#!/bin/sh # # Spell a file & generate the syntax statements necessary to # highlight in vim. Based on a program from Krishna Gadepalli # <krishna@stdavids.picker.com>. # # I use the following mappings (in .vimrc): # # noremap <F8> :so `vimspell.sh %`<CR><CR> # noremap <F7> :syntax clear SpellErrors<CR> # # Neil Schemenauer <nascheme@ucalgary.ca> # March 1999 INFILE=$1 OUTFILE=/tmp/vimspell.$$ # if you have "tempfile", use the following line #OUTFILE=`tempfile` # # local spellings # LOCAL_DICT=${LOCAL_DICT-$HOME/local/lib/local_dict} if [ -f $LOCAL_DICT ] then SPELL_ARGS="+$LOCAL_DICT" fi spell $SPELL_ARGS $INFILE | sort -u | awk ' { printf "syntax match SpellErrors \"\\<%s\\>\"\n", $0 ; } END { printf "highlight link SpellErrors ErrorMsg\n\n" ; } ' > $OUTFILE echo "!rm $OUTFILE" >> $OUTFILE echo $OUTFILE