" Vim syntax file " Language: indent(1) configuration file " Maintainer: Doug Kearns <dougkearns@gmail.com> " Previous Maintainer: Nikolai Weibull <now@bitwi.se> " Last Change: 2024 Sep 29 " indent_is_bsd: If exists, will change somewhat to match BSD implementation " " TODO: is the deny-all (a la lilo.vim nice or no?)... " irritating to be wrong to the last char... " would be sweet if right until one char fails if exists("b:current_syntax") finish endif let s:cpo_save = &cpo set cpo&vim setlocal iskeyword+=-,+ syn match indentError '\S\+' syn keyword indentTodo contained TODO FIXME XXX NOTE syn region indentComment start='/\*' end='\*/' \ contains=indentTodo,@Spell syn region indentComment start='//' skip='\\$' end='$' \ contains=indentTodo,@Spell if !exists("indent_is_bsd") syn match indentOptions '-i\|--indent-level\|-il\|--indent-label' \ nextgroup=indentNumber skipwhite skipempty endif syn match indentOptions '-\%(bli\|c\%([bl]i\|[dip]\)\=\|di\=\|ip\=\|lc\=\|pp\=i\|sbi\|ts\|-\%(brace-indent\|comment-indentation\|case-brace-indentation\|declaration-comment-column\|continuation-indentation\|case-indentation\|else-endif-column\|line-comments-indentation\|declaration-indentation\|indent-level\|parameter-indentation\|line-length\|comment-line-length\|paren-indentation\|preprocessor-indentation\|struct-brace-indentation\|tab-size\)\)' \ nextgroup=indentNumber skipwhite skipempty syn match indentNumber display contained '-\=\d\+\>' syn match indentOptions '-T' \ nextgroup=indentIdent skipwhite skipempty syn match indentIdent display contained '\h\w*\>' syn keyword indentOptions -bacc --blank-lines-after-ifdefs \ -bad --blank-lines-after-declarations \ -badp --blank-lines-after-procedure-declarations \ -bap --blank-lines-after-procedures \ -bbb --blank-lines-before-block-comments \ -bbo --break-before-boolean-operator \ -bc --blank-lines-after-commas \ -bfda --break-function-decl-args \ -bfde --break-function-decl-args-end \ -bl --braces-after-if-line \ -blf --braces-after-func-def-line \ -bls --braces-after-struct-decl-line \ -br --braces-on-if-line \ -brf --braces-on-func-def-line \ -brs --braces-on-struct-decl-line \ -bs --Bill-Shannon --blank-before-sizeof \ -c++ --c-plus-plus \ -cdb --comment-delimiters-on-blank-lines \ -cdw --cuddle-do-while \ -ce --cuddle-else \ -cs --space-after-cast \ -dj --left-justify-declarations \ -eei --extra-expression-indentation \ -fc1 --format-first-column-comments \ -fca --format-all-comments \ -gnu --gnu-style \ -h --help --usage \ -hnl --honour-newlines \ -kr --k-and-r-style --kernighan-and-ritchie --kernighan-and-ritchie-style \ -lp --continue-at-parentheses \ -lps --leave-preprocessor-space \ -nbacc --no-blank-lines-after-ifdefs \ -nbad --no-blank-lines-after-declarations \ -nbadp --no-blank-lines-after-procedure-declarations \ -nbap --no-blank-lines-after-procedures \ -nbbb --no-blank-lines-before-block-comments \ -nbbo --break-after-boolean-operator \ -nbc --no-blank-lines-after-commas \ -nbfda --dont-break-function-decl-args \ -nbfde --dont-break-function-decl-args-end \ -nbs --no-Bill-Shannon --no-blank-before-sizeof \ -ncdb --no-comment-delimiters-on-blank-lines \ -ncdw --dont-cuddle-do-while \ -nce --dont-cuddle-else \ -ncs --no-space-after-casts \ -ndj --dont-left-justify-declarations \ -neei --no-extra-expression-indentation \ -nfc1 --dont-format-first-column-comments \ -nfca --dont-format-comments \ -nhnl --ignore-newlines \ -nip --dont-indent-parameters --no-parameter-indentation \ -nlp --dont-line-up-parentheses \ -nlps --remove-preprocessor-space \ -npcs --no-space-after-function-call-names \ -npmt \ -npro --ignore-profile \ -nprs --no-space-after-parentheses \ -npsl --dont-break-procedure-type \ -nsaf --no-space-after-for \ -nsai --no-space-after-if \ -nsaw --no-space-after-while \ -nsc --dont-star-comments \ -nsob --leave-optional-blank-lines \ -nss --dont-space-special-semicolon \ -nut --no-tabs \ -nv --no-verbosity \ -o --output \ -o --output-file \ -orig --berkeley --berkeley-style --original --original-style \ -pcs --space-after-procedure-calls \ -pmt --preserve-mtime \ -prs --space-after-parentheses \ -psl --procnames-start-lines \ -saf --space-after-for \ -sai --space-after-if \ -saw --space-after-while \ -sc --start-left-side-of-comments \ -sob --swallow-optional-blank-lines \ -ss --space-special-semicolon \ -st --standard-output \ -ut --use-tabs \ -v --verbose \ -version --version \ -linux --linux-style if exists("indent_is_bsd") syn keyword indentOptions -ip -ei -nei endif if exists("c_minlines") let b:c_minlines = c_minlines else if !exists("c_no_if0") let b:c_minlines = 50 " #if 0 constructs can be long else let b:c_minlines = 15 " mostly for () constructs endif endif hi def link indentError Error hi def link indentComment Comment hi def link indentTodo Todo hi def link indentOptions Keyword hi def link indentNumber Number hi def link indentIdent Identifier let b:current_syntax = "indent" let &cpo = s:cpo_save unlet s:cpo_save