" Vim syntax file " Language: FlexWiki, http://www.flexwiki.com/ " Maintainer: George V. Reilly <george@reilly.org> " Home: http://www.georgevreilly.com/vim/flexwiki/ " Other Home: http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1529 " Author: George V. Reilly " Filenames: *.wiki " Last Change: Wed Apr 26 11:00 PM 2006 P " Version: 0.3 " Note: The horrible regexps were reverse-engineered from " FlexWikiCore\EngineSource\Formatter.cs, with help from the Regex Analyzer " in The Regulator, http://regulator.sourceforge.net/ .NET uses Perl-style " regexes, which use a different syntax than Vim (fewer \s). " The primary test case is FlexWiki\FormattingRules.wiki " quit when a syntax file was already loaded if exists("b:current_syntax") finish endif " A WikiWord (unqualifiedWikiName) syntax match flexwikiWord /\%(_\?\([A-Z]\{2,}[a-z0-9]\+[A-Za-z0-9]*\)\|\([A-Z][a-z0-9]\+[A-Za-z0-9]*[A-Z]\+[A-Za-z0-9]*\)\)/ " A [bracketed wiki word] syntax match flexwikiWord /\[[[:alnum:]\s]\+\]/ " text: "this is a link (optional tooltip)":http://www.microsoft.com " TODO: check URL syntax against RFC syntax match flexwikiLink `\("[^"(]\+\((\([^)]\+\))\)\?":\)\?\(https\?\|ftp\|gopher\|telnet\|file\|notes\|ms-help\):\(\(\(//\)\|\(\\\\\)\)\+[A-Za-z0-9:#@%/;$~_?+-=.&\-\\\\]*\)` " text: *strong* syntax match flexwikiBold /\(^\|\W\)\zs\*\([^ ].\{-}\)\*/ " '''bold''' syntax match flexwikiBold /'''\([^'].\{-}\)'''/ " text: _emphasis_ syntax match flexwikiItalic /\(^\|\W\)\zs_\([^ ].\{-}\)_/ " ''italic'' syntax match flexwikiItalic /''\([^'].\{-}\)''/ " ``deemphasis`` syntax match flexwikiDeEmphasis /``\([^`].\{-}\)``/ " text: @code@ syntax match flexwikiCode /\(^\|\s\|(\|\[\)\zs@\([^@]\+\)@/ " text: -deleted text- syntax match flexwikiDelText /\(^\|\s\+\)\zs-\([^ <a ]\|[^ <img ]\|[^ -].*\)-/ " text: +inserted text+ syntax match flexwikiInsText /\(^\|\W\)\zs+\([^ ].\{-}\)+/ " text: ^superscript^ syntax match flexwikiSuperScript /\(^\|\W\)\zs^\([^ ].\{-}\)^/ " text: ~subscript~ syntax match flexwikiSubScript /\(^\|\W\)\zs\~\([^ ].\{-}\)\~/ " text: ??citation?? syntax match flexwikiCitation /\(^\|\W\)\zs??\([^ ].\{-}\)??/ " Emoticons: must come after the Textilisms, as later rules take precedence " over earlier ones. This match is an approximation for the ~70 distinct " patterns that FlexWiki knows. syntax match flexwikiEmoticons /\((.)\|:[()|$@]\|:-[DOPS()\]|$@]\|;)\|:'(\)/ " Aggregate all the regular text highlighting into flexwikiText syntax cluster flexwikiText contains=flexwikiItalic,flexwikiBold,flexwikiCode,flexwikiDeEmphasis,flexwikiDelText,flexwikiInsText,flexwikiSuperScript,flexwikiSubScript,flexwikiCitation,flexwikiLink,flexwikiWord,flexwikiEmoticons " single-line WikiProperties syntax match flexwikiSingleLineProperty /^:\?[A-Z_][_a-zA-Z0-9]\+:/ " TODO: multi-line WikiProperties " Header levels, 1-6 syntax match flexwikiH1 /^!.*$/ syntax match flexwikiH2 /^!!.*$/ syntax match flexwikiH3 /^!!!.*$/ syntax match flexwikiH4 /^!!!!.*$/ syntax match flexwikiH5 /^!!!!!.*$/ syntax match flexwikiH6 /^!!!!!!.*$/ " <hr>, horizontal rule syntax match flexwikiHR /^----.*$/ " Formatting can be turned off by ""enclosing it in pairs of double quotes"" syntax match flexwikiEscape /"".\{-}""/ " Tables. Each line starts and ends with '||'; each cell is separated by '||' syntax match flexwikiTable /||/ " Bulleted list items start with one or tabs, followed by whitespace, then '*' " Numeric list items start with one or tabs, followed by whitespace, then '1.' " Eight spaces at the beginning of the line is equivalent to the leading tab. syntax match flexwikiList /^\(\t\| \{8}\)\s*\(\*\|1\.\).*$/ contains=@flexwikiText " Treat all other lines that start with spaces as PRE-formatted text. syntax match flexwikiPre /^[ \t]\+[^ \t*1].*$/ " Link FlexWiki syntax items to colors hi def link flexwikiH1 Title hi def link flexwikiH2 flexwikiH1 hi def link flexwikiH3 flexwikiH2 hi def link flexwikiH4 flexwikiH3 hi def link flexwikiH5 flexwikiH4 hi def link flexwikiH6 flexwikiH5 hi def link flexwikiHR flexwikiH6 hi def flexwikiBold term=bold cterm=bold gui=bold hi def flexwikiItalic term=italic cterm=italic gui=italic hi def link flexwikiCode Statement hi def link flexwikiWord Underlined hi def link flexwikiEscape Todo hi def link flexwikiPre PreProc hi def link flexwikiLink Underlined hi def link flexwikiList Type hi def link flexwikiTable Type hi def link flexwikiEmoticons Constant hi def link flexwikiDelText Comment hi def link flexwikiDeEmphasis Comment hi def link flexwikiInsText Constant hi def link flexwikiSuperScript Constant hi def link flexwikiSubScript Constant hi def link flexwikiCitation Constant hi def link flexwikiSingleLineProperty Identifier let b:current_syntax="FlexWiki" " vim:tw=0: