" Elm indent plugin file " Language: Elm " Maintainer: Andreas Scharf <as@99n.de> " Original Author: Joseph Hager <ajhager@gmail.com> " Copyright: Joseph Hager <ajhager@gmail.com> " License: BSD3 " Latest Revision: 2021-09-29 " Only load this indent file when no other was loaded. if exists('b:did_indent') finish endif let b:did_indent = 1 " Local defaults setlocal expandtab setlocal indentexpr=GetElmIndent() setlocal indentkeys+=0=else,0=if,0=of,0=import,0=then,0=type,0\|,0},0\],0),=-},0=in setlocal nolisp setlocal nosmartindent let b:undo_indent = "setl et< inde< indk< lisp< si<" " Only define the function once. if exists('*GetElmIndent') finish endif " Indent pairs function! s:FindPair(pstart, pmid, pend) "call search(a:pend, 'bW') return indent(searchpair(a:pstart, a:pmid, a:pend, 'bWn', 'synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 0), "name") =~? "string\\|comment"')) endfunction function! GetElmIndent() let l:lnum = v:lnum - 1 " Ident 0 if the first line of the file: if l:lnum == 0 return 0 endif let l:ind = indent(l:lnum) let l:lline = getline(l:lnum) let l:line = getline(v:lnum) " Indent if current line begins with '}': if l:line =~? '^\s*}' return s:FindPair('{', '', '}') " Indent if current line begins with 'else': elseif l:line =~# '^\s*else\>' if l:lline !~# '^\s*\(if\|then\)\>' return s:FindPair('\<if\>', '', '\<else\>') endif " Indent if current line begins with 'then': elseif l:line =~# '^\s*then\>' if l:lline !~# '^\s*\(if\|else\)\>' return s:FindPair('\<if\>', '', '\<then\>') endif " HACK: Indent lines in case with nearest case clause: elseif l:line =~# '->' && l:line !~# ':' && l:line !~# '\\' return indent(search('^\s*case', 'bWn')) + &shiftwidth " HACK: Don't change the indentation if the last line is a comment. elseif l:lline =~# '^\s*--' return l:ind " Align the end of block comments with the start elseif l:line =~# '^\s*-}' return indent(search('{-', 'bWn')) " Indent double shift after let with an empty rhs elseif l:lline =~# '\<let\>.*\s=$' return l:ind + 4 + &shiftwidth " Align 'in' with the parent let. elseif l:line =~# '^\s*in\>' return indent(search('^\s*let', 'bWn')) " Align bindings with the parent let. elseif l:lline =~# '\<let\>' return l:ind + 4 " Align bindings with the parent in. elseif l:lline =~# '^\s*in\>' return l:ind endif " Add a 'shiftwidth' after lines ending with: if l:lline =~# '\(|\|=\|->\|<-\|(\|\[\|{\|\<\(of\|else\|if\|then\)\)\s*$' let l:ind = l:ind + &shiftwidth " Add a 'shiftwidth' after lines starting with type ending with '=': elseif l:lline =~# '^\s*type' && l:line =~# '^\s*=' let l:ind = l:ind + &shiftwidth " Back to normal indent after comments: elseif l:lline =~# '-}\s*$' call search('-}', 'bW') let l:ind = indent(searchpair('{-', '', '-}', 'bWn', 'synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 0), "name") =~? "string"')) " Ident some operators if there aren't any starting the last line. elseif l:line =~# '^\s*\(!\|&\|(\|`\|+\||\|{\|[\|,\)=' && l:lline !~# '^\s*\(!\|&\|(\|`\|+\||\|{\|[\|,\)=' && l:lline !~# '^\s*$' let l:ind = l:ind + &shiftwidth elseif l:lline ==# '' && getline(l:lnum - 1) !=# '' let l:ind = indent(search('^\s*\S+', 'bWn')) endif return l:ind endfunc