" Vim syntax file " Language: JSONC (JSON with Comments) " Original Author: Izhak Jakov <izhak724@gmail.com> " Acknowledgement: Based off of vim-jsonc maintained by Kevin Locke <kevin@kevinlocke.name> " https://github.com/kevinoid/vim-jsonc " License: MIT " Last Change: 2021-07-01 " Ensure syntax is loaded once, unless nested inside another (main) syntax " For description of main_syntax, see https://stackoverflow.com/q/16164549 if !exists('g:main_syntax') if exists('b:current_syntax') && b:current_syntax ==# 'jsonc' finish endif let g:main_syntax = 'jsonc' endif " Based on vim-json syntax runtime! syntax/json.vim " Remove syntax group for comments treated as errors if !exists("g:vim_json_warnings") || g:vim_json_warnings syn clear jsonCommentError endif syn match jsonStringMatch /"\([^"]\|\\\"\)\+"\ze\(\_s*\/\/.*\_s*\)*[}\]]/ contains=jsonString syn match jsonStringMatch /"\([^"]\|\\\"\)\+"\ze\_s*\/\*\_.*\*\/\_s*[}\]]/ contains=jsonString syn match jsonTrailingCommaError /\(,\)\+\ze\(\_s*\/\/.*\_s*\)*[}\]]/ syn match jsonTrailingCommaError /\(,\)\+\ze\_s*\/\*\_.*\*\/\_s*[}\]]/ " Define syntax matching comments and their contents syn keyword jsonCommentTodo FIXME NOTE TBD TODO XXX syn region jsonLineComment start=+\/\/+ end=+$+ contains=@Spell,jsonCommentTodo keepend syn region jsonComment start='/\*' end='\*/' contains=@Spell,jsonCommentTodo fold " Link comment syntax comment to highlighting hi! def link jsonLineComment Comment hi! def link jsonComment Comment " Set/Unset syntax to avoid duplicate inclusion and correctly handle nesting let b:current_syntax = 'jsonc' if g:main_syntax ==# 'jsonc' unlet g:main_syntax endif