: config["blogs"][k]["time"]), ) ) log(f"Sorted in {code_timer() - sort_timer} seconds", "TIME") log("Redumping config", "CONFIG") dump_timer = code_timer() with open(DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE, "w") as dcfg: ujson.dump(config, dcfg, indent=(4 if NOT_CI_BUILD else 0)) log(f"Dumped config in {code_timer() - dump_timer} seconds", "TIME") return code if __name__ == "__main__": assert main.__annotations__.get("return") is int, "main() should return an integer" filter_warnings("error", category=Warning) raise SystemExit(main())