:: Start Vim on a copy of the tutor file. @echo off :: Usage: vimtutor [-chapter 2] [-console] [xx] :: :: -console means gvim will not be used :: xx is a language code like "es" or "nl". :: When an xx argument is given, it tries loading that tutor. :: When this fails or no xx argument was given, it tries using 'v:lang' :: When that also fails, it uses the English version. :: Use Vim to copy the tutor, it knows the value of $VIMRUNTIME FOR %%d in (. %TMP% %TEMP%) DO ( call :test_dir_writable "%~dpf0" %%d IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO dir_ok ) echo No working directory is found GOTO end :test_dir_writable SET TUTORCOPY=%2\$tutor$ COPY %1 %TUTORCOPY% >nul 2>nul GOTO end :dir_ok IF .%1==.-chapter ( SET CHAPTER=%2 SHIFT SHIFT ) SET xx=%1 IF NOT .%1==.-console GOTO use_gui SHIFT SET xx=%1 GOTO use_vim :use_gui :: Try making a copy of tutor with gvim. If gvim cannot be found, try using :: vim instead. If vim cannot be found, alert user to check environment and :: installation. :: The script tutor.vim tells Vim which file to copy. start "dummy" /b /w "%~dp0gvim.exe" -u NONE -c "so $VIMRUNTIME/tutor/tutor.vim" IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO use_vim :: Start gvim without any .vimrc, set 'nocompatible' start "dummy" /b /w "%~dp0gvim.exe" -u NONE -c "set nocp" %TUTORCOPY% GOTO end :use_vim :: The script tutor.vim tells Vim which file to copy call vim -u NONE -c "so $VIMRUNTIME/tutor/tutor.vim" IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO no_executable :: Start vim without any .vimrc, set 'nocompatible' call vim -u NONE -c "set nocp" %TUTORCOPY% GOTO end :no_executable ECHO. ECHO. ECHO No vim or gvim found in current directory or PATH. ECHO Check your installation or re-run install.exe :end :: remove the copy of the tutor IF EXIST %TUTORCOPY% DEL %TUTORCOPY% SET xx=