" Vim syntax file " Language: Lua 4.0, Lua 5.0, Lua 5.1, Lua 5.2 and Lua 5.3 " Maintainer: Marcus Aurelius Farias <masserahguard-lua 'at' yahoo com> " First Author: Carlos Augusto Teixeira Mendes <cmendes 'at' inf puc-rio br> " Last Change: 2025 Feb 25 " Options: lua_version = 4 or 5 " lua_subversion = 0 (for 4.0 or 5.0) " or 1, 2, 3 (for 5.1, 5.2 or 5.3) " the default is 5.3 " quit when a syntax file was already loaded if exists("b:current_syntax") finish endif let s:cpo_save = &cpo set cpo&vim " keep in sync with ftplugin/lua.vim if !exists("lua_version") " Default is lua 5.3 let lua_version = 5 let lua_subversion = 3 elseif !exists("lua_subversion") " lua_version exists, but lua_subversion doesn't. In this case set it to 0 let lua_subversion = 0 endif syn case match " syncing method syn sync minlines=1000 if lua_version >= 5 syn keyword luaMetaMethod __add __sub __mul __div __pow __unm __concat syn keyword luaMetaMethod __eq __lt __le syn keyword luaMetaMethod __index __newindex __call syn keyword luaMetaMethod __metatable __mode __gc __tostring endif if lua_version > 5 || (lua_version == 5 && lua_subversion >= 1) syn keyword luaMetaMethod __mod __len endif if lua_version > 5 || (lua_version == 5 && lua_subversion >= 2) syn keyword luaMetaMethod __pairs endif if lua_version > 5 || (lua_version == 5 && lua_subversion >= 3) syn keyword luaMetaMethod __idiv __name syn keyword luaMetaMethod __band __bor __bxor __bnot __shl __shr endif if lua_version > 5 || (lua_version == 5 && lua_subversion >= 4) syn keyword luaMetaMethod __close endif " catch errors caused by wrong parenthesis and wrong curly brackets or " keywords placed outside their respective blocks syn region luaParen transparent start='(' end=')' contains=TOP,luaParenError syn match luaParenError ")" syn match luaError "}" syn match luaError "\<\%(end\|else\|elseif\|then\|until\|in\)\>" " Function declaration syn region luaFunctionBlock transparent matchgroup=luaFunction start="\<function\>" end="\<end\>" contains=TOP " else syn keyword luaCondElse matchgroup=luaCond contained containedin=luaCondEnd else " then ... end syn region luaCondEnd contained transparent matchgroup=luaCond start="\<then\>" end="\<end\>" contains=TOP " elseif ... then syn region luaCondElseif contained containedin=luaCondEnd transparent matchgroup=luaCond start="\<elseif\>" end="\<then\>" contains=TOP " if ... then syn region luaCondStart transparent matchgroup=luaCond start="\<if\>" end="\<then\>"me=e-4 contains=TOP nextgroup=luaCondEnd skipwhite skipempty " do ... end syn region luaBlock transparent matchgroup=luaStatement start="\<do\>" end="\<end\>" contains=TOP " repeat ... until syn region luaRepeatBlock transparent matchgroup=luaRepeat start="\<repeat\>" end="\<until\>" contains=TOP " while ... do syn region luaWhile transparent matchgroup=luaRepeat start="\<while\>" end="\<do\>"me=e-2 contains=TOP nextgroup=luaBlock skipwhite skipempty " for ... do and for ... in ... do syn region luaFor transparent matchgroup=luaRepeat start="\<for\>" end="\<do\>"me=e-2 contains=TOP nextgroup=luaBlock skipwhite skipempty syn keyword luaFor contained containedin=luaFor in " other keywords syn keyword luaStatement return local break if lua_version > 5 || (lua_version == 5 && lua_subversion >= 2) syn keyword luaStatement goto syn match luaLabel "::\I\i*::" endif " operators syn keyword luaOperator and or not if (lua_version == 5 && lua_subversion >= 3) || lua_version > 5 syn match luaSymbolOperator "[#<>=~^&|*/%+-]\|\.\{2,3}" elseif lua_version == 5 && (lua_subversion == 1 || lua_subversion == 2) syn match luaSymbolOperator "[#<>=~^*/%+-]\|\.\{2,3}" else syn match luaSymbolOperator "[<>=~^*/+-]\|\.\{2,3}" endif " comments syn keyword luaTodo contained TODO FIXME XXX syn match luaComment "--.*$" contains=luaTodo,@Spell if lua_version == 5 && lua_subversion == 0 syn region luaComment matchgroup=luaCommentDelimiter start="--\[\[" end="\]\]" contains=luaTodo,luaInnerComment,@Spell syn region luaInnerComment contained transparent start="\[\[" end="\]\]" elseif lua_version > 5 || (lua_version == 5 && lua_subversion >= 1) " Comments in Lua 5.1: --[[ ... ]], [=[ ... ]=], [===[ ... ]===], etc. syn region luaComment matchgroup=luaCommentDelimiter start="--\[\z(=*\)\[" end="\]\z1\]" contains=luaTodo,@Spell endif " first line may start with #! syn match luaComment "\%^#!.*" syn keyword luaConstant nil if lua_version > 4 syn keyword luaConstant true false endif " strings syn match luaSpecial contained #\\[\\abfnrtv'"[\]]\|\\[[:digit:]]\{,3}# if lua_version == 5 if lua_subversion == 0 syn region luaString2 matchgroup=luaStringDelimiter start=+\[\[+ end=+\]\]+ contains=luaString2,@Spell else if lua_subversion >= 2 syn match luaSpecial contained #\\z\|\\x[[:xdigit:]]\{2}# endif if lua_subversion >= 3 syn match luaSpecial contained #\\u{[[:xdigit:]]\+}# endif syn region luaString2 matchgroup=luaStringDelimiter start="\[\z(=*\)\[" end="\]\z1\]" contains=@Spell endif endif syn region luaString matchgroup=luaStringDelimiter start=+'+ end=+'+ skip=+\\\\\|\\'+ contains=luaSpecial,@Spell syn region luaString matchgroup=luaStringDelimiter start=+"+ end=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ contains=luaSpecial,@Spell " integer number syn match luaNumber "\<\d\+\>" " floating point number, with dot, optional exponent syn match luaNumber "\<\d\+\.\d*\%([eE][-+]\=\d\+\)\=" " floating point number, starting with a dot, optional exponent syn match luaNumber "\.\d\+\%([eE][-+]\=\d\+\)\=\>" " floating point number, without dot, with exponent syn match luaNumber "\<\d\+[eE][-+]\=\d\+\>" " hex numbers if lua_version >= 5 if lua_subversion == 1 syn match luaNumber "\<0[xX]\x\+\>" elseif lua_subversion >= 2 syn match luaNumber "\<0[xX][[:xdigit:].]\+\%([pP][-+]\=\d\+\)\=\>" endif endif " tables syn region luaTableBlock transparent matchgroup=luaTable start="{" end="}" contains=TOP,luaStatement " methods syntax match luaFunc ":\@<=\k\+" " built-in functions syn keyword luaFunc assert collectgarbage dofile error next syn keyword luaFunc print rawget rawset self tonumber tostring type _VERSION if lua_version == 4 syn keyword luaFunc _ALERT _ERRORMESSAGE gcinfo syn keyword luaFunc call copytagmethods dostring syn keyword luaFunc foreach foreachi getglobal getn syn keyword luaFunc gettagmethod globals newtag syn keyword luaFunc setglobal settag settagmethod sort syn keyword luaFunc tag tinsert tremove syn keyword luaFunc _INPUT _OUTPUT _STDIN _STDOUT _STDERR syn keyword luaFunc openfile closefile flush seek syn keyword luaFunc setlocale execute remove rename tmpname syn keyword luaFunc getenv date clock exit syn keyword luaFunc readfrom writeto appendto read write syn keyword luaFunc PI abs sin cos tan asin syn keyword luaFunc acos atan atan2 ceil floor syn keyword luaFunc mod frexp ldexp sqrt min max log syn keyword luaFunc log10 exp deg rad random syn keyword luaFunc randomseed strlen strsub strlower strupper syn keyword luaFunc strchar strrep ascii strbyte syn keyword luaFunc format strfind gsub syn keyword luaFunc getinfo getlocal setlocal setcallhook setlinehook elseif lua_version == 5 syn keyword luaFunc getmetatable setmetatable syn keyword luaFunc ipairs pairs syn keyword luaFunc pcall xpcall syn keyword luaFunc _G loadfile rawequal require if lua_subversion == 0 syn keyword luaFunc getfenv setfenv syn keyword luaFunc loadstring unpack syn keyword luaFunc gcinfo loadlib LUA_PATH _LOADED _REQUIREDNAME else syn keyword luaFunc load select syn match luaFunc /\<package\.cpath\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<package\.loaded\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<package\.loadlib\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<package\.path\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<package\.preload\>/ if lua_subversion == 1 syn keyword luaFunc getfenv setfenv syn keyword luaFunc loadstring module unpack syn match luaFunc /\<package\.loaders\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<package\.seeall\>/ elseif lua_subversion >= 2 syn keyword luaFunc _ENV rawlen syn match luaFunc /\<package\.config\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<package\.preload\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<package\.searchers\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<package\.searchpath\>/ endif if lua_subversion >= 3 syn match luaFunc /\<coroutine\.isyieldable\>/ endif if lua_subversion >= 4 syn keyword luaFunc warn syn match luaFunc /\<coroutine\.close\>/ endif syn match luaFunc /\<coroutine\.running\>/ endif syn match luaFunc /\<coroutine\.create\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<coroutine\.resume\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<coroutine\.status\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<coroutine\.wrap\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<coroutine\.yield\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<string\.byte\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<string\.char\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<string\.dump\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<string\.find\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<string\.format\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<string\.gsub\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<string\.len\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<string\.lower\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<string\.rep\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<string\.sub\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<string\.upper\>/ if lua_subversion == 0 syn match luaFunc /\<string\.gfind\>/ else syn match luaFunc /\<string\.gmatch\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<string\.match\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<string\.reverse\>/ endif if lua_subversion >= 3 syn match luaFunc /\<string\.pack\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<string\.packsize\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<string\.unpack\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<utf8\.char\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<utf8\.charpattern\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<utf8\.codes\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<utf8\.codepoint\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<utf8\.len\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<utf8\.offset\>/ endif if lua_subversion == 0 syn match luaFunc /\<table\.getn\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<table\.setn\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<table\.foreach\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<table\.foreachi\>/ elseif lua_subversion == 1 syn match luaFunc /\<table\.maxn\>/ elseif lua_subversion >= 2 syn match luaFunc /\<table\.pack\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<table\.unpack\>/ if lua_subversion >= 3 syn match luaFunc /\<table\.move\>/ endif endif syn match luaFunc /\<table\.concat\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<table\.insert\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<table\.sort\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<table\.remove\>/ if lua_subversion == 2 syn match luaFunc /\<bit32\.arshift\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<bit32\.band\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<bit32\.bnot\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<bit32\.bor\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<bit32\.btest\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<bit32\.bxor\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<bit32\.extract\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<bit32\.lrotate\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<bit32\.lshift\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<bit32\.replace\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<bit32\.rrotate\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<bit32\.rshift\>/ endif syn match luaFunc /\<math\.abs\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<math\.acos\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<math\.asin\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<math\.atan\>/ if lua_subversion < 3 syn match luaFunc /\<math\.atan2\>/ endif syn match luaFunc /\<math\.ceil\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<math\.sin\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<math\.cos\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<math\.tan\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<math\.deg\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<math\.exp\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<math\.floor\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<math\.log\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<math\.max\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<math\.min\>/ if lua_subversion == 0 syn match luaFunc /\<math\.mod\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<math\.log10\>/ elseif lua_subversion == 1 syn match luaFunc /\<math\.log10\>/ endif if lua_subversion >= 1 syn match luaFunc /\<math\.huge\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<math\.fmod\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<math\.modf\>/ if lua_subversion == 1 || lua_subversion == 2 syn match luaFunc /\<math\.cosh\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<math\.sinh\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<math\.tanh\>/ endif endif syn match luaFunc /\<math\.rad\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<math\.sqrt\>/ if lua_subversion < 3 syn match luaFunc /\<math\.pow\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<math\.frexp\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<math\.ldexp\>/ else syn match luaFunc /\<math\.maxinteger\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<math\.mininteger\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<math\.tointeger\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<math\.type\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<math\.ult\>/ endif syn match luaFunc /\<math\.random\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<math\.randomseed\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<math\.pi\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<io\.close\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<io\.flush\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<io\.input\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<io\.lines\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<io\.open\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<io\.output\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<io\.popen\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<io\.read\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<io\.stderr\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<io\.stdin\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<io\.stdout\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<io\.tmpfile\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<io\.type\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<io\.write\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<os\.clock\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<os\.date\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<os\.difftime\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<os\.execute\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<os\.exit\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<os\.getenv\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<os\.remove\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<os\.rename\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<os\.setlocale\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<os\.time\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<os\.tmpname\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<debug\.debug\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<debug\.gethook\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<debug\.getinfo\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<debug\.getlocal\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<debug\.getupvalue\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<debug\.setlocal\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<debug\.setupvalue\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<debug\.sethook\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<debug\.traceback\>/ if lua_subversion == 1 syn match luaFunc /\<debug\.getfenv\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<debug\.setfenv\>/ endif if lua_subversion >= 1 syn match luaFunc /\<debug\.getmetatable\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<debug\.setmetatable\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<debug\.getregistry\>/ if lua_subversion >= 2 syn match luaFunc /\<debug\.getuservalue\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<debug\.setuservalue\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<debug\.upvalueid\>/ syn match luaFunc /\<debug\.upvaluejoin\>/ endif if lua_subversion >= 4 syn match luaFunc /\<debug.setcstacklimit\>/ endif endif endif " Define the default highlighting. " Only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet hi def link luaStatement Statement hi def link luaRepeat Repeat hi def link luaFor Repeat hi def link luaString String hi def link luaString2 String hi def link luaStringDelimiter luaString hi def link luaNumber Number hi def link luaOperator Operator hi def link luaSymbolOperator luaOperator hi def link luaConstant Constant hi def link luaCond Conditional hi def link luaCondElse Conditional hi def link luaFunction Function hi def link luaMetaMethod Function hi def link luaComment Comment hi def link luaCommentDelimiter luaComment hi def link luaTodo Todo hi def link luaTable Structure hi def link luaError Error hi def link luaParenError Error hi def link luaSpecial SpecialChar hi def link luaFunc Identifier hi def link luaLabel Label let b:current_syntax = "lua" let &cpo = s:cpo_save unlet s:cpo_save " vim: et ts=8 sw=2