" Vim syntax file " Language: NASM - The Netwide Assembler (v0.98) " Maintainer: Andrii Sokolov <andriy145@gmail.com> " Original Author: Manuel M.H. Stol <Manuel.Stol@allieddata.nl> " Former Maintainer: Manuel M.H. Stol <Manuel.Stol@allieddata.nl> " Contributors: " Leonard König <leonard.r.koenig@gmail.com> (C string highlighting), " Peter Stanhope <dev.rptr@gmail.com> (Add missing 64-bit mode registers) " Frédéric Hamel <frederic.hamel123@gmail.com> (F16c support, partial AVX " support, other) " sarvel <sarvel@protonmail.com> (Complete set of supported instructions) " Last Change: 2024 Oct 8 " NASM Home: http://www.nasm.us/ " Setup Syntax: " quit when a syntax file was already loaded if exists("b:current_syntax") finish endif " Assembler syntax is case insensetive syn case ignore " Vim search and movement commands on identifers " Comments at start of a line inside which to skip search for indentifiers setlocal comments=:; " Identifier Keyword characters (defines \k) setlocal iskeyword=@,48-57,#,$,.,?,@-@,_,~ " Comments: syn region nasmComment start=";" keepend end="$" contains=@nasmGrpInComments syn region nasmSpecialComment start=";\*\*\*" keepend end="$" syn keyword nasmInCommentTodo contained TODO FIXME XXX[XXXXX] syn cluster nasmGrpInComments contains=nasmInCommentTodo syn cluster nasmGrpComments contains=@nasmGrpInComments,nasmComment,nasmSpecialComment " Label Identifiers: " in NASM: 'Everything is a Label' " Definition Label = label defined by %[i]define or %[i]assign " Identifier Label = label defined as first non-keyword on a line or %[i]macro syn match nasmLabelError "$\=\(\d\+\K\|[#.@]\|\$\$\k\)\k*\>" syn match nasmLabel "\<\(\h\|[?@]\)\k*\>" syn match nasmLabel "[\$\~]\(\h\|[?@]\)\k*\>"lc=1 " Labels starting with one or two '.' are special syn match nasmLocalLabel "\<\.\(\w\|[#$?@~]\)\k*\>" syn match nasmLocalLabel "\<\$\.\(\w\|[#$?@~]\)\k*\>"ms=s+1 if !exists("nasm_no_warn") syn match nasmLabelWarn "\<\~\=\$\=[_.][_.\~]*\>" endif if exists("nasm_loose_syntax") syn match nasmSpecialLabel "\<\.\.@\k\+\>" syn match nasmSpecialLabel "\<\$\.\.@\k\+\>"ms=s+1 if !exists("nasm_no_warn") syn match nasmLabelWarn "\<\$\=\.\.@\(\d\|[#$\.~]\)\k*\>" endif " disallow use of nasm internal label format syn match nasmLabelError "\<\$\=\.\.@\d\+\.\k*\>" else syn match nasmSpecialLabel "\<\.\.@\(\h\|[?@]\)\k*\>" syn match nasmSpecialLabel "\<\$\.\.@\(\h\|[?@]\)\k*\>"ms=s+1 endif " Labels can be dereferenced with '$' to destinguish them from reserved words syn match nasmLabelError "\<\$\K\k*\s*:" syn match nasmLabelError "^\s*\$\K\k*\>" syn match nasmLabelError "\<\~\s*\(\k*\s*:\|\$\=\.\k*\)" " Constants: syn match nasmStringError +["'`]+ " NASM is case sensitive here: eg. u-prefix allows for 4-digit, U-prefix for " 8-digit Unicode characters syn case match " one-char escape-sequences syn match nasmCStringEscape display contained "\\[’"‘\\\?abtnvfre]" " hex and octal numbers syn match nasmCStringEscape display contained "\\\(x\x\{2}\|\o\{1,3}\)" " Unicode characters syn match nasmCStringEscape display contained "\\\(u\x\{4}\|U\x\{8}\)" " ISO C99 format strings (copied from cFormat in runtime/syntax/c.vim) syn match nasmCStringFormat display "%\(\d\+\$\)\=[-+' #0*]*\(\d*\|\*\|\*\d\+\$\)\(\.\(\d*\|\*\|\*\d\+\$\)\)\=\([hlLjzt]\|ll\|hh\)\=\([aAbdiuoxXDOUfFeEgGcCsSpn]\|\[\^\=.[^]]*\]\)" contained syn match nasmCStringFormat display "%%" contained syn match nasmString +\("[^"]\{-}"\|'[^']\{-}'\)+ " Highlight C escape- and format-sequences within ``-strings syn match nasmCString +\(`[^`]\{-}`\)+ contains=nasmCStringEscape,nasmCStringFormat extend syn case ignore syn match nasmBinNumber "\<\([01][01_]*[by]\|0[by][01_]\+\)\>" syn match nasmBinNumber "\<\~\([01][01_]*[by]\|0[by][01_]\+\)\>"lc=1 syn match nasmOctNumber "\<\(\o[0-7_]*[qo]\|0[qo][0-7_]\+\)\>" syn match nasmOctNumber "\<\~\(\o[0-7_]*[qo]\|0[qo][0-7_]\+\)\>"lc=1 syn match nasmDecNumber "\<\(\d[0-9_]*\|\d[0-9_]*d\|0d[0-9_]\+\)\>" syn match nasmDecNumber "\<\~\(\d[0-9_]*\|\d[0-9_]*d\|0d[0-9_]\+\)\>"lc=1 syn match nasmHexNumber "\<\(\d[0-9a-f_]*h\|0[xh][0-9a-f_]\+\|\$\d[0-9a-f_]*\)\>" syn match nasmHexNumber "\<\~\(\d[0-9a-f_]*h\|0[xh][0-9a-f_]\+\|\$\d[0-9a-f_]*\)\>"lc=1 syn match nasmBinFloat "\<\(0[by][01_]*\.[01_]*\(p[+-]\=[0-9_]*\)\=\)\|\(0[by][01_]*p[+-]\=[0-9_]*\)\>" syn match nasmOctFloat "\<\(0[qo][0-7_]*\.[0-7_]*\(p[+-]\=[0-9_]*\)\=\)\|\(0[qo][0-7_]*p[+-]\=[0-9_]*\)\>" syn match nasmDecFloat "\<\(\d[0-9_]*\.[0-9_]*\(e[+-]\=[0-9_]*\)\=\)\|\(\d[0-9_]*e[+-]\=[0-9_]*\)\>" syn match nasmHexFloat "\<\(0[xh][0-9a-f_]\+\.[0-9a-f_]*\(p[+-]\=[0-9_]*\)\=\)\|\(0[xh][0-9a-f_]\+p[+-]\=[0-9_]*\)\>" syn keyword nasmSpecFloat Inf NaN SNaN QNaN __?Infinity?__ __?NaN?__ __?SNaN?__ __?QNaN?__ syn match nasmBcdConst "\<\(\d[0-9_]*p\|0p[0-9_]\+\)\>" syn match nasmNumberError "\<\~\s*\d\+\.\d*\(e[+-]\=\d\+\)\=\>" " Netwide Assembler Storage Directives: " Storage types syn keyword nasmTypeError DF EXTRN FWORD RESF TBYTE syn keyword nasmType FAR NEAR SHORT syn keyword nasmType BYTE WORD DWORD QWORD DQWORD HWORD DHWORD TWORD syn keyword nasmType CDECL FASTCALL NONE PASCAL STDCALL syn keyword nasmStorage DB DW DD DQ DT DO DY DZ syn keyword nasmStorage RESB RESW RESD RESQ REST RESO RESY RESZ syn keyword nasmStorage EXTERN GLOBAL COMMON " Structured storage types syn match nasmTypeError "\<\(AT\|I\=\(END\)\=\(STRUCT\=\|UNION\)\|I\=END\)\>" syn match nasmStructureLabel contained "\<\(AT\|I\=\(END\)\=\(STRUCT\=\|UNION\)\|I\=END\)\>" " structures cannot be nested (yet) -> use: 'keepend' and 're=' syn cluster nasmGrpCntnStruc contains=ALLBUT,@nasmGrpInComments,nasmMacroDef,@nasmGrpInMacros,@nasmGrpInPreCondits,nasmStructureDef,@nasmGrpInStrucs syn region nasmStructureDef transparent matchgroup=nasmStructure keepend start="^\s*STRUCT\>"hs=e-5 end="^\s*ENDSTRUCT\>"re=e-9 contains=@nasmGrpCntnStruc syn region nasmStructureDef transparent matchgroup=nasmStructure keepend start="^\s*STRUC\>"hs=e-4 end="^\s*ENDSTRUC\>"re=e-8 contains=@nasmGrpCntnStruc syn region nasmStructureDef transparent matchgroup=nasmStructure keepend start="\<ISTRUCT\=\>" end="\<IEND\(STRUCT\=\)\=\>" contains=@nasmGrpCntnStruc,nasmInStructure " union types are not part of nasm (yet) "syn region nasmStructureDef transparent matchgroup=nasmStructure keepend start="^\s*UNION\>"hs=e-4 end="^\s*ENDUNION\>"re=e-8 contains=@nasmGrpCntnStruc "syn region nasmStructureDef transparent matchgroup=nasmStructure keepend start="\<IUNION\>" end="\<IEND\(UNION\)\=\>" contains=@nasmGrpCntnStruc,nasmInStructure syn match nasmInStructure contained "^\s*AT\>"hs=e-1 syn cluster nasmGrpInStrucs contains=nasmStructure,nasmInStructure,nasmStructureLabel " PreProcessor Instructions: " NAsm PreProcs start with %, but % is not a character syn match nasmPreProcError "%{\=\(%\=\k\+\|%%\+\k*\|[+-]\=\d\+\)}\=" if exists("nasm_loose_syntax") syn cluster nasmGrpNxtCtx contains=nasmStructureLabel,nasmLabel,nasmLocalLabel,nasmSpecialLabel,nasmLabelError,nasmPreProcError else syn cluster nasmGrpNxtCtx contains=nasmStructureLabel,nasmLabel,nasmLabelError,nasmPreProcError endif " Multi-line macro syn cluster nasmGrpCntnMacro contains=ALLBUT,@nasmGrpInComments,nasmStructureDef,@nasmGrpInStrucs,nasmMacroDef,@nasmGrpPreCondits,nasmMemReference,nasmInMacPreCondit,nasmInMacStrucDef syn region nasmMacroDef matchgroup=nasmMacro keepend start="^\s*%macro\>"hs=e-5 start="^\s*%imacro\>"hs=e-6 end="^\s*%endmacro\>"re=e-9 contains=@nasmGrpCntnMacro,nasmInMacStrucDef if exists("nasm_loose_syntax") syn match nasmInMacLabel contained "%\(%\k\+\>\|{%\k\+}\)" syn match nasmInMacLabel contained "%\($\+\(\w\|[#\.?@~]\)\k*\>\|{$\+\(\w\|[#\.?@~]\)\k*}\)" syn match nasmInMacPreProc contained "^\s*%\(push\|repl\)\>"hs=e-4 skipwhite nextgroup=nasmStructureLabel,nasmLabel,nasmInMacParam,nasmLocalLabel,nasmSpecialLabel,nasmLabelError,nasmPreProcError if !exists("nasm_no_warn") syn match nasmInMacLblWarn contained "%\(%[$\.]\k*\>\|{%[$\.]\k*}\)" syn match nasmInMacLblWarn contained "%\($\+\(\d\|[#\.@~]\)\k*\|{\$\+\(\d\|[#\.@~]\)\k*}\)" hi link nasmInMacCatLabel nasmInMacLblWarn else hi link nasmInMacCatLabel nasmInMacLabel endif else syn match nasmInMacLabel contained "%\(%\(\w\|[#?@~]\)\k*\>\|{%\(\w\|[#?@~]\)\k*}\)" syn match nasmInMacLabel contained "%\($\+\(\h\|[?@]\)\k*\>\|{$\+\(\h\|[?@]\)\k*}\)" hi link nasmInMacCatLabel nasmLabelError endif syn match nasmInMacCatLabel contained "\d\K\k*"lc=1 syn match nasmInMacLabel contained "\d}\k\+"lc=2 if !exists("nasm_no_warn") syn match nasmInMacLblWarn contained "%\(\($\+\|%\)[_~][._~]*\>\|{\($\+\|%\)[_~][._~]*}\)" endif syn match nasmInMacPreProc contained "^\s*%pop\>"hs=e-3 syn match nasmInMacPreProc contained "^\s*%\(push\|repl\)\>"hs=e-4 skipwhite nextgroup=@nasmGrpNxtCtx " structures cannot be nested (yet) -> use: 'keepend' and 're=' syn region nasmInMacStrucDef contained transparent matchgroup=nasmStructure keepend start="^\s*STRUCT\>"hs=e-5 end="^\s*ENDSTRUCT\>"re=e-9 contains=@nasmGrpCntnMacro syn region nasmInMacStrucDef contained transparent matchgroup=nasmStructure keepend start="^\s*STRUC\>"hs=e-4 end="^\s*ENDSTRUC\>"re=e-8 contains=@nasmGrpCntnMacro syn region nasmInMacStrucDef contained transparent matchgroup=nasmStructure keepend start="\<ISTRUCT\=\>" end="\<IEND\(STRUCT\=\)\=\>" contains=@nasmGrpCntnMacro,nasmInStructure " union types are not part of nasm (yet) "syn region nasmInMacStrucDef contained transparent matchgroup=nasmStructure keepend start="^\s*UNION\>"hs=e-4 end="^\s*ENDUNION\>"re=e-8 contains=@nasmGrpCntnMacro "syn region nasmInMacStrucDef contained transparent matchgroup=nasmStructure keepend start="\<IUNION\>" end="\<IEND\(UNION\)\=\>" contains=@nasmGrpCntnMacro,nasmInStructure syn region nasmInMacPreConDef contained transparent matchgroup=nasmInMacPreCondit start="^\s*%ifnidni\>"hs=e-7 start="^\s*%if\(idni\|n\(ctx\|def\|idn\|num\|str\)\)\>"hs=e-6 start="^\s*%if\(ctx\|def\|idn\|nid\|num\|str\)\>"hs=e-5 start="^\s*%ifid\>"hs=e-4 start="^\s*%if\>"hs=e-2 end="%endif\>" contains=@nasmGrpCntnMacro,nasmInMacPreCondit,nasmInPreCondit " Todo: allow STRUC/ISTRUC to be used inside preprocessor conditional block syn match nasmInMacPreCondit contained transparent "ctx\s"lc=3 skipwhite nextgroup=@nasmGrpNxtCtx syn match nasmInMacPreCondit contained "^\s*%elifctx\>"hs=e-7 skipwhite nextgroup=@nasmGrpNxtCtx syn match nasmInMacPreCondit contained "^\s*%elifnctx\>"hs=e-8 skipwhite nextgroup=@nasmGrpNxtCtx syn match nasmInMacParamNum contained "\<\d\+\.list\>"me=e-5 syn match nasmInMacParamNum contained "\<\d\+\.nolist\>"me=e-7 syn match nasmInMacDirective contained "\.\(no\)\=list\>" syn match nasmInMacMacro contained transparent "macro\s"lc=5 skipwhite nextgroup=nasmStructureLabel syn match nasmInMacMacro contained "^\s*%rotate\>"hs=e-6 syn match nasmInMacParam contained "%\([+-]\=\d\+\|{[+-]\=\d\+}\)" " nasm conditional macro operands/arguments " Todo: check feasebility; add too nasmGrpInMacros, etc. "syn match nasmInMacCond contained "\<\(N\=\([ABGL]E\=\|[CEOSZ]\)\|P[EO]\=\)\>" syn cluster nasmGrpInMacros contains=nasmMacro,nasmInMacMacro,nasmInMacParam,nasmInMacParamNum,nasmInMacDirective,nasmInMacLabel,nasmInMacLblWarn,nasmInMacMemRef,nasmInMacPreConDef,nasmInMacPreCondit,nasmInMacPreProc,nasmInMacStrucDef " Context pre-procs that are better used inside a macro if exists("nasm_ctx_outside_macro") syn region nasmPreConditDef transparent matchgroup=nasmCtxPreCondit start="^\s*%ifnctx\>"hs=e-6 start="^\s*%ifctx\>"hs=e-5 end="%endif\>" contains=@nasmGrpCntnPreCon syn match nasmCtxPreProc "^\s*%pop\>"hs=e-3 if exists("nasm_loose_syntax") syn match nasmCtxLocLabel "%$\+\(\w\|[#.?@~]\)\k*\>" else syn match nasmCtxLocLabel "%$\+\(\h\|[?@]\)\k*\>" endif syn match nasmCtxPreProc "^\s*%\(push\|repl\)\>"hs=e-4 skipwhite nextgroup=@nasmGrpNxtCtx syn match nasmCtxPreCondit contained transparent "ctx\s"lc=3 skipwhite nextgroup=@nasmGrpNxtCtx syn match nasmCtxPreCondit contained "^\s*%elifctx\>"hs=e-7 skipwhite nextgroup=@nasmGrpNxtCtx syn match nasmCtxPreCondit contained "^\s*%elifnctx\>"hs=e-8 skipwhite nextgroup=@nasmGrpNxtCtx if exists("nasm_no_warn") hi link nasmCtxPreCondit nasmPreCondit hi link nasmCtxPreProc nasmPreProc hi link nasmCtxLocLabel nasmLocalLabel else hi link nasmCtxPreCondit nasmPreProcWarn hi link nasmCtxPreProc nasmPreProcWarn hi link nasmCtxLocLabel nasmLabelWarn endif endif " Conditional assembly syn cluster nasmGrpCntnPreCon contains=ALLBUT,@nasmGrpInComments,@nasmGrpInMacros,@nasmGrpInStrucs syn region nasmPreConditDef transparent matchgroup=nasmPreCondit start="^\s*%ifnidni\>"hs=e-7 start="^\s*%if\(idni\|n\(def\|idn\|num\|str\)\)\>"hs=e-6 start="^\s*%if\(def\|idn\|nid\|num\|str\)\>"hs=e-5 start="^\s*%ifid\>"hs=e-4 start="^\s*%if\>"hs=e-2 end="%endif\>" contains=@nasmGrpCntnPreCon syn match nasmInPreCondit contained "^\s*%el\(if\|se\)\>"hs=e-4 syn match nasmInPreCondit contained "^\s*%elifid\>"hs=e-6 syn match nasmInPreCondit contained "^\s*%elif\(def\|idn\|nid\|num\|str\)\>"hs=e-7 syn match nasmInPreCondit contained "^\s*%elif\(n\(def\|idn\|num\|str\)\|idni\)\>"hs=e-8 syn match nasmInPreCondit contained "^\s*%elifnidni\>"hs=e-9 syn cluster nasmGrpInPreCondits contains=nasmPreCondit,nasmInPreCondit,nasmCtxPreCondit syn cluster nasmGrpPreCondits contains=nasmPreConditDef,@nasmGrpInPreCondits,nasmCtxPreProc,nasmCtxLocLabel " Other pre-processor statements syn match nasmPreProc "^\s*%\(rep\|use\)\>"hs=e-3 syn match nasmPreProc "^\s*%line\>"hs=e-4 syn match nasmPreProc "^\s*%\(clear\|error\|fatal\)\>"hs=e-5 syn match nasmPreProc "^\s*%\(endrep\|strlen\|substr\)\>"hs=e-6 syn match nasmPreProc "^\s*%\(exitrep\|warning\)\>"hs=e-7 syn match nasmDefine "^\s*%undef\>"hs=e-5 syn match nasmDefine "^\s*%\(assign\|define\)\>"hs=e-6 syn match nasmDefine "^\s*%i\(assign\|define\)\>"hs=e-7 syn match nasmDefine "^\s*%unmacro\>"hs=e-7 syn match nasmInclude "^\s*%include\>"hs=e-7 " Todo: Treat the line tail after %fatal, %error, %warning as text " Multiple pre-processor instructions on single line detection (obsolete) "syn match nasmPreProcError +^\s*\([^\t "%';][^"%';]*\|[^\t "';][^"%';]\+\)%\a\+\>+ syn cluster nasmGrpPreProcs contains=nasmMacroDef,@nasmGrpInMacros,@nasmGrpPreCondits,nasmPreProc,nasmDefine,nasmInclude,nasmPreProcWarn,nasmPreProcError " Register Identifiers: " Register operands: syn match nasmGen08Register "\<[A-D][HL]\>" syn match nasmGen16Register "\<\([A-D]X\|[DS]I\|[BS]P\)\>" syn match nasmGen32Register "\<E\([A-D]X\|[DS]I\|[BS]P\)\>" syn match nasmGen64Register "\<R\([A-D]X\|[DS]I\|[BS]P\|[89]\|1[0-5]\|[89][WDB]\|1[0-5][WDB]\)\>" syn match nasmExtRegister "\<\([SB]PL\|[SD]IL\)\>" syn match nasmSegRegister "\<[C-GS]S\>" syn match nasmSpcRegister "\<E\=IP\>" syn match nasmFpuRegister "\<ST\o\>" syn match nasmMmxRegister "\<MM\o\>" syn match nasmAvxRegister "\<[XYZ]MM\d\{1,2}\>" syn match nasmCtrlRegister "\<CR\o\>" syn match nasmDebugRegister "\<DR\o\>" syn match nasmTestRegister "\<TR\o\>" syn match nasmRegisterError "\<\(CR[15-9]\|DR[4-58-9]\|TR[0-28-9]\)\>" syn match nasmRegisterError "\<[XYZ]MM\(3[2-9]\|[04-9]\d\)\>" syn match nasmRegisterError "\<ST\((\d)\|[8-9]\>\)" syn match nasmRegisterError "\<E\([A-D][HL]\|[C-GS]S\)\>" " Memory reference operand (address): syn match nasmMemRefError "[[\]]" syn cluster nasmGrpCntnMemRef contains=ALLBUT,@nasmGrpComments,@nasmGrpPreProcs,@nasmGrpInStrucs,nasmMemReference,nasmMemRefError syn match nasmInMacMemRef contained "\[[^;[\]]\{-}\]" contains=@nasmGrpCntnMemRef,nasmPreProcError,nasmInMacLabel,nasmInMacLblWarn,nasmInMacParam syn match nasmMemReference "\[[^;[\]]\{-}\]" contains=@nasmGrpCntnMemRef,nasmPreProcError,nasmCtxLocLabel " Netwide Assembler Directives: " Compilation constants syn keyword nasmConstant __BITS__ __DATE__ __FILE__ __FORMAT__ __LINE__ syn keyword nasmConstant __NASM_MAJOR__ __NASM_MINOR__ __NASM_VERSION__ syn keyword nasmConstant __TIME__ " Instruction modifiers syn match nasmInstrModifier "\(^\|:\)\s*[C-GS]S\>"ms=e-1 syn keyword nasmInstrModifier A16 A32 O16 O32 syn match nasmInstrModifier "\<F\(ADD\|MUL\|\(DIV\|SUB\)R\=\)\s\+TO\>"lc=5,ms=e-1 " the 'to' keyword is not allowed for fpu-pop instructions (yet) "syn match nasmInstrModifier "\<F\(ADD\|MUL\|\(DIV\|SUB\)R\=\)P\s\+TO\>"lc=6,ms=e-1 " NAsm directives syn keyword nasmRepeat TIMES syn keyword nasmDirective ALIGN[B] INCBIN EQU NOSPLIT SPLIT syn keyword nasmDirective ABSOLUTE BITS SECTION SEGMENT DEFAULT syn keyword nasmDirective ENDSECTION ENDSEGMENT syn keyword nasmDirective __SECT__ " Macro created standard directives: (requires %include) syn case match syn keyword nasmStdDirective ENDPROC EPILOGUE LOCALS PROC PROLOGUE USES syn keyword nasmStdDirective ENDIF ELSE ELIF ELSIF IF "syn keyword nasmStdDirective BREAK CASE DEFAULT ENDSWITCH SWITCH "syn keyword nasmStdDirective CASE OF ENDCASE syn keyword nasmStdDirective ENDFOR ENDWHILE FOR REPEAT UNTIL WHILE EXIT syn case ignore " Format specific directives: (all formats) " (excluded: extension directives to section, global, common and extern) syn keyword nasmFmtDirective ORG syn keyword nasmFmtDirective EXPORT IMPORT GROUP UPPERCASE SEG WRT syn keyword nasmFmtDirective LIBRARY syn case match syn keyword nasmFmtDirective _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ __GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ syn keyword nasmFmtDirective ..start ..got ..gotoff ..gotpc ..plt ..sym syn case ignore " Instruction errors: " Instruction modifiers syn match nasmInstructnError "\<TO\>" " Standard Instructions: syn match nasmInstructnError "\<\(F\=CMOV\|SET\|J\)N\=\a\{0,2}\>" syn match nasmInstructnError "\<CMP\a\{0,2}XADD\>" syn keyword nasmInstructnError CMPS MOVS LCS LODS STOS XLAT syn match nasmInstructnError "\<MOV\s[^,;[]*\<CS\>\s*[^:]"he=e-1 " Input and Output syn keyword nasmInstructnError INS OUTS " Standard MMX instructions: (requires MMX1 unit) syn match nasmInstructnError "\<P\(ADD\|SUB\)U\=S\=[DQ]\=\>" syn match nasmInstructnError "\<PCMP\a\{0,2}[BDWQ]\=\>" " Streaming SIMD Extension Packed Instructions: (requires SSE unit) syn match nasmInstructnError "\<CMP\a\{1,5}[PS]S\>" " AVX Instructions syn match nasmInstructnError "\<VP\a\{3}R\a\>" " Instructions: " Standard syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard AAA AAD AAM AAS ADC syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard ADD AND ARPL syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard BOUND BSF BSR BSWAP BT syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard BTC BTR BTS CALL CBW syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard CDQ CDQE CLC CLD CLI syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard CLTS CMC CMP CMPSB CMPSD syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard CMPSQ CMPSW CMPXCHG CMPXCHG486 CMPXCHG8B syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard CMPXCHG16B CPUID CQO syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard CWD CWDE DAA DAS DEC syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard DIV EMMS ENTER EQU syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard F2XM1 FABS FADD FADDP FBLD syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard FBSTP FCHS FCLEX FCMOVB FCMOVBE syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard FCMOVE FCMOVNB FCMOVNBE FCMOVNE FCMOVNU syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard FCMOVU FCOM FCOMI FCOMIP FCOMP syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard FCOMPP FCOS FDECSTP FDISI FDIV syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard FDIVP FDIVR FDIVRP FEMMS FENI syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard FFREE FFREEP FIADD FICOM FICOMP syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard FIDIV FIDIVR FILD FIMUL FINCSTP syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard FINIT FIST FISTP FISTTP FISUB syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard FISUBR FLD FLD1 FLDCW FLDENV syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard FLDL2E FLDL2T FLDLG2 FLDLN2 FLDPI syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard FLDZ FMUL FMULP FNCLEX FNDISI syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard FNENI FNINIT FNOP FNSAVE FNSTCW syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard FNSTENV FNSTSW FPATAN FPREM FPREM1 syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard FPTAN FRNDINT FRSTOR FSAVE FSCALE syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard FSETPM FSIN FSINCOS FSQRT FST syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard FSTCW FSTENV FSTP FSTSW FSUB syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard FSUBP FSUBR FSUBRP FTST FUCOM syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard FUCOMI FUCOMIP FUCOMP FUCOMPP FXAM syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard FXCH FXTRACT FYL2X FYL2XP1 HLT syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard IBTS ICEBP IDIV IMUL IN syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard INC INSB INSD INSW INT syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard INTO syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard INVD INVPCID INVLPG INVLPGA IRET syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard IRETD IRETQ IRETW JCXZ JECXZ syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard JRCXZ JMP JMPE LAHF LAR syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard LDS LEA LEAVE LES LFENCE syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard LFS LGDT LGS LIDT LLDT syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard LMSW LOADALL LOADALL286 LODSB LODSD syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard LODSQ LODSW LOOP LOOPE LOOPNE syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard LOOPNZ LOOPZ LSL LSS LTR syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard MFENCE MONITOR MONITORX MOV MOVD syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard MOVQ MOVSB MOVSD MOVSQ MOVSW syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard MOVSX MOVSXD MOVSX MOVZX MUL syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard MWAIT MWAITX NEG NOP NOT syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard OR OUT OUTSB OUTSD OUTSW syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard PACKSSDW PACKSSWB PACKUSWB PADDB PADDD syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard PADDSB PADDSW PADDUSB PADDUSW syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard PADDW PAND PANDN PAUSE syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard PAVGUSB PCMPEQB PCMPEQD PCMPEQW PCMPGTB syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard PCMPGTD PCMPGTW PF2ID PFACC syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard PFADD PFCMPEQ PFCMPGE PFCMPGT PFMAX syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard PFMIN PFMUL PFRCP PFRCPIT1 PFRCPIT2 syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard PFRSQIT1 PFRSQRT PFSUB PFSUBR PI2FD syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard PMADDWD PMULHRWA syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard PMULHW PMULLW syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard POP POPA POPAD syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard POPAW POPF POPFD POPFQ POPFW syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard POR PREFETCH PREFETCHW PSLLD PSLLQ syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard PSLLW PSRAD PSRAW PSRLD PSRLQ syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard PSRLW PSUBB PSUBD PSUBSB syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard PSUBSW PSUBUSB PSUBUSW PSUBW PUNPCKHBW syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard PUNPCKHDQ PUNPCKHWD PUNPCKLBW PUNPCKLDQ PUNPCKLWD syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard PUSH PUSHA PUSHAD PUSHAW PUSHF syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard PUSHFD PUSHFQ PUSHFW PXOR RCL syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard RCR syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard RDTSCP RET RETF RETN RETW syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard RETFW RETNW RETD RETFD RETND syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard RETQ RETFQ RETNQ ROL ROR syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard RSM RSTS syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard SAHF SAL SALC SAR SBB syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard SCASB SCASD SCASQ SCASW SFENCE syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard SGDT SHL SHLD SHR SHRD syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard SIDT SLDT SKINIT SMI syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard SMSW STC STD STI syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard STOSB STOSD STOSQ STOSW STR syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard SUB SWAPGS syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard SYSCALL SYSENTER SYSEXIT SYSRET TEST syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard UD0 UD1 UD2B UD2 UD2A syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard UMOV VERR VERW FWAIT WBINVD syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard XADD XBTS XCHG syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard XLATB XLAT XOR CMOVA CMOVAE syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard CMOVB CMOVBE CMOVC CMOVE CMOVG syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard CMOVGE CMOVL CMOVLE CMOVNA CMOVNAE syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard CMOVNB CMOVNBE CMOVNC CMOVNE CMOVNG syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard CMOVNGE CMOVNL CMOVNLE CMOVNO CMOVNP syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard CMOVNS CMOVNZ CMOVO CMOVP CMOVPE syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard CMOVPO CMOVS CMOVZ JA JAE syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard JB JBE JC JCXZ JE syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard JECXZ JG JGE JL JLE syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard JNA JNAE JNB JNBE JNC syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard JNE JNG JNGE JNL JNLE syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard JNO JNP JNS JNZ JO syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard JP JPE JPO JRCXZ JS syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard JZ SETA SETAE SETB SETBE syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard SETC SETE SETG SETGE SETL syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard SETLE SETNA SETNAE SETNB SETNBE syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard SETNC SETNE SETNG SETNGE SETNL syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard SETNLE SETNO SETNP SETNS SETNZ syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard SETO SETP SETPE SETPO SETS syn keyword nasmInstructionStandard SETZ " SIMD syn keyword nasmInstructionSIMD ADDPS ADDSS ANDNPS ANDPS CMPEQPS syn keyword nasmInstructionSIMD CMPEQSS CMPLEPS CMPLESS CMPLTPS CMPLTSS syn keyword nasmInstructionSIMD CMPNEQPS CMPNEQSS CMPNLEPS CMPNLESS CMPNLTPS syn keyword nasmInstructionSIMD CMPNLTSS CMPORDPS CMPORDSS CMPUNORDPS CMPUNORDSS syn keyword nasmInstructionSIMD CMPPS CMPSS COMISS CVTPI2PS CVTPS2PI syn keyword nasmInstructionSIMD CVTSI2SS CVTSS2SI CVTTPS2PI CVTTSS2SI DIVPS syn keyword nasmInstructionSIMD DIVSS LDMXCSR MAXPS MAXSS MINPS syn keyword nasmInstructionSIMD MINSS MOVAPS MOVHPS MOVLHPS MOVLPS syn keyword nasmInstructionSIMD MOVHLPS MOVMSKPS MOVNTPS MOVSS MOVUPS syn keyword nasmInstructionSIMD MULPS MULSS ORPS RCPPS RCPSS syn keyword nasmInstructionSIMD RSQRTPS RSQRTSS SHUFPS SQRTPS SQRTSS syn keyword nasmInstructionSIMD STMXCSR SUBPS SUBSS UCOMISS UNPCKHPS syn keyword nasmInstructionSIMD UNPCKLPS XORPS " SSE syn keyword nasmInstructionSSE FXRSTOR FXRSTOR64 FXSAVE FXSAVE64 " XSAVE syn keyword nasmInstructionXSAVE XGETBV XSETBV XSAVE XSAVE64 XSAVEC syn keyword nasmInstructionXSAVE XSAVEC64 XSAVEOPT XSAVEOPT64 XSAVES XSAVES64 syn keyword nasmInstructionXSAVE XRSTOR XRSTOR64 XRSTORS XRSTORS64 " MEM syn keyword nasmInstructionMEM PREFETCHNTA PREFETCHT0 PREFETCHT1 PREFETCHT2 PREFETCHIT0 syn keyword nasmInstructionMEM PREFETCHIT1 SFENCE " MMX syn keyword nasmInstructionMMX MASKMOVQ MOVNTQ PAVGB PAVGW PEXTRW syn keyword nasmInstructionMMX PINSRW PMAXSW PMAXUB PMINSW PMINUB syn keyword nasmInstructionMMX PMOVMSKB PMULHUW PSADBW PSHUFW " 3DNOW syn keyword nasmInstruction3DNOW PF2IW PFNACC PFPNACC PI2FW PSWAPD " SSE2 syn keyword nasmInstructionSSE2 MASKMOVDQU CLFLUSH MOVNTDQ MOVNTI MOVNTPD syn keyword nasmInstructionSSE2 LFENCE MFENCE " WMMX syn keyword nasmInstructionWMMX MOVD MOVDQA MOVDQU MOVDQ2Q MOVQ syn keyword nasmInstructionWMMX MOVQ2DQ PACKSSWB PACKSSDW PACKUSWB PADDB syn keyword nasmInstructionWMMX PADDW PADDD PADDQ PADDSB PADDSW syn keyword nasmInstructionWMMX PADDUSB PADDUSW PAND PANDN PAVGB syn keyword nasmInstructionWMMX PAVGW PCMPEQB PCMPEQW PCMPEQD PCMPGTB syn keyword nasmInstructionWMMX PCMPGTW PCMPGTD PEXTRW PINSRW PMADDWD syn keyword nasmInstructionWMMX PMAXSW PMAXUB PMINSW PMINUB PMOVMSKB syn keyword nasmInstructionWMMX PMULHUW PMULHW PMULLW PMULUDQ POR syn keyword nasmInstructionWMMX PSADBW PSHUFD PSHUFHW PSHUFLW PSLLDQ syn keyword nasmInstructionWMMX PSLLW PSLLD PSLLQ PSRAW PSRAD syn keyword nasmInstructionWMMX PSRLDQ PSRLW PSRLD PSRLQ PSUBB syn keyword nasmInstructionWMMX PSUBW PSUBD PSUBQ PSUBSB PSUBSW syn keyword nasmInstructionWMMX PSUBUSB PSUBUSW PUNPCKHBW PUNPCKHWD PUNPCKHDQ syn keyword nasmInstructionWMMX PUNPCKHQDQ PUNPCKLBW PUNPCKLWD PUNPCKLDQ PUNPCKLQDQ syn keyword nasmInstructionWMMX PXOR " WSSD syn keyword nasmInstructionWSSD ADDPD ADDSD ANDNPD ANDPD CMPEQPD syn keyword nasmInstructionWSSD CMPEQSD CMPLEPD CMPLESD CMPLTPD CMPLTSD syn keyword nasmInstructionWSSD CMPNEQPD CMPNEQSD CMPNLEPD CMPNLESD CMPNLTPD syn keyword nasmInstructionWSSD CMPNLTSD CMPORDPD CMPORDSD CMPUNORDPD CMPUNORDSD syn keyword nasmInstructionWSSD CMPPD CMPSD COMISD CVTDQ2PD CVTDQ2PS syn keyword nasmInstructionWSSD CVTPD2DQ CVTPD2PI CVTPD2PS CVTPI2PD CVTPS2DQ syn keyword nasmInstructionWSSD CVTPS2PD CVTSD2SI CVTSD2SS CVTSI2SD CVTSS2SD syn keyword nasmInstructionWSSD CVTTPD2PI CVTTPD2DQ CVTTPS2DQ CVTTSD2SI DIVPD syn keyword nasmInstructionWSSD DIVSD MAXPD MAXSD MINPD MINSD syn keyword nasmInstructionWSSD MOVAPD MOVHPD MOVLPD MOVMSKPD MOVSD syn keyword nasmInstructionWSSD MOVUPD MULPD MULSD ORPD SHUFPD syn keyword nasmInstructionWSSD SQRTPD SQRTSD SUBPD SUBSD UCOMISD syn keyword nasmInstructionWSSD UNPCKHPD UNPCKLPD XORPD " PRESSCOT syn keyword nasmInstructionPRESSCOT ADDSUBPD ADDSUBPS HADDPD HADDPS HSUBPD syn keyword nasmInstructionPRESSCOT HSUBPS LDDQU MOVDDUP MOVSHDUP MOVSLDUP " VMXSVM syn keyword nasmInstructionVMXSVM CLGI STGI VMCALL VMCLEAR VMFUNC syn keyword nasmInstructionVMXSVM VMLAUNCH VMLOAD VMMCALL VMPTRLD VMPTRST syn keyword nasmInstructionVMXSVM VMREAD VMRESUME VMRUN VMSAVE VMWRITE syn keyword nasmInstructionVMXSVM VMXOFF VMXON " PTVMX syn keyword nasmInstructionPTVMX INVEPT INVVPID " SEVSNPAMD syn keyword nasmInstructionSEVSNPAMD PVALIDATE RMPADJUST VMGEXIT " TEJAS syn keyword nasmInstructionTEJAS PABSB PABSW PABSD PALIGNR PHADDW syn keyword nasmInstructionTEJAS PHADDD PHADDSW PHSUBW PHSUBD PHSUBSW syn keyword nasmInstructionTEJAS PMADDUBSW PMULHRSW PSHUFB PSIGNB PSIGNW syn keyword nasmInstructionTEJAS PSIGND " AMD_SSE4A syn keyword nasmInstructionAMD_SSE4A EXTRQ INSERTQ MOVNTSD MOVNTSS " BARCELONA syn keyword nasmInstructionBARCELONA LZCNT " PENRY syn keyword nasmInstructionPENRY BLENDPD BLENDPS BLENDVPD BLENDVPS DPPD syn keyword nasmInstructionPENRY DPPS EXTRACTPS INSERTPS MOVNTDQA MPSADBW syn keyword nasmInstructionPENRY PACKUSDW PBLENDVB PBLENDW PCMPEQQ PEXTRB syn keyword nasmInstructionPENRY PEXTRD PEXTRQ PEXTRW PHMINPOSUW PINSRB syn keyword nasmInstructionPENRY PINSRD PINSRQ PMAXSB PMAXSD PMAXUD syn keyword nasmInstructionPENRY PMAXUW PMINSB PMINSD PMINUD PMINUW syn keyword nasmInstructionPENRY PMOVSXBW PMOVSXBD PMOVSXBQ PMOVSXWD PMOVSXWQ syn keyword nasmInstructionPENRY PMOVSXDQ PMOVZXBW PMOVZXBD PMOVZXBQ PMOVZXWD syn keyword nasmInstructionPENRY PMOVZXWQ PMOVZXDQ PMULDQ PMULLD PTEST syn keyword nasmInstructionPENRY ROUNDPD ROUNDPS ROUNDSD ROUNDSS " NEHALEM syn keyword nasmInstructionNEHALEM CRC32 PCMPESTRI PCMPESTRM PCMPISTRI PCMPISTRM syn keyword nasmInstructionNEHALEM PCMPGTQ POPCNT " SMX syn keyword nasmInstructionSMX GETSEC " GEODE_3DNOW syn keyword nasmInstructionGEODE_3DNOW PFRCPV PFRSQRTV " INTEL_NEW syn keyword nasmInstructionINTEL_NEW MOVBE " AES syn keyword nasmInstructionAES AESENC AESENCLAST AESDEC AESDECLAST AESIMC syn keyword nasmInstructionAES AESKEYGENASSIST " AVX_AES syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX_AES VAESENC VAESENCLAST VAESDEC VAESDECLAST VAESIMC syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX_AES VAESKEYGENASSIST " INTEL_PUB syn keyword nasmInstructionINTEL_PUB VAESENC VAESENCLAST VAESDEC VAESDECLAST VAESENC syn keyword nasmInstructionINTEL_PUB VAESENCLAST VAESDEC VAESDECLAST VAESENC VAESENCLAST syn keyword nasmInstructionINTEL_PUB VAESDEC VAESDECLAST " AVX syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VADDPD VADDPS VADDSD VADDSS VADDSUBPD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VADDSUBPS VANDPD VANDPS VANDNPD VANDNPS syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VBLENDPD VBLENDPS VBLENDVPD VBLENDVPS VBROADCASTSS syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VBROADCASTSD VBROADCASTF128 VCMPEQ_OSPD VCMPEQPD VCMPLT_OSPD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VCMPLTPD VCMPLE_OSPD VCMPLEPD VCMPUNORD_QPD VCMPUNORDPD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VCMPNEQ_UQPD VCMPNEQPD VCMPNLT_USPD VCMPNLTPD VCMPNLE_USPD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VCMPNLEPD VCMPORD_QPD VCMPORDPD VCMPEQ_UQPD VCMPNGE_USPD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VCMPNGEPD VCMPNGT_USPD VCMPNGTPD VCMPFALSE_OQPD VCMPFALSEPD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VCMPNEQ_OQPD VCMPGE_OSPD VCMPGEPD VCMPGT_OSPD VCMPGTPD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VCMPTRUE_UQPD VCMPTRUEPD VCMPEQ_OSPD VCMPLT_OQPD VCMPLE_OQPD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VCMPUNORD_SPD VCMPNEQ_USPD VCMPNLT_UQPD VCMPNLE_UQPD VCMPORD_SPD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VCMPEQ_USPD VCMPNGE_UQPD VCMPNGT_UQPD VCMPFALSE_OSPD VCMPNEQ_OSPD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VCMPGE_OQPD VCMPGT_OQPD VCMPTRUE_USPD VCMPPD VCMPEQ_OSPS syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VCMPEQPS VCMPLT_OSPS VCMPLTPS VCMPLE_OSPS VCMPLEPS syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VCMPUNORD_QPS VCMPUNORDPS VCMPNEQ_UQPS VCMPNEQPS VCMPNLT_USPS syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VCMPNLTPS VCMPNLE_USPS VCMPNLEPS VCMPORD_QPS VCMPORDPS syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VCMPEQ_UQPS VCMPNGE_USPS VCMPNGEPS VCMPNGT_USPS VCMPNGTPS syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VCMPFALSE_OQPS VCMPFALSEPS VCMPNEQ_OQPS VCMPGE_OSPS VCMPGEPS syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VCMPGT_OSPS VCMPGTPS VCMPTRUE_UQPS VCMPTRUEPS VCMPEQ_OSPS syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VCMPLT_OQPS VCMPLE_OQPS VCMPUNORD_SPS VCMPNEQ_USPS VCMPNLT_UQPS syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VCMPNLE_UQPS VCMPORD_SPS VCMPEQ_USPS VCMPNGE_UQPS VCMPNGT_UQPS syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VCMPFALSE_OSPS VCMPNEQ_OSPS VCMPGE_OQPS VCMPGT_OQPS VCMPTRUE_USPS syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VCMPPS VCMPEQ_OSSD VCMPEQSD VCMPLT_OSSD VCMPLTSD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VCMPLE_OSSD VCMPLESD VCMPUNORD_QSD VCMPUNORDSD VCMPNEQ_UQSD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VCMPNEQSD VCMPNLT_USSD VCMPNLTSD VCMPNLE_USSD VCMPNLESD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VCMPORD_QSD VCMPORDSD VCMPEQ_UQSD VCMPNGE_USSD VCMPNGESD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VCMPNGT_USSD VCMPNGTSD VCMPFALSE_OQSD VCMPFALSESD VCMPNEQ_OQSD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VCMPGE_OSSD VCMPGESD VCMPGT_OSSD VCMPGTSD VCMPTRUE_UQSD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VCMPTRUESD VCMPEQ_OSSD VCMPLT_OQSD VCMPLE_OQSD VCMPUNORD_SSD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VCMPNEQ_USSD VCMPNLT_UQSD VCMPNLE_UQSD VCMPORD_SSD VCMPEQ_USSD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VCMPNGE_UQSD VCMPNGT_UQSD VCMPFALSE_OSSD VCMPNEQ_OSSD VCMPGE_OQSD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VCMPGT_OQSD VCMPTRUE_USSD VCMPSD VCMPEQ_OSSS VCMPEQSS syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VCMPLT_OSSS VCMPLTSS VCMPLE_OSSS VCMPLESS VCMPUNORD_QSS syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VCMPUNORDSS VCMPNEQ_UQSS VCMPNEQSS VCMPNLT_USSS VCMPNLTSS syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VCMPNLE_USSS VCMPNLESS VCMPORD_QSS VCMPORDSS VCMPEQ_UQSS syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VCMPNGE_USSS VCMPNGESS VCMPNGT_USSS VCMPNGTSS VCMPFALSE_OQSS syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VCMPFALSESS VCMPNEQ_OQSS VCMPGE_OSSS VCMPGESS VCMPGT_OSSS syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VCMPGTSS VCMPTRUE_UQSS VCMPTRUESS VCMPEQ_OSSS VCMPLT_OQSS syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VCMPLE_OQSS VCMPUNORD_SSS VCMPNEQ_USSS VCMPNLT_UQSS VCMPNLE_UQSS syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VCMPORD_SSS VCMPEQ_USSS VCMPNGE_UQSS VCMPNGT_UQSS VCMPFALSE_OSSS syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VCMPNEQ_OSSS VCMPGE_OQSS VCMPGT_OQSS VCMPTRUE_USSS VCMPSS syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VCOMISD VCOMISS VCVTDQ2PD VCVTDQ2PS VCVTPD2DQ syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VCVTPD2PS VCVTPS2DQ VCVTPS2PD VCVTSD2SI VCVTSD2SS syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VCVTSI2SD VCVTSI2SS VCVTSS2SD VCVTSS2SI VCVTTPD2DQ syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VCVTTPS2DQ VCVTTSD2SI VCVTTSS2SI VDIVPD VDIVPS syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VDIVSD VDIVSS VDPPD VDPPS VEXTRACTF128 syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VEXTRACTPS VHADDPD VHADDPS VHSUBPD VHSUBPS syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VINSERTF128 VINSERTPS VLDDQU VLDQQU VLDDQU syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VLDMXCSR VMASKMOVDQU VMASKMOVPS VMASKMOVPD VMAXPD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VMAXPS VMAXSD VMAXSS VMINPD VMINPS syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VMINSD VMINSS VMOVAPD VMOVAPS VMOVD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VMOVQ VMOVDDUP VMOVDQA VMOVQQA VMOVDQA syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VMOVDQU VMOVQQU VMOVDQU VMOVHLPS VMOVHPD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VMOVHPS VMOVLHPS VMOVLPD VMOVLPS VMOVMSKPD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VMOVMSKPS VMOVNTDQ VMOVNTQQ VMOVNTDQ VMOVNTDQA syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VMOVNTPD VMOVNTPS VMOVSD VMOVSHDUP VMOVSLDUP syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VMOVSS VMOVUPD VMOVUPS VMPSADBW VMULPD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VMULPS VMULSD VMULSS VORPD VORPS syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VPABSB VPABSW VPABSD VPACKSSWB VPACKSSDW syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VPACKUSWB VPACKUSDW VPADDB VPADDW VPADDD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VPADDQ VPADDSB VPADDSW VPADDUSB VPADDUSW syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VPALIGNR VPAND VPANDN VPAVGB VPAVGW syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VPBLENDVB VPBLENDW VPCMPESTRI VPCMPESTRM VPCMPISTRI syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VPCMPISTRM VPCMPEQB VPCMPEQW VPCMPEQD VPCMPEQQ syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VPCMPGTB VPCMPGTW VPCMPGTD VPCMPGTQ VPERMILPD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VPERMILPS VPERM2F128 VPEXTRB VPEXTRW VPEXTRD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VPEXTRQ VPHADDW VPHADDD VPHADDSW VPHMINPOSUW syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VPHSUBW VPHSUBD VPHSUBSW VPINSRB VPINSRW syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VPINSRD VPINSRQ VPMADDWD VPMADDUBSW VPMAXSB syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VPMAXSW VPMAXSD VPMAXUB VPMAXUW VPMAXUD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VPMINSB VPMINSW VPMINSD VPMINUB VPMINUW syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VPMINUD VPMOVMSKB VPMOVSXBW VPMOVSXBD VPMOVSXBQ syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VPMOVSXWD VPMOVSXWQ VPMOVSXDQ VPMOVZXBW VPMOVZXBD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VPMOVZXBQ VPMOVZXWD VPMOVZXWQ VPMOVZXDQ VPMULHUW syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VPMULHRSW VPMULHW VPMULLW VPMULLD VPMULUDQ syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VPMULDQ VPOR VPSADBW VPSHUFB VPSHUFD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VPSHUFHW VPSHUFLW VPSIGNB VPSIGNW VPSIGND syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VPSLLDQ VPSRLDQ VPSLLW VPSLLD VPSLLQ syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VPSRAW VPSRAD VPSRLW VPSRLD VPSRLQ syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VPTEST VPSUBB VPSUBW VPSUBD VPSUBQ syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VPSUBSB VPSUBSW VPSUBUSB VPSUBUSW VPUNPCKHBW syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VPUNPCKHWD VPUNPCKHDQ VPUNPCKHQDQ VPUNPCKLBW VPUNPCKLWD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VPUNPCKLDQ VPUNPCKLQDQ VPXOR VRCPPS VRCPSS syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VRSQRTPS VRSQRTSS VROUNDPD VROUNDPS VROUNDSD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VROUNDSS VSHUFPD VSHUFPS VSQRTPD VSQRTPS syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VSQRTSD VSQRTSS VSTMXCSR VSUBPD VSUBPS syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VSUBSD VSUBSS VTESTPS VTESTPD VUCOMISD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VUCOMISS VUNPCKHPD VUNPCKHPS VUNPCKLPD VUNPCKLPS syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX VXORPD VXORPS VZEROALL VZEROUPPER " INTEL_CMUL syn keyword nasmInstructionINTEL_CMUL PCLMULLQLQDQ PCLMULHQLQDQ PCLMULLQHQDQ PCLMULHQHQDQ PCLMULQDQ " INTEL_AVX_CMUL syn keyword nasmInstructionINTEL_AVX_CMUL VPCLMULLQLQDQ VPCLMULHQLQDQ VPCLMULLQHQDQ VPCLMULHQHQDQ VPCLMULQDQ syn keyword nasmInstructionINTEL_AVX_CMUL VPCLMULLQLQDQ VPCLMULHQLQDQ VPCLMULLQHQDQ VPCLMULHQHQDQ VPCLMULQDQ syn keyword nasmInstructionINTEL_AVX_CMUL VPCLMULLQLQDQ VPCLMULHQLQDQ VPCLMULLQHQDQ VPCLMULHQHQDQ VPCLMULQDQ syn keyword nasmInstructionINTEL_AVX_CMUL VPCLMULLQLQDQ VPCLMULHQLQDQ VPCLMULLQHQDQ VPCLMULHQHQDQ VPCLMULQDQ syn keyword nasmInstructionINTEL_AVX_CMUL VPCLMULLQLQDQ VPCLMULHQLQDQ VPCLMULLQHQDQ VPCLMULHQHQDQ VPCLMULQDQ " INTEL_FMA syn keyword nasmInstructionINTEL_FMA VFMADD132PS VFMADD132PD VFMADD312PS VFMADD312PD VFMADD213PS syn keyword nasmInstructionINTEL_FMA VFMADD213PD VFMADD123PS VFMADD123PD VFMADD231PS VFMADD231PD syn keyword nasmInstructionINTEL_FMA VFMADD321PS VFMADD321PD VFMADDSUB132PS VFMADDSUB132PD VFMADDSUB312PS syn keyword nasmInstructionINTEL_FMA VFMADDSUB312PD VFMADDSUB213PS VFMADDSUB213PD VFMADDSUB123PS VFMADDSUB123PD syn keyword nasmInstructionINTEL_FMA VFMADDSUB231PS VFMADDSUB231PD VFMADDSUB321PS VFMADDSUB321PD VFMSUB132PS syn keyword nasmInstructionINTEL_FMA VFMSUB132PD VFMSUB312PS VFMSUB312PD VFMSUB213PS VFMSUB213PD syn keyword nasmInstructionINTEL_FMA VFMSUB123PS VFMSUB123PD VFMSUB231PS VFMSUB231PD VFMSUB321PS syn keyword nasmInstructionINTEL_FMA VFMSUB321PD VFMSUBADD132PS VFMSUBADD132PD VFMSUBADD312PS VFMSUBADD312PD syn keyword nasmInstructionINTEL_FMA VFMSUBADD213PS VFMSUBADD213PD VFMSUBADD123PS VFMSUBADD123PD VFMSUBADD231PS syn keyword nasmInstructionINTEL_FMA VFMSUBADD231PD VFMSUBADD321PS VFMSUBADD321PD VFNMADD132PS VFNMADD132PD syn keyword nasmInstructionINTEL_FMA VFNMADD312PS VFNMADD312PD VFNMADD213PS VFNMADD213PD VFNMADD123PS syn keyword nasmInstructionINTEL_FMA VFNMADD123PD VFNMADD231PS VFNMADD231PD VFNMADD321PS VFNMADD321PD syn keyword nasmInstructionINTEL_FMA VFNMSUB132PS VFNMSUB132PD VFNMSUB312PS VFNMSUB312PD VFNMSUB213PS syn keyword nasmInstructionINTEL_FMA VFNMSUB213PD VFNMSUB123PS VFNMSUB123PD VFNMSUB231PS VFNMSUB231PD syn keyword nasmInstructionINTEL_FMA VFNMSUB321PS VFNMSUB321PD VFMADD132SS VFMADD132SD VFMADD312SS syn keyword nasmInstructionINTEL_FMA VFMADD312SD VFMADD213SS VFMADD213SD VFMADD123SS VFMADD123SD syn keyword nasmInstructionINTEL_FMA VFMADD231SS VFMADD231SD VFMADD321SS VFMADD321SD VFMSUB132SS syn keyword nasmInstructionINTEL_FMA VFMSUB132SD VFMSUB312SS VFMSUB312SD VFMSUB213SS VFMSUB213SD syn keyword nasmInstructionINTEL_FMA VFMSUB123SS VFMSUB123SD VFMSUB231SS VFMSUB231SD VFMSUB321SS syn keyword nasmInstructionINTEL_FMA VFMSUB321SD VFNMADD132SS VFNMADD132SD VFNMADD312SS VFNMADD312SD syn keyword nasmInstructionINTEL_FMA VFNMADD213SS VFNMADD213SD VFNMADD123SS VFNMADD123SD VFNMADD231SS syn keyword nasmInstructionINTEL_FMA VFNMADD231SD VFNMADD321SS VFNMADD321SD VFNMSUB132SS VFNMSUB132SD syn keyword nasmInstructionINTEL_FMA VFNMSUB312SS VFNMSUB312SD VFNMSUB213SS VFNMSUB213SD VFNMSUB123SS syn keyword nasmInstructionINTEL_FMA VFNMSUB123SD VFNMSUB231SS VFNMSUB231SD VFNMSUB321SS VFNMSUB321SD " INTEL_POST32 syn keyword nasmInstructionINTEL_POST32 RDFSBASE RDGSBASE RDRAND WRFSBASE WRGSBASE syn keyword nasmInstructionINTEL_POST32 VCVTPH2PS VCVTPS2PH ADCX ADOX RDSEED " SUPERVISOR syn keyword nasmInstructionSUPERVISOR CLAC STAC " VIA_SECURITY syn keyword nasmInstructionVIA_SECURITY XSTORE XCRYPTECB XCRYPTCBC XCRYPTCTR XCRYPTCFB syn keyword nasmInstructionVIA_SECURITY XCRYPTOFB MONTMUL XSHA1 XSHA256 " AMD_PROFILING syn keyword nasmInstructionAMD_PROFILING LLWPCB SLWPCB LWPVAL LWPINS " XOP_FMA4 syn keyword nasmInstructionXOP_FMA4 VFMADDPD VFMADDPS VFMADDSD VFMADDSS VFMADDSUBPD syn keyword nasmInstructionXOP_FMA4 VFMADDSUBPS VFMSUBADDPD VFMSUBADDPS VFMSUBPD VFMSUBPS syn keyword nasmInstructionXOP_FMA4 VFMSUBSD VFMSUBSS VFNMADDPD VFNMADDPS VFNMADDSD syn keyword nasmInstructionXOP_FMA4 VFNMADDSS VFNMSUBPD VFNMSUBPS VFNMSUBSD VFNMSUBSS syn keyword nasmInstructionXOP_FMA4 VFRCZPD VFRCZPS VFRCZSD VFRCZSS VPCMOV syn keyword nasmInstructionXOP_FMA4 VPCOMB VPCOMD VPCOMQ VPCOMUB VPCOMUD syn keyword nasmInstructionXOP_FMA4 VPCOMUQ VPCOMUW VPCOMW VPHADDBD VPHADDBQ syn keyword nasmInstructionXOP_FMA4 VPHADDBW VPHADDDQ VPHADDUBD VPHADDUBQ VPHADDUBW syn keyword nasmInstructionXOP_FMA4 VPHADDUDQ VPHADDUWD VPHADDUWQ VPHADDWD VPHADDWQ syn keyword nasmInstructionXOP_FMA4 VPHSUBBW VPHSUBDQ VPHSUBWD VPMACSDD VPMACSDQH syn keyword nasmInstructionXOP_FMA4 VPMACSDQL VPMACSSDD VPMACSSDQH VPMACSSDQL VPMACSSWD syn keyword nasmInstructionXOP_FMA4 VPMACSSWW VPMACSWD VPMACSWW VPMADCSSWD VPMADCSWD syn keyword nasmInstructionXOP_FMA4 VPPERM VPROTB VPROTD VPROTQ VPROTW syn keyword nasmInstructionXOP_FMA4 VPSHAB VPSHAD VPSHAQ VPSHAW VPSHLB syn keyword nasmInstructionXOP_FMA4 VPSHLD VPSHLQ VPSHLW " AVX2 syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX2 VMPSADBW VPABSB VPABSW VPABSD VPACKSSWB syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX2 VPACKSSDW VPACKUSDW VPACKUSWB VPADDB VPADDW syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX2 VPADDD VPADDQ VPADDSB VPADDSW VPADDUSB syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX2 VPADDUSW VPALIGNR VPAND VPANDN VPAVGB syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX2 VPAVGW VPBLENDVB VPBLENDW VPCMPEQB VPCMPEQW syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX2 VPCMPEQD VPCMPEQQ VPCMPGTB VPCMPGTW VPCMPGTD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX2 VPCMPGTQ VPHADDW VPHADDD VPHADDSW VPHSUBW syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX2 VPHSUBD VPHSUBSW VPMADDUBSW VPMADDWD VPMAXSB syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX2 VPMAXSW VPMAXSD VPMAXUB VPMAXUW VPMAXUD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX2 VPMINSB VPMINSW VPMINSD VPMINUB VPMINUW syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX2 VPMINUD VPMOVMSKB VPMOVSXBW VPMOVSXBD VPMOVSXBQ syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX2 VPMOVSXWD VPMOVSXWQ VPMOVSXDQ VPMOVZXBW VPMOVZXBD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX2 VPMOVZXBQ VPMOVZXWD VPMOVZXWQ VPMOVZXDQ VPMULDQ syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX2 VPMULHRSW VPMULHUW VPMULHW VPMULLW VPMULLD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX2 VPMULUDQ VPOR VPSADBW VPSHUFB VPSHUFD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX2 VPSHUFHW VPSHUFLW VPSIGNB VPSIGNW VPSIGND syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX2 VPSLLDQ VPSLLW VPSLLD VPSLLQ VPSRAW syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX2 VPSRAD VPSRLDQ VPSRLW VPSRLD VPSRLQ syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX2 VPSUBB VPSUBW VPSUBD VPSUBQ VPSUBSB syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX2 VPSUBSW VPSUBUSB VPSUBUSW VPUNPCKHBW VPUNPCKHWD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX2 VPUNPCKHDQ VPUNPCKHQDQ VPUNPCKLBW VPUNPCKLWD VPUNPCKLDQ syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX2 VPUNPCKLQDQ VPXOR VMOVNTDQA VBROADCASTSS VBROADCASTSD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX2 VBROADCASTI128 VPBLENDD VPBROADCASTB VPBROADCASTW VPBROADCASTD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX2 VPBROADCASTQ VPERMD VPERMPD VPERMPS VPERMQ syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX2 VPERM2I128 VEXTRACTI128 VINSERTI128 VPMASKMOVD VPMASKMOVQ syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX2 VPMASKMOVD VPMASKMOVQ VPSLLVD VPSLLVQ VPSLLVD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX2 VPSLLVQ VPSRAVD VPSRLVD VPSRLVQ VPSRLVD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX2 VPSRLVQ VGATHERDPD VGATHERQPD VGATHERDPD VGATHERQPD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX2 VGATHERDPS VGATHERQPS VGATHERDPS VGATHERQPS VPGATHERDD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX2 VPGATHERQD VPGATHERDD VPGATHERQD VPGATHERDQ VPGATHERQQ syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX2 VPGATHERDQ VPGATHERQQ " TRANSACTIONS syn keyword nasmInstructionTRANSACTIONS XABORT XBEGIN XEND XTEST " BMI_ABM syn keyword nasmInstructionBMI_ABM ANDN BEXTR BLCI BLCIC BLSI syn keyword nasmInstructionBMI_ABM BLSIC BLCFILL BLSFILL BLCMSK BLSMSK syn keyword nasmInstructionBMI_ABM BLSR BLCS BZHI MULX PDEP syn keyword nasmInstructionBMI_ABM PEXT RORX SARX SHLX SHRX syn keyword nasmInstructionBMI_ABM TZCNT TZMSK T1MSKC PREFETCHWT1 " MPE syn keyword nasmInstructionMPE BNDMK BNDCL BNDCU BNDCN BNDMOV syn keyword nasmInstructionMPE BNDLDX BNDSTX " SHA syn keyword nasmInstructionSHA SHA1MSG1 SHA1MSG2 SHA1NEXTE SHA1RNDS4 SHA256MSG1 syn keyword nasmInstructionSHA SHA256MSG2 SHA256RNDS2 VSHA512MSG1 VSHA512MSG2 VSHA512RNDS2 " SM3 syn keyword nasmInstructionSM3 VSM3MSG1 VSM3MSG2 VSM3RNDS2 " SM4 syn keyword nasmInstructionSM4 VSM4KEY4 VSM4RNDS4 " AVX_NOEXCEPT syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX_NOEXCEPT VBCSTNEBF16PS VBCSTNESH2PS VCVTNEEBF162PS VCVTNEEPH2PS VCVTNEOBF162PS syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX_NOEXCEPT VCVTNEOPH2PS VCVTNEPS2BF16 " AVX_VECTOR_NN syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX_VECTOR_NN VPDPBSSD VPDPBSSDS VPDPBSUD VPDPBSUDS VPDPBUUD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX_VECTOR_NN VPDPBUUDS " AVX_IFMA syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX_IFMA VPMADD52HUQ VPMADD52LUQ " AVX512_MASK syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512_MASK KADDB KADDD KADDQ KADDW KANDB syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512_MASK KANDD KANDNB KANDND KANDNQ KANDNW syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512_MASK KANDQ KANDW KMOVB KMOVD KMOVQ syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512_MASK KMOVW KNOTB KNOTD KNOTQ KNOTW syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512_MASK KORB KORD KORQ KORW KORTESTB syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512_MASK KORTESTD KORTESTQ KORTESTW KSHIFTLB KSHIFTLD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512_MASK KSHIFTLQ KSHIFTLW KSHIFTRB KSHIFTRD KSHIFTRQ syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512_MASK KSHIFTRW KTESTB KTESTD KTESTQ KTESTW syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512_MASK KUNPCKBW KUNPCKDQ KUNPCKWD KXNORB KXNORD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512_MASK KXNORQ KXNORW KXORB KXORD KXORQ syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512_MASK KXORW " AVX512_MASK_REG syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512_MASK_REG KADD KAND KANDN KAND KMOV syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512_MASK_REG KNOT KOR KORTEST KSHIFTL KSHIFTR syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512_MASK_REG KTEST KUNPCK KXNOR KXOR " AVX512 syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VADDPD VADDPS VADDSD VADDSS VALIGND syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VALIGNQ VANDNPD VANDNPS VANDPD VANDPS syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VBLENDMPD VBLENDMPS VBROADCASTF32X2 VBROADCASTF32X4 VBROADCASTF32X8 syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VBROADCASTF64X2 VBROADCASTF64X4 VBROADCASTI32X2 VBROADCASTI32X4 VBROADCASTI32X8 syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VBROADCASTI64X2 VBROADCASTI64X4 VBROADCASTSD VBROADCASTSS VCMPEQPD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VCMPEQPS VCMPEQSD VCMPEQSS VCMPEQ_OQPD VCMPEQ_OQPS syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VCMPEQ_OQSD VCMPEQ_OQSS VCMPLTPD VCMPLTPS VCMPLTSD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VCMPLTSS VCMPLT_OSPD VCMPLT_OSPS VCMPLT_OSSD VCMPLT_OSSS syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VCMPLEPD VCMPLEPS VCMPLESD VCMPLESS VCMPLE_OSPD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VCMPLE_OSPS VCMPLE_OSSD VCMPLE_OSSS VCMPUNORDPD VCMPUNORDPS syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VCMPUNORDSD VCMPUNORDSS VCMPUNORD_QPD VCMPUNORD_QPS VCMPUNORD_QSD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VCMPUNORD_QSS VCMPNEQPD VCMPNEQPS VCMPNEQSD VCMPNEQSS syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VCMPNEQ_UQPD VCMPNEQ_UQPS VCMPNEQ_UQSD VCMPNEQ_UQSS VCMPNLTPD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VCMPNLTPS VCMPNLTSD VCMPNLTSS VCMPNLT_USPD VCMPNLT_USPS syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VCMPNLT_USSD VCMPNLT_USSS VCMPNLEPD VCMPNLEPS VCMPNLESD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VCMPNLESS VCMPNLE_USPD VCMPNLE_USPS VCMPNLE_USSD VCMPNLE_USSS syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VCMPORDPD VCMPORDPS VCMPORDSD VCMPORDSS VCMPORD_QPD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VCMPORD_QPS VCMPORD_QSD VCMPORD_QSS VCMPEQ_UQPD VCMPEQ_UQPS syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VCMPEQ_UQSD VCMPEQ_UQSS VCMPNGEPD VCMPNGEPS VCMPNGESD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VCMPNGESS VCMPNGE_USPD VCMPNGE_USPS VCMPNGE_USSD VCMPNGE_USSS syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VCMPNGTPD VCMPNGTPS VCMPNGTSD VCMPNGTSS VCMPNGT_USPD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VCMPNGT_USPS VCMPNGT_USSD VCMPNGT_USSS VCMPFALSEPD VCMPFALSEPS syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VCMPFALSESD VCMPFALSESS VCMPFALSE_OQPD VCMPFALSE_OQPS VCMPFALSE_OQSD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VCMPFALSE_OQSS VCMPNEQ_OQPD VCMPNEQ_OQPS VCMPNEQ_OQSD VCMPNEQ_OQSS syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VCMPGEPD VCMPGEPS VCMPGESD VCMPGESS VCMPGE_OSPD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VCMPGE_OSPS VCMPGE_OSSD VCMPGE_OSSS VCMPGTPD VCMPGTPS syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VCMPGTSD VCMPGTSS VCMPGT_OSPD VCMPGT_OSPS VCMPGT_OSSD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VCMPGT_OSSS VCMPTRUEPD VCMPTRUEPS VCMPTRUESD VCMPTRUESS syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VCMPTRUE_UQPD VCMPTRUE_UQPS VCMPTRUE_UQSD VCMPTRUE_UQSS VCMPEQ_OSPD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VCMPEQ_OSPS VCMPEQ_OSSD VCMPEQ_OSSS VCMPLT_OQPD VCMPLT_OQPS syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VCMPLT_OQSD VCMPLT_OQSS VCMPLE_OQPD VCMPLE_OQPS VCMPLE_OQSD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VCMPLE_OQSS VCMPUNORD_SPD VCMPUNORD_SPS VCMPUNORD_SSD VCMPUNORD_SSS syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VCMPNEQ_USPD VCMPNEQ_USPS VCMPNEQ_USSD VCMPNEQ_USSS VCMPNLT_UQPD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VCMPNLT_UQPS VCMPNLT_UQSD VCMPNLT_UQSS VCMPNLE_UQPD VCMPNLE_UQPS syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VCMPNLE_UQSD VCMPNLE_UQSS VCMPORD_SPD VCMPORD_SPS VCMPORD_SSD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VCMPORD_SSS VCMPEQ_USPD VCMPEQ_USPS VCMPEQ_USSD VCMPEQ_USSS syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VCMPNGE_UQPD VCMPNGE_UQPS VCMPNGE_UQSD VCMPNGE_UQSS VCMPNGT_UQPD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VCMPNGT_UQPS VCMPNGT_UQSD VCMPNGT_UQSS VCMPFALSE_OSPD VCMPFALSE_OSPS syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VCMPFALSE_OSSD VCMPFALSE_OSSS VCMPNEQ_OSPD VCMPNEQ_OSPS VCMPNEQ_OSSD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VCMPNEQ_OSSS VCMPGE_OQPD VCMPGE_OQPS VCMPGE_OQSD VCMPGE_OQSS syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VCMPGT_OQPD VCMPGT_OQPS VCMPGT_OQSD VCMPGT_OQSS VCMPTRUE_USPD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VCMPTRUE_USPS VCMPTRUE_USSD VCMPTRUE_USSS VCMPPD VCMPPS syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VCMPSD VCMPSS VCOMISD VCOMISS VCOMPRESSPD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VCOMPRESSPS VCVTDQ2PD VCVTDQ2PS VCVTPD2DQ VCVTPD2PS syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VCVTPD2QQ VCVTPD2UDQ VCVTPD2UQQ VCVTPH2PS VCVTPS2DQ syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VCVTPS2PD VCVTPS2PH VCVTPS2QQ VCVTPS2UDQ VCVTPS2UQQ syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VCVTQQ2PD VCVTQQ2PS VCVTSD2SI VCVTSD2SS VCVTSD2USI syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VCVTSI2SD VCVTSI2SS VCVTSS2SD VCVTSS2SI VCVTSS2USI syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VCVTTPD2DQ VCVTTPD2QQ VCVTTPD2UDQ VCVTTPD2UQQ VCVTTPS2DQ syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VCVTTPS2QQ VCVTTPS2UDQ VCVTTPS2UQQ VCVTTSD2SI VCVTTSD2USI syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VCVTTSS2SI VCVTTSS2USI VCVTUDQ2PD VCVTUDQ2PS VCVTUQQ2PD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VCVTUQQ2PS VCVTUSI2SD VCVTUSI2SS VDBPSADBW VDIVPD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VDIVPS VDIVSD VDIVSS VEXP2PD VEXP2PS syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VEXPANDPD VEXPANDPS VEXTRACTF32X4 VEXTRACTF32X8 VEXTRACTF64X2 syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VEXTRACTF64X4 VEXTRACTI32X4 VEXTRACTI32X8 VEXTRACTI64X2 VEXTRACTI64X4 syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VEXTRACTPS VFIXUPIMMPD VFIXUPIMMPS VFIXUPIMMSD VFIXUPIMMSS syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VFMADD132PD VFMADD132PS VFMADD132SD VFMADD132SS VFMADD213PD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VFMADD213PS VFMADD213SD VFMADD213SS VFMADD231PD VFMADD231PS syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VFMADD231SD VFMADD231SS VFMADDSUB132PD VFMADDSUB132PS VFMADDSUB213PD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VFMADDSUB213PS VFMADDSUB231PD VFMADDSUB231PS VFMSUB132PD VFMSUB132PS syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VFMSUB132SD VFMSUB132SS VFMSUB213PD VFMSUB213PS VFMSUB213SD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VFMSUB213SS VFMSUB231PD VFMSUB231PS VFMSUB231SD VFMSUB231SS syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VFMSUBADD132PD VFMSUBADD132PS VFMSUBADD213PD VFMSUBADD213PS VFMSUBADD231PD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VFMSUBADD231PS VFNMADD132PD VFNMADD132PS VFNMADD132SD VFNMADD132SS syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VFNMADD213PD VFNMADD213PS VFNMADD213SD VFNMADD213SS VFNMADD231PD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VFNMADD231PS VFNMADD231SD VFNMADD231SS VFNMSUB132PD VFNMSUB132PS syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VFNMSUB132SD VFNMSUB132SS VFNMSUB213PD VFNMSUB213PS VFNMSUB213SD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VFNMSUB213SS VFNMSUB231PD VFNMSUB231PS VFNMSUB231SD VFNMSUB231SS syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VFPCLASSPD VFPCLASSPS VFPCLASSSD VFPCLASSSS VGATHERDPD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VGATHERDPS VGATHERPF0DPD VGATHERPF0DPS VGATHERPF0QPD VGATHERPF0QPS syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VGATHERPF1DPD VGATHERPF1DPS VGATHERPF1QPD VGATHERPF1QPS VGATHERQPD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VGATHERQPS VGETEXPPD VGETEXPPS VGETEXPSD VGETEXPSS syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VGETMANTPD VGETMANTPS VGETMANTSD VGETMANTSS VINSERTF32X4 syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VINSERTF32X8 VINSERTF64X2 VINSERTF64X4 VINSERTI32X4 VINSERTI32X8 syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VINSERTI64X2 VINSERTI64X4 VINSERTPS VMAXPD VMAXPS syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VMAXSD VMAXSS VMINPD VMINPS VMINSD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VMINSS VMOVAPD VMOVAPS VMOVD VMOVDDUP syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VMOVDQA32 VMOVDQA64 VMOVDQU16 VMOVDQU32 VMOVDQU64 syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VMOVDQU8 VMOVHLPS VMOVHPD VMOVHPS VMOVLHPS syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VMOVLPD VMOVLPS VMOVNTDQ VMOVNTDQA VMOVNTPD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VMOVNTPS VMOVQ VMOVSD VMOVSHDUP VMOVSLDUP syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VMOVSS VMOVUPD VMOVUPS VMULPD VMULPS syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VMULSD VMULSS VORPD VORPS VPABSB syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VPABSD VPABSQ VPABSW VPACKSSDW VPACKSSWB syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VPACKUSDW VPACKUSWB VPADDB VPADDD VPADDQ syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VPADDSB VPADDSW VPADDUSB VPADDUSW VPADDW syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VPALIGNR VPANDD VPANDND VPANDNQ VPANDQ syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VPAVGB VPAVGW VPBLENDMB VPBLENDMD VPBLENDMQ syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VPBLENDMW VPBROADCASTB VPBROADCASTD VPBROADCASTMB2Q VPBROADCASTMW2D syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VPBROADCASTQ VPBROADCASTW VPCMPEQB VPCMPEQD VPCMPEQQ syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VPCMPEQW VPCMPGTB VPCMPGTD VPCMPGTQ VPCMPGTW syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VPCMPEQB VPCMPEQD VPCMPEQQ VPCMPEQUB VPCMPEQUD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VPCMPEQUQ VPCMPEQUW VPCMPEQW VPCMPGEB VPCMPGED syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VPCMPGEQ VPCMPGEUB VPCMPGEUD VPCMPGEUQ VPCMPGEUW syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VPCMPGEW VPCMPGTB VPCMPGTD VPCMPGTQ VPCMPGTUB syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VPCMPGTUD VPCMPGTUQ VPCMPGTUW VPCMPGTW VPCMPLEB syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VPCMPLED VPCMPLEQ VPCMPLEUB VPCMPLEUD VPCMPLEUQ syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VPCMPLEUW VPCMPLEW VPCMPLTB VPCMPLTD VPCMPLTQ syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VPCMPLTUB VPCMPLTUD VPCMPLTUQ VPCMPLTUW VPCMPLTW syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VPCMPNEQB VPCMPNEQD VPCMPNEQQ VPCMPNEQUB VPCMPNEQUD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VPCMPNEQUQ VPCMPNEQUW VPCMPNEQW VPCMPNGTB VPCMPNGTD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VPCMPNGTQ VPCMPNGTUB VPCMPNGTUD VPCMPNGTUQ VPCMPNGTUW syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VPCMPNGTW VPCMPNLEB VPCMPNLED VPCMPNLEQ VPCMPNLEUB syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VPCMPNLEUD VPCMPNLEUQ VPCMPNLEUW VPCMPNLEW VPCMPNLTB syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VPCMPNLTD VPCMPNLTQ VPCMPNLTUB VPCMPNLTUD VPCMPNLTUQ syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VPCMPNLTUW VPCMPNLTW VPCMPB VPCMPD VPCMPQ syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VPCMPUB VPCMPUD VPCMPUQ VPCMPUW VPCMPW syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VPCOMPRESSD VPCOMPRESSQ VPCONFLICTD VPCONFLICTQ VPERMB syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VPERMD VPERMI2B VPERMI2D VPERMI2PD VPERMI2PS syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VPERMI2Q VPERMI2W VPERMILPD VPERMILPS VPERMPD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VPERMPS VPERMQ VPERMT2B VPERMT2D VPERMT2PD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VPERMT2PS VPERMT2Q VPERMT2W VPERMW VPEXPANDD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VPEXPANDQ VPEXTRB VPEXTRD VPEXTRQ VPEXTRW syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VPGATHERDD VPGATHERDQ VPGATHERQD VPGATHERQQ VPINSRB syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VPINSRD VPINSRQ VPINSRW VPLZCNTD VPLZCNTQ syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VPMADD52HUQ VPMADD52LUQ VPMADDUBSW VPMADDWD VPMAXSB syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VPMAXSD VPMAXSQ VPMAXSW VPMAXUB VPMAXUD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VPMAXUQ VPMAXUW VPMINSB VPMINSD VPMINSQ syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VPMINSW VPMINUB VPMINUD VPMINUQ VPMINUW syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VPMOVB2M VPMOVD2M VPMOVDB VPMOVDW VPMOVM2B syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VPMOVM2D VPMOVM2Q VPMOVM2W VPMOVQ2M VPMOVQB syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VPMOVQD VPMOVQW VPMOVSDB VPMOVSDW VPMOVSQB syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VPMOVSQD VPMOVSQW VPMOVSWB VPMOVSXBD VPMOVSXBQ syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VPMOVSXBW VPMOVSXDQ VPMOVSXWD VPMOVSXWQ VPMOVUSDB syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VPMOVUSDW VPMOVUSQB VPMOVUSQD VPMOVUSQW VPMOVUSWB syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VPMOVW2M VPMOVWB VPMOVZXBD VPMOVZXBQ VPMOVZXBW syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VPMOVZXDQ VPMOVZXWD VPMOVZXWQ VPMULDQ VPMULHRSW syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VPMULHUW VPMULHW VPMULLD VPMULLQ VPMULLW syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VPMULTISHIFTQB VPMULUDQ VPORD VPORQ VPROLD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VPROLQ VPROLVD VPROLVQ VPRORD VPRORQ syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VPRORVD VPRORVQ VPSADBW VPSCATTERDD VPSCATTERDQ syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VPSCATTERQD VPSCATTERQQ VPSHUFB VPSHUFD VPSHUFHW syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VPSHUFLW VPSLLD VPSLLDQ VPSLLQ VPSLLVD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VPSLLVQ VPSLLVW VPSLLW VPSRAD VPSRAQ syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VPSRAVD VPSRAVQ VPSRAVW VPSRAW VPSRLD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VPSRLDQ VPSRLQ VPSRLVD VPSRLVQ VPSRLVW syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VPSRLW VPSUBB VPSUBD VPSUBQ VPSUBSB syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VPSUBSW VPSUBUSB VPSUBUSW VPSUBW VPTERNLOGD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VPTERNLOGQ VPTESTMB VPTESTMD VPTESTMQ VPTESTMW syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VPTESTNMB VPTESTNMD VPTESTNMQ VPTESTNMW VPUNPCKHBW syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VPUNPCKHDQ VPUNPCKHQDQ VPUNPCKHWD VPUNPCKLBW VPUNPCKLDQ syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VPUNPCKLQDQ VPUNPCKLWD VPXORD VPXORQ VRANGEPD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VRANGEPS VRANGESD VRANGESS VRCP14PD VRCP14PS syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VRCP14SD VRCP14SS VRCP28PD VRCP28PS VRCP28SD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VRCP28SS VREDUCEPD VREDUCEPS VREDUCESD VREDUCESS syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VRNDSCALEPD VRNDSCALEPS VRNDSCALESD VRNDSCALESS VRSQRT14PD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VRSQRT14PS VRSQRT14SD VRSQRT14SS VRSQRT28PD VRSQRT28PS syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VRSQRT28SD VRSQRT28SS VSCALEFPD VSCALEFPS VSCALEFSD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VSCALEFSS VSCATTERDPD VSCATTERDPS VSCATTERPF0DPD VSCATTERPF0DPS syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VSCATTERPF0QPD VSCATTERPF0QPS VSCATTERPF1DPD VSCATTERPF1DPS VSCATTERPF1QPD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VSCATTERPF1QPS VSCATTERQPD VSCATTERQPS VSHUFF32X4 VSHUFF64X2 syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VSHUFI32X4 VSHUFI64X2 VSHUFPD VSHUFPS VSQRTPD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VSQRTPS VSQRTSD VSQRTSS VSUBPD VSUBPS syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VSUBSD VSUBSS VUCOMISD VUCOMISS VUNPCKHPD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512 VUNPCKHPS VUNPCKLPD VUNPCKLPS VXORPD VXORPS " PROTECTION syn keyword nasmInstructionPROTECTION RDPKRU WRPKRU " RDPID syn keyword nasmInstructionRDPID RDPID " NMEM syn keyword nasmInstructionNMEM CLFLUSHOPT CLWB PCOMMIT syn keyword nasmInstructionNMEM CLZERO " INTEL_EXTENSIONS syn keyword nasmInstructionINTEL_EXTENSIONS CLDEMOTE MOVDIRI MOVDIR64B PCONFIG TPAUSE syn keyword nasmInstructionINTEL_EXTENSIONS UMONITOR UMWAIT WBNOINVD " GALOISFIELD syn keyword nasmInstructionGALOISFIELD GF2P8AFFINEINVQB VGF2P8AFFINEINVQB GF2P8AFFINEQB VGF2P8AFFINEQB GF2P8MULB syn keyword nasmInstructionGALOISFIELD VGF2P8MULB " AVX512_BMI syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512_BMI VPCOMPRESSB VPCOMPRESSW VPEXPANDB VPEXPANDW VPSHLDW syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512_BMI VPSHLDD VPSHLDQ VPSHLDVW VPSHLDVD VPSHLDVQ syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512_BMI VPSHRDW VPSHRDD VPSHRDQ VPSHRDVW VPSHRDVD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512_BMI VPSHRDVQ " AVX512_VNNI syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512_VNNI VPDPBUSD VPDPBUSDS VPDPWSSD VPDPWSSDS " AVX512_BITALG syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512_BITALG VPOPCNTB VPOPCNTW VPOPCNTD VPOPCNTQ VPSHUFBITQMB " AVX512_FMA syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512_FMA V4FMADDPS V4FNMADDPS V4FMADDSS V4FNMADDSS " AVX512_DP syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512_DP V4DPWSSDS V4DPWSSD " SGX syn keyword nasmInstructionSGX ENCLS ENCLU ENCLV " CET syn keyword nasmInstructionCET CLRSSBSY ENDBR32 ENDBR64 INCSSPD INCSSPQ syn keyword nasmInstructionCET RDSSPD RDSSPQ RSTORSSP SAVEPREVSSP SETSSBSY syn keyword nasmInstructionCET WRUSSD WRUSSQ WRSSD WRSSQ " INTEL_EXTENSION syn keyword nasmInstructionINTEL_EXTENSION ENQCMD ENQCMDS PCONFIG SERIALIZE WBNOINVD syn keyword nasmInstructionINTEL_EXTENSION XRESLDTRK XSUSLDTRK " AVX512_BF16 syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512_BF16 VCVTNE2PS2BF16 VCVTNEPS2BF16 VDPBF16PS " AVX512_MASK_INTERSECT syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512_MASK_INTERSECT VP2INTERSECTD " AMX syn keyword nasmInstructionAMX LDTILECFG STTILECFG TDPBF16PS TDPBSSD TDPBSUD syn keyword nasmInstructionAMX TDPBUSD TDPBUUD TILELOADD TILELOADDT1 TILERELEASE syn keyword nasmInstructionAMX TILESTORED TILEZERO " AVX512_FP16 syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512_FP16 VADDPH VADDSH VCMPPH VCMPSH VCOMISH syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512_FP16 VCVTDQ2PH VCVTPD2PH VCVTPH2DQ VCVTPH2PD VCVTPH2PS syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512_FP16 VCVTPH2PSX VCVTPH2QQ VCVTPH2UDQ VCVTPH2UQQ VCVTPH2UW syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512_FP16 VCVTPH2W VCVTPS2PH VCVTQQ2PH VCVTSD2SH VCVTSH2SD syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512_FP16 VCVTSH2SI VCVTSH2SS VCVTSH2USI VCVTSI2SH VCVTSS2SH syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512_FP16 VCVTTPH2DQ VCVTTPH2QQ VCVTTPH2UDQ VCVTTPH2UQQ VCVTTPH2UW syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512_FP16 VCVTTPH2W VCVTTSH2SI VCVTTSH2USI VCVTUDQ2PH VCVTUQQ2PH syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512_FP16 VCVTUSI2SH VCVTUSI2SS VCVTUW2PH VCVTW2PH VDIVPH syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512_FP16 VDIVSH VFCMADDCPH VFMADDCPH VFCMADDCSH VFMADDCSH syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512_FP16 VFCMULCPCH VFMULCPCH VFCMULCSH VFMULCSH VFMADDSUB132PH syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512_FP16 VFMADDSUB213PH VFMADDSUB231PH VFMSUBADD132PH VFMSUBADD213PH VFMSUBADD231PH syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512_FP16 VPMADD132PH VPMADD213PH VPMADD231PH VFMADD132PH VFMADD213PH syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512_FP16 VFMADD231PH VPMADD132SH VPMADD213SH VPMADD231SH VPNMADD132SH syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512_FP16 VPNMADD213SH VPNMADD231SH VPMSUB132PH VPMSUB213PH VPMSUB231PH syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512_FP16 VFMSUB132PH VFMSUB213PH VFMSUB231PH VPMSUB132SH VPMSUB213SH syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512_FP16 VPMSUB231SH VPNMSUB132SH VPNMSUB213SH VPNMSUB231SH VFPCLASSPH syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512_FP16 VFPCLASSSH VGETEXPPH VGETEXPSH VGETMANTPH VGETMANTSH syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512_FP16 VGETMAXPH VGETMAXSH VGETMINPH VGETMINSH VMOVSH syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512_FP16 VMOVW VMULPH VMULSH VRCPPH VRCPSH syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512_FP16 VREDUCEPH VREDUCESH VENDSCALEPH VENDSCALESH VRSQRTPH syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512_FP16 VRSQRTSH VSCALEFPH VSCALEFSH VSQRTPH VSQRTSH syn keyword nasmInstructionAVX512_FP16 VSUBPH VSUBSH VUCOMISH " RAO-INT syn keyword nasmInstructionRAO_INT AADD AAND AXOR " USERINT syn keyword nasmInstructionUSERINT CLUI SENDUIPI STUI TESTUI UIRET " CMPCCXADD syn keyword nasmInstructionCMPCCXADD CMPOXADD CMPNOXADD CMPBXADD CMPNBXADD CMPZXADD syn keyword nasmInstructionCMPCCXADD CMPNZXADD CMPBEXADD CMPNBEXADD CMPSXADD CMPNSXADD syn keyword nasmInstructionCMPCCXADD CMPPXADD CMPNPXADD CMPLXADD CMPNLXADD CMPLEXADD syn keyword nasmInstructionCMPCCXADD CMPNLEXADD " FRET syn keyword nasmInstructionFRET ERETS ERETU LKGS " WRMSRNS_MSRLIST syn keyword nasmInstructionWRMSRNS_MSRLIST WRMSRNS RDMSRLIST WRMSRLIST " HRESET syn keyword nasmInstructionHRESET HRESET " PTWRITE syn keyword nasmInstructionPTWRITE PTWRITE " HINTNOP syn keyword nasmInstructionHINTNOP HINT_NOP0 HINT_NOP1 HINT_NOP2 HINT_NOP3 HINT_NOP4 syn keyword nasmInstructionHINTNOP HINT_NOP5 HINT_NOP6 HINT_NOP7 HINT_NOP8 HINT_NOP9 syn keyword nasmInstructionHINTNOP HINT_NOP10 HINT_NOP11 HINT_NOP12 HINT_NOP13 HINT_NOP14 syn keyword nasmInstructionHINTNOP HINT_NOP15 HINT_NOP16 HINT_NOP17 HINT_NOP18 HINT_NOP19 syn keyword nasmInstructionHINTNOP HINT_NOP20 HINT_NOP21 HINT_NOP22 HINT_NOP23 HINT_NOP24 syn keyword nasmInstructionHINTNOP HINT_NOP25 HINT_NOP26 HINT_NOP27 HINT_NOP28 HINT_NOP29 syn keyword nasmInstructionHINTNOP HINT_NOP30 HINT_NOP31 HINT_NOP32 HINT_NOP33 HINT_NOP34 syn keyword nasmInstructionHINTNOP HINT_NOP35 HINT_NOP36 HINT_NOP37 HINT_NOP38 HINT_NOP39 syn keyword nasmInstructionHINTNOP HINT_NOP40 HINT_NOP41 HINT_NOP42 HINT_NOP43 HINT_NOP44 syn keyword nasmInstructionHINTNOP HINT_NOP45 HINT_NOP46 HINT_NOP47 HINT_NOP48 HINT_NOP49 syn keyword nasmInstructionHINTNOP HINT_NOP50 HINT_NOP51 HINT_NOP52 HINT_NOP53 HINT_NOP54 syn keyword nasmInstructionHINTNOP HINT_NOP55 HINT_NOP56 HINT_NOP57 HINT_NOP58 HINT_NOP59 syn keyword nasmInstructionHINTNOP HINT_NOP60 HINT_NOP61 HINT_NOP62 HINT_NOP63 " Cyrix instructions (requires Cyrix processor) syn keyword nasmCrxInstruction PADDSIW PAVEB PDISTIB PMAGW PMULHRWC PMULHRIW syn keyword nasmCrxInstruction PMVGEZB PMVLZB PMVNZB PMVZB PSUBSIW syn keyword nasmCrxInstruction RDSHR RSDC RSLDT SMINT SMINTOLD SVDC SVLDT SVTS syn keyword nasmCrxInstruction WRSHR BB0_RESET BB1_RESET syn keyword nasmCrxInstruction CPU_WRITE CPU_READ DMINT RDM PMACHRIW " Debugging Instructions: (privileged) syn keyword nasmDbgInstruction INT1 INT3 RDMSR RDTSC RDPMC WRMSR INT01 INT03 " Synchronize Syntax: syn sync clear syn sync minlines=50 "for multiple region nesting syn sync match nasmSync grouphere nasmMacroDef "^\s*%i\=macro\>"me=s-1 syn sync match nasmSync grouphere NONE "^\s*%endmacro\>" " Define the default highlighting. " Only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet " Sub Links: hi def link nasmInMacDirective nasmDirective hi def link nasmInMacLabel nasmLocalLabel hi def link nasmInMacLblWarn nasmLabelWarn hi def link nasmInMacMacro nasmMacro hi def link nasmInMacParam nasmMacro hi def link nasmInMacParamNum nasmDecNumber hi def link nasmInMacPreCondit nasmPreCondit hi def link nasmInMacPreProc nasmPreProc hi def link nasmInPreCondit nasmPreCondit hi def link nasmInStructure nasmStructure hi def link nasmStructureLabel nasmStructure " Comment Group: hi def link nasmComment Comment hi def link nasmSpecialComment SpecialComment hi def link nasmInCommentTodo Todo " Constant Group: hi def link nasmString String hi def link nasmCString String hi def link nasmStringError Error hi def link nasmCStringEscape SpecialChar hi def link nasmCStringFormat SpecialChar hi def link nasmBinNumber Number hi def link nasmOctNumber Number hi def link nasmDecNumber Number hi def link nasmHexNumber Number hi def link nasmBinFloat Float hi def link nasmOctFloat Float hi def link nasmDecFloat Float hi def link nasmHexFloat Float hi def link nasmSpecFloat Float hi def link nasmBcdConst Float hi def link nasmNumberError Error " Identifier Group: hi def link nasmLabel Identifier hi def link nasmLocalLabel Identifier hi def link nasmSpecialLabel Special hi def link nasmLabelError Error hi def link nasmLabelWarn Todo " PreProc Group: hi def link nasmPreProc PreProc hi def link nasmDefine Define hi def link nasmInclude Include hi def link nasmMacro Macro hi def link nasmPreCondit PreCondit hi def link nasmPreProcError Error hi def link nasmPreProcWarn Todo " Type Group: hi def link nasmType Type hi def link nasmStorage StorageClass hi def link nasmStructure Structure hi def link nasmTypeError Error " Directive Group: hi def link nasmConstant Constant hi def link nasmInstrModifier Operator hi def link nasmRepeat Repeat hi def link nasmDirective Keyword hi def link nasmStdDirective Operator hi def link nasmFmtDirective Keyword " Register Group: hi def link nasmRegisterError Error hi def link nasmCtrlRegister Special hi def link nasmDebugRegister Debug hi def link nasmTestRegister Special hi def link nasmRegisterError Error hi def link nasmMemRefError Error " Instruction Group: hi def link nasmInstructnError Error hi def link nasmCrxInstruction Special hi def link nasmDbgInstruction Debug hi def link nasmInstructionStandard Statement hi def link nasmInstructionSIMD Statement hi def link nasmInstructionSSE Statement hi def link nasmInstructionXSAVE Statement hi def link nasmInstructionMEM Statement hi def link nasmInstructionMMX Statement hi def link nasmInstruction3DNOW Statement hi def link nasmInstructionSSE2 Statement hi def link nasmInstructionWMMX Statement hi def link nasmInstructionWSSD Statement hi def link nasmInstructionPRESSCOT Statement hi def link nasmInstructionVMXSVM Statement hi def link nasmInstructionPTVMX Statement hi def link nasmInstructionSEVSNPAMD Statement hi def link nasmInstructionTEJAS Statement hi def link nasmInstructionAMD_SSE4A Statement hi def link nasmInstructionBARCELONA Statement hi def link nasmInstructionPENRY Statement hi def link nasmInstructionNEHALEM Statement hi def link nasmInstructionSMX Statement hi def link nasmInstructionGEODE_3DNOW Statement hi def link nasmInstructionINTEL_NEW Statement hi def link nasmInstructionAES Statement hi def link nasmInstructionAVX_AES Statement hi def link nasmInstructionINTEL_PUB Statement hi def link nasmInstructionAVX Statement hi def link nasmInstructionINTEL_CMUL Statement hi def link nasmInstructionINTEL_AVX_CMUL Statement hi def link nasmInstructionINTEL_FMA Statement hi def link nasmInstructionINTEL_POST32 Statement hi def link nasmInstructionSUPERVISOR Statement hi def link nasmInstructionVIA_SECURITY Statement hi def link nasmInstructionAMD_PROFILING Statement hi def link nasmInstructionXOP_FMA4 Statement hi def link nasmInstructionAVX2 Statement hi def link nasmInstructionTRANSACTIONS Statement hi def link nasmInstructionBMI_ABM Statement hi def link nasmInstructionMPE Statement hi def link nasmInstructionSHA Statement hi def link nasmInstructionSM3 Statement hi def link nasmInstructionSM4 Statement hi def link nasmInstructionAVX_NOEXCEPT Statement hi def link nasmInstructionAVX_VECTOR_NN Statement hi def link nasmInstructionAVX_IFMA Statement hi def link nasmInstructionAVX512_MASK Statement hi def link nasmInstructionAVX512_MASK_REG Statement hi def link nasmInstructionAVX512 Statement hi def link nasmInstructionPROTECTION Statement hi def link nasmInstructionRDPID Statement hi def link nasmInstructionNMEM Statement hi def link nasmInstructionINTEL_EXTENSIONS Statement hi def link nasmInstructionGALOISFIELD Statement hi def link nasmInstructionAVX512_BMI Statement hi def link nasmInstructionAVX512_VNNI Statement hi def link nasmInstructionAVX512_BITALG Statement hi def link nasmInstructionAVX512_FMA Statement hi def link nasmInstructionAVX512_DP Statement hi def link nasmInstructionSGX Statement hi def link nasmInstructionCET Statement hi def link nasmInstructionINTEL_EXTENSION Statement hi def link nasmInstructionAVX512_BF16 Statement hi def link nasmInstructionAVX512_MASK_INTERSECT Statement hi def link nasmInstructionAMX Statement hi def link nasmInstructionAVX512_FP16 Statement hi def link nasmInstructionRAO_INT Statement hi def link nasmInstructionUSERINT Statement hi def link nasmInstructionCMPCCXADD Statement hi def link nasmInstructionFRET Statement hi def link nasmInstructionWRMSRNS_MSRLIST Statement hi def link nasmInstructionHRESET Statement hi def link nasmInstructionHINTNOP Statement hi def link nasmInstructionPTWRITE Statement let b:current_syntax = "nasm" " vim:ts=8 sw=4