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2017-03-05 17:04:09 +01:00
" Language: tmux(1) configuration file
" Version: 3.4 (git-3d8ead8a)
2017-03-05 17:04:09 +01:00
" URL: https://github.com/ericpruitt/tmux.vim/
" Maintainer: Eric Pruitt <eric.pruitt@gmail.com>
" License: 2-Clause BSD (http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause)
2017-03-16 17:41:02 +01:00
if exists("b:current_syntax")
2017-03-05 17:04:09 +01:00
2021-09-09 21:55:11 +02:00
" Explicitly change compatibility options to Vim's defaults because this file
2017-03-16 17:41:02 +01:00
" uses line continuations.
let s:original_cpo = &cpo
2017-03-05 17:04:09 +01:00
set cpo&vim
2017-03-16 17:41:02 +01:00
let b:current_syntax = "tmux"
2018-05-22 21:41:30 +02:00
syntax iskeyword @,48-57,_,192-255,-
2017-03-05 17:04:09 +01:00
syntax case match
" The values "yes" and "no" are synonyms for "on" and "off", so they do not
" appear in the option table file.
syn keyword tmuxEnums yes no
2017-03-05 17:04:09 +01:00
syn keyword tmuxTodo FIXME NOTE TODO XXX contained
2022-03-30 10:51:39 +01:00
syn match tmuxColour /\<colou\?r[0-9]\+\>/ display
2017-03-05 17:04:09 +01:00
syn match tmuxKey /\(C-\|M-\|\^\)\+\S\+/ display
2018-05-22 21:41:30 +02:00
syn match tmuxNumber /\<\d\+\>/ display
2017-03-05 17:04:09 +01:00
syn match tmuxFlags /\s-\a\+/ display
2022-03-30 10:51:39 +01:00
syn match tmuxVariableExpansion /\$\({[A-Za-z_]\w*}\|[A-Za-z_]\w*\)/ display
syn match tmuxControl /\(^\|\s\)%\(if\|elif\|else\|endif\|hidden\)\($\|\s\)/ display
2022-03-30 10:51:39 +01:00
syn match tmuxEscape /\\\(u\x\{4\}\|U\x\{8\}\|\o\{3\}\|[\\ernt$]\)/ display
2017-03-05 17:04:09 +01:00
" Missing closing bracket.
syn match tmuxInvalidVariableExpansion /\${[^}]*$/ display
" Starts with invalid character.
syn match tmuxInvalidVariableExpansion /\${[^A-Za-z_][^}]*}/ display
syn match tmuxInvalidVariableExpansion /\$[^A-Za-z_{ \t]/ display
" Contains invalid character.
syn match tmuxInvalidVariableExpansion /\${[^}]*[^A-Za-z0-9_}][^}]*}/ display
2021-10-16 15:23:36 +01:00
syn region tmuxComment start=/#/ skip=/\\\@<!\\$/ end=/$/ contains=tmuxTodo,@Spell
2017-03-05 17:04:09 +01:00
syn region tmuxString start=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"\|\\$+ excludenl end=+"+ end='$' contains=tmuxFormatString,tmuxEscape,tmuxVariableExpansion,tmuxInvalidVariableExpansion,@Spell
2022-03-30 10:51:39 +01:00
syn region tmuxUninterpolatedString start=+'+ skip=+\\$+ excludenl end=+'+ end='$' contains=tmuxFormatString,@Spell
2017-03-05 17:04:09 +01:00
" TODO: Figure out how escaping works inside of #(...) and #{...} blocks.
syn region tmuxFormatString start=/#[#DFhHIPSTW]/ end=// contained keepend
2021-10-16 15:23:36 +01:00
syn region tmuxFormatString start=/#{/ skip=/#{.\{-}}/ end=/}/ keepend
2017-03-05 17:04:09 +01:00
syn region tmuxFormatString start=/#(/ skip=/#(.\{-})/ end=/)/ contained keepend
2022-03-30 10:51:39 +01:00
" At the time of this writing, the latest tmux release will parse a line
" reading "abc=xyz set-option ..." as an assignment followed by a command
" hence the presence of "\s" in the "end" argument.
syn region tmuxAssignment matchgroup=tmuxVariable start=/^\s*[A-Za-z_]\w*=\@=/ skip=/\\$\|\\\s/ end=/\s\|$/ contains=tmuxString,tmuxUninterpolatedString,tmuxVariableExpansion,tmuxControl,tmuxEscape,tmuxInvalidVariableExpansion
2022-03-30 10:51:39 +01:00
2017-03-05 17:04:09 +01:00
hi def link tmuxFormatString Identifier
hi def link tmuxAction Boolean
hi def link tmuxBoolean Boolean
hi def link tmuxCommands Keyword
2022-03-30 10:51:39 +01:00
hi def link tmuxControl PreCondit
2017-03-05 17:04:09 +01:00
hi def link tmuxComment Comment
hi def link tmuxEnums Boolean
2022-03-30 10:51:39 +01:00
hi def link tmuxEscape Special
hi def link tmuxEscapeUnquoted Special
hi def link tmuxInvalidVariableExpansion
\ Error
2017-03-05 17:04:09 +01:00
hi def link tmuxKey Special
hi def link tmuxNumber Number
hi def link tmuxFlags Identifier
hi def link tmuxOptions Function
hi def link tmuxString String
hi def link tmuxTodo Todo
2022-03-30 10:51:39 +01:00
hi def link tmuxUninterpolatedString
\ String
2017-03-05 17:04:09 +01:00
hi def link tmuxVariable Identifier
hi def link tmuxVariableExpansion Identifier
2021-10-16 15:23:36 +01:00
" Make the foreground of colourXXX keywords match the color they represent
" when g:tmux_syntax_colors is unset or set to a non-zero value.
2017-03-05 17:04:09 +01:00
" Darker colors have their background set to white.
2021-10-16 15:23:36 +01:00
if get(g:, "tmux_syntax_colors", 1)
for s:i in range(0, 255)
let s:bg = (!s:i || s:i == 16 || (s:i > 231 && s:i < 235)) ? 15 : "none"
2022-03-30 10:51:39 +01:00
exec "syn match tmuxColour" . s:i . " /\\<colou\\?r" . s:i . "\\>/ display"
2021-10-16 15:23:36 +01:00
\ " | highlight tmuxColour" . s:i . " ctermfg=" . s:i . " ctermbg=" . s:bg
2017-03-05 17:04:09 +01:00
syn keyword tmuxOptions
2022-03-30 10:51:39 +01:00
\ activity-action after-bind-key after-capture-pane after-copy-mode
\ after-display-message after-display-panes after-kill-pane after-list-buffers
\ after-list-clients after-list-keys after-list-panes after-list-sessions
\ after-list-windows after-load-buffer after-lock-server after-new-session
\ after-new-window after-paste-buffer after-pipe-pane after-queue
\ after-refresh-client after-rename-session after-rename-window
\ after-resize-pane after-resize-window after-save-buffer after-select-layout
\ after-select-pane after-select-window after-send-keys after-set-buffer
\ after-set-environment after-set-hook after-set-option after-show-environment
\ after-show-messages after-show-options after-split-window after-unbind-key
\ aggressive-resize alert-activity alert-bell alert-silence allow-passthrough
\ allow-rename allow-set-title alternate-screen assume-paste-time
\ automatic-rename automatic-rename-format backspace base-index bell-action
\ buffer-limit client-active client-attached client-detached client-focus-in
\ client-focus-out client-resized client-session-changed clock-mode-color
\ clock-mode-colour clock-mode-style command-alias command-error copy-command
\ copy-mode-current-match-style copy-mode-mark-style copy-mode-match-style
\ cursor-color cursor-colour cursor-style default-command default-shell
\ default-size default-terminal destroy-unattached detach-on-destroy
\ display-panes-active-color display-panes-active-colour display-panes-color
\ display-panes-colour display-panes-time display-time editor escape-time
\ exit-empty exit-unattached extended-keys fill-character focus-events
\ history-file history-limit key-table lock-after-time lock-command
\ main-pane-height main-pane-width menu-border-lines menu-border-style
\ menu-selected-style menu-style message-command-style message-limit
\ message-line message-style mode-keys mode-style monitor-activity monitor-bell
\ monitor-silence mouse other-pane-height other-pane-width
\ pane-active-border-style pane-base-index pane-border-format
\ pane-border-indicators pane-border-lines pane-border-status pane-border-style
\ pane-colors pane-colours pane-died pane-exited pane-focus-in pane-focus-out
\ pane-mode-changed pane-set-clipboard pane-title-changed popup-border-lines
2022-03-30 10:51:39 +01:00
\ popup-border-style popup-style prefix prefix2 prompt-history-limit
\ remain-on-exit remain-on-exit-format renumber-windows repeat-time
\ scroll-on-clear session-closed session-created session-renamed
\ session-window-changed set-clipboard set-titles set-titles-string
\ silence-action status status-bg status-fg status-format status-interval
\ status-justify status-keys status-left status-left-length status-left-style
\ status-position status-right status-right-length status-right-style
\ status-style synchronize-panes terminal-features terminal-overrides
\ update-environment user-keys visual-activity visual-bell visual-silence
\ window-active-style window-layout-changed window-linked window-pane-changed
\ window-renamed window-resized window-size window-status-activity-style
\ window-status-bell-style window-status-current-format
\ window-status-current-style window-status-format window-status-last-style
\ window-status-separator window-status-style window-style window-unlinked
\ word-separators wrap-search xterm-keys
2017-03-05 17:04:09 +01:00
syn keyword tmuxCommands
\ attach attach-session bind bind-key break-pane breakp capture-pane capturep
\ choose-buffer choose-client choose-session choose-tree choose-window
\ clear-history clear-prompt-history clearhist clearphist clock-mode
\ command-prompt confirm confirm-before copy-mode customize-mode delete-buffer
\ deleteb detach detach-client display display-menu display-message
\ display-panes display-popup displayp find-window findw has has-session if
\ if-shell info join-pane joinp kill-pane kill-server kill-session kill-window
\ killp killw last last-pane last-window lastp link-window linkw list-buffers
\ list-clients list-commands list-keys list-panes list-sessions list-windows
\ load-buffer loadb lock lock-client lock-server lock-session lockc locks ls
\ lsb lsc lscm lsk lsp lsw menu move-pane move-window movep movew new
\ new-session new-window neww next next-layout next-window nextl paste-buffer
\ pasteb pipe-pane pipep popup prev previous-layout previous-window prevl
\ refresh refresh-client rename rename-session rename-window renamew
\ resize-pane resize-window resizep resizew respawn-pane respawn-window
\ respawnp respawnw rotate-window rotatew run run-shell save-buffer saveb
\ select-layout select-pane select-window selectl selectp selectw send
\ send-keys send-prefix server-access server-info set set-buffer
\ set-environment set-hook set-option set-window-option setb setenv setw show
\ show-buffer show-environment show-hooks show-messages show-options
\ show-prompt-history show-window-options showb showenv showmsgs showphist
\ showw source source-file split-pane split-window splitp splitw start
\ start-server suspend-client suspendc swap-pane swap-window swapp swapw
\ switch-client switchc unbind unbind-key unlink-window unlinkw wait wait-for
syn keyword tmuxEnums
\ absolute-centre all always any arrows bar blinking-bar blinking-block
\ blinking-underline block both bottom centre color colour current default
\ double emacs external failed heavy keep-group keep-last largest latest left
\ manual next no-detached none number off on other padded previous right
\ rounded simple single smallest top underline vi
2017-03-05 17:04:09 +01:00
2017-03-16 17:41:02 +01:00
let &cpo = s:original_cpo
unlet! s:original_cpo s:bg s:i