2004-12-31 20:56:11 +00:00

185 lines
5.3 KiB

" vim:set ts=4 sw=4 ai nobackup:
" tar.vim -- a vim plugin for browsing tarfiles
" Copyright (c) 2002, Michael C. Toren <>
" Updates are available from <>. If you
" find this script useful, or have suggestions for improvements, please
" let me know.
" Usage:
" Once this script is installed, attempting to edit a tarfile will present
" the user with a list of files contained in the tar archive. By moving the
" cursor over a filename and pressing ENTER, the contents of a file can be
" viewed in read-only mode, in a new window. Unfortunately, write support
" for tarfile components is not currently possible.
" Requirements:
" GNU tar, or a tar implementation that supports the "P" (don't strip
" out leading /'s from filenames), and "O" (extract files to standard
" output) options. Additionally, gzip is required for handling *.tar.Z,
" *.tar.gz, and *.tgz compressed tarfiles, and bzip2 is required for
" handling *.tar.bz2 compressed tarfiles. A unix-like operating system
" is probably also required.
" Installation:
" Place this file, tar.vim, in your $HOME/.vim/plugin directory, and
" either restart vim, or execute ":source $HOME/.vim/plugin/tar.vim"
" Todo:
" - Handle zipfiles?
" - Implement write support, somehow.
" License:
" This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
" under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, as published
" by the Free Software Foundation.
" This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
" or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
" for more details.
" A copy of the GNU GPL is available as /usr/doc/copyright/GPL on Debian
" systems, or on the World Wide Web at
" You can also obtain it by writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
" 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
" Changelog:
" Tue Dec 31 13:38:08 EST 2002 First release to beta testers
" Sat Jan 4 14:06:19 EST 2003 Version 1.00 released
let s:version = "1.00"
if has("autocmd")
augroup tar
au BufReadCmd tarfile:* call s:TarRead(expand("<afile>"), 1)
au BufReadCmd tarfile:*/* call s:TarRead(expand("<afile>"), 1)
au FileReadCmd tarfile:* call s:TarRead(expand("<afile>"), 0)
au FileReadCmd tarfile:*/* call s:TarRead(expand("<afile>"), 0)
au BufWriteCmd tarfile:* call s:TarWrite(expand("<afile>"))
au BufWriteCmd tarfile:*/* call s:TarWrite(expand("<afile>"))
au FileWriteCmd tarfile:* call s:TarWrite(expand("<afile>"))
au FileWriteCmd tarfile:*/* call s:TarWrite(expand("<afile>"))
au BufReadCmd *.tar call s:TarBrowse(expand("<afile>"))
au BufReadCmd *.tar.gz call s:TarBrowse(expand("<afile>"))
au BufReadCmd *.tar.bz2 call s:TarBrowse(expand("<afile>"))
au BufReadCmd *.tar.Z call s:TarBrowse(expand("<afile>"))
au BufReadCmd *.tgz call s:TarBrowse(expand("<afile>"))
augroup END
function! s:TarWrite(argument)
echo "ERROR: Sorry, no write support for tarfiles yet"
function! s:TarRead(argument, cleanup)
let l:argument = a:argument
let l:argument = substitute(l:argument, '^tarfile:', '', '')
let l:argument = substitute(l:argument, '^\~', $HOME, '')
let l:tarfile = l:argument
while 1
if (l:tarfile == "" || l:tarfile == "/")
echo "ERROR: Could not find a readable tarfile in path:" l:argument
if filereadable(l:tarfile) " found it!
let l:tarfile = fnamemodify(l:tarfile, ":h")
let l:toextract = strpart(l:argument, strlen(l:tarfile) + 1)
if (l:toextract == "")
let l:cat = s:TarCatCommand(l:tarfile)
execute "r !" . l:cat . " < '" . l:tarfile . "'"
\ " | tar OPxf - '" . l:toextract . "'"
if (a:cleanup)
0d "blank line
execute "doautocmd BufReadPost " . expand("%")
setlocal readonly
silent preserve
function! s:TarBrowse(tarfile)
setlocal noswapfile
setlocal buftype=nofile
setlocal bufhidden=hide
setlocal filetype=
setlocal nobuflisted
setlocal buftype=nofile
setlocal wrap
let l:tarfile = a:tarfile
let b:tarfile = l:tarfile
let l:cat = s:TarCatCommand(l:tarfile)
if ! filereadable(l:tarfile)
let l:tarfile = substitute(l:tarfile, '^tarfile:', '', '')
if ! filereadable(l:tarfile)
echo "ERROR: File not readable:" l:tarfile
call s:Say("\" tar.vim version " . s:version)
call s:Say("\" Browsing tarfile " . l:tarfile)
call s:Say("\" Hit ENTER to view contents in new window")
call s:Say("")
silent execute "r!" . l:cat . "<'" . l:tarfile . "'| tar Ptf - "
0d "blank line
setlocal readonly
setlocal nomodifiable
noremap <silent> <buffer> <cr> :call <SID>TarBrowseSelect()<cr>
function! s:TarBrowseSelect()
let l:line = getline(".")
if (l:line =~ '^" ')
if (l:line =~ '/$')
echo "Please specify a file, not a directory"
let l:selection = "tarfile:" . b:tarfile . "/" . l:line
wincmd _
execute "e " . l:selection
" kludge to deal with compressed archives
function! s:TarCatCommand(tarfile)
if a:tarfile =~# '\.\(gz\|tgz\|Z\)$'
let l:cat = "gzip -d -c"
elseif a:tarfile =~# '\.bz2$'
let l:cat = "bzip2 -d -c"
let l:cat = "cat"
return l:cat
function! s:Say(string)
let @" = a:string
$ put