" Vim syntax file " Language: TI linker command file " Document: https://downloads.ti.com/docs/esd/SPRUI03A/Content/SPRUI03A_HTML/linker_description.html " Document: https://software-dl.ti.com/ccs/esd/documents/sdto_cgt_Linker-Command-File-Primer.html " Maintainer: Wu, Zhenyu <wuzhenyu@ustc.edu> " Last Change: 2024 Dec 31 if exists("b:current_syntax") finish endif runtime! syntax/cmacro.vim syn case ignore syn match lnkNumber "0x[0-9a-f]\+" " Linker command files are ASCII files that contain one or more of the following: " Input filenames, which specify object files, archive libraries, or other command files. " Linker options, which can be used in the command file in the same manner that they are used on the command line syn match lnkOption "^[-+][-_a-zA-Z#@]\+" syn match lnkOption "^--[^ \t$=`'"|);]\+" syn match lnkFile '[^ =]\+\%(\.\S\+\)\+\>' syn match lnkLibFile '[^ =]\+\.lib\>' " The MEMORY and SECTIONS linker directives. The MEMORY directive defines the target memory configuration (see Section 8.5.4). The SECTIONS directive controls how sections are built and allocated (see Section 8.5.5.) syn keyword lnkKeyword ADDRESS_MASK f LOAD ORIGIN START ALGORITHM FILL LOAD_END PAGE TABLE ALIGN GROUP LOAD_SIZE PALIGN TYPE ATTR HAMMING_MASK LOAD_START PARITY_MASK UNION BLOCK HIGH MEMORY RUN UNORDERED COMPRESSION INPUT_PAGE MIRRORING RUN_END VFILL COPY INPUT_RANGE NOINIT RUN_SIZE DSECT l NOLOAD RUN_START ECC LEN o SECTIONS END LENGTH ORG SIZE syn region lnkLibrary start=+<+ end=+>+ syn match lnkAttrib '\<[RWXI]\+\>' syn match lnkSections '\<\.\k\+' " Assignment statements, which define and assign values to global symbols syn case match hi def link lnkNumber Number hi def link lnkOption Special hi def link lnkKeyword Keyword hi def link lnkLibrary String hi def link lnkFile String hi def link lnkLibFile Special hi def link lnkAttrib Type hi def link lnkSections Macro let b:current_syntax = "lnk"