- highlight more C keywords, including some from C23
Conditionally highlight C23 features:
- #embed, #elifdef and #elifndef preprocessor directives
- predefined macros
- UTF-8 character constants
- binary integer constants, _BitInt literals, and digit separators
- nullptr_t type and associated constant
- decimal real floating-point, bit precise and char types
- typeof operators
- update for new preprocessor directives
fixes: #13667fixes: #13679closes: #12984
Co-authored-by: Albin Ahlbäck <albin.ahlback@gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Doug Kearns <dougkearns@gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt <cb@256bit.org>
Problem: PmenuMatch completion highlight can be combined
Solution: Combine highlight groups PmenuMatch with Pmenu and
PmenuMatchSel with PmenuSel (glepnir)
fixes: #15563closes: #16408
Signed-off-by: glepnir <glephunter@gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt <cb@256bit.org>
Problem: cannot highlight completed text
Solution: (optionally) highlight auto-completed text using the
ComplMatchIns highlight group (glepnir)
closes: #16173
Signed-off-by: glepnir <glephunter@gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt <cb@256bit.org>
Problem: filetype: some assembler are files not recognized
Solution: detect '*.nasm' files as nasm filetype and '*.masm' as masm
filetype (Wu, Zhenyu)
closes: #16194
Signed-off-by: Wu, Zhenyu <wuzhenyu@ustc.edu>
Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt <cb@256bit.org>
Problem: there are a few typos in the source.
Solution: Correct typos (zeertzjq).
closes: #16026
Signed-off-by: zeertzjq <zeertzjq@outlook.com>
Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt <cb@256bit.org>
Problem: filetype: lf config files are not recognized
Solution: detect lfrc files as lf filetype, include a syntax
script for lf files (Andis Spriņķis).
- https://github.com/gokcehan/lfcloses: #15859
Signed-off-by: Andis Spriņķis <spr.andis@protonmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt <cb@256bit.org>
- Enable folding of class, enum and interface declarations.
- Highlight constructor names with the Function highlight group, like
other special methods.
- Mark function definitions using special method names as errors.
- Highlight :type arguments.
fixes: #14393#issuecomment-2042796198.
closes: #13810
Signed-off-by: Doug Kearns <dougkearns@gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt <cb@256bit.org>
Complement "g:java_ignore_javadoc" with "g:java_ignore_html"
and "g:java_ignore_markdown" to allow selectively disabling
the recognition of HTML and CommonMark respectively.
(Note that this is not a preview feature.)
======================== LIMITATION ========================
According to the syntactical details of JEP 467:
> Any leading whitespace and the three initial / characters
> are removed from each line.
> The lines are shifted left, by removing leading whitespace
> characters, until the non-blank line with the least
> leading whitespace has no remaining leading whitespace.
> Additional leading whitespace and any trailing whitespace
> in each line is preserved, because it may be significant.
the following example:
/// A summary sentence.
/// A list:
/// - Item A.
/// - Item B.
/// Some code span, starting here `
/// 1 + 2 ` and ending at the previous \`.
should be interpreted as if it were written thus:
///A summary sentence.
/// A list:
/// - Item A.
/// - Item B.
/// Some code span, starting here `
/// 1 + 2 ` and ending at the previous \`.
Since automatic line rewriting will not be pursued, parts of
such comments having significant whitespace may be ‘wrongly’
highlighted. For convenience, a &fex function is defined to
‘correct’ it: g:javaformat#RemoveCommonMarkdownWhitespace()
(:help ft-java-plugin).
https://openjdk.org/jeps/467https://spec.commonmark.org/0.31.2closes: #15740
Co-authored-by: Tim Pope <code@tpope.net>
Signed-off-by: Aliaksei Budavei <0x000c70@gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt <cb@256bit.org>
Define "g:java_syntax_previews" and include number 476 in
its list to enable this recognition:
let g:java_syntax_previews = [476]
https://openjdk.org/jeps/476closes: #15709
Signed-off-by: Aliaksei Budavei <0x000c70@gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt <cb@256bit.org>
Define "g:java_syntax_previews" and include number 455 in
its list to enable this recognition:
let g:java_syntax_previews = [455]
https://openjdk.org/jeps/455closes: #15698
Signed-off-by: Aliaksei Budavei <0x000c70@gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt <cb@256bit.org>
Stop assigning by default the NonText highlighting group for
javaConceptKind modifiers since its colour is hardly
distinguishable from a background colour for a range of
colour schemes.
related #15238closes: #15664
Co-authored-by: Dexter Gaon-Shatford <dexter@gaonshatford.ca>
Signed-off-by: Aliaksei Budavei <0x000c70@gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt <cb@256bit.org>
Introduce a new API variable "g:java_syntax_previews" whose
value must be a list of syntax preview feature numbers.
Enumerate the currently supported numbers in a table at the
end of the documentation entry for "ft-java-syntax".
Also, disable the recognition of String Templates. Despite
the withdrawal of this preview feature in its proposed form
from the upcoming JDK 23 release and the fact that the JDK
22 release is coming to EOL this September, an earlier
iteration of this preview feature was included in JDK 21
(LTS) whose EOL is projected to fall due in late 2028 and,
therefore, retain the current implementation.
Define "g:java_syntax_previews" and include number 430 in
its list to enable the recognition of String Templates:
let g:java_syntax_previews = [430]
https://openjdk.org/jeps/430 (Preview)
https://openjdk.org/jeps/459 (Second Preview)
https://openjdk.org/jeps/465 (Third Preview)
https://mail.openjdk.org/pipermail/amber-spec-experts/2024-April/004106.htmlcloses: #15579
Signed-off-by: Aliaksei Budavei <0x000c70@gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt <cb@256bit.org>
- Obtain and pass through translated messages with this
- If "g:java_foldtext_show_first_or_second_line" is defined,
assign this function to &foldtext.
closes: #15549
Signed-off-by: Aliaksei Budavei <0x000c70@gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt <cb@256bit.org>
I added help tags for them in the syntax.txt file since this is the only
place they are mentioned.
closes: #15486
Signed-off-by: JJCUBER <34446698+JJCUBER@users.noreply.github.com>
Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt <cb@256bit.org>
- Reword a few sentences and reformat a few paragraphs.
- Supply absent capitalisation and punctuation.
- Make listed highlighting groups and code stand out.
- Prefix all Java-related global variables with "g:".
- Add spaces around each variable assignment operator.
- Acknowledge that some Javadoc variables are maintained in
the HTML syntax file.
Also, move the overridable _default_ HTML group links before
the HTML syntax file inclusion in order to implement the
documented diverged settings.
related: #15399
Signed-off-by: Aliaksei Budavei <0x000c70@gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt <cb@256bit.org>
Problem: filetype: Make syntax highlighting off for MS Makefiles
Solution: Try to detect MS Makefiles and adjust syntax rules to it.
(Ken Takata)
Highlighting of variable expansion in Microsoft Makefile can be broken.
2979cfc262/src/Make_mvc.mak (L1331)
Don't use backslash as escape characters if `make_microsoft` is set.
Also fix that `make_no_comments` was not considered if `make_microsoft`
was set.
Also add description for `make_microsoft` and `make_no_comments` to the
documentation and include a very simple filetype test
closes: #15341
Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt <cb@256bit.org>
Signed-off-by: Ken Takata <kentkt@csc.jp>
This token will be highlighted, similar to the arrow of
lambda expressions, whenever "g:java_highlight_functions" is
- Improve the recognition of _switch-case_ labels
- Remove insignificant empty statements in syntax test
closes: #15322
Co-authored-by: D-Cysteine <54219287+D-Cysteine@users.noreply.github.com>
Signed-off-by: Aliaksei Budavei <0x000c70@gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt <cb@256bit.org>
Problem: filetype: Asymptote files are not recognized
Solution: detect '*.asy' files as asy filetype, include
ftplugin and syntax plugin (AvidSeeker).
Reference: https://asymptote.sourceforge.io/closes: #15252
Signed-off-by: AvidSeeker <avidseeker7@protonmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt <cb@256bit.org>
Problem: filetype: Mediawiki files are not recognized
Solution: detect "*.mw" and "*.wiki" as mediawiki filetype,
include basic syntax and filetype plugins.
closes: #15266
Signed-off-by: AvidSeeker <avidseeker7@protonmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt <cb@256bit.org>
With the variables defined, distinctly highlight parts of
a method declaration header: its name and parameter list
parens, from its type parameters, return type, and formal
parameters; and distinctly highlight parts of a lambda
expression: its parameter list parens and the arrow, from
its formal parameters and identifiers.
closes: #15083
Signed-off-by: Aliaksei Budavei <0x000c70@gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt <cb@256bit.org>
In the presence of parameterised types whose names begin
with a capital letter and end with a less-than sign "<" that
introduces a type argument or a list of comma-separated type
arguments, followed by a greater-than sign ">", a variable
"g:java_highlight_generics" can be defined to have some
components of such types uniformly coloured (by picking
highlight groups for javaGenericsC{1,2}, javaWildcardBound).
For example,
java.io.InputStream stream = java.io.InputStream.nullInputStream();
java.util.function.BiFunction<String, String, String>> updater =
property -> (oldValue, newValue) -> oldValue;
.updateConfiguration(stream, updater);
Note that the diamond form and explicit type arguments do
not qualify for this kind of recognition.
For example,
new java.util.HashSet<>().<String>toArray(new String[0]);
https://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jls/se21/html/jls-4.html#jls-4.5https://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jls/se21/html/jls-15.html#jls-15.9https://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jls/se21/html/jls-15.html#jls- #15050
Signed-off-by: Aliaksei Budavei <0x000c70@gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt <cb@256bit.org>
Problem: fuzzy_match_str_with_pos() does unnecessary list operations.
Solution: Use fuzzy_match() directly (zeertzjq).
closes: #14987
Signed-off-by: zeertzjq <zeertzjq@outlook.com>
Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt <cb@256bit.org>
Allow highlighting of strings within comments to be disabled by setting
g:vimsyn_comment_strings to false.
Signed-off-by: Doug Kearns <dougkearns@gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt <cb@256bit.org>
Problem: Cannot see matched text in popup menu
Solution: Introduce 2 new highlighting groups: PmenuMatch and
PmenuMatchSel (glepnir)
ping @habamax, @neutaaaaan @romainl because vim/colorschemes may need
some updates, @lifepillar for updating vim-colortemplate
closes: #14694
Signed-off-by: glepnir <glephunter@gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt <cb@256bit.org>
Allow whitespace between the :substitute command and its pattern
argument. Although unusual, it is supported and there are examples in
the wild.
Match Vi compatible :substitute commands like :s\/{string}/. See :help
fixes: #14920closes: #14923
Signed-off-by: Doug Kearns <dougkearns@gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt <cb@256bit.org>
Problem: minor issues in test_filetype with rasi test
(after 9.1.0453)
Solution: re-sort test_filetype, fix wrong syntax.txt help tags
Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt <cb@256bit.org>
Problem: filetype: rasi files are not recognized
Solution: regonize '*.rasi' files as rasi filetype,
include a filetype and syntax plugin
(Pierrick Guillaume)
ported from: https://github.com/Fymyte/rasi.vimcloses: #14821
Signed-off-by: Pierrick Guillaume <pierguill@gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt <cb@256bit.org>
There is a flaw in the current implementation that has been
exacerbated around v5.2. It lies in the recognition of all
three indentation styles simultaneously: a tab, two space,
and eight space character(s). With it, it is not uncommon
to misidentify various constructs as method declarations
when they belong to two-space indented members and other
blocks of a type and are offset at eight space characters or
a tab from the start of the line.
For example,
class Test
static String hello() { return "hello"; }
public static void main(String[] args)
try {
if (args.length > 0) {
// FIXME: eight spaces.
} else {
// FIXME: a tab.
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new Error(e);
:let g:java_highlight_functions = 'indent'
:doautocmd Syntax
A better approach is to pick an only indentation style out
of all supported styles (so either two spaces _or_ eight
spaces _or_ a tab). Note that tabs and spaces can still be
mixed, only the leading tab or the leading run of spaces
matters for the recognition. And there is no reason to not
complement the set of valid styles with any number of spaces
from 1 to 8, inclusively.
Please proceed with the necessary change as follows:
- rename from "indent" to "indent2" for a 2-space run;
- rename from "indent" to "indent8" for an 8-space run;
- continue to have "indent" for a tab run;
- define an "indent" variable with a suffix number denoting
the preferred amount of indentation for any other run of
spaces [1-8].
As before, this alternative style of recognition of method
declarations still does not prescribe naming conventions and
still cannot recognise method declarations in nested types
that are conventionally indented.
The proposed changes also follow suit of "style" in stopping
the claiming of constructor and enum constant declarations.
Signed-off-by: Aliaksei Budavei <0x000c70@gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt <cb@256bit.org>