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" Vim syntax file
" Language: printcap/termcap database
" Maintainer: Haakon Riiser <hakonrk@fys.uio.no>
" URL: http://folk.uio.no/hakonrk/vim/syntax/ptcap.vim
" Last Change: 2001 May 15
" quit when a syntax file was already loaded
if exists("b:current_syntax")
" Since I only highlight based on the structure of the databases, not
" specific keywords, case sensitivity isn't required
syn case ignore
" Since everything that is not caught by the syntax patterns is assumed
" to be an error, we start parsing 20 lines up, unless something else
" is specified
if exists("ptcap_minlines")
exe "syn sync lines=".ptcap_minlines
syn sync lines=20
" Highlight everything that isn't caught by the rules as errors,
" except blank lines
syn match ptcapError "^.*\S.*$"
syn match ptcapLeadBlank "^\s\+" contained
" `:' and `|' are delimiters for fields and names, and should not be
" highlighted. Hence, they are linked to `NONE'
syn match ptcapDelimiter "[:|]" contained
" Escaped characters receive special highlighting
syn match ptcapEscapedChar "\\." contained
syn match ptcapEscapedChar "\^." contained
syn match ptcapEscapedChar "\\\o\{3}" contained
" A backslash at the end of a line will suppress the newline
syn match ptcapLineCont "\\$" contained
" A number follows the same rules as an integer in C
syn match ptcapNumber "#\(+\|-\)\=\d\+"lc=1 contained
syn match ptcapNumberError "#\d*[^[:digit:]:\\]"lc=1 contained
syn match ptcapNumber "#0x\x\{1,8}"lc=1 contained
syn match ptcapNumberError "#0x\X"me=e-1,lc=1 contained
syn match ptcapNumberError "#0x\x\{9}"lc=1 contained
syn match ptcapNumberError "#0x\x*[^[:xdigit:]:\\]"lc=1 contained
" The `@' operator clears a flag (i.e., sets it to zero)
" The `#' operator assigns a following number to the flag
" The `=' operator assigns a string to the preceding flag
syn match ptcapOperator "[@#=]" contained
" Some terminal capabilities have special names like `#5' and `@1', and we
" need special rules to match these properly
syn match ptcapSpecialCap "\W[#@]\d" contains=ptcapDelimiter contained
" If editing a termcap file, an entry in the database is terminated by
" a (non-escaped) newline. Otherwise, it is terminated by a line which
" does not start with a colon (:)
if exists("b:ptcap_type") && b:ptcap_type[0] == 't'
syn region ptcapEntry start="^\s*[^[:space:]:]" end="[^\\]\(\\\\\)*$" end="^$" contains=ptcapNames,ptcapField,ptcapLeadBlank keepend
syn region ptcapEntry start="^\s*[^[:space:]:]"me=e-1 end="^\s*[^[:space:]:#]"me=e-1 contains=ptcapNames,ptcapField,ptcapLeadBlank,ptcapComment
syn region ptcapNames start="^\s*[^[:space:]:]" skip="[^\\]\(\\\\\)*\\:" end=":"me=e-1 contains=ptcapDelimiter,ptcapEscapedChar,ptcapLineCont,ptcapLeadBlank,ptcapComment keepend contained
syn region ptcapField start=":" skip="[^\\]\(\\\\\)*\\$" end="[^\\]\(\\\\\)*:"me=e-1 end="$" contains=ptcapDelimiter,ptcapString,ptcapNumber,ptcapNumberError,ptcapOperator,ptcapLineCont,ptcapSpecialCap,ptcapLeadBlank,ptcapComment keepend contained
syn region ptcapString matchgroup=ptcapOperator start="=" skip="[^\\]\(\\\\\)*\\:" matchgroup=ptcapDelimiter end=":"me=e-1 matchgroup=NONE end="[^\\]\(\\\\\)*[^\\]$" end="^$" contains=ptcapEscapedChar,ptcapLineCont keepend contained
syn region ptcapComment start="^\s*#" end="$" contains=ptcapLeadBlank
hi def link ptcapComment Comment
hi def link ptcapDelimiter Delimiter
" The highlighting of "ptcapEntry" should always be overridden by
" its contents, so I use Todo highlighting to indicate that there
" is work to be done with the syntax file if you can see it :-)
hi def link ptcapEntry Todo
hi def link ptcapError Error
hi def link ptcapEscapedChar SpecialChar
hi def link ptcapField Type
hi def link ptcapLeadBlank NONE
hi def link ptcapLineCont Special
hi def link ptcapNames Label
hi def link ptcapNumber NONE
hi def link ptcapNumberError Error
hi def link ptcapOperator Operator
hi def link ptcapSpecialCap Type
hi def link ptcapString NONE
let b:current_syntax = "ptcap"
" vim: sts=4 sw=4 ts=8