- Move mantic to unsupported
- Reorder names to maintain alphabetic order
- Bump date to submit upstream
closes: #15991
Signed-off-by: James McCoy <jamessan@debian.org>
Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt <cb@256bit.org>
closes: #15882
Signed-off-by: Simon Quigley <tsimonq2@ubuntu.com>
Signed-off-by: James McCoy <jamessan@jamessan.com>
Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt <cb@256bit.org>
* Add space in template for 'commentstring'
* Add 'comments' and 'commentstring' support to debcontrol
* debversions: Move Ubuntu releases outside of standard support to unsupported
Although trust, xenial, and bionic are not EOL yet, their standard support period has ended.
Reported-by: Riley Bruins <ribru17@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Riley Bruins <ribru17@gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: James McCoy <jamessan@debian.org>
Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt <cb@256bit.org>
closes: #14645
Signed-off-by: Simon Quigley <simon@tsimonq2.net>
Signed-off-by: James McCoy <jamessan@jamessan.com>
Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt <cb@256bit.org>
* debversions.vim: Move lunar to unsupported release
* debsources: Add word boundaries around keyword match patterns
Co-authored-by: James Addison <jay@jp-hosting.net>
Signed-off-by: James Addison <jay@jp-hosting.net>
Signed-off-by: James McCoy <jamessan@jamessan.com>
Signed-off-by: Doug Kearns <dougkearns@gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt <cb@256bit.org>
Update to the ConTeXt runtime files. Changes:
1. shared syntax files updated with `mtxrun --script interface --vim`
using the latest ConTeXt LMTX.
2. fixed reference to `make` tag in the help file.
3. added `keepend` to mitigate issues with embedded Lua syntax (see
4. the latest revision date of each ConTeXt runtime file has been
updated to the date of this commit.
The issue about embedded Lua was reported by a user:
>Take the following valid ConTeXt file:
> \starttext
> \ctxlua{context("Text generated from Lua.")}
> \ctxlua{context("Another text generated from Lua.")}
> \stoptext
>On my Vim installation (including when I start Vim with `--clean`), the
>closing bracket and curly braces on line 2 are highlighted red and the
>syntax highlighting after that is off.
>I was trying to dig a little bit into what was going on, using the
>`synID()` and `synIDattr()` functions. It appears that the closing
>bracket on line 2 is matched as a `luaParentError` instead of the end
>of the `luaParen` region. Therefore, the `luaParen` region continues
>all the way to the end of the file. The closing curly brace on line
>2 is matched as a `luaError`, the 2nd `\ctxlua` on line 3 as
>`luaParen`, etc.
>This issue doesn't occur in a plain Lua file, where the closing bracket
>is correctly matched as the end of the `luaParen` region. So it seems
>that something goes wrong when the Lua syntax file is included in the
>ConTeXt one.
By adding `keepend`, the right parenthesis for some reason is still
highlighted as a `luaParenError`, but at least the right curly brace
should correctly end the Lua block.
From what I've seen, I think it is very difficult to embed Lua syntax
properly without help from the Lua syntax file (that is, without
patching it). It has global rules such as:
syn match luaParenError ")"
syn match luaError "}"
which make it difficult, if not impossible, to contain Lua syntax
without `keepend` (and its limitations).
Signed-off-by: Lifepillar <lifepillar@lifepillar.me>
Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt <cb@256bit.org>
* Update Debian runtime files
Add mantic as a supported Ubuntu release and move buster/kinetic to
Add syntax highlighting for deb822sources filetype.
Add debsources ftplugin to set relevant comment options.
Move common version information to shared/debversions.vim
Co-authored-by: Heinrich Schuchardt <heinrich.schuchardt@canonical.com>
Co-authored-by: James Addison <jay@jp-hosting.net>
Co-authored-by: Viktor Szépe <viktor@szepe.net>
Signed-off-by: James McCoy <jamessan@jamessan.com>
* Add myself as codeowner for Debian-related runtime files
Signed-off-by: James McCoy <jamessan@jamessan.com>
Signed-off-by: James McCoy <jamessan@jamessan.com>
Co-authored-by: Heinrich Schuchardt <heinrich.schuchardt@canonical.com>
Co-authored-by: James Addison <jay@jp-hosting.net>
Co-authored-by: Viktor Szépe <viktor@szepe.net>
Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt <cb@256bit.org>