mirror of
synced 2025-03-29 13:06:45 +01:00
184 lines
8 KiB
184 lines
8 KiB
" Vim syntax file
" Language: lftp(1) configuration file
" Maintainer: Nikolai Weibull <source@pcppopper.org>
" URL: http://www.pcppopper.org/vim/syntax/pcp/lftp/
" Latest Revision: 2004-05-22
" arch-tag: f2537c49-5d64-42b8-beb4-13a09dd723d2
if version < 600
syntax clear
elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
" Set iskeyword since we need `-' (and potentially others) in keywords.
" For version 5.x: Set it globally
" For version 6.x: Set it locally
if version >= 600
command -nargs=1 SetIsk setlocal iskeyword=<args>
command -nargs=1 SetIsk set iskeyword=<args>
SetIsk 48-57,97-122,-
delcommand SetIsk
" comments
syn region lftpComment display oneline matchgroup=lftpComment start="#" end="$" contains=lftpTodo
" todo
syn keyword lftpTodo contained TODO FIXME XXX NOTE
" strings
syn region lftpString contained display start=+"+ skip=+\\$\|\\"+ end=+"+ end=+$+
" numbers
syn match lftpNumber contained display "\<\d\+\(\.\d\+\)\=\>"
" booleans and other things
syn keyword lftpBoolean contained yes no on off true false
" intervals
syn keyword lftpInterval contained infinity inf never forever
syn match lftpInterval contained "\<\(\d\+\(\.\d\+\)\=[dhms]\)\+\>"
" commands
syn keyword lftpKeywords alias anon at bookmark cache cat cd chmod close
syn keyword lftpKeywords cls command debug du echo exit fg find get get1
syn keyword lftpKeywords glob help history jobs kill lcd lftp lpwd ls
syn keyword lftpKeywords mget mirror mkdir module
syn keyword lftpKeywords more mput mrm mv nlist open pget put pwd queue
syn keyword lftpKeywords quote reget recls rels renlist repeat
syn keyword lftpKeywords reput rm rmdir scache site source suspend user
syn keyword lftpKeywords version wait zcat zmore
" settings
syn region lftpSet matchgroup=lftpKeywords start="set" end=";" end="$" contains=lftpString,lftpNumber,lftpBoolean,lftpInterval,lftpSettingsPrefix,lftpSettings
syn match lftpSettingsPrefix contained '\<\%(bmk\|cache\|cmd\|color\|dns\):'
syn match lftpSettingsPrefix contained '\<\%(file\|fish\|ftp\|hftp\):'
syn match lftpSettingsPrefix contained '\<\%(http\|https\|mirror\|module\):'
syn match lftpSettingsPrefix contained '\<\%(net\|sftp\|ssl\|xfer\):'
" bmk:
syn keyword lftpSettings contained save-p[asswords]
" cache:
syn keyword lftpSettings contained cache-em[pty-listings] en[able]
syn keyword lftpSettings contained exp[ire] siz[e]
" cmd:
syn keyword lftpSettings contained at[-exit] cls-c[ompletion-default]
syn keyword lftpSettings contained cls-d[efault] cs[h-history]
syn keyword lftpSettings contained default-p[rotocol] default-t[itle]
syn keyword lftpSettings contained fai[l-exit] in[teractive]
syn keyword lftpSettings contained lo[ng-running] ls[-default]
syn keyword lftpSettings contained mo[ve-background] prom[pt]
syn keyword lftpSettings contained rem[ote-completion]
syn keyword lftpSettings contained save-c[wd-history] save-r[l-history]
syn keyword lftpSettings contained set-t[erm-status] statu[s-interval]
syn keyword lftpSettings contained te[rm-status] verb[ose] verify-h[ost]
syn keyword lftpSettings contained verify-path verify-path[-cached]
" color:
syn keyword lftpSettings contained dir[-colors] use-c[olor]
" dns:
syn keyword lftpSettings contained S[RV-query] cache-en[able]
syn keyword lftpSettings contained cache-ex[pire] cache-s[ize]
syn keyword lftpSettings contained fat[al-timeout] o[rder] use-fo[rk]
" file:
syn keyword lftpSettings contained ch[arset]
" fish:
syn keyword lftpSettings contained connect[-program] sh[ell]
" ftp:
syn keyword lftpSettings contained acct anon-p[ass] anon-u[ser]
syn keyword lftpSettings contained au[to-sync-mode] b[ind-data-socket]
syn keyword lftpSettings contained ch[arset] cli[ent] dev[ice-prefix]
syn keyword lftpSettings contained fi[x-pasv-address] fxp-f[orce]
syn keyword lftpSettings contained fxp-p[assive-source] h[ome] la[ng]
syn keyword lftpSettings contained list-e[mpty-ok] list-o[ptions]
syn keyword lftpSettings contained nop[-interval] pas[sive-mode]
syn keyword lftpSettings contained port-i[pv4] port-r[ange] prox[y]
syn keyword lftpSettings contained rest-l[ist] rest-s[tor]
syn keyword lftpSettings contained retry-530 retry-530[-anonymous]
syn keyword lftpSettings contained sit[e-group] skey-a[llow]
syn keyword lftpSettings contained skey-f[orce] ssl-allow
syn keyword lftpSettings contained ssl-allow[-anonymous] ssl-au[th]
syn keyword lftpSettings contained ssl-f[orce] ssl-protect-d[ata]
syn keyword lftpSettings contained ssl-protect-l[ist] stat-[interval]
syn keyword lftpSettings contained sy[nc-mode] timez[one] use-a[bor]
syn keyword lftpSettings contained use-fe[at] use-fx[p] use-hf[tp]
syn keyword lftpSettings contained use-mdtm use-mdtm[-overloaded]
syn keyword lftpSettings contained use-ml[sd] use-p[ret] use-q[uit]
syn keyword lftpSettings contained use-site-c[hmod] use-site-i[dle]
syn keyword lftpSettings contained use-site-u[time] use-siz[e]
syn keyword lftpSettings contained use-st[at] use-te[lnet-iac]
syn keyword lftpSettings contained verify-a[ddress] verify-p[ort]
syn keyword lftpSettings contained w[eb-mode]
" hftp:
syn keyword lftpSettings contained w[eb-mode] cache prox[y]
syn keyword lftpSettings contained use-au[thorization] use-he[ad]
syn keyword lftpSettings contained use-ty[pe]
" http:
syn keyword lftpSettings contained accept accept-c[harset]
syn keyword lftpSettings contained accept-l[anguage] cache coo[kie]
syn keyword lftpSettings contained pos[t-content-type] prox[y]
syn keyword lftpSettings contained put-c[ontent-type] put-m[ethod]
syn keyword lftpSettings contained ref[erer] set-c[ookies] user[-agent]
" https:
syn keyword lftpSettings contained prox[y]
" mirror:
syn keyword lftpSettings contained exc[lude-regex] o[rder]
syn keyword lftpSettings contained parallel-d[irectories]
syn keyword lftpSettings contained parallel-t[ransfer-count]
syn keyword lftpSettings contained use-p[get-n]
" module:
syn keyword lftpSettings contained pat[h]
" net:
syn keyword lftpSettings contained connection-l[imit]
syn keyword lftpSettings contained connection-t[akeover]
syn keyword lftpSettings contained id[le] limit-m[ax] limit-r[ate]
syn keyword lftpSettings contained limit-total-m[ax] limit-total-r[ate]
syn keyword lftpSettings contained max-ret[ries] no-[proxy]
syn keyword lftpSettings contained pe[rsist-retries]
syn keyword lftpSettings contained reconnect-interval-b[ase]
syn keyword lftpSettings contained reconnect-interval-ma[x]
syn keyword lftpSettings contained reconnect-interval-mu[ltiplier]
syn keyword lftpSettings contained socket-bind-ipv4 socket-bind-ipv6
syn keyword lftpSettings contained socket-bu[ffer] socket-m[axseg]
syn keyword lftpSettings contained timeo[ut]
" sftp:
syn keyword lftpSettings contained connect[-program]
syn keyword lftpSettings contained max-p[ackets-in-flight]
syn keyword lftpSettings contained prot[ocol-version] ser[ver-program]
syn keyword lftpSettings contained size-r[ead] size-w[rite]
" ssl:
syn keyword lftpSettings contained ca-f[ile] ca-p[ath] ce[rt-file]
syn keyword lftpSettings contained crl-f[ile] crl-p[ath] k[ey-file]
syn keyword lftpSettings contained verify-c[ertificate]
" xfer:
syn keyword lftpSettings contained clo[bber] dis[k-full-fatal]
syn keyword lftpSettings contained eta-p[eriod] eta-t[erse]
syn keyword lftpSettings contained mak[e-backup] max-red[irections]
syn keyword lftpSettings contained ra[te-period]
" Define the default highlighting.
" For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already
" For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
if version >= 508 || !exists("did_lftp_syn_inits")
if version < 508
let did_lftp_syn_inits = 1
command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
HiLink lftpComment Comment
HiLink lftpTodo Todo
HiLink lftpString String
HiLink lftpNumber Number
HiLink lftpBoolean Boolean
HiLink lftpInterval Number
HiLink lftpKeywords Keyword
HiLink lftpSettingsPrefix PreProc
HiLink lftpSettings Type
delcommand HiLink
let b:current_syntax = "lftp"
" vim: set sts=2 sw=2: