mirror of
synced 2025-03-27 12:06:44 +01:00
111 lines
7.3 KiB
111 lines
7.3 KiB
" Vim syntax file
" Language: generic git output
" Maintainer: Tim Pope <vimNOSPAM@tpope.org>
" Last Change: 2023 Dec 28
if exists("b:current_syntax")
syn case match
syn sync minlines=50
syn include @gitDiff syntax/diff.vim
syn region gitHead start=/\%^\%(tag \|tree \|object \)\@=/ end=/^$/ contains=@NoSpell
syn region gitHead start=/\%(^commit\%( \x\{4,\}\)\{1,\}\%(\s*(.*)\)\=$\)\@=/ end=/^$/ contains=@NoSpell
" git log --oneline
" minimize false positives by verifying contents of buffer
if getline(1) =~# '^\x\{7,\} ' && getline('$') =~# '^\x\{7,\} '
syn match gitHashAbbrev /^\x\{7,\} \@=/ contains=@NoSpell
elseif getline(1) =~# '^[|\/\\_ ]\{-\}\*[|\/\\_ ]\{-\} \x\{7,\} '
syn match gitHashAbbrev /^[|\/\\_ ]\{-\}\*[|\/\\_ ]\{-\} \zs\x\{7,\} \@=/ contains=@NoSpell
" git log --graph
syn region gitGraph start=/\%(^[|\/\\_ ]*\*[|\/\\_ ]\{-\} commit\%( \x\{4,\}\)\{1,\}\%(\s*(.*)\)\=$\)\@=/ end=/^\%([|\/\\_ ]*$\)\@=/ contains=@NoSpell
" git blame --porcelain
syn region gitHead start=/\%(^\x\{40,\} \d\+ \d\+\%( \d\+\)\=$\)\@=/ end=/^\t\@=/ contains=@NoSpell
" git ls-tree
syn match gitMode /^\d\{6\}\%( \%(blob\|tree\) \x\{4,\}\t\)\@=/ nextgroup=gitType skipwhite contains=@NoSpell
" git ls-files --stage
syn match gitMode /^\d\{6\}\%( \x\{4,\} [0-3]\t\)\@=/ nextgroup=gitHashStage skipwhite contains=@NoSpell
" .git/HEAD, .git/refs/
syn match gitKeyword /\%^ref: \@=/ nextgroup=gitReference skipwhite contains=@NoSpell
syn match gitHash /\%^\x\{40,}\%$/ skipwhite contains=@NoSpell
" .git/logs/
syn match gitReflog /^\x\{40,\} \x\{40,\} .\{-\}\d\+\s-\d\{4\}\t.*/ skipwhite contains=@NoSpell,gitReflogOld
syn region gitDiff start=/^\%(diff --git \)\@=/ end=/^\%(diff --\|$\)\@=/ contains=@gitDiff fold
syn region gitDiff start=/^\%(@@ -\)\@=/ end=/^\%(diff --\%(git\|cc\|combined\) \|$\)\@=/ contains=@gitDiff
syn region gitDiffMerge start=/^\%(diff --\%(cc\|combined\) \)\@=/ end=/^\%(diff --\|$\)\@=/ contains=@gitDiff fold
syn region gitDiffMerge start=/^\%(@@@@* -\)\@=/ end=/^\%(diff --\|$\)\@=/ contains=@gitDiff
syn match gitDiffAdded "^ \++.*" contained containedin=gitDiffMerge
syn match gitDiffAdded "{+[^}]*+}" contained containedin=gitDiff
syn match gitDiffRemoved "^ \+-.*" contained containedin=gitDiffMerge
syn match gitDiffRemoved "\[-[^]]*-\]" contained containedin=gitDiff
syn match gitKeyword /^commit \@=/ contained containedin=gitHead nextgroup=gitHashAbbrev skipwhite contains=@NoSpell
syn match gitKeyword /^\%(object\|tree\|parent\|encoding\|gpgsig\%(-\w\+\)\=\|previous\) \@=/ contained containedin=gitHead nextgroup=gitHash skipwhite contains=@NoSpell
syn match gitKeyword /^Merge:/ contained containedin=gitHead nextgroup=gitHashAbbrev skipwhite contains=@NoSpell
syn match gitIdentityKeyword /^\%(author\|committer\|tagger\) \@=/ contained containedin=gitHead nextgroup=gitIdentity skipwhite contains=@NoSpell
syn match gitIdentityHeader /^\%(Author\|Commit\|Tagger\):/ contained containedin=gitHead nextgroup=gitIdentity skipwhite contains=@NoSpell
syn match gitDateHeader /^\%(AuthorDate\|CommitDate\|Date\):/ contained containedin=gitHead nextgroup=gitDate skipwhite contains=@NoSpell
syn match gitKeyword /^[*|\/\\_ ]\+\zscommit \@=/ contained containedin=gitGraph nextgroup=gitHashAbbrev skipwhite contains=@NoSpell
syn match gitKeyword /^[|\/\\_ ]\+\zs\%(object\|tree\|parent\|encoding\|gpgsig\%(-\w\+\)\=\|previous\) \@=/ contained containedin=gitGraph nextgroup=gitHash skipwhite contains=@NoSpell
syn match gitKeyword /^[|\/\\_ ]\+\zsMerge:/ contained containedin=gitGraph nextgroup=gitHashAbbrev skipwhite contains=@NoSpell
syn match gitIdentityKeyword /^[|\/\\_ ]\+\zs\%(author\|committer\|tagger\) \@=/ contained containedin=gitGraph nextgroup=gitIdentity skipwhite contains=@NoSpell
syn match gitIdentityHeader /^[|\/\\_ ]\+\zs\%(Author\|Commit\|Tagger\):/ contained containedin=gitGraph nextgroup=gitIdentity skipwhite contains=@NoSpell
syn match gitDateHeader /^[|\/\\_ ]\+\zs\%(AuthorDate\|CommitDate\|Date\):/ contained containedin=gitGraph nextgroup=gitDate skipwhite contains=@NoSpell
syn match gitKeyword /^type \@=/ contained containedin=gitHead nextgroup=gitType skipwhite contains=@NoSpell
syn match gitKeyword /^\%(summary\|boundary\|filename\|\%(author\|committer\)-\%(time\|tz\)\) \@=/ contained containedin=gitHead skipwhite contains=@NoSpell
syn match gitKeyword /^tag \@=/ contained containedin=gitHead nextgroup=gitReference skipwhite contains=@NoSpell
syn match gitIdentityKeyword /^\%(author\|committer\)-mail \@=/ contained containedin=gitHead nextgroup=gitEmail skipwhite contains=@NoSpell
syn match gitReflogHeader /^Reflog:/ contained containedin=gitHead nextgroup=gitReflogMiddle skipwhite contains=@NoSpell
syn match gitReflogHeader /^Reflog message:/ contained containedin=gitHead skipwhite contains=@NoSpell
syn match gitReflogMiddle /\S\+@{\d\+} (/he=e-2 nextgroup=gitIdentity contains=@NoSpell
syn match gitIdentity /\S.\{-\} <[^>]*>/ contained nextgroup=gitDate skipwhite contains=@NoSpell
syn region gitEmail matchgroup=gitEmailDelimiter start=/</ end=/>/ keepend oneline contained containedin=gitIdentity contains=@NoSpell
syn match gitDate /\<\u\l\l \u\l\l \d\=\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d \d\d\d\d [+-]\d\d\d\d/ contained contains=@NoSpell
syn match gitDate /-\=\d\+ [+-]\d\d\d\d\>/ contained contains=@NoSpell
syn match gitDate /\<\d\+ \l\+ ago\>/ contained contains=@NoSpell
syn match gitType /\<\%(tag\|commit\|tree\|blob\)\>/ contained nextgroup=gitHashAbbrev skipwhite contains=@NoSpell
syn match gitReference /\S\+\S\@!/ contained contains=@NoSpell
syn match gitHash /\<\x\{40,\}\>/ contained nextgroup=gitIdentity,gitHash skipwhite contains=@NoSpell
syn match gitReflogOld /^\x\{40,\} \@=/ contained nextgroup=gitReflogNew skipwhite contains=@NoSpell
syn match gitReflogNew /\<\x\{40,\} \@=/ contained nextgroup=gitIdentity skipwhite contains=@NoSpell
syn match gitHashAbbrev /\<\x\{4,\}\>/ contained nextgroup=gitHashAbbrev skipwhite contains=@NoSpell
syn match gitHashAbbrev /\<\x\{4,39\}\.\.\./he=e-3 contained nextgroup=gitHashAbbrev skipwhite contains=@NoSpell
syn match gitHashStage /\<\x\{4,\}\>/ contained nextgroup=gitStage skipwhite contains=@NoSpell
syn match gitStage /\<\d\t\@=/ contained contains=@NoSpell
syn match gitNotesHeader /^Notes:\ze\n /
hi def link gitDateHeader gitIdentityHeader
hi def link gitIdentityHeader gitIdentityKeyword
hi def link gitIdentityKeyword Label
hi def link gitNotesHeader gitKeyword
hi def link gitReflogHeader gitKeyword
hi def link gitKeyword Keyword
hi def link gitIdentity String
hi def link gitEmailDelimiter Delimiter
hi def link gitEmail Special
hi def link gitDate Number
hi def link gitMode Number
hi def link gitHashStage gitHash
hi def link gitHashAbbrev gitHash
hi def link gitReflogOld gitHash
hi def link gitReflogNew gitHash
hi def link gitHash Identifier
hi def link gitReflogMiddle gitReference
hi def link gitReference Function
hi def link gitStage gitType
hi def link gitType Type
hi def link gitDiffAdded diffAdded
hi def link gitDiffRemoved diffRemoved
let b:current_syntax = "git"