2004-06-13 20:20:40 +00:00

158 lines
6 KiB

" Vim syntax file
" Language: MSDOS batch file (with NT command extensions)
" Maintainer: Mike Williams <>
" Filenames: *.bat
" Last Change: 16th March 2004
" Web Page:
" Options Flags:
" dosbatch_cmdextversion - 1 = Windows NT, 2 = Windows 2000 [default]
" For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
" For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
if version < 600
syntax clear
elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
" Set default highlighting to Win2k
if !exists("dosbatch_cmdextversion")
let dosbatch_cmdextversion = 2
" DOS bat files are case insensitive but case preserving!
syn case ignore
syn keyword dosbatchTodo contained TODO
" Dosbat keywords
syn keyword dosbatchStatement goto call exit
syn keyword dosbatchConditional if else
syn keyword dosbatchRepeat for
" Some operators - first lot are case sensitive!
syn case match
syn keyword dosbatchOperator EQU NEQ LSS LEQ GTR GEQ
syn case ignore
syn match dosbatchOperator "\s[-+\*/%]\s"
syn match dosbatchOperator "="
syn match dosbatchOperator "[-+\*/%]="
syn match dosbatchOperator "\s\(&\||\|^\|<<\|>>\)=\=\s"
syn match dosbatchIfOperator "if\s\+\(\(not\)\=\s\+\)\=\(exist\|defined\|errorlevel\|cmdextversion\)\="lc=2
" String - using "'s is a convenience rather than a requirement outside of FOR
syn match dosbatchString "\"[^"]*\"" contains=dosbatchVariable,dosBatchArgument,@dosbatchNumber
syn match dosbatchString "\<echo[^)>|]*"lc=4 contains=dosbatchVariable,dosbatchArgument,@dosbatchNumber
syn match dosbatchEchoOperator "\<echo\s\+\(on\|off\)\s*$"lc=4
" For embedded commands
syn match dosbatchCmd "(\s*'[^']*'"lc=1 contains=dosbatchString,dosbatchVariable,dosBatchArgument,@dosbatchNumber,dosbatchImplicit,dosbatchStatement,dosbatchConditional,dosbatchRepeat,dosbatchOperator
" Numbers - surround with ws to not include in dir and filenames
syn match dosbatchInteger "[[:space:]=(/:]\d\+"lc=1
syn match dosbatchHex "[[:space:]=(/:]0x\x\+"lc=1
syn match dosbatchBinary "[[:space:]=(/:]0b[01]\+"lc=1
syn match dosbatchOctal "[[:space:]=(/:]0\o\+"lc=1
syn cluster dosbatchNumber contains=dosbatchInteger,dosbatchHex,dosbatchBinary,dosbatchOctal
" Command line switches
syn match dosbatchSwitch "/\(\a\+\|?\)"
" Various special escaped char formats
syn match dosbatchSpecialChar "\^[&|()<>^]"
syn match dosbatchSpecialChar "\$[a-hl-npqstv_$+]"
syn match dosbatchSpecialChar "%%"
" Environment variables
syn match dosbatchIdentifier contained "\s\h\w*\>"
syn match dosbatchVariable "%\h\w*%"
syn match dosbatchVariable "%\h\w*:\*\=[^=]*=[^%]*%"
syn match dosbatchVariable "%\h\w*:\~\d\+,\d\+%" contains=dosbatchInteger
syn match dosbatchVariable "!\h\w*!"
syn match dosbatchVariable "!\h\w*:\*\=[^=]*=[^%]*!"
syn match dosbatchVariable "!\h\w*:\~\d\+,\d\+!" contains=dosbatchInteger
syn match dosbatchSet "\s\h\w*[+-]\==\{-1}" contains=dosbatchIdentifier,dosbatchOperator
" Args to bat files and for loops, etc
syn match dosbatchArgument "%\(\d\|\*\)"
syn match dosbatchArgument "%%[a-z]\>"
if dosbatch_cmdextversion == 1
syn match dosbatchArgument "%\~[fdpnxs]\+\(\($PATH:\)\=[a-z]\|\d\)\>"
syn match dosbatchArgument "%\~[fdpnxsatz]\+\(\($PATH:\)\=[a-z]\|\d\)\>"
" Line labels
syn match dosbatchLabel "^\s*:\s*\h\w*\>"
syn match dosbatchLabel "\<\(goto\|call\)\s\+:\h\w*\>"lc=4
syn match dosbatchLabel "\<goto\s\+\h\w*\>"lc=4
syn match dosbatchLabel ":\h\w*\>"
" Comments - usual rem but also two colons as first non-space is an idiom
syn match dosbatchComment "^rem\($\|\s.*$\)"lc=3 contains=dosbatchTodo,@dosbatchNumber,dosbatchVariable,dosbatchArgument
syn match dosbatchComment "\srem\($\|\s.*$\)"lc=4 contains=dosbatchTodo,@dosbatchNumber,dosbatchVariable,dosbatchArgument
syn match dosbatchComment "\s*:\s*:.*$" contains=dosbatchTodo,@dosbatchNumber,dosbatchVariable,dosbatchArgument
" Comments in ()'s - still to handle spaces before rem
syn match dosbatchComment "(rem[^)]*"lc=4 contains=dosbatchTodo,@dosbatchNumber,dosbatchVariable,dosbatchArgument
syn keyword dosbatchImplicit append assoc at attrib break cacls cd chcp chdir
syn keyword dosbatchImplicit chkdsk chkntfs cls cmd color comp compact convert copy
syn keyword dosbatchImplicit date del dir diskcomp diskcopy doskey echo endlocal
syn keyword dosbatchImplicit erase fc find findstr format ftype
syn keyword dosbatchImplicit graftabl help keyb label md mkdir mode more move
syn keyword dosbatchImplicit path pause popd print prompt pushd rd recover rem
syn keyword dosbatchImplicit ren rename replace restore rmdir set setlocal shift
syn keyword dosbatchImplicit sort start subst time title tree type ver verify
syn keyword dosbatchImplicit vol xcopy
" Define the default highlighting.
" For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already
" For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
if version >= 508 || !exists("did_dosbatch_syntax_inits")
if version < 508
let did_dosbatch_syntax_inits = 1
command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
HiLink dosbatchTodo Todo
HiLink dosbatchStatement Statement
HiLink dosbatchCommands dosbatchStatement
HiLink dosbatchLabel Label
HiLink dosbatchConditional Conditional
HiLink dosbatchRepeat Repeat
HiLink dosbatchOperator Operator
HiLink dosbatchEchoOperator dosbatchOperator
HiLink dosbatchIfOperator dosbatchOperator
HiLink dosbatchArgument Identifier
HiLink dosbatchIdentifier Identifier
HiLink dosbatchVariable dosbatchIdentifier
HiLink dosbatchSpecialChar SpecialChar
HiLink dosbatchString String
HiLink dosbatchNumber Number
HiLink dosbatchInteger dosbatchNumber
HiLink dosbatchHex dosbatchNumber
HiLink dosbatchBinary dosbatchNumber
HiLink dosbatchOctal dosbatchNumber
HiLink dosbatchComment Comment
HiLink dosbatchImplicit Function
HiLink dosbatchSwitch Special
HiLink dosbatchCmd PreProc
delcommand HiLink
let b:current_syntax = "dosbatch"
" vim: ts=8