" Vim script to work like "less" " Maintainer: The Vim Project <https://github.com/vim/vim> " Last Change: 2024 Feb 15 " Former Maintainer: Bram Moolenaar <Bram@vim.org> " Avoid loading this file twice, allow the user to define his own script. if exists("loaded_less") finish endif let loaded_less = 1 " If not reading from stdin, skip files that can't be read. " Exit if there is no file at all. if argc() > 0 let s:i = 0 while 1 if filereadable(argv(s:i)) if s:i != 0 sleep 3 endif break endif if isdirectory(argv(s:i)) echomsg "Skipping directory " . argv(s:i) elseif getftime(argv(s:i)) < 0 echomsg "Skipping non-existing file " . argv(s:i) else echomsg "Skipping unreadable file " . argv(s:i) endif echo "\n" let s:i = s:i + 1 if s:i == argc() quit endif next endwhile endif " we don't want 'compatible' here if &cp set nocp endif " enable syntax highlighting if not done already if !get(g:, 'syntax_on', 0) syntax enable endif set so=0 set hlsearch set incsearch nohlsearch " Don't remember file names and positions set viminfo= set nows " Inhibit screen updates while searching let s:lz = &lz set lz " Allow the user to define a function, which can set options specifically for " this script. if exists('*LessInitFunc') call LessInitFunc() endif " Used after each command: put cursor at end and display position if &wrap noremap <SID>L L0:redraw<CR>:file<CR> au VimEnter * normal! L0 else noremap <SID>L Lg0:redraw<CR>:file<CR> au VimEnter * normal! Lg0 endif " When reading from stdin don't consider the file modified. au VimEnter * set nomod " Can't modify the text or write the file. set nomodifiable readonly " Give help noremap h :call <SID>Help()<CR> map H h fun! s:Help() echo "<Space> One page forward b One page backward" echo "d Half a page forward u Half a page backward" echo "<Enter> One line forward k One line backward" echo "G End of file g Start of file" echo "N% percentage in file" echo "\n" echo "/pattern Search for pattern ?pattern Search backward for pattern" echo "n next pattern match N Previous pattern match" if &foldmethod != "manual" echo "\n" echo "zR open all folds zm increase fold level" endif echo "\n" echo ":n<Enter> Next file :p<Enter> Previous file" echo "\n" echo "q Quit v Edit file" let i = input("Hit Enter to continue") endfun " Scroll one page forward noremap <script> <Space> :call <SID>NextPage()<CR><SID>L map <C-V> <Space> map f <Space> map <C-F> <Space> map <PageDown> <Space> map <kPageDown> <Space> map <S-Down> <Space> " If 'foldmethod' was changed keep the "z" commands, e.g. "zR" to open all " folds. if &foldmethod == "manual" map z <Space> endif map <Esc><Space> <Space> fun! s:NextPage() if line(".") == line("$") if argidx() + 1 >= argc() " Don't quit at the end of the last file return endif next 1 else exe "normal! \<C-F>" endif endfun " Re-read file and page forward "tail -f" map F :e<CR>G<SID>L:sleep 1<CR>F " Scroll half a page forward noremap <script> d <C-D><SID>L map <C-D> d " Scroll one line forward noremap <script> <CR> <C-E><SID>L map <C-N> <CR> map e <CR> map <C-E> <CR> map j <CR> map <C-J> <CR> map <Down> <CR> " Scroll one page backward noremap <script> b <C-B><SID>L map <C-B> b map <PageUp> b map <kPageUp> b map <S-Up> b map w b map <Esc>v b " Scroll half a page backward noremap <script> u <C-U><SID>L noremap <script> <C-U> <C-U><SID>L " Scroll one line backward noremap <script> k <C-Y><SID>L map y k map <C-Y> k map <C-P> k map <C-K> k map <Up> k " Redraw noremap <script> r <C-L><SID>L noremap <script> <C-R> <C-L><SID>L noremap <script> R <C-L><SID>L " Start of file noremap <script> g gg<SID>L map < g map <Esc>< g map <Home> g map <kHome> g " End of file noremap <script> G G<SID>L map > G map <Esc>> G map <End> G map <kEnd> G " Go to percentage noremap <script> % %<SID>L map p % " Search noremap <script> / H$:call <SID>Forward()<CR>/ if &wrap noremap <script> ? H0:call <SID>Backward()<CR>? else noremap <script> ? Hg0:call <SID>Backward()<CR>? endif fun! s:Forward() " Searching forward noremap <script> n H$nzt<SID>L if &wrap noremap <script> N H0Nzt<SID>L else noremap <script> N Hg0Nzt<SID>L endif cnoremap <silent> <script> <CR> <CR>:cunmap <lt>CR><CR>zt<SID>L endfun fun! s:Backward() " Searching backward if &wrap noremap <script> n H0nzt<SID>L else noremap <script> n Hg0nzt<SID>L endif noremap <script> N H$Nzt<SID>L cnoremap <silent> <script> <CR> <CR>:cunmap <lt>CR><CR>zt<SID>L endfun call s:Forward() cunmap <CR> " Quitting noremap q :q<CR> " Switch to editing (switch off less mode) map v :silent call <SID>End()<CR> fun! s:End() set modifiable noreadonly if exists('s:lz') let &lz = s:lz endif if !empty(maparg('h')) unmap h endif if !empty(maparg('H')) unmap H endif if !empty(maparg('<Space>')) unmap <Space> endif if !empty(maparg('<C-V>')) unmap <C-V> endif if !empty(maparg('f')) unmap f endif if !empty(maparg('<C-F>')) unmap <C-F> endif if !empty(maparg('z')) unmap z endif if !empty(maparg('<Esc><Space>')) unmap <Esc><Space> endif if !empty(maparg('F')) unmap F endif if !empty(maparg('d')) unmap d endif if !empty(maparg('<C-D>')) unmap <C-D> endif if !empty(maparg('<CR>')) unmap <CR> endif if !empty(maparg('<C-N>')) unmap <C-N> endif if !empty(maparg('e')) unmap e endif if !empty(maparg('<C-E>')) unmap <C-E> endif if !empty(maparg('j')) unmap j endif if !empty(maparg('<C-J>')) unmap <C-J> endif if !empty(maparg('b')) unmap b endif if !empty(maparg('<C-B>')) unmap <C-B> endif if !empty(maparg('w')) unmap w endif if !empty(maparg('<Esc>v')) unmap <Esc>v endif if !empty(maparg('u')) unmap u endif if !empty(maparg('<C-U>')) unmap <C-U> endif if !empty(maparg('k')) unmap k endif if !empty(maparg('y')) unmap y endif if !empty(maparg('<C-Y>')) unmap <C-Y> endif if !empty(maparg('<C-P>')) unmap <C-P> endif if !empty(maparg('<C-K>')) unmap <C-K> endif if !empty(maparg('r')) unmap r endif if !empty(maparg('<C-R>')) unmap <C-R> endif if !empty(maparg('R')) unmap R endif if !empty(maparg('g')) unmap g endif if !empty(maparg('<')) unmap < endif if !empty(maparg('<Esc><')) unmap <Esc>< endif if !empty(maparg('G')) unmap G endif if !empty(maparg('>')) unmap > endif if !empty(maparg('<Esc>>')) unmap <Esc>> endif if !empty(maparg('%')) unmap % endif if !empty(maparg('p')) unmap p endif if !empty(maparg('n')) unmap n endif if !empty(maparg('N')) unmap N endif if !empty(maparg('q')) unmap q endif if !empty(maparg('v')) unmap v endif if !empty(maparg('/')) unmap / endif if !empty(maparg('?')) unmap ? endif if !empty(maparg('<Up>')) unmap <Up> endif if !empty(maparg('<Down>')) unmap <Down> endif if !empty(maparg('<PageDown>')) unmap <PageDown> endif if !empty(maparg('<kPageDown>')) unmap <kPageDown> endif if !empty(maparg('<PageUp>')) unmap <PageUp> endif if !empty(maparg('<kPageUp>')) unmap <kPageUp> endif if !empty(maparg('<S-Down>')) unmap <S-Down> endif if !empty(maparg('<S-Up>')) unmap <S-Up> endif if !empty(maparg('<Home>')) unmap <Home> endif if !empty(maparg('<kHome>')) unmap <kHome> endif if !empty(maparg('<End>')) unmap <End> endif if !empty(maparg('<kEnd>')) unmap <kEnd> endif endfun " vim: sw=2