" Vim syntax file " Language: Zimbu " Maintainer: The·Vim·Project·<https://github.com/vim/vim> " Last Change: 2023 Aug 13 " Note: Zimbu seems to be dead :( if exists("b:current_syntax") finish endif syn include @Ccode syntax/c.vim syn keyword zimbuTodo TODO FIXME XXX contained syn match zimbuNoBar "|" contained syn match zimbuParam "|[^| ]\+|" contained contains=zimbuNoBar syn match zimbuNoBacktick "`" contained syn match zimbuCode "`[^`]\+`" contained contains=zimbuNoBacktick syn match zimbuComment "#.*$" contains=zimbuTodo,zimbuParam,zimbuCode,@Spell syn match zimbuComment "/\*.\{-}\*/" contains=zimbuTodo,zimbuParam,zimbuCode,@Spell syn match zimbuChar "'\\\=.'" syn keyword zimbuBasicType bool status syn keyword zimbuBasicType int1 int2 int3 int4 int5 int6 int7 syn keyword zimbuBasicType int9 int10 int11 int12 int13 int14 int15 syn keyword zimbuBasicType int int8 int16 int32 int64 bigInt syn keyword zimbuBasicType nat nat8 byte nat16 nat32 nat64 bigNat syn keyword zimbuBasicType nat1 nat2 nat3 nat4 nat5 nat6 nat7 syn keyword zimbuBasicType nat9 nat10 nat11 nat12 nat13 nat14 nat15 syn keyword zimbuBasicType float float32 float64 float80 float128 syn keyword zimbuBasicType fixed1 fixed2 fixed3 fixed4 fixed5 fixed6 syn keyword zimbuBasicType fixed7 fixed8 fixed9 fixed10 fixed11 fixed12 syn keyword zimbuBasicType fixed13 fixed14 fixed15 syn keyword zimbuCompType string varString syn keyword zimbuCompType byteString varByteString syn keyword zimbuCompType tuple array list dict dictList set callback syn keyword zimbuCompType sortedList multiDict multiDictList multiSet syn keyword zimbuCompType complex complex32 complex64 complex80 complex128 syn keyword zimbuCompType proc func def thread evalThread lock cond pipe syn keyword zimbuType VAR dyn type USE GET syn match zimbuType "IO.File" syn match zimbuType "IO.Stat" syn keyword zimbuStatement IF ELSE ELSEIF IFNIL WHILE REPEAT FOR IN TO STEP syn keyword zimbuStatement DO UNTIL SWITCH WITH syn keyword zimbuStatement TRY CATCH FINALLY syn keyword zimbuStatement GENERATE_IF GENERATE_ELSE GENERATE_ELSEIF syn keyword zimbuStatement GENERATE_ERROR syn keyword zimbuStatement BUILD_IF BUILD_ELSE BUILD_ELSEIF syn keyword zimbuStatement CASE DEFAULT FINAL ABSTRACT VIRTUAL DEFINE REPLACE syn keyword zimbuStatement IMPLEMENTS EXTENDS PARENT LOCAL syn keyword zimbuStatement PART ALIAS TYPE CONNECT WRAP syn keyword zimbuStatement BREAK CONTINUE PROCEED syn keyword zimbuStatement RETURN EXIT THROW DEFER syn keyword zimbuStatement IMPORT AS OPTIONS MAIN syn keyword zimbuStatement INTERFACE PIECE INCLUDE MODULE ENUM BITS syn keyword zimbuStatement SHARED STATIC syn keyword zimbuStatement LAMBDA syn match zimbuStatement "\<\(FUNC\|PROC\|DEF\)\>" syn match zimbuStatement "\<CLASS\>" syn match zimbuStatement "}" syn match zimbuAttribute "@backtrace=no\>" syn match zimbuAttribute "@backtrace=yes\>" syn match zimbuAttribute "@abstract\>" syn match zimbuAttribute "@earlyInit\>" syn match zimbuAttribute "@default\>" syn match zimbuAttribute "@define\>" syn match zimbuAttribute "@replace\>" syn match zimbuAttribute "@final\>" syn match zimbuAttribute "@primitive\>" syn match zimbuAttribute "@notOnExit\>" syn match zimbuAttribute "@private\>" syn match zimbuAttribute "@protected\>" syn match zimbuAttribute "@public\>" syn match zimbuAttribute "@local\>" syn match zimbuAttribute "@file\>" syn match zimbuAttribute "@directory\>" syn match zimbuAttribute "@read=private\>" syn match zimbuAttribute "@read=protected\>" syn match zimbuAttribute "@read=public\>" syn match zimbuAttribute "@read=file\>" syn match zimbuAttribute "@read=directory\>" syn match zimbuAttribute "@items=private\>" syn match zimbuAttribute "@items=protected\>" syn match zimbuAttribute "@items=public\>" syn match zimbuAttribute "@items=file\>" syn match zimbuAttribute "@items=directory\>" syn keyword zimbuMethod NEW EQUAL COPY COMPARE SIZE GET SET INIT EARLYINIT syn keyword zimbuOperator IS ISNOT ISA ISNOTA syn keyword zimbuModule ARG CHECK E GC IO LOG PROTO SYS HTTP ZC ZWT T TIME THREAD syn match zimbuImport "\.\zsPROTO" syn match zimbuImport "\.\zsCHEADER" "syn match zimbuString +"\([^"\\]\|\\.\)*\("\|$\)+ contains=zimbuStringExpr syn region zimbuString start=+"+ skip=+[^"\\]\|\\.+ end=+"\|$+ contains=zimbuStringExpr syn match zimbuString +R"\([^"]\|""\)*\("\|$\)+ syn region zimbuLongString start=+''"+ end=+"''+ syn match zimbuStringExpr +\\([^)]*)+hs=s+2,he=e-1 contained contains=zimbuString,zimbuParenPairOuter syn region zimbuParenPairOuter start=+(+ms=s+1 end=+)+me=e-1 contained contains=zimbuString,zimbuParenPair syn region zimbuParenPair start=+(+ end=+)+ contained contains=zimbuString,zimbuParenPair syn keyword zimbuFixed TRUE FALSE NIL THIS THISTYPE FAIL OK syn keyword zimbuError NULL " trailing whitespace syn match zimbuSpaceError display excludenl "\S\s\+$"ms=s+1 " mixed tabs and spaces syn match zimbuSpaceError display " \+\t" syn match zimbuSpaceError display "\t\+ " syn match zimbuUses contained "\<uses([a-zA-Z_ ,]*)" syn match zimbuBlockgc contained "blockgc" syn match zimbuBlockComment contained " #.*" syn region zimbuCregion matchgroup=zimbuCblock start="^>>>" end="^<<<.*" contains=@Ccode,zimbuUses,zimbuBlockgc,zimbuBlockComment keepend " Assume long strings and C regions don't take more than 200 lines. syn sync minlines=200 " When we find the start of a long string, without a # or " before it, we are " sure to be inside a long string. syn sync match zimbuLongStringSync grouphere zimbuLongString +^[^"#]*''\"+ hi def link zimbuBasicType Type hi def link zimbuCompType Type hi def link zimbuType Type hi def link zimbuStatement Statement hi def link zimbuOperator Statement hi def link zimbuMethod PreProc hi def link zimbuModule PreProc hi def link zimbuImport PreProc hi def link zimbuUses PreProc hi def link zimbuBlockgc PreProc hi def link zimbuAttribute PreProc hi def link zimbuString Constant hi def link zimbuLongString Special hi def link zimbuChar Constant hi def link zimbuFixed Constant hi def link zimbuComment Comment hi def link zimbuCommentStart zimbuComment hi def link zimbuBlockComment Comment hi def link zimbuCblock Comment hi def link zimbuTodo Todo hi def link zimbuParam Constant hi def link zimbuCode Statement hi def link zimbuNoBar Ignore hi def link zimbuNoBacktick Ignore hi def link zimbuSpaceError Error hi def link zimbuError Error let b:current_syntax = "zimbu" " vim: ts=8