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2004-07-02 15:38:35 +00:00
" Vim indent file generic utility functions
" Language: * (various)
" Maintainer: Dave Silvia <dsilvia@mchsi.com>
" Date: 6/30/2004
" SUMMARY: To use GenericIndent, indent/<your_filename>.vim would have the
" following general format:
" if exists("b:did_indent") | finish | endif
" let b:did_indent = 1
" runtime indent/GenericIndent.vim
" let b:indentStmts=''
" let b:dedentStmts=''
" let b:allStmts=''
" setlocal indentexpr=GenericIndent()
" setlocal indentkeys=<your_keys>
" call GenericIndentStmts(<your_stmts>)
" call GenericDedentStmts(<your_stmts>)
" call GenericAllStmts()
" NOTE: b:indentStmts, b:dedentStmts, and b:allStmts need to be initialized
" to '' before callin the functions because 'indent.vim' explicitly
" 'unlet's b:did_indent. This means that the lists will compound if
" you change back and forth between buffers. This is true as of
" version 6.3, 6/23/2004.
" NOTE: By default, GenericIndent is case sensitive.
" let b:case_insensitive=1 if you want to ignore case, e.g. DOS batch files
" The function 'GenericIndent' is data driven and handles most all cases of
" indent checking if you first set up the data. To use this function follow
" the example below (taken from the file indent/MuPAD_source.vim)
" Before you start, source this file in indent/<your_script>.vim to have it
" define functions for your use.
"runtime indent/GenericIndent.vim
" The data is in 5 sets:
" First, set the data set 'indentexpr' to GenericIndent().
"setlocal indentexpr=GenericIndent()
" Second, set the data set 'indentkeys' to the keywords/expressions that need
" to be checked for 'indenting' _as_ they typed.
"setlocal indentkeys==end_proc,=else,=then,=elif,=end_if,=end_case,=until,=end_repeat,=end_domain,=end_for,=end_while,=end,o,O
" NOTE: 'o,O' at the end of the previous line says you wish to be called
" whenever a newline is placed in the buffer. This allows the previous line
" to be checked for indentation parameters.
" Third, set the data set 'b:indentStmts' to the keywords/expressions that, when
" they are on a line _when_ you _press_ the _<Enter>_ key,
" you wish to have the next line indented.
"call GenericIndentStmts('begin,if,then,else,elif,case,repeat,until,domain,do')
" Fourth, set the data set 'b:dedentStmts' to the keywords/expressions that, when
" they are on a line you are currently typing, you wish to have that line
" 'dedented' (having already been indented because of the previous line's
" indentation).
"call GenericDedentStmts('end_proc,then,else,elif,end_if,end_case,until,end_repeat,end_domain,end_for,end_while,end')
" Fifth, set the data set 'b:allStmts' to the concatenation of the third and
" fourth data sets, used for checking when more than one keyword/expression
" is on a line.
"call GenericAllStmts()
" NOTE: GenericIndentStmts uses two variables: 'b:indentStmtOpen' and
" 'b:indentStmtClose' which default to '\<' and '\>' respectively. You can
" set (let) these to any value you wish before calling GenericIndentStmts with
" your list. Similarly, GenericDedentStmts uses 'b:dedentStmtOpen' and
" 'b:dedentStmtClose'.
" NOTE: Patterns may be used in the lists passed to Generic[In|De]dentStmts
" since each element in the list is copied verbatim.
" Optionally, you can set the DEBUGGING flag within your script to have the
" debugging messages output. See below for description. This can also be set
" (let) from the command line within your editing buffer.
"let b:DEBUGGING=1
" See:
" :h runtime
" :set runtimepath ?
" to familiarize yourself with how this works and where you should have this
" file and your file(s) installed.
" For help with setting 'indentkeys' see:
" :h indentkeys
" Also, for some good examples see 'indent/sh.vim' and 'indent/vim.vim' as
" well as files for other languages you may be familiar with.
" Alternatively, if you'd rather specify yourself, you can enter
" 'b:indentStmts', 'b:dedentStmts', and 'b:allStmts' 'literally':
"let b:indentStmts='\<begin\>\|\<if\>\|\<then\>\|\<else\>\|\<elif\>\|\<case\>\|\<repeat\>\|\<until\>\|\<domain\>\|\<do\>'
"let b:dedentStmts='\<end_proc\>\|\<else\>\|\<elif\>\|\<end_if\>\|\<end_case\>\|\<until\>\|\<end_repeat\>\|\<end_domain\>\|\<end_for\>\|\<end_while\>\|\<end\>'
"let b:allStmts=b:indentStmts.'\|'.b:dedentStmts
" This is only useful if you have particularly different parameters for
" matching each statement.
" RECAP: From indent/MuPAD_source.vim
"if exists("b:did_indent") | finish | endif
"let b:did_indent = 1
"runtime indent/GenericIndent.vim
"setlocal indentexpr=GenericIndent()
"setlocal indentkeys==end_proc,=then,=else,=elif,=end_if,=end_case,=until,=end_repeat,=end_domain,=end_for,=end_while,=end,o,O
"call GenericIndentStmts('begin,if,then,else,elif,case,repeat,until,domain,do')
"call GenericDedentStmts('end_proc,then,else,elif,end_if,end_case,until,end_repeat,end_domain,end_for,end_while,end')
"call GenericAllStmts()
let s:hit=0
let s:lastVlnum=0
let s:myScriptName=expand("<sfile>:t")
if exists("*GenericIndent")
function GenericAllStmts()
let b:allStmts=b:indentStmts.'\|'.b:dedentStmts
call DebugGenericIndent(expand("<sfile>").": "."b:indentStmts: ".b:indentStmts.", b:dedentStmts: ".b:dedentStmts.", b:allStmts: ".b:allStmts)
function GenericIndentStmts(stmts)
let Stmts=a:stmts
let Comma=match(Stmts,',')
if Comma == -1 || Comma == strlen(Stmts)-1
echoerr "Must supply a comma separated list of at least 2 entries."
echoerr "Supplied list: <".Stmts.">"
if !exists("b:indentStmtOpen")
let b:indentStmtOpen='\<'
if !exists("b:indentStmtClose")
let b:indentStmtClose='\>'
if !exists("b:indentStmts")
let b:indentStmts=''
if b:indentStmts != ''
let b:indentStmts=b:indentStmts.'\|'
call DebugGenericIndent(expand("<sfile>").": "."b:indentStmtOpen: ".b:indentStmtOpen.", b:indentStmtClose: ".b:indentStmtClose.", b:indentStmts: ".b:indentStmts.", Stmts: ".Stmts)
let stmtEntryBegin=0
let stmtEntryEnd=Comma
let stmtEntry=strpart(Stmts,stmtEntryBegin,stmtEntryEnd-stmtEntryBegin)
let Stmts=strpart(Stmts,Comma+1)
let Comma=match(Stmts,',')
let b:indentStmts=b:indentStmts.b:indentStmtOpen.stmtEntry.b:indentStmtClose
while Comma != -1
let stmtEntryEnd=Comma
let stmtEntry=strpart(Stmts,stmtEntryBegin,stmtEntryEnd-stmtEntryBegin)
let Stmts=strpart(Stmts,Comma+1)
let Comma=match(Stmts,',')
let b:indentStmts=b:indentStmts.'\|'.b:indentStmtOpen.stmtEntry.b:indentStmtClose
let stmtEntry=Stmts
let b:indentStmts=b:indentStmts.'\|'.b:indentStmtOpen.stmtEntry.b:indentStmtClose
function GenericDedentStmts(stmts)
let Stmts=a:stmts
let Comma=match(Stmts,',')
if Comma == -1 || Comma == strlen(Stmts)-1
echoerr "Must supply a comma separated list of at least 2 entries."
echoerr "Supplied list: <".Stmts.">"
if !exists("b:dedentStmtOpen")
let b:dedentStmtOpen='\<'
if !exists("b:dedentStmtClose")
let b:dedentStmtClose='\>'
if !exists("b:dedentStmts")
let b:dedentStmts=''
if b:dedentStmts != ''
let b:dedentStmts=b:dedentStmts.'\|'
call DebugGenericIndent(expand("<sfile>").": "."b:dedentStmtOpen: ".b:dedentStmtOpen.", b:dedentStmtClose: ".b:dedentStmtClose.", b:dedentStmts: ".b:dedentStmts.", Stmts: ".Stmts)
let stmtEntryBegin=0
let stmtEntryEnd=Comma
let stmtEntry=strpart(Stmts,stmtEntryBegin,stmtEntryEnd-stmtEntryBegin)
let Stmts=strpart(Stmts,Comma+1)
let Comma=match(Stmts,',')
let b:dedentStmts=b:dedentStmts.b:dedentStmtOpen.stmtEntry.b:dedentStmtClose
while Comma != -1
let stmtEntryEnd=Comma
let stmtEntry=strpart(Stmts,stmtEntryBegin,stmtEntryEnd-stmtEntryBegin)
let Stmts=strpart(Stmts,Comma+1)
let Comma=match(Stmts,',')
let b:dedentStmts=b:dedentStmts.'\|'.b:dedentStmtOpen.stmtEntry.b:dedentStmtClose
let stmtEntry=Stmts
let b:dedentStmts=b:dedentStmts.'\|'.b:dedentStmtOpen.stmtEntry.b:dedentStmtClose
" Debugging function. Displays messages in the command area which can be
" reviewed using ':messages'. To turn it on use ':let b:DEBUGGING=1'. Once
" on, turn off by using ':let b:DEBUGGING=0. If you don't want it at all and
" feel it's slowing down your editing (you must have an _awfully_ slow
" machine!;-> ), you can just comment out the calls to it from 'GenericIndent'
" below. No need to remove the function or the calls, tho', as you never can
" tell when they might come in handy!;-)
function DebugGenericIndent(msg)
if exists("b:DEBUGGING") && b:DEBUGGING
echomsg '['.s:hit.']'.s:myScriptName."::".a:msg
function GenericIndent()
" save ignore case option. Have to set noignorecase for the match
" functions to do their job the way we want them to!
" NOTE: if you add a return to this function be sure you do
" if IgnoreCase | set ignorecase | endif
" before returning. You can just cut and paste from here.
let IgnoreCase=&ignorecase
" let b:case_insensitive=1 if you want to ignore case, e.g. DOS batch files
if !exists("b:case_insensitive")
set noignorecase
" this is used to let DebugGenericIndent display which invocation of the
" function goes with which messages.
let s:hit=s:hit+1
let lnum=v:lnum
let cline=getline(lnum)
let lnum=prevnonblank(lnum)
if lnum==0 | if IgnoreCase | set ignorecase | endif | return 0 | endif
let pline=getline(lnum)
let ndnt=indent(lnum)
if !exists("b:allStmts")
call GenericAllStmts()
call DebugGenericIndent(expand("<sfile>").": "."cline=<".cline.">, pline=<".pline.">, lnum=".lnum.", v:lnum=".v:lnum.", ndnt=".ndnt)
if lnum==v:lnum
" current line, only check dedent
" just dedented this line, don't need to do it again.
" another dedentStmts was added or an end%[_*] was completed.
if s:lastVlnum==v:lnum
if IgnoreCase | set ignorecase | endif
return ndnt
let s:lastVlnum=v:lnum
call DebugGenericIndent(expand("<sfile>").": "."Checking dedent")
let srcStr=cline
let dedentKeyBegin=match(srcStr,b:dedentStmts)
if dedentKeyBegin != -1
let dedentKeyEnd=matchend(srcStr,b:dedentStmts)
let dedentKeyStr=strpart(srcStr,dedentKeyBegin,dedentKeyEnd-dedentKeyBegin)
"only dedent if it's the beginning of the line
if match(srcStr,'^\s*\<'.dedentKeyStr.'\>') != -1
call DebugGenericIndent(expand("<sfile>").": "."It's the beginning of the line, dedent")
let ndnt=ndnt-&shiftwidth
call DebugGenericIndent(expand("<sfile>").": "."dedent - returning ndnt=".ndnt)
" previous line, only check indent
call DebugGenericIndent(expand("<sfile>").": "."Checking indent")
let srcStr=pline
let indentKeyBegin=match(srcStr,b:indentStmts)
if indentKeyBegin != -1
" only indent if it's the last indentStmts in the line
let allKeyBegin=match(srcStr,b:allStmts)
let allKeyEnd=matchend(srcStr,b:allStmts)
let allKeyStr=strpart(srcStr,allKeyBegin,allKeyEnd-allKeyBegin)
let srcStr=strpart(srcStr,allKeyEnd)
let allKeyBegin=match(srcStr,b:allStmts)
if allKeyBegin != -1
" not the end of the line, check what is and only indent if
" it's an indentStmts
call DebugGenericIndent(expand("<sfile>").": "."Multiple words in line, checking if last is indent")
while allKeyBegin != -1
let allKeyEnd=matchend(srcStr,b:allStmts)
let allKeyStr=strpart(srcStr,allKeyBegin,allKeyEnd-allKeyBegin)
let srcStr=strpart(srcStr,allKeyEnd)
let allKeyBegin=match(srcStr,b:allStmts)
if match(b:indentStmts,allKeyStr) != -1
call DebugGenericIndent(expand("<sfile>").": "."Last word in line is indent")
let ndnt=ndnt+&shiftwidth
" it's the last indentStmts in the line, go ahead and indent
let ndnt=ndnt+&shiftwidth
call DebugGenericIndent(expand("<sfile>").": "."indent - returning ndnt=".ndnt)
if IgnoreCase | set ignorecase | endif
return ndnt
" TODO: I'm open!
" BUGS: You tell me! Probably. I just haven't found one yet or haven't been
" told about one.