mirror of
synced 2025-03-16 14:57:52 +01:00
247 lines
8.4 KiB
247 lines
8.4 KiB
" Vim syntax file"
" Language: Baan
" Maintainer: Erwin Smit / Her van de Vliert
" Last change: 30-10-2001"
" For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
" For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
if version < 600
syntax clear
elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
"************************************* 3GL ************************************"
syn match baan3gl "#ident"
syn match baan3gl "#include"
syn match baan3gl "#define"
syn match baan3gl "#undef"
syn match baan3gl "#pragma"
syn keyword baanConditional if then else case endif while endwhile endfor endcase
syn keyword baan3gl at based break bset call common const continue default double
syn keyword baan3gl empty extern fixed function ge global goto gt le lt mb
syn keyword baan3gl multibyte ne ofr prompt ref repeat static step stop string
syn keyword baan3gl true false until void wherebind
syn keyword baan3gl and or to not in
syn keyword baan3gl domain table eq input end long dim return at base print
syn match baan3gl "\<for\>" contains=baansql
syn match baan3gl "on case"
syn match baan3gl "e\=n\=d\=dllusage"
"************************************* SQL ************************************"
syn keyword baansqlh where reference selecterror selectbind selectdo selectempty
syn keyword baansqlh selecteos whereused endselect unref setunref clearunref
syn keyword baansqlh from select clear skip rows
syn keyword baansql between inrange having
syn match baansql "as set with \d\+ rows"
syn match baansql "as prepared set"
syn match baansql "as prepared set with \d\+ rows"
syn match baansql "refers to"
syn match baansql "with retry"
syn match baansql "with retry repeat last row"
syn match baansql "for update"
syn match baansql "order by"
syn match baansql "group by"
syn match baansql "commit\.transaction()"
syn match baansql "abort\.transaction()"
syn match baansql "db\.columns\.to\.record"
syn match baansql "db\.record\.to\.columns"
syn match baansql "db\.bind"
syn match baansql "db\.change\.order"
syn match baansql "\<db\.eq"
syn match baansql "\<db\.first"
syn match baansql "\<db\.gt"
syn match baansql "\<db\.ge"
syn match baansql "\<db\.le"
syn match baansql "\<db\.next"
syn match baansql "\<db\.prev"
syn match baansql "\<db\.insert"
syn match baansql "\<db\.delete"
syn match baansql "\<db\.update"
syn match baansql "\<db\.create\.table"
syn match baansql "db\.set\.to\.default"
syn match baansql "db\.retry"
syn match baansql "DB\.RETRY"
syn match baansql "db\.delayed\.lock"
syn match baansql "db\.retry\.point()"
syn match baansql "db\.retry\.hit()"
syn match baansql "db\.return\.dupl"
syn match baansql "db\.skip\.dupl"
syn match baansql "db\.row\.length"
"************************************* 4GL ************************************"
" Program section
syn match baan4glh "declaration:"
syn match baan4glh "functions:"
syn match baan4glh "before\.program:"
syn match baan4glh "on\.error:"
syn match baan4glh "after\.program:"
syn match baan4glh "after\.update.db.commit:"
syn match baan4glh "before\.display\.object:"
" Form section
syn match baan4glh "form\.\d\+:"
syn match baan4glh "form\.all:"
syn match baan4glh "form\.other:"
syn match baan4gl "init\.form:"
syn match baan4gl "before\.form:"
syn match baan4gl "after\.form:"
" Choice section
syn match baan4glh "choice\.start\.set:"
syn match baan4glh "choice\.first\.view:"
syn match baan4glh "choice\.next\.view:"
syn match baan4glh "choice\.prev\.view:"
syn match baan4glh "choice\.last\.view:"
syn match baan4glh "choice\.def\.find:"
syn match baan4glh "choice\.find\.data:"
syn match baan4glh "choice\.first\.set:"
syn match baan4glh "choice\.next\.set:"
syn match baan4glh "choice\.display\.set:"
syn match baan4glh "choice\.prev\.set:"
syn match baan4glh "choice\.rotate\.curr:"
syn match baan4glh "choice\.last\.set:"
syn match baan4glh "choice\.add\.set:"
syn match baan4glh "choice\.update\.db:"
syn match baan4glh "choice\.dupl\.occur:"
syn match baan4glh "choice\.recover\.set:"
syn match baan4glh "choice\.mark\.delete:"
syn match baan4glh "choice\.mark\.occur:"
syn match baan4glh "choice\.change\.order:"
syn match baan4glh "choice\.modify\.set:"
syn match baan4glh "choice\.restart\.input:"
syn match baan4glh "choice\.print\.data:"
syn match baan4glh "choice\.create\.job:"
syn match baan4glh "choice\.form\.tab\.change:"
syn match baan4glh "choice\.first\.frm:"
syn match baan4glh "choice\.next\.frm:"
syn match baan4glh "choice\.prev\.frm:"
syn match baan4glh "choice\.last\.frm:"
syn match baan4glh "choice\.resize\.frm:"
syn match baan4glh "choice\.cmd\.options:"
syn match baan4glh "choice\.zoom:"
syn match baan4glh "choice\.interrupt:"
syn match baan4glh "choice\.end\.program:"
syn match baan4glh "choice\.abort\.program:"
syn match baan4glh "choice\.cont\.process:"
syn match baan4glh "choice\.text\.manager:"
syn match baan4glh "choice\.run\.job:"
syn match baan4glh "choice\.global\.delete:"
syn match baan4glh "choice\.global\.copy:"
syn match baan4glh "choice\.save\.defaults"
syn match baan4glh "choice\.get\.defaults:"
syn match baan4glh "choice\.start\.chart:"
syn match baan4glh "choice\.start\.query:"
syn match baan4glh "choice\.user\.\d:"
syn match baan4glh "choice\.ask\.helpinfo:"
syn match baan4glh "choice\.calculator:"
syn match baan4glh "choice\.calendar:"
syn match baan4glh "choice\.bms:"
syn match baan4glh "choice\.cmd\.whats\.this:"
syn match baan4glh "choice\.help\.index:"
syn match baan4gl "before\.choice:"
syn match baan4gl "on\.choice:"
syn match baan4gl "after\.choice:"
" Field section
syn match baan4glh "field\.\l\{5}\d\{3}\.\l\{4}\.\=c\=:"
syn match baan4glh "field\.e\..\+:"
syn match baan4glh "field\.all:"
syn match baan4glh "field\.other:"
syn match baan4gl "init\.field:"
syn match baan4gl "before\.field:"
syn match baan4gl "before\.input:"
syn match baan4gl "before\.display:"
syn match baan4gl "before\.zoom:"
syn match baan4gl "before\.checks:"
syn match baan4gl "domain\.error:"
syn match baan4gl "ref\.input:"
syn match baan4gl "ref\.display:"
syn match baan4gl "check\.input:"
syn match baan4gl "on\.input:"
syn match baan4gl "when\.field\.changes:"
syn match baan4gl "after\.zoom:"
syn match baan4gl "after\.input:"
syn match baan4gl "after\.display:"
syn match baan4gl "after\.field:"
" Group section
syn match baan4glh "group\.\d\+:"
syn match baan4gl "init\.group:"
syn match baan4gl "before\.group:"
syn match baan4gl "after\.group:"
" Zoom section
syn match baan4glh "zoom\.from\..\+:"
syn match baan4gl "on\.entry:"
syn match baan4gl "on\.exit:"
" Main table section
syn match baan4glh "main\.table\.io:"
syn match baan4gl "before\.read:"
syn match baan4gl "after\.read:"
syn match baan4gl "before\.write:"
syn match baan4gl "after\.write:"
syn match baan4gl "after\.skip\.write:"
syn match baan4gl "before\.rewrite:"
syn match baan4gl "after\.rewrite:"
syn match baan4gl "after\.skip\.rewrite:"
syn match baan4gl "before\.delete:"
syn match baan4gl "after\.delete:"
syn match baan4gl "after\.skip\.delete:"
syn match baan4gl "read\.view:"
"number without a dot."
syn match baanNumber "\<\-\=\d\+\>"
"number with dot"
syn match baanNumber "\<\-\=\d\+\.\d*\>"
"number starting with a dot"
syn match baanNumber "\<\-\=\.\d\+\>"
" String"
syn region baanString start=+"+ skip=+""+ end=+"+
" Comment"
syn match baanComment "|$"
syn match baanComment "|.$"
syn match baanComment "|[^ ]"
syn match baanComment "|[^#].*[^ ]"
syn match baanCommenth "^|#lra.*$"
syn match baanCommenth "^|#mdm.*$"
syn match baanCommenth "^|#[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9].*$"
syn match baanCommenth "^|#N\=o\=Include.*$"
syn region baanComment start="dllusage" end="enddllusage"
" Oldcode"
syn match baanUncommented "^|[^*#].*[^ ]"
" SpaceError"
syn match BaanSpaces " "
syn match baanSpaceError "\s*$"
syn match baanSpaceError " "
" Define the default highlighting.
" For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already
" For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
if version >= 508 || !exists("did_baan_syn_inits")
if version < 508
let did_c_syn_inits = 1
command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
HiLink baanConditional Conditional
HiLink baan3gl Statement
HiLink baan4gl Statement
HiLink baan4glh Statement
HiLink baansql Statement
HiLink baansqlh Statement
HiLink baanNumber Number
HiLink baanString String
HiLink baanComment Comment
HiLink baanCommenth Comment
HiLink baanUncommented Comment
delcommand HiLink
let b:current_syntax = "baan"
" vim: ts=8