" Vim compiler file " Language: jq " Maintainer: Vito <vito.blog@gmail.com> " Last Change: 2024 Apr 17 " Upstream: https://github.com/vito-c/jq.vim " " Quit when a (custom) syntax file was already loaded if exists('b:current_syntax') finish endif " syn include @jqHtml syntax/html.vim " Doc comment HTML " jqTodo syntax keyword jqTodo contained TODO FIXME NOTE XXX " jqKeywords syntax keyword jqKeywords and or not empty syntax keyword jqKeywords try catch syntax keyword jqKeywords reduce as label break foreach syntax keyword jqKeywords import include module modulemeta syntax keyword jqKeywords env nth has in while error stderr debug " jqConditional syntax keyword jqConditional if then elif else end " jqConditions syntax keyword jqCondtions true false null " jqSpecials syntax keyword jqType type syntax match jqType /[\|;]/ " not really a type I did this for coloring reasons though :help group-name syntax region jqParentheses start=+(+ end=+)+ fold transparent " jq Functions syntax keyword jqFunction add all any arrays ascii_downcase floor syntax keyword jqFunction ascii_upcase booleans bsearch builtins capture combinations syntax keyword jqFunction \contains del delpaths endswith explode syntax keyword jqFunction finites first flatten format from_entries syntax keyword jqFunction fromdate fromdateiso8601 fromjson fromstream get_jq_origin syntax keyword jqFunction get_prog_origin get_search_list getpath gmtime group_by syntax keyword jqFunction gsub halt halt_error implode index indices infinite syntax keyword jqFunction input input_filename input_line_number inputs inside syntax keyword jqFunction isempty isfinite isinfinite isnan isnormal iterables syntax keyword jqFunction join keys keys_unsorted last leaf_paths syntax keyword jqFunction length limit localtime ltrimstr map map_values syntax keyword jqFunction match max max_by min min_by syntax keyword jqFunction mktime nan normals now syntax keyword jqFunction nulls numbers objects path paths range syntax keyword jqFunction recurse recurse_down repeat reverse rindex syntax keyword jqFunction rtrimstr scalars scalars_or_empty scan select syntax keyword jqFunction setpath sort sort_by split splits with_entries syntax keyword jqFunction startswith strflocaltime strftime strings strptime sub syntax keyword jqFunction test to_entries todate todateiso8601 tojson __loc__ syntax keyword jqFunction tonumber tostream tostring transpose truncate_stream syntax keyword jqFunction unique unique_by until utf8bytelength values walk " TODO: $__loc__ is going to be a pain " jq Math Functions syntax keyword jqFunction acos acosh asin asinh atan atanh cbrt ceil cos cosh syntax keyword jqFunction erf erfc exp exp10 exp2 expm1 fabs floor gamma j0 j1 syntax keyword jqFunction lgamma lgamma_r log log10 log1p log2 logb nearbyint syntax keyword jqFunction pow10 rint round significand sin sinh sqrt tan tanh syntax keyword jqFunction tgamma trunc y0 y1 syntax keyword jqFunction atan2 copysign drem fdim fmax fmin fmod frexp hypot syntax keyword jqFunction jn ldexp modf nextafter nexttoward pow remainder syntax keyword jqFunction scalb scalbln yn syntax keyword jqFunction fma " jq SQL-style Operators syntax keyword jqFunction INDEX JOIN IN " Macro syntax match jqMacro "@\%(text\|json\|html\|uri\|[ct]sv\|sh\|base64d\?\)\>" " Comments syntax match jqComment "#.*" contains=jqTodo " Variables syn match jqVariables /$[_A-Za-z0-9]\+/ " Definition syntax keyword jqKeywords def nextgroup=jqNameDefinition skipwhite syn match jqNameDefinition /\<[_A-Za-z0-9]\+\>/ contained nextgroup=jqPostNameDefinition syn match jqNameDefinition /`[^`]\+`/ contained nextgroup=jqPostNameDefinition " Strings syn region jqError start=+'+ end=+'\|$\|[;)]\@=+ syn region jqString matchgroup=jqQuote \ start=+"+ skip=+\\[\\"]+ end=+"+ \ contains=@Spell,jqInterpolation syn region jqInterpolation matchgroup=jqInterpolationDelimiter \ start=+\%([^\\]\%(\\\\\)*\\\)\@<!\\(+ end=+)+ \ contained contains=TOP " Operators syn match jqOperator /:\|\([-+*/%<>=]\|\/\/\)=\?\|[!|]=\|?\/\// "syn region jqRange matchgroup=jqSquareBracket start=+\[+ skip=+:+ end=+\]+ " Errors syn keyword jqError _assign _flatten _modify _nwise _plus _negate _minus _multiply syn keyword jqError _divide _mod _strindices _equal _notequal _less _greater _lesseq syn keyword jqError _greatereq _sort_by_impl _group_by_impl _min_by_impl _max_by_impl _match_impl _input " TODO: these errors should show up when doing def _flatten: as well " Numbers syn match jqNumber /\<0[dDfFlL]\?\>/ " Just a bare 0 syn match jqNumber /\<[1-9]\d*[dDfFlL]\?\>/ " A multi-digit number - octal numbers with leading 0's are deprecated in Scala if !exists('jq_quote_highlight') highlight def link jqQuote String else highlight def link jqQuote Type endif hi def link jqCondtions Boolean hi def link jqVariables Identifier hi def link jqNameDefinition Function hi def link jqTodo Todo hi def link jqComment Comment hi def link jqKeywords Keyword hi def link jqType Type hi def link jqOperator Operator hi def link jqFunction Function hi def link jqMacro Macro hi def link jqError Error hi def link jqString String hi def link jqInterpolationDelimiter Delimiter hi def link jqConditional Conditional hi def link jqNumber Number