" Vim filetype plugin file " Language: python " Maintainer: Tom Picton <tom@tompicton.com> " Previous Maintainer: James Sully <sullyj3@gmail.com> " Previous Maintainer: Johannes Zellner <johannes@zellner.org> " Repository: https://github.com/tpict/vim-ftplugin-python " Last Change: 2024/05/13 " 2024 Nov 30 use pytest compiler (#16130) if exists("b:did_ftplugin") | finish | endif let b:did_ftplugin = 1 let s:keepcpo= &cpo set cpo&vim setlocal cinkeys-=0# setlocal indentkeys-=0# setlocal include=^\\s*\\(from\\\|import\\) setlocal define=^\\s*\\(\\(async\\s\\+\\)\\?def\\\|class\\) " For imports with leading .., append / and replace additional .s with ../ let b:grandparent_match = '^\(.\.\)\(\.*\)' let b:grandparent_sub = '\=submatch(1)."/".repeat("../",strlen(submatch(2)))' " For imports with a single leading ., replace it with ./ let b:parent_match = '^\.\(\.\)\@!' let b:parent_sub = './' " Replace any . sandwiched between word characters with / let b:child_match = '\(\w\)\.\(\w\)' let b:child_sub = '\1/\2' setlocal includeexpr=substitute(substitute(substitute( \v:fname, \b:grandparent_match,b:grandparent_sub,''), \b:parent_match,b:parent_sub,''), \b:child_match,b:child_sub,'g') setlocal suffixesadd=.py setlocal comments=b:#,fb:- setlocal commentstring=#\ %s if has('python3') setlocal omnifunc=python3complete#Complete elseif has('python') setlocal omnifunc=pythoncomplete#Complete endif set wildignore+=*.pyc let b:next_toplevel='\v%$\|^(class\|def\|async def)>' let b:prev_toplevel='\v^(class\|def\|async def)>' let b:next_endtoplevel='\v%$\|\S.*\n+(def\|class)' let b:prev_endtoplevel='\v\S.*\n+(def\|class)' let b:next='\v%$\|^\s*(class\|def\|async def)>' let b:prev='\v^\s*(class\|def\|async def)>' let b:next_end='\v\S\n*(%$\|^(\s*\n*)*(class\|def\|async def)\|^\S)' let b:prev_end='\v\S\n*(^(\s*\n*)*(class\|def\|async def)\|^\S)' if !exists('g:no_plugin_maps') && !exists('g:no_python_maps') execute "nnoremap <silent> <buffer> ]] :<C-U>call <SID>Python_jump('n', '". b:next_toplevel."', 'W', v:count1)<cr>" execute "nnoremap <silent> <buffer> [[ :<C-U>call <SID>Python_jump('n', '". b:prev_toplevel."', 'Wb', v:count1)<cr>" execute "nnoremap <silent> <buffer> ][ :<C-U>call <SID>Python_jump('n', '". b:next_endtoplevel."', 'W', v:count1, 0)<cr>" execute "nnoremap <silent> <buffer> [] :<C-U>call <SID>Python_jump('n', '". b:prev_endtoplevel."', 'Wb', v:count1, 0)<cr>" execute "nnoremap <silent> <buffer> ]m :<C-U>call <SID>Python_jump('n', '". b:next."', 'W', v:count1)<cr>" execute "nnoremap <silent> <buffer> [m :<C-U>call <SID>Python_jump('n', '". b:prev."', 'Wb', v:count1)<cr>" execute "nnoremap <silent> <buffer> ]M :<C-U>call <SID>Python_jump('n', '". b:next_end."', 'W', v:count1, 0)<cr>" execute "nnoremap <silent> <buffer> [M :<C-U>call <SID>Python_jump('n', '". b:prev_end."', 'Wb', v:count1, 0)<cr>" execute "onoremap <silent> <buffer> ]] :call <SID>Python_jump('o', '". b:next_toplevel."', 'W', v:count1)<cr>" execute "onoremap <silent> <buffer> [[ :call <SID>Python_jump('o', '". b:prev_toplevel."', 'Wb', v:count1)<cr>" execute "onoremap <silent> <buffer> ][ :call <SID>Python_jump('o', '". b:next_endtoplevel."', 'W', v:count1, 0)<cr>" execute "onoremap <silent> <buffer> [] :call <SID>Python_jump('o', '". b:prev_endtoplevel."', 'Wb', v:count1, 0)<cr>" execute "onoremap <silent> <buffer> ]m :call <SID>Python_jump('o', '". b:next."', 'W', v:count1)<cr>" execute "onoremap <silent> <buffer> [m :call <SID>Python_jump('o', '". b:prev."', 'Wb', v:count1)<cr>" execute "onoremap <silent> <buffer> ]M :call <SID>Python_jump('o', '". b:next_end."', 'W', v:count1, 0)<cr>" execute "onoremap <silent> <buffer> [M :call <SID>Python_jump('o', '". b:prev_end."', 'Wb', v:count1, 0)<cr>" execute "xnoremap <silent> <buffer> ]] :call <SID>Python_jump('x', '". b:next_toplevel."', 'W', v:count1)<cr>" execute "xnoremap <silent> <buffer> [[ :call <SID>Python_jump('x', '". b:prev_toplevel."', 'Wb', v:count1)<cr>" execute "xnoremap <silent> <buffer> ][ :call <SID>Python_jump('x', '". b:next_endtoplevel."', 'W', v:count1, 0)<cr>" execute "xnoremap <silent> <buffer> [] :call <SID>Python_jump('x', '". b:prev_endtoplevel."', 'Wb', v:count1, 0)<cr>" execute "xnoremap <silent> <buffer> ]m :call <SID>Python_jump('x', '". b:next."', 'W', v:count1)<cr>" execute "xnoremap <silent> <buffer> [m :call <SID>Python_jump('x', '". b:prev."', 'Wb', v:count1)<cr>" execute "xnoremap <silent> <buffer> ]M :call <SID>Python_jump('x', '". b:next_end."', 'W', v:count1, 0)<cr>" execute "xnoremap <silent> <buffer> [M :call <SID>Python_jump('x', '". b:prev_end."', 'Wb', v:count1, 0)<cr>" endif if !exists('*<SID>Python_jump') fun! <SID>Python_jump(mode, motion, flags, count, ...) range let l:startofline = (a:0 >= 1) ? a:1 : 1 if a:mode == 'x' normal! gv endif if l:startofline == 1 normal! 0 endif let cnt = a:count mark ' while cnt > 0 call search(a:motion, a:flags) let cnt = cnt - 1 endwhile if l:startofline == 1 normal! ^ endif endfun endif if has("browsefilter") && !exists("b:browsefilter") let b:browsefilter = "Python Files (*.py)\t*.py\n" if has("win32") let b:browsefilter .= "All Files (*.*)\t*\n" else let b:browsefilter .= "All Files (*)\t*\n" endif endif if !exists("g:python_recommended_style") || g:python_recommended_style != 0 " As suggested by PEP8. setlocal expandtab tabstop=4 softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 endif " Use pydoc for keywordprg. " Unix users preferentially get pydoc3, then pydoc2. " Windows doesn't have a standalone pydoc executable in $PATH by default, nor " does it have separate python2/3 executables, so Windows users just get " whichever version corresponds to their installed Python version. if executable('python3') setlocal keywordprg=python3\ -m\ pydoc elseif executable('python') setlocal keywordprg=python\ -m\ pydoc endif if expand('%:t') =~# '\v^test_.*\.py$|_test\.py$' && executable('pytest') compiler pytest let &l:makeprg .= ' %:S' endif " Script for filetype switching to undo the local stuff we may have changed let b:undo_ftplugin = 'setlocal cinkeys<' \ . '|setlocal comments<' \ . '|setlocal commentstring<' \ . '|setlocal expandtab<' \ . '|setlocal include<' \ . '|setlocal includeexpr<' \ . '|setlocal indentkeys<' \ . '|setlocal keywordprg<' \ . '|setlocal omnifunc<' \ . '|setlocal shiftwidth<' \ . '|setlocal softtabstop<' \ . '|setlocal suffixesadd<' \ . '|setlocal tabstop<' \ . '|setlocal makeprg<' \ . '|silent! nunmap <buffer> [M' \ . '|silent! nunmap <buffer> [[' \ . '|silent! nunmap <buffer> []' \ . '|silent! nunmap <buffer> [m' \ . '|silent! nunmap <buffer> ]M' \ . '|silent! nunmap <buffer> ][' \ . '|silent! nunmap <buffer> ]]' \ . '|silent! nunmap <buffer> ]m' \ . '|silent! ounmap <buffer> [M' \ . '|silent! ounmap <buffer> [[' \ . '|silent! ounmap <buffer> []' \ . '|silent! ounmap <buffer> [m' \ . '|silent! ounmap <buffer> ]M' \ . '|silent! ounmap <buffer> ][' \ . '|silent! ounmap <buffer> ]]' \ . '|silent! ounmap <buffer> ]m' \ . '|silent! xunmap <buffer> [M' \ . '|silent! xunmap <buffer> [[' \ . '|silent! xunmap <buffer> []' \ . '|silent! xunmap <buffer> [m' \ . '|silent! xunmap <buffer> ]M' \ . '|silent! xunmap <buffer> ][' \ . '|silent! xunmap <buffer> ]]' \ . '|silent! xunmap <buffer> ]m' \ . '|unlet! b:browsefilter' \ . '|unlet! b:child_match' \ . '|unlet! b:child_sub' \ . '|unlet! b:grandparent_match' \ . '|unlet! b:grandparent_sub' \ . '|unlet! b:next' \ . '|unlet! b:next_end' \ . '|unlet! b:next_endtoplevel' \ . '|unlet! b:next_toplevel' \ . '|unlet! b:parent_match' \ . '|unlet! b:parent_sub' \ . '|unlet! b:prev' \ . '|unlet! b:prev_end' \ . '|unlet! b:prev_endtoplevel' \ . '|unlet! b:prev_toplevel' \ . '|unlet! b:undo_ftplugin' let &cpo = s:keepcpo unlet s:keepcpo