" Vim filetype plugin file " Language: generic Changelog file " Maintainer: Nikolai Weibull <source@pcppopper.org> " URL: http://www.pcppopper.org/vim/ftplugin/pcp/changelog/ " Latest Revision: 2004-04-25 " arch-tag: b00e2974-c559-4477-b7b2-3ef3f4061bdb " Variables: " g:changelog_timeformat - " description: the timeformat used in ChangeLog entries. " default: "%Y-%m-%d". " g:changelog_username - " description: the username to use in ChangeLog entries " default: try to deduce it from environment variables and system files. " Local Mappings: " <Leader>o - " adds a new changelog entry for the current user for the current date. " Global Mappings: " <Leader>o - " switches to the ChangeLog buffer opened for the current directory, or " opens it in a new buffer if it exists in the current directory. Then " it does the same as the local <Leader>o described above. " Notes: " run 'runtime ftplugin/changelog.vim' to enable the global mapping for " changelog files. " TODO: " should we perhaps open the ChangeLog file even if it doesn't exist already? " Problem is that you might end up with ChangeLog files all over the place. " If 'filetype' isn't "changelog", we must have been to add ChangeLog opener if &filetype == "changelog" " Only do this when not done yet for this buffer if exists("b:did_ftplugin") finish endif " Don't load another plugin for this buffer let b:did_ftplugin = 1 let cpo_save = &cpo set cpo-=C " The format of the date-time field (should have been called dateformat) if !exists("g:changelog_timeformat") let g:changelog_timeformat = "%Y-%m-%d" endif " Try to figure out a reasonable username of the form: " Full Name <user@host> if !exists("g:changelog_username") if exists("$EMAIL_ADDRESS") let g:changelog_username = $EMAIL_ADDRESS elseif exists("$EMAIL") let g:changelog_username = $EMAIL else " Get the users login name let login = system('whoami') if v:shell_error let login = 'unknown' else let newline = stridx(login, "\n") if newline != -1 let login = strpart(login, 0, newline) endif endif " Try to full name from gecos field in /etc/passwd if filereadable('/etc/passwd') let name = substitute( \system('cat /etc/passwd | grep ^`whoami`'), \'^\%([^:]*:\)\{4}\([^:]*\):.*$', '\1', '') endif " If there is no such file, or there was some other problem try " others if !filereadable('/etc/passwd') || v:shell_error " Maybe the environment has something of interest if exists("$NAME") let name = $NAME else " No? well, use the login name and capitalize first " character let name = toupper(login[0]) . strpart(login, 1) endif endif " Only keep stuff before the first comma let comma = stridx(name, ',') if comma != -1 let name = strpart(name, 0, comma) endif " And substitute & in the real name with the login of our user let amp = stridx(name, '&') if amp != -1 let name = strpart(name, 0, amp) . toupper(login[0]) . \strpart(login, 1) . strpart(name, amp + 1) endif " Get our hostname let hostname = system("hostname") if v:shell_error let hostname = 'unknownhost' else let newline = stridx(hostname, "\n") if newline != -1 let hostname = strpart(hostname, 0, newline) endif endif " And finally set the username let g:changelog_username = name.' <'.login.'@'.hostname.'>' endif endif " Format used for new date-entries if !exists("g:changelog_new_date_format") let g:changelog_new_date_format = "%d %u\n\n\t* %c\n\n" endif " Format used for new entries to current date-entry if !exists("g:changelog_new_entry_format") let g:changelog_new_entry_format = "\t* %c" endif if !exists("g:changelog_date_entry_search") let g:changelog_date_entry_search = '^\s*%d\_s*%u' endif " Substitutes specific items in new date-entry formats and search strings " Can be done with substitute of course, but unclean, and need \@! then function! s:substitute_items(str, date, user) let str = a:str let i = stridx(str, '%') while i != -1 let char = str[i + 1] if char == '%' let middle = '%' elseif char == 'd' let middle = a:date elseif char == 'u' let middle = a:user elseif char == 'c' let middle = '{cursor}' else let middle = char endif let str = strpart(str, 0, i) . middle . strpart(str, i + 2) let i = stridx(str, '%') endwhile return str endfunction function! s:position_cursor() if search('{cursor}') > 0 let pos = line('.') let line = getline(pos) let cursor = stridx(line, '{cursor}') call setline(pos, substitute(line, '{cursor}', '', '')) endif startinsert! endfunction " Internal function to create a new entry in the ChangeLog function! s:new_changelog_entry() " Deal with 'paste' option let save_paste = &paste let &paste = 1 1 " Look for an entry for today by our user let date = strftime(g:changelog_timeformat) let search = s:substitute_items(g:changelog_date_entry_search, date, \g:changelog_username) if search(search) > 0 " Ok, now we look for the end of the date-entry, and add an entry let pos = nextnonblank(line('.') + 1) let line = getline(pos) while line =~ '^\s\+\S\+' let pos = pos + 1 let line = getline(pos) endwhile let insert = s:substitute_items(g:changelog_new_entry_format, \'', '') execute "normal! ".(pos - 1)."Go".insert execute pos else " Flag for removing empty lines at end of new ChangeLogs let remove_empty = line('$') == 1 " No entry today, so create a date-user header and insert an entry let todays_entry = s:substitute_items(g:changelog_new_date_format, \date, g:changelog_username) " Make sure we have a cursor positioning if stridx(todays_entry, '{cursor}') == -1 let todays_entry = todays_entry.'{cursor}' endif " Now do the work execute "normal! i".todays_entry if remove_empty while getline('$') == '' $delete endwhile endif 1 endif call s:position_cursor() " And reset 'paste' option let &paste = save_paste endfunction if exists(":NewChangelogEntry") != 2 map <buffer> <silent> <Leader>o <Esc>:call <SID>new_changelog_entry()<CR> command! -nargs=0 NewChangelogEntry call s:new_changelog_entry() endif let b:undo_ftplugin = "setl com< tw< fo< et< ai<" if &textwidth == 0 setlocal textwidth=78 endif setlocal comments= setlocal formatoptions+=t setlocal noexpandtab setlocal autoindent let &cpo = cpo_save else " Add the Changelog opening mapping nmap <silent> <Leader>o :call <SID>open_changelog()<CR> function! s:open_changelog() if filereadable('ChangeLog') if bufloaded('ChangeLog') let buf = bufnr('ChangeLog') execute "normal! \<C-W>t" while winbufnr(winnr()) != buf execute "normal! \<C-W>w" endwhile else split ChangeLog endif if exists("g:mapleader") execute "normal " . g:mapleader . "o" else execute "normal \\o" endif startinsert! endif endfunction endif " vim: set sts=2 sw=2: