BEGIN { # some initialization variables asciiart="no"; wasset="no"; lineset=0; sample="no"; while ( getline ti <"tags.ref" > 0 ) { nf=split(ti,tag," "); tagkey[tag[1]]="yes";tagref[tag[1]]=tag[2]; } skip_word["and"]="yes"; skip_word["backspace"]="yes"; skip_word["beep"]="yes"; skip_word["bugs"]="yes"; skip_word["da"]="yes"; skip_word["end"]="yes"; skip_word["ftp"]="yes"; skip_word["go"]="yes"; skip_word["help"]="yes"; skip_word["home"]="yes"; skip_word["news"]="yes"; skip_word["index"]="yes"; skip_word["insert"]="yes"; skip_word["into"]="yes"; skip_word["put"]="yes"; skip_word["reference"]="yes"; skip_word["section"]="yes"; skip_word["space"]="yes"; skip_word["starting"]="yes"; skip_word["toggle"]="yes"; skip_word["various"]="yes"; skip_word["version"]="yes"; skip_word["is"]="yes"; } # # protect special chars # /[><&á]/ {gsub(/&/,"\\&");gsub(/>/,"\\>");gsub(/</,"\\<");gsub("á","\\á");} # # end of sample lines by non-blank in first column # sample == "yes" && substr($0,1,4) == "<" { sample = "no"; gsub(/^</, " "); } sample == "yes" && substr($0,1,1) != " " && substr($0,1,1) != " " && length($0) > 0 { sample = "no" } # # sample lines printed bold unless empty... # sample == "yes" && $0 =="" { print ""; next; } sample == "yes" && $0 !="" { print "<B>" $0 "</B>"; next; } # # start of sample lines in next line # $0 == ">" { sample = "yes"; print ""; next; } substr($0,length($0)-4,5) == " >" { sample = "yes"; gsub(/ >$/, ""); } # # header lines printed bold, colored # substr($0,length($0),1) == "~" { print "<B><FONT COLOR=\"PURPLE\">" substr($0,1,length($0)-1) "</FONT></B>"; next; } # #ad hoc code # /^"\|& / {gsub(/\|/,"\\|"); } / = b / {gsub(/ b /," \\b "); } # # one letter tag # /[ ]\*.\*[ ]/ {gsub(/\*/,"ZWWZ"); } # # isolated "*" # /[ ]\*[ ]/ {gsub(/ \* /," \\* "); gsub(/ \* /," \\* "); gsub(/ \* /," \\* "); gsub(/ \* /," \\* "); } # # tag start # /[ ]\*[^ ]/ {gsub(/ \*/," ZWWZ");gsub(/ \*/," ZWWZ");} /^\*[^ ]/ {gsub(/^\*/,"ZWWZ");} # # tag end # /[^ ]\*$/ {gsub(/\*$/,"ZWWZ");} /[^ \/ ]\*[ ]/ {gsub(/\*/,"ZWWZ");} # # isolated "|" # /[ ]\|[ ]/ {gsub(/ \| /," \\| "); gsub(/ \| /," \\| "); gsub(/ \| /," \\| "); gsub(/ \| /," \\| "); } /'\|'/ { gsub(/'\|'/,"'\\|'"); } /\^V\|/ {gsub(/\^V\|/,"^V\\|");} / \\\| / {gsub(/\|/,"\\|");} # # one letter pipes and "||" false pipe (digraphs) # /[ ]\|.\|[ ]/ && asciiart == "no" {gsub(/\|/,"YXXY"); } /^\|.\|[ ]/ {gsub(/\|/,"YXXY"); } /\|\|/ {gsub(/\|\|/,"\\|\\|"); } /^shellpipe/ {gsub(/\|/,"\\|"); } # # pipe start # /[ ]\|[^ ]/ && asciiart == "no" {gsub(/ \|/," YXXY"); gsub(/ \|/," YXXY");} /^\|[^ ]/ {gsub(/^\|/,"YXXY");} # # pipe end # /[^ ]\|$/ && asciiart == "no" {gsub(/\|$/,"YXXY");} /[^ ]\|[s ,.); ]/ && asciiart == "no" {gsub(/\|/,"YXXY");} /[^ ]\|]/ && asciiart == "no" {gsub(/\|/,"YXXY");} # # various # /'"/ {gsub(/'"/,"\\'\\"'");} /"/ {gsub(/"/,"\\"");} /%/ {gsub(/%/,"\\%");} NR == 1 { nf=split(FILENAME,f,".") print "<HTML>"; print "<HEAD>" if ( FILENAME == "mbyte.txt" ) { # needs utf-8 as uses many languages print "<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Content-type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\">"; } else { # common case - Latin1 print "<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Content-type\" content=\"text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\">"; } print "<TITLE>Vim documentation: " f[1] "</TITLE>"; print "</HEAD>"; print "<BODY BGCOLOR=\"#ffffff\">"; print "<H1>Vim documentation: " f[1] "</H1>"; print "<A NAME=\"top\"></A>"; if ( FILENAME != "help.txt" ) { print "<A HREF=\"index.html\">main help file</A>\n"; } print "<HR>"; print "<PRE>"; filename=f[1]".html"; } # set to a low value to test for few lines of text # NR == 99999 { exit; } # ignore underlines and tags substr($0,1,5) == " vim:" { next; } substr($0,1,4) == "vim:" { next; } # keep just whole lines of "-", "=" substr($0,1,3) == "===" && substr($0,75,1) != "=" { next; } substr($0,1,3) == "---" && substr($0,75,1) != "-" { next; } { nstar = split($0,s,"ZWWZ"); for ( i=2 ; i <= nstar ; i=i+2 ) { nbla=split(s[i],blata,"[ ]"); if ( nbla > 1 ) { gsub("ZWWZ","*"); nstar = split($0,s,"ZWWZ"); } } npipe = split($0,p,"YXXY"); for ( i=2 ; i <= npipe ; i=i+2 ) { nbla=split(p[i],blata,"[ ]"); if ( nbla > 1 ) { gsub("YXXY","|"); ntabs = split($0,p,"YXXY"); } } } FILENAME == "gui.txt" && asciiart == "no" \ && $0 ~ /\+----/ && $0 ~ /----\+/ { asciiart= "yes"; asciicnt=0; } FILENAME == "quotes.txt" && asciiart == "no" \ && $0 ~ /In summary:/ { asciiart= "yes"; asciicnt=0; } FILENAME == "usr_20.txt" && asciiart == "no" \ && $0 ~ /an empty line at the end:/ { asciiart= "yes"; asciicnt=0; } asciiart == "yes" && $0=="" { asciicnt++; } asciiart == "yes" && asciicnt == 2 { asciiart = "no"; } asciiart == "yes" { npipe = 1; } # { print NR " <=> " asciiart; } # # line contains "*" # nstar > 2 && npipe < 3 { printf("\n"); for ( i=1; i <= nstar ; i=i+2 ) { this=s[i]; put_this(); ii=i+1; nbla = split(s[ii],blata," "); if ( ii <= nstar ) { if ( nbla == 1 && substr(s[ii],length(s[ii]),1) != " " ) { printf("*<A NAME=\"%s\"></A>",s[ii]); printf("<B>%s</B>*",s[ii]); } else { printf("*%s*",s[ii]); } } } printf("\n"); next; } # # line contains "|" # npipe > 2 && nstar < 3 { if ( npipe%2 == 0 ) { for ( i=1; i < npipe ; i++ ) { gsub("ZWWZ","*",p[i]); printf("%s|",p[i]); } printf("%s\n",p[npipe]); next; } for ( i=1; i <= npipe ; i++ ) { if ( i % 2 == 1 ) { gsub("ZWWZ","*",p[i]); this=p[i]; put_this(); } else { nfn=split(p[i],f,"."); if ( nfn == 1 || f[2] == "" || f[1] == "" || length(f[2]) < 3 ) { find_tag1(); } else { if ( f[1] == "index" ) { printf "|<A HREF=\"vimindex.html\">" p[i] "</A>|"; } else { if ( f[1] == "help" ) { printf "|<A HREF=\"index.html\">" p[i] "</A>|"; } else { printf "|<A HREF=\"" f[1] ".html\">" p[i] "</A>|"; } } } } } printf("\n"); next; } # # line contains both "|" and "*" # npipe > 2 && nstar > 2 { printf("\n"); for ( j=1; j <= nstar ; j=j+2 ) { npipe = split(s[j],p,"YXXY"); if ( npipe > 1 ) { for ( np=1; np<=npipe; np=np+2 ) { this=p[np]; put_this(); i=np+1;find_tag1(); } } else { this=s[j]; put_this(); } jj=j+1; nbla = split(s[jj],blata," "); if ( jj <= nstar && nbla == 1 && s[jj] != "" ) { printf("*<A NAME=\"%s\"></A>",s[jj]); printf("<B>%s</B>*",s[jj]); } else { if ( s[jj] != "" ) { printf("*%s*",s[jj]); } } } printf("\n"); next; } # # line contains e-mail address # $0 ~ /@/ && $0 ~ /[a-zA-Z0-9]@[a-z]/ \ { nemail=split($0,em," "); if ( substr($0,1,1) == " " ) { printf(" "); } for ( i=1; i <= nemail; i++ ) { if ( em[i] ~ /@/ ) { if ( substr(em[i],2,3) == "lt;" && substr(em[i],length(em[i])-2,3) == "gt;" ) { mailaddr=substr(em[i],5,length(em[i])-8); printf("<A HREF=\"mailto:%s\"><%s></A> ",mailaddr,mailaddr); } else { if ( substr(em[i],2,3) == "lt;" && substr(em[i],length(em[i])-3,3) == "gt;" ) { mailaddr=substr(em[i],5,length(em[i])-9); printf("<A HREF=\"mailto:%s\"><%s></A>%s ",mailaddr,mailaddr,substr(em[i],length(em[i]),1)); } else { printf("<A HREF=\"mailto:%s\">%s</A> ",em[i],em[i]); } } } else { printf("%s ",em[i]); } } #print "*** " NR " " FILENAME " - possible mail ref"; printf("\n"); next; } # # line contains http / ftp reference # $0 ~ /http:\/\// || $0 ~ /ftp:\/\// { gsub("URL:",""); gsub("<",""); gsub(">",""); gsub("\\(",""); gsub("\\)",""); nemail=split($0,em," "); for ( i=1; i <= nemail; i++ ) { if ( substr(em[i],1,5) == "http:" || substr(em[i],1,4) == "ftp:" ) { if ( substr(em[i],length(em[i]),1) != "." ) { printf(" <A HREF=\"%s\">%s</A>",em[i],em[i]); } else { em[i]=substr(em[i],1,length(em[i])-1); printf(" <A HREF=\"%s\">%s</A>.",em[i],em[i]); } } else { printf(" %s",em[i]); } } #print "*** " NR " " FILENAME " - possible http ref"; printf("\n"); next; } # # some lines contains just one "almost regular" "*"... # nstar == 2 { this=s[1]; put_this(); printf("*"); this=s[2]; put_this(); printf("\n"); next; } # # regular line # { ntabs = split($0,tb," "); for ( i=1; i < ntabs ; i++) { this=tb[i]; put_this(); printf(" "); } this=tb[ntabs]; put_this(); printf("\n"); } asciiart == "yes" && $0 ~ /\+-\+--/ \ && $0 ~ "scrollbar" { asciiart = "no"; } END { topback(); print "</PRE>\n</BODY>\n\n\n</HTML>"; } # # as main we keep index.txt (by default) # function topback () { if ( FILENAME != "tags" ) { if ( FILENAME != "help.txt" ) { printf("<A HREF=\"#top\">top</A> - "); printf("<A HREF=\"index.html\">main help file</A>\n"); } else { printf("<A HREF=\"#top\">top</A>\n"); } } } function find_tag1() { if ( p[i] == "" ) { return; } if ( tagkey[p[i]] == "yes" ) { which=tagref[p[i]]; put_href(); return; } # if not found, then we have a problem print "============================================" >>"errors.log"; print FILENAME ", line " NR ", pointer: >>" p[i] "<<" >>"errors.log"; print $0 >>"errors.log"; which="intro.html"; put_href(); } function see_tag() { # ad-hoc code: if ( atag == "\"--" || atag == "--\"" ) { return; } if_already(); if ( already == "yes" ) { printf("%s",aword); return; } allow_one_char="no"; find_tag2(); if ( done == "yes" ) { return; } rightchar=substr(atag,length(atag),1); if ( rightchar == "." \ || rightchar == "," \ || rightchar == ":" \ || rightchar == ";" \ || rightchar == "!" \ || rightchar == "?" \ || rightchar == ")" ) { atag=substr(atag,1,length(atag)-1); if_already(); if ( already == "yes" ) { printf("%s",aword); return; } find_tag2(); if ( done == "yes" ) { printf("%s",rightchar);return; } leftchar=substr(atag,1,1); lastbut1=substr(atag,length(atag),1); if ( leftchar == "'" && lastbut1 == "'" ) { allow_one_char="yes"; atag=substr(atag,2,length(atag)-2); if_already(); if ( already == "yes" ) { printf("%s",aword); return; } printf("%s",leftchar); aword=substr(atag,1,length(atag))""lastbut1""rightchar; find_tag2(); if ( done == "yes" ) { printf("%s%s",lastbut1,rightchar);return; } } } atag=aword; leftchar=substr(atag,1,1); if ( leftchar == "'" && rightchar == "'" ) { allow_one_char="yes"; atag=substr(atag,2,length(atag)-2); if ( atag == "<" ) { printf(" |%s|%s| ",atag,p[2]); } if_already(); if ( already == "yes" ) { printf("%s",aword); return; } printf("%s",leftchar); find_tag2(); if ( done == "yes" ) { printf("%s",rightchar);return; } printf("%s%s",atag,rightchar); return; } last2=substr(atag,length(atag)-1,2); first2=substr(atag,1,2); if ( first2 == "('" && last2 == "')" ) { allow_one_char="yes"; atag=substr(atag,3,length(atag)-4); if_already(); if ( already == "yes" ) { printf("%s",aword); return; } printf("%s",first2); find_tag2(); if ( done == "yes" ) { printf("%s",last2);return; } printf("%s%s",atag,last2); return; } if ( last2 == ".)" ) { atag=substr(atag,1,length(atag)-2); if_already(); if ( already == "yes" ) { printf("%s",aword); return; } find_tag2(); if ( done == "yes" ) { printf("%s",last2);return; } printf("%s%s",atag,last2); return; } if ( last2 == ")." ) { atag=substr(atag,1,length(atag)-2); find_tag2(); if_already(); if ( already == "yes" ) { printf("%s",aword); return; } if ( done == "yes" ) { printf("%s",last2);return; } printf("%s%s",atag,last2); return; } first6=substr(atag,1,6); last6=substr(atag,length(atag)-5,6); if ( last6 == atag ) { printf("%s",aword); return; } last6of7=substr(atag,length(atag)-6,6); if ( first6 == """ && last6of7 == """ && length(atag) > 12 ) { allow_one_char="yes"; atag=substr(atag,7,length(atag)-13); if_already(); if ( already == "yes" ) { printf("%s",aword); return; } printf("%s",first6); find_tag2(); if ( done == "yes" ) { printf(""%s",rightchar); return; } printf("%s"%s",atag,rightchar); return; } if ( first6 == """ && last6 != """ ) { allow_one_char="yes"; atag=substr(atag,7,length(atag)-6); if ( atag == "[" ) { printf(""%s",atag); return; } if ( atag == "." ) { printf(""%s",atag); return; } if ( atag == ":" ) { printf(""%s",atag); return; } if ( atag == "a" ) { printf(""%s",atag); return; } if ( atag == "A" ) { printf(""%s",atag); return; } if ( atag == "g" ) { printf(""%s",atag); return; } if_already(); if ( already == "yes" ) { printf(""%s",atag); return; } printf("%s",first6); find_tag2(); if ( done == "yes" ) { return; } printf("%s",atag); return; } if ( last6 == """ && first6 == """ ) { allow_one_char="yes"; atag=substr(atag,7,length(atag)-12); if_already(); if ( already == "yes" ) { printf("%s",aword); return; } printf("%s",first6); find_tag2(); if ( done == "yes" ) { printf("%s",last6);return; } printf("%s%s",atag,last6); return; } last6of7=substr(atag,length(atag)-6,6); if ( last6of7 == """ && first6 == """ ) { allow_one_char="yes"; atag=substr(atag,7,length(atag)-13); #printf("\natag=%s,aword=%s\n",atag,aword); if_already(); if ( already == "yes" ) { printf("%s",aword); return; } printf("%s",first6); find_tag2(); if ( done == "yes" ) { printf("%s%s",last6of7,rightchar);return; } printf("%s%s%s",atag,last6of7,rightchar); return; } printf("%s",aword); } function find_tag2() { done="no"; # no blanks present in a tag... ntags=split(atag,blata,"[ ]"); if ( ntags > 1 ) { return; } if ( ( allow_one_char == "no" ) && \ ( index("!#$%&'()+,-./0:;=?@ACINX\\[\\]^_`at\\{\\}~",atag) !=0 ) ) { return; } if ( skip_word[atag] == "yes" ) { return; } if ( wasset == "yes" && lineset == NR ) { wasset="no"; see_opt(); if ( done_opt == "yes" ) {return;} } if ( wasset == "yes" && lineset != NR ) { wasset="no"; } if ( atag == ":set" ) { wasset="yes"; lineset=NR; } if ( tagkey[atag] == "yes" ) { which=tagref[atag]; put_href2(); done="yes"; } } function find_tag3() { done="no"; # no blanks present in a tag... ntags=split(btag,blata,"[ ]"); if ( ntags > 1 ) { return; } if ( ( allow_one_char == "no" ) && \ ( index("!#$%&'()+,-./0:;=?@ACINX\\[\\]^_`at\\{\\}~",btag) !=0 ) ) { return; } if ( skip_word[btag] == "yes" ) { return; } if ( tagkey[btag] == "yes" ) { which=tagref[btag]; put_href3(); done="yes"; } } function put_href() { if ( p[i] == "" ) { return; } if ( which == FILENAME ) { printf("|<A HREF=\"#%s\">%s</A>|",p[i],p[i]); } else { nz=split(which,zz,"."); if ( zz[2] == "txt" || zz[1] == "tags" ) { printf("|<A HREF=\"%s.html#%s\">%s</A>|",zz[1],p[i],p[i]); } else { printf("|<A HREF=\"intro.html#%s\">%s</A>|",p[i],p[i]); } } } function put_href2() { if ( atag == "" ) { return; } if ( which == FILENAME ) { printf("<A HREF=\"#%s\">%s</A>",atag,atag); } else { nz=split(which,zz,"."); if ( zz[2] == "txt" || zz[1] == "tags" ) { printf("<A HREF=\"%s.html#%s\">%s</A>",zz[1],atag,atag); } else { printf("<A HREF=\"intro.html#%s\">%s</A>",atag,atag); } } } function put_href3() { if ( btag == "" ) { return; } if ( which == FILENAME ) { printf("<A HREF=\"#%s\">%s</A>",btag,btag2); } else { nz=split(which,zz,"."); if ( zz[2] == "txt" || zz[1] == "tags" ) { printf("<A HREF=\"%s.html#%s\">%s</A>",zz[1],btag,btag2); } else { printf("<A HREF=\"intro.html#%s\">%s</A>",btag,btag2); } } } function put_this() { ntab=split(this,ta," "); for ( nta=1 ; nta <= ntab ; nta++ ) { ata=ta[nta]; lata=length(ata); aword=""; for ( iata=1 ; iata <=lata ; iata++ ) { achar=substr(ata,iata,1); if ( achar != " " ) { aword=aword""achar; } else { if ( aword != "" ) { atag=aword; see_tag(); aword=""; printf(" "); } else { printf(" "); } } } if ( aword != "" ) { atag=aword; see_tag(); } if ( nta != ntab ) { printf(" "); } } } function if_already() { already="no"; if ( npipe < 2 ) { return; } if ( atag == ":au" && p[2] == ":autocmd" ) { already="yes";return; } for ( npp=2 ; npp <= npipe ; npp=npp+2 ) { if ( ( (index(p[npp],atag)) != 0 \ && length(p[npp]) > length(atag) \ && length(atag) >= 1 \ ) \ || (p[npp] == atag) \ ) { # printf("p=|%s|,tag=|%s| ",p[npp],atag); already="yes"; return; } } } function see_opt() { done_opt="no"; stag=atag; nfields = split(atag,tae,"="); if ( nfields > 1 ) { btag="'"tae[1]"'"; btag2=tae[1]; find_tag3(); if (done == "yes") { for ( ntae=2 ; ntae <= nfields ; ntae++ ) { printf("=%s",tae[ntae]); } atag=stag; done_opt="yes"; return; } btag=tae[1]; btag2=tae[1]; find_tag3(); if ( done=="yes" ) { for ( ntae=2 ; ntae <= nfields ; ntae++ ) { printf("=%s",tae[ntae]); } atag=stag; done_opt="yes"; return; } } nfields = split(atag,tae,"""); if ( nfields > 1 ) { btag="'"tae[1]"'"; btag2=tae[1]; find_tag3(); if (done == "yes") { printf("""); atag=stag; done_opt="yes"; return; } btag=tae[1]; btag2=tae[1]; find_tag3(); if (done == "yes") { printf("""); atag=stag; done_opt="yes"; return; } } btag="'"tae[1]"'"; btag2=tae[1]; find_tag3(); if (done == "yes") { atag=stag; done_opt="yes"; return; } btag=tae[1]; btag2=tae[1]; find_tag3(); if (done == "yes") { atag=stag; done_opt="yes"; return; } atag=stag; }