Problem: SpotBugs compiler can be improved
Solution: runtime(compiler): Improve defaults and error handling for
SpotBugs; update test_compiler.vim (Aliaksei Budavei)
runtime(compiler): Improve defaults and error handling for SpotBugs
* Keep "spotbugs#DefaultPreCompilerTestAction()" defined but
do not assign its Funcref to the "PreCompilerTestAction"
key of "g:spotbugs_properties": there are no default and
there can only be introduced arbitrary "*sourceDirPath"
entries; therefore, this assignment is confusing at best,
given that the function's implementation delegates to
whatever "PreCompilerAction" is.
* Allow for the possibility of relative source pathnames
passed as arguments to Vim for the Javac default actions,
and the necessity to have them properly reconciled when
the current working directory is changed.
* Do not expect users to remember or know that new source
files ‘must be’ ":argadd"'d to be then known to the Javac
default actions; so collect the names of Java-file buffers
and Java-file Vim arguments; and let users providing the
"@sources" file-lists in the "g:javac_makeprg_params"
variable update these file-lists themselves.
* Strive to not leave behind a fire-once Syntax ":autocmd"
for a Java buffer whenever an arbitrary pre-compile action
errors out.
* Only attempt to run a post-compiler action in the absence
of failures for a pre-compiler action. Note that warnings
and failures are treated alike (?!) by the Javac compiler,
so when previews are tried out with "--enable-preview",
remember about passing "-Xlint:-preview" too to also let
SpotBugs have a go.
* Properly group conditional operators when testing for key
entries in a user-defined variable.
* Also test whether "javaExternal" is defined when choosing
an implementation for source-file parsing.
* Two commands are provided to toggle actions for buffer-local
- SpotBugsRemoveBufferAutocmd;
- SpotBugsDefineBufferAutocmd.
For example, try this from "~/.vim/after/ftplugin/java.vim":
if exists(':SpotBugsDefineBufferAutocmd') == 2
SpotBugsDefineBufferAutocmd BufWritePost SigUSR1
And ":doautocmd java_spotbugs User" can be manually used at will.
closes: #16140
Signed-off-by: Aliaksei Budavei <>
Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt <>