" Vim syntax file " Language: Modula-3 " Maintainer: Doug Kearns <dougkearns@gmail.com> " Previous Maintainer: Timo Pedersen <dat97tpe@ludat.lth.se> " Last Change: 2022 Oct 31 if exists("b:current_syntax") finish endif " Whitespace errors {{{1 if exists("modula3_space_errors") if !exists("modula3_no_trail_space_error") syn match modula3SpaceError display excludenl "\s\+$" endif if !exists("modula3_no_tab_space_error") syn match modula3SpaceError display " \+\t"me=e-1 endif endif " Keywords {{{1 syn keyword modula3Keyword ANY ARRAY AS BITS BRANDED BY CASE CONST syn keyword modula3Keyword DEFINITION EVAL EXIT EXCEPT EXCEPTION EXIT syn keyword modula3Keyword EXPORTS FINALLY FROM GENERIC IMPORT LOCK METHOD syn keyword modula3Keyword OF RAISE RAISES READONLY RECORD REF syn keyword modula3Keyword RETURN SET TRY TYPE TYPECASE UNSAFE syn keyword modula3Keyword VALUE VAR WITH syn match modula3keyword "\<UNTRACED\>" " Special keywords, block delimiters etc syn keyword modula3Block PROCEDURE FUNCTION MODULE INTERFACE REPEAT THEN syn keyword modula3Block BEGIN END OBJECT METHODS OVERRIDES RECORD REVEAL syn keyword modula3Block WHILE UNTIL DO TO IF FOR ELSIF ELSE LOOP " Reserved identifiers {{{1 syn keyword modula3Identifier ABS ADR ADRSIZE BITSIZE BYTESIZE CEILING DEC syn keyword modula3Identifier DISPOSE FIRST FLOAT FLOOR INC ISTYPE LAST syn keyword modula3Identifier LOOPHOLE MAX MIN NARROW NEW NUMBER ORD ROUND syn keyword modula3Identifier SUBARRAY TRUNC TYPECODE VAL " Predefined types {{{1 syn keyword modula3Type ADDRESS BOOLEAN CARDINAL CHAR EXTENDED INTEGER syn keyword modula3Type LONGCARD LONGINT LONGREAL MUTEX NULL REAL REFANY TEXT syn keyword modula3Type WIDECHAR syn match modula3Type "\<\%(UNTRACED\s\+\)\=ROOT\>" " Operators {{{1 syn keyword modula3Operator DIV MOD syn keyword modula3Operator IN syn keyword modula3Operator NOT AND OR " TODO: exclude = from declarations if exists("modula3_operators") syn match modula3Operator "\^" syn match modula3Operator "[-+/*]" syn match modula3Operator "&" syn match modula3Operator "<=\|<:\@!\|>=\|>" syn match modula3Operator ":\@<!=\|#" endif " Literals {{{1 " Booleans syn keyword modula3Boolean TRUE FALSE " Nil syn keyword modula3Nil NIL " Numbers {{{2 " NOTE: Negated numbers are constant expressions not literals syn case ignore " Integers syn match modula3Integer "\<\d\+L\=\>" if exists("modula3_number_errors") syn match modula3IntegerError "\<\d\d\=_\x\+L\=\>" endif let s:digits = "0123456789ABCDEF" for s:radix in range(2, 16) exe $'syn match modula3Integer "\<{s:radix}_[{s:digits[:s:radix - 1]}]\+L\=\>"' endfor unlet s:digits s:radix " Reals syn match modula3Real "\<\d\+\.\d\+\%([EDX][+-]\=\d\+\)\=\>" syn case match " Strings and characters {{{2 " String escape sequences syn match modula3Escape "\\['"ntrf]" contained display " TODO: limit to <= 377 (255) syn match modula3Escape "\\\o\{3}" contained display syn match modula3Escape "\\\\" contained display " Characters syn match modula3Character "'\%([^']\|\\.\|\\\o\{3}\)'" contains=modula3Escape " Strings syn region modula3String start=+"+ end=+"+ contains=modula3Escape " Pragmas {{{1 " EXTERNAL INLINE ASSERT TRACE FATAL UNUSED OBSOLETE CALLBACK EXPORTED PRAGMA NOWARN LINE LL LL.sup SPEC " Documented: INLINE ASSERT TRACE FATAL UNUSED OBSOLETE NOWARN syn region modula3Pragma start="<\*" end="\*>" " Comments {{{1 if !exists("modula3_no_comment_fold") syn region modula3Comment start="(\*" end="\*)" contains=modula3Comment,@Spell fold syn region modula3LineCommentBlock start="^\s*(\*.*\*)\s*\n\%(^\s*(\*.*\*)\s*$\)\@=" end="^\s*(\*.*\*)\s*\n\%(^\s*(\*.*\*)\s*$\)\@!" contains=modula3Comment transparent fold keepend else syn region modula3Comment start="(\*" end="\*)" contains=modula3Comment,@Spell endif " Syncing "{{{1 syn sync minlines=100 " Default highlighting {{{1 hi def link modula3Block Statement hi def link modula3Boolean Boolean hi def link modula3Character Character hi def link modula3Comment Comment hi def link modula3Escape Special hi def link modula3Identifier Keyword hi def link modula3Integer Number hi def link modula3Keyword Statement hi def link modula3Nil Constant hi def link modula3IntegerError Error hi def link modula3Operator Operator hi def link modula3Pragma PreProc hi def link modula3Real Float hi def link modula3String String hi def link modula3Type Type "}}} let b:current_syntax = "modula3" " vim: nowrap sw=2 sts=2 ts=8 noet fdm=marker: