" Vim syntax file " Language: Focus Executable " Maintainer: Rob Brady <robb@datatone.com> " Last Change: $Date: 2004/06/13 15:38:04 $ " URL: http://www.datatone.com/~robb/vim/syntax/focexec.vim " $Revision: 1.1 $ " this is a very simple syntax file - I will be improving it " one thing is how to do computes " I don't like that &vars and FUSE() functions highlight to the same color " I think some of these things should get different highlights - " should MODIFY commands look different than TABLE? " quit when a syntax file was already loaded if exists("b:current_syntax") finish endif syn case match " A bunch of useful keywords syn keyword focexecTable TABLE SUM BY ACROSS END PRINT HOLD LIST NOPRINT syn keyword focexecTable SUBFOOT SUBHEAD HEADING FOOTING PAGE-BREAK AS syn keyword focexecTable WHERE AND OR NOSPLIT FORMAT syn keyword focexecModify MODIFY DATA ON FIXFORM PROMPT MATCH COMPUTE syn keyword focexecModify GOTO CASE ENDCASE TYPE NOMATCH REJECT INCLUDE syn keyword focexecModify CONTINUE FROM syn keyword focexecNormal CHECK FILE CREATE EX SET IF FILEDEF DEFINE syn keyword focexecNormal REBUILD IF RECORDLIMIT FI EQ JOIN syn keyword focexecJoin IN TO syn keyword focexecFileDef DISK syn keyword focexecSet MSG ALL syn match focexecDash "-RUN" syn match focexecDash "-PROMPT" syn match focexecDash "-WINFORM" " String and Character constants syn region focexecString1 start=+"+ end=+"+ syn region focexecString2 start=+'+ end=+'+ "amper variables syn match focexecAmperVar "&&\=[A-Z_]\+" "fuse functions syn keyword focexecFuse GETUSER GETUSR WHOAMI FEXERR ASIS GETTOK UPCASE LOCASE syn keyword focexecFuse SUBSTR TODAY TODAYI POSIT HHMMSS BYTVAL EDAUT1 BITVAL syn keyword focexecFuse BITSON FGETENV FPUTENV HEXBYT SPAWN YM YMI JULDAT syn keyword focexecFuse JULDATI DOWK DOWKI DOWKLI CHGDAT CHGDATI FTOA ATODBL syn keyword focexecFuse SOUNDEX RJUST REVERSE PARAG OVRLAY LJUST CTRFLD CTRAN syn keyword focexecFuse CHKFMT ARGLEN GREGDT GREGDTI DTYMD DTYMDI DTDMY DTDMYI syn keyword focexecFuse DTYDM DTYDMI DTMYD DTMYDI DTDYM DTDYMI DAYMD DAYMDI syn keyword focexecFuse DAMDY DAMDYI DADMY DADMYI AYM AYMI AYMD AYMDI CHKPCK syn keyword focexecFuse IMOD FMOD DMOD PCKOUT EXP BAR SPELLNM SPELLNUM RTCIVP syn keyword focexecFuse PRDUNI PRDNOR RDNORM RDUNIF LCWORD ITOZ RLPHLD IBIPRO syn keyword focexecFuse IBIPRW IBIPRC IBIPRU IBIRCP PTHDAT ITOPACK ITONUM syn keyword focexecFuse DSMEXEC DSMEVAL DSMERRC MSMEXEC MSMEVAL MSMERRC EXTDXI syn keyword focexecFuse BAANHASH EDAYSI DTOG GTOD HSETPT HPART HTIME HNAME syn keyword focexecFuse HADD HDIFF HDATE HGETC HCNVRT HDTTM HMIDNT TEMPPATH syn keyword focexecFuse DATEADD DATEDIF DATEMOV DATECVT EURHLD EURXCH FINDFOC syn keyword focexecFuse FERRMES CNCTUSR CURRPATH USERPATH SYSTEM ASKYN syn keyword focexecFuse FUSEMENU POPEDIT POPFILE syn match focexecNumber "\<\d\+\>" syn match focexecNumber "\<\d\+\.\d*\>" syn match focexecComment "-\*.*" " Define the default highlighting. " Only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet hi def link focexecString1 String hi def link focexecString2 String hi def link focexecNumber Number hi def link focexecComment Comment hi def link focexecTable Keyword hi def link focexecModify Keyword hi def link focexecNormal Keyword hi def link focexecSet Keyword hi def link focexecDash Keyword hi def link focexecFileDef Keyword hi def link focexecJoin Keyword hi def link focexecAmperVar Identifier hi def link focexecFuse Function let b:current_syntax = "focexec" " vim: ts=8