" Language: gprof " Maintainer: Dominique Pelle <dominique.pelle@gmail.com> " Contributors: Doug Kearns <dougkearns@gmail.com> " Last Change: 2021 Sep 19 " When cursor is on one line of the gprof call graph, " calling this function jumps to this function in the call graph. if exists("b:did_ftplugin") finish endif let b:did_ftplugin=1 func! <SID>GprofJumpToFunctionIndex() let l:line = getline('.') if l:line =~ '[\d\+\]$' " We're in a line in the call graph. norm! $y% call search('^' . escape(@", '[]'), 'sw') norm! zz elseif l:line =~ '^\(\s*[0-9\.]\+\)\{3}\s\+' " We're in line in the flat profile. norm! 55|eby$ call search('^\[\d\+\].*\d\s\+' . escape(@", '[]*.') . '\>', 'sW') norm! zz endif endfunc if !exists("no_plugin_maps") && !exists("no_gprof_maps") " Pressing <C-]> on a line in the gprof flat profile or in " the call graph, jumps to the corresponding function inside " the flat profile. map <buffer> <silent> <C-]> :call <SID>GprofJumpToFunctionIndex()<CR> let b:undo_ftplugin = "silent! unmap <buffer> <C-]>" endif " vim:sw=2 fdm=indent