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Gregory Anders fc93594d56
runtime(rust): sync rust runtime files with upstream ()
Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt <cb@256bit.org>
2023-09-12 20:23:38 +02:00

387 lines
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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

" Vim syntax file
" Language: Rust
" Maintainer: Patrick Walton <pcwalton@mozilla.com>
" Maintainer: Ben Blum <bblum@cs.cmu.edu>
" Maintainer: Chris Morgan <me@chrismorgan.info>
" Last Change: 2023-09-11
" For bugs, patches and license go to https://github.com/rust-lang/rust.vim
if version < 600
syntax clear
elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
" Syntax definitions {{{1
" Basic keywords {{{2
syn keyword rustConditional match if else
syn keyword rustRepeat loop while
" `:syn match` must be used to prioritize highlighting `for` keyword.
syn match rustRepeat /\<for\>/
" Highlight `for` keyword in `impl ... for ... {}` statement. This line must
" be put after previous `syn match` line to overwrite it.
syn match rustKeyword /\%(\<impl\>.\+\)\@<=\<for\>/
syn keyword rustRepeat in
syn keyword rustTypedef type nextgroup=rustIdentifier skipwhite skipempty
syn keyword rustStructure struct enum nextgroup=rustIdentifier skipwhite skipempty
syn keyword rustUnion union nextgroup=rustIdentifier skipwhite skipempty contained
syn match rustUnionContextual /\<union\_s\+\%([^[:cntrl:][:space:][:punct:][:digit:]]\|_\)\%([^[:cntrl:][:punct:][:space:]]\|_\)*/ transparent contains=rustUnion
syn keyword rustOperator as
syn keyword rustExistential existential nextgroup=rustTypedef skipwhite skipempty contained
syn match rustExistentialContextual /\<existential\_s\+type/ transparent contains=rustExistential,rustTypedef
syn match rustAssert "\<assert\(\w\)*!" contained
syn match rustPanic "\<panic\(\w\)*!" contained
syn match rustAsync "\<async\%(\s\|\n\)\@="
syn keyword rustKeyword break
syn keyword rustKeyword box
syn keyword rustKeyword continue
syn keyword rustKeyword crate
syn keyword rustKeyword extern nextgroup=rustExternCrate,rustObsoleteExternMod skipwhite skipempty
syn keyword rustKeyword fn nextgroup=rustFuncName skipwhite skipempty
syn keyword rustKeyword impl let
syn keyword rustKeyword macro
syn keyword rustKeyword pub nextgroup=rustPubScope skipwhite skipempty
syn keyword rustKeyword return
syn keyword rustKeyword yield
syn keyword rustSuper super
syn keyword rustKeyword where
syn keyword rustUnsafeKeyword unsafe
syn keyword rustKeyword use nextgroup=rustModPath skipwhite skipempty
" FIXME: Scoped impl's name is also fallen in this category
syn keyword rustKeyword mod trait nextgroup=rustIdentifier skipwhite skipempty
syn keyword rustStorage move mut ref static const
syn match rustDefault /\<default\ze\_s\+\(impl\|fn\|type\|const\)\>/
syn keyword rustAwait await
syn match rustKeyword /\<try\>!\@!/ display
syn keyword rustPubScopeCrate crate contained
syn match rustPubScopeDelim /[()]/ contained
syn match rustPubScope /([^()]*)/ contained contains=rustPubScopeDelim,rustPubScopeCrate,rustSuper,rustModPath,rustModPathSep,rustSelf transparent
syn keyword rustExternCrate crate contained nextgroup=rustIdentifier,rustExternCrateString skipwhite skipempty
" This is to get the `bar` part of `extern crate "foo" as bar;` highlighting.
syn match rustExternCrateString /".*"\_s*as/ contained nextgroup=rustIdentifier skipwhite transparent skipempty contains=rustString,rustOperator
syn keyword rustObsoleteExternMod mod contained nextgroup=rustIdentifier skipwhite skipempty
syn match rustIdentifier contains=rustIdentifierPrime "\%([^[:cntrl:][:space:][:punct:][:digit:]]\|_\)\%([^[:cntrl:][:punct:][:space:]]\|_\)*" display contained
syn match rustFuncName "\%(r#\)\=\%([^[:cntrl:][:space:][:punct:][:digit:]]\|_\)\%([^[:cntrl:][:punct:][:space:]]\|_\)*" display contained
syn region rustMacroRepeat matchgroup=rustMacroRepeatDelimiters start="$(" end="),\=[*+]" contains=TOP
syn match rustMacroVariable "$\w\+"
syn match rustRawIdent "\<r#\h\w*" contains=NONE
" Reserved (but not yet used) keywords {{{2
syn keyword rustReservedKeyword become do priv typeof unsized abstract virtual final override
" Built-in types {{{2
syn keyword rustType isize usize char bool u8 u16 u32 u64 u128 f32
syn keyword rustType f64 i8 i16 i32 i64 i128 str Self
" Things from the libstd v1 prelude (src/libstd/prelude/v1.rs) {{{2
" This section is just straight transformation of the contents of the prelude,
" to make it easy to update.
" Reexported core operators {{{3
syn keyword rustTrait Copy Send Sized Sync
syn keyword rustTrait Drop Fn FnMut FnOnce
" Reexported functions {{{3
" Theres no point in highlighting these; when one writes drop( or drop::< it
" gets the same highlighting anyway, and if someone writes `let drop = …;` we
" dont really want *that* drop to be highlighted.
"syn keyword rustFunction drop
" Reexported types and traits {{{3
syn keyword rustTrait Box
syn keyword rustTrait ToOwned
syn keyword rustTrait Clone
syn keyword rustTrait PartialEq PartialOrd Eq Ord
syn keyword rustTrait AsRef AsMut Into From
syn keyword rustTrait Default
syn keyword rustTrait Iterator Extend IntoIterator
syn keyword rustTrait DoubleEndedIterator ExactSizeIterator
syn keyword rustEnum Option
syn keyword rustEnumVariant Some None
syn keyword rustEnum Result
syn keyword rustEnumVariant Ok Err
syn keyword rustTrait SliceConcatExt
syn keyword rustTrait String ToString
syn keyword rustTrait Vec
" Other syntax {{{2
syn keyword rustSelf self
syn keyword rustBoolean true false
" If foo::bar changes to foo.bar, change this ("::" to "\.").
" If foo::bar changes to Foo::bar, change this (first "\w" to "\u").
syn match rustModPath "\w\(\w\)*::[^<]"he=e-3,me=e-3
syn match rustModPathSep "::"
syn match rustFuncCall "\w\(\w\)*("he=e-1,me=e-1
syn match rustFuncCall "\w\(\w\)*::<"he=e-3,me=e-3 " foo::<T>();
" This is merely a convention; note also the use of [A-Z], restricting it to
" latin identifiers rather than the full Unicode uppercase. I have not used
" [:upper:] as it depends upon 'noignorecase'
"syn match rustCapsIdent display "[A-Z]\w\(\w\)*"
syn match rustOperator display "\%(+\|-\|/\|*\|=\|\^\|&\||\|!\|>\|<\|%\)=\?"
" This one isn't *quite* right, as we could have binary-& with a reference
syn match rustSigil display /&\s\+[&~@*][^)= \t\r\n]/he=e-1,me=e-1
syn match rustSigil display /[&~@*][^)= \t\r\n]/he=e-1,me=e-1
" This isn't actually correct; a closure with no arguments can be `|| { }`.
" Last, because the & in && isn't a sigil
syn match rustOperator display "&&\|||"
" This is rustArrowCharacter rather than rustArrow for the sake of matchparen,
" so it skips the ->; see http://stackoverflow.com/a/30309949 for details.
syn match rustArrowCharacter display "->"
syn match rustQuestionMark display "?\([a-zA-Z]\+\)\@!"
syn match rustMacro '\w\(\w\)*!' contains=rustAssert,rustPanic
syn match rustMacro '#\w\(\w\)*' contains=rustAssert,rustPanic
syn match rustEscapeError display contained /\\./
syn match rustEscape display contained /\\\([nrt0\\'"]\|x\x\{2}\)/
syn match rustEscapeUnicode display contained /\\u{\%(\x_*\)\{1,6}}/
syn match rustStringContinuation display contained /\\\n\s*/
syn region rustString matchgroup=rustStringDelimiter start=+b"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+ contains=rustEscape,rustEscapeError,rustStringContinuation
syn region rustString matchgroup=rustStringDelimiter start=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+ contains=rustEscape,rustEscapeUnicode,rustEscapeError,rustStringContinuation,@Spell
syn region rustString matchgroup=rustStringDelimiter start='b\?r\z(#*\)"' end='"\z1' contains=@Spell
" Match attributes with either arbitrary syntax or special highlighting for
" derives. We still highlight strings and comments inside of the attribute.
syn region rustAttribute start="#!\?\[" end="\]" contains=@rustAttributeContents,rustAttributeParenthesizedParens,rustAttributeParenthesizedCurly,rustAttributeParenthesizedBrackets,rustDerive
syn region rustAttributeParenthesizedParens matchgroup=rustAttribute start="\w\%(\w\)*("rs=e end=")"re=s transparent contained contains=rustAttributeBalancedParens,@rustAttributeContents
syn region rustAttributeParenthesizedCurly matchgroup=rustAttribute start="\w\%(\w\)*{"rs=e end="}"re=s transparent contained contains=rustAttributeBalancedCurly,@rustAttributeContents
syn region rustAttributeParenthesizedBrackets matchgroup=rustAttribute start="\w\%(\w\)*\["rs=e end="\]"re=s transparent contained contains=rustAttributeBalancedBrackets,@rustAttributeContents
syn region rustAttributeBalancedParens matchgroup=rustAttribute start="("rs=e end=")"re=s transparent contained contains=rustAttributeBalancedParens,@rustAttributeContents
syn region rustAttributeBalancedCurly matchgroup=rustAttribute start="{"rs=e end="}"re=s transparent contained contains=rustAttributeBalancedCurly,@rustAttributeContents
syn region rustAttributeBalancedBrackets matchgroup=rustAttribute start="\["rs=e end="\]"re=s transparent contained contains=rustAttributeBalancedBrackets,@rustAttributeContents
syn cluster rustAttributeContents contains=rustString,rustCommentLine,rustCommentBlock,rustCommentLineDocError,rustCommentBlockDocError
syn region rustDerive start="derive(" end=")" contained contains=rustDeriveTrait
" This list comes from src/libsyntax/ext/deriving/mod.rs
" Some are deprecated (Encodable, Decodable) or to be removed after a new snapshot (Show).
syn keyword rustDeriveTrait contained Clone Hash RustcEncodable RustcDecodable Encodable Decodable PartialEq Eq PartialOrd Ord Rand Show Debug Default FromPrimitive Send Sync Copy
" dyn keyword: It's only a keyword when used inside a type expression, so
" we make effort here to highlight it only when Rust identifiers follow it
" (not minding the case of pre-2018 Rust where a path starting with :: can
" follow).
" This is so that uses of dyn variable names such as in 'let &dyn = &2'
" and 'let dyn = 2' will not get highlighted as a keyword.
syn match rustKeyword "\<dyn\ze\_s\+\%([^[:cntrl:][:space:][:punct:][:digit:]]\|_\)" contains=rustDynKeyword
syn keyword rustDynKeyword dyn contained
" Number literals
syn match rustDecNumber display "\<[0-9][0-9_]*\%([iu]\%(size\|8\|16\|32\|64\|128\)\)\="
syn match rustHexNumber display "\<0x[a-fA-F0-9_]\+\%([iu]\%(size\|8\|16\|32\|64\|128\)\)\="
syn match rustOctNumber display "\<0o[0-7_]\+\%([iu]\%(size\|8\|16\|32\|64\|128\)\)\="
syn match rustBinNumber display "\<0b[01_]\+\%([iu]\%(size\|8\|16\|32\|64\|128\)\)\="
" Special case for numbers of the form "1." which are float literals, unless followed by
" an identifier, which makes them integer literals with a method call or field access,
" or by another ".", which makes them integer literals followed by the ".." token.
" (This must go first so the others take precedence.)
syn match rustFloat display "\<[0-9][0-9_]*\.\%([^[:cntrl:][:space:][:punct:][:digit:]]\|_\|\.\)\@!"
" To mark a number as a normal float, it must have at least one of the three things integral values don't have:
" a decimal point and more numbers; an exponent; and a type suffix.
syn match rustFloat display "\<[0-9][0-9_]*\%(\.[0-9][0-9_]*\)\%([eE][+-]\=[0-9_]\+\)\=\(f32\|f64\)\="
syn match rustFloat display "\<[0-9][0-9_]*\%(\.[0-9][0-9_]*\)\=\%([eE][+-]\=[0-9_]\+\)\(f32\|f64\)\="
syn match rustFloat display "\<[0-9][0-9_]*\%(\.[0-9][0-9_]*\)\=\%([eE][+-]\=[0-9_]\+\)\=\(f32\|f64\)"
" For the benefit of delimitMate
syn region rustLifetimeCandidate display start=/&'\%(\([^'\\]\|\\\(['nrt0\\\"]\|x\x\{2}\|u{\%(\x_*\)\{1,6}}\)\)'\)\@!/ end=/[[:cntrl:][:space:][:punct:]]\@=\|$/ contains=rustSigil,rustLifetime
syn region rustGenericRegion display start=/<\%('\|[^[:cntrl:][:space:][:punct:]]\)\@=')\S\@=/ end=/>/ contains=rustGenericLifetimeCandidate
syn region rustGenericLifetimeCandidate display start=/\%(<\|,\s*\)\@<='/ end=/[[:cntrl:][:space:][:punct:]]\@=\|$/ contains=rustSigil,rustLifetime
"rustLifetime must appear before rustCharacter, or chars will get the lifetime highlighting
syn match rustLifetime display "\'\%([^[:cntrl:][:space:][:punct:][:digit:]]\|_\)\%([^[:cntrl:][:punct:][:space:]]\|_\)*"
syn match rustLabel display "\'\%([^[:cntrl:][:space:][:punct:][:digit:]]\|_\)\%([^[:cntrl:][:punct:][:space:]]\|_\)*:"
syn match rustLabel display "\%(\<\%(break\|continue\)\s*\)\@<=\'\%([^[:cntrl:][:space:][:punct:][:digit:]]\|_\)\%([^[:cntrl:][:punct:][:space:]]\|_\)*"
syn match rustCharacterInvalid display contained /b\?'\zs[\n\r\t']\ze'/
" The groups negated here add up to 0-255 but nothing else (they do not seem to go beyond ASCII).
syn match rustCharacterInvalidUnicode display contained /b'\zs[^[:cntrl:][:graph:][:alnum:][:space:]]\ze'/
syn match rustCharacter /b'\([^\\]\|\\\(.\|x\x\{2}\)\)'/ contains=rustEscape,rustEscapeError,rustCharacterInvalid,rustCharacterInvalidUnicode
syn match rustCharacter /'\([^\\]\|\\\(.\|x\x\{2}\|u{\%(\x_*\)\{1,6}}\)\)'/ contains=rustEscape,rustEscapeUnicode,rustEscapeError,rustCharacterInvalid
syn match rustShebang /\%^#![^[].*/
syn region rustCommentLine start="//" end="$" contains=rustTodo,@Spell
syn region rustCommentLineDoc start="//\%(//\@!\|!\)" end="$" contains=rustTodo,@Spell
syn region rustCommentLineDocError start="//\%(//\@!\|!\)" end="$" contains=rustTodo,@Spell contained
syn region rustCommentBlock matchgroup=rustCommentBlock start="/\*\%(!\|\*[*/]\@!\)\@!" end="\*/" contains=rustTodo,rustCommentBlockNest,@Spell
syn region rustCommentBlockDoc matchgroup=rustCommentBlockDoc start="/\*\%(!\|\*[*/]\@!\)" end="\*/" contains=rustTodo,rustCommentBlockDocNest,rustCommentBlockDocRustCode,@Spell
syn region rustCommentBlockDocError matchgroup=rustCommentBlockDocError start="/\*\%(!\|\*[*/]\@!\)" end="\*/" contains=rustTodo,rustCommentBlockDocNestError,@Spell contained
syn region rustCommentBlockNest matchgroup=rustCommentBlock start="/\*" end="\*/" contains=rustTodo,rustCommentBlockNest,@Spell contained transparent
syn region rustCommentBlockDocNest matchgroup=rustCommentBlockDoc start="/\*" end="\*/" contains=rustTodo,rustCommentBlockDocNest,@Spell contained transparent
syn region rustCommentBlockDocNestError matchgroup=rustCommentBlockDocError start="/\*" end="\*/" contains=rustTodo,rustCommentBlockDocNestError,@Spell contained transparent
" FIXME: this is a really ugly and not fully correct implementation. Most
" importantly, a case like ``/* */*`` should have the final ``*`` not being in
" a comment, but in practice at present it leaves comments open two levels
" deep. But as long as you stay away from that particular case, I *believe*
" the highlighting is correct. Due to the way Vim's syntax engine works
" (greedy for start matches, unlike Rust's tokeniser which is searching for
" the earliest-starting match, start or end), I believe this cannot be solved.
" Oh you who would fix it, don't bother with things like duplicating the Block
" rules and putting ``\*\@<!`` at the start of them; it makes it worse, as
" then you must deal with cases like ``/*/**/*/``. And don't try making it
" worse with ``\%(/\@<!\*\)\@<!``, either...
syn keyword rustTodo contained TODO FIXME XXX NB NOTE SAFETY
" asm! macro {{{2
syn region rustAsmMacro matchgroup=rustMacro start="\<asm!\s*(" end=")" contains=rustAsmDirSpec,rustAsmSym,rustAsmConst,rustAsmOptionsGroup,rustComment.*,rustString.*
" Clobbered registers
syn keyword rustAsmDirSpec in out lateout inout inlateout contained nextgroup=rustAsmReg skipwhite skipempty
syn region rustAsmReg start="(" end=")" contained contains=rustString
" Symbol operands
syn keyword rustAsmSym sym contained nextgroup=rustAsmSymPath skipwhite skipempty
syn region rustAsmSymPath start="\S" end=",\|)"me=s-1 contained contains=rustComment.*,rustIdentifier
" Const
syn region rustAsmConstBalancedParens start="("ms=s+1 end=")" contained contains=@rustAsmConstExpr
syn cluster rustAsmConstExpr contains=rustComment.*,rust.*Number,rustString,rustAsmConstBalancedParens
syn region rustAsmConst start="const" end=",\|)"me=s-1 contained contains=rustStorage,@rustAsmConstExpr
" Options
syn region rustAsmOptionsGroup start="options\s*(" end=")" contained contains=rustAsmOptions,rustAsmOptionsKey
syn keyword rustAsmOptionsKey options contained
syn keyword rustAsmOptions pure nomem readonly preserves_flags noreturn nostack att_syntax contained
" Folding rules {{{2
" Trivial folding rules to begin with.
" FIXME: use the AST to make really good folding
syn region rustFoldBraces start="{" end="}" transparent fold
if !exists("b:current_syntax_embed")
let b:current_syntax_embed = 1
syntax include @RustCodeInComment <sfile>:p:h/rust.vim
unlet b:current_syntax_embed
" Currently regions marked as ```<some-other-syntax> will not get
" highlighted at all. In the future, we can do as vim-markdown does and
" highlight with the other syntax. But for now, let's make sure we find
" the closing block marker, because the rules below won't catch it.
syn region rustCommentLinesDocNonRustCode matchgroup=rustCommentDocCodeFence start='^\z(\s*//[!/]\s*```\).\+$' end='^\z1$' keepend contains=rustCommentLineDoc
" We borrow the rules from rusts src/librustdoc/html/markdown.rs, so that
" we only highlight as Rust what it would perceive as Rust (almost; its
" possible to trick it if you try hard, and indented code blocks arent
" supported because Markdown is a menace to parse and only mad dogs and
" Englishmen would try to handle that case correctly in this syntax file).
syn region rustCommentLinesDocRustCode matchgroup=rustCommentDocCodeFence start='^\z(\s*//[!/]\s*```\)[^A-Za-z0-9_-]*\%(\%(should_panic\|no_run\|ignore\|allow_fail\|rust\|test_harness\|compile_fail\|E\d\{4}\|edition201[58]\)\%([^A-Za-z0-9_-]\+\|$\)\)*$' end='^\z1$' keepend contains=@RustCodeInComment,rustCommentLineDocLeader
syn region rustCommentBlockDocRustCode matchgroup=rustCommentDocCodeFence start='^\z(\%(\s*\*\)\?\s*```\)[^A-Za-z0-9_-]*\%(\%(should_panic\|no_run\|ignore\|allow_fail\|rust\|test_harness\|compile_fail\|E\d\{4}\|edition201[58]\)\%([^A-Za-z0-9_-]\+\|$\)\)*$' end='^\z1$' keepend contains=@RustCodeInComment,rustCommentBlockDocStar
" Strictly, this may or may not be correct; this code, for example, would
" mishighlight:
" /**
" ```rust
" println!("{}", 1
" * 1);
" ```
" */
" … but I dont care. Balance of probability, and all that.
syn match rustCommentBlockDocStar /^\s*\*\s\?/ contained
syn match rustCommentLineDocLeader "^\s*//\%(//\@!\|!\)" contained
" Default highlighting {{{1
hi def link rustDecNumber rustNumber
hi def link rustHexNumber rustNumber
hi def link rustOctNumber rustNumber
hi def link rustBinNumber rustNumber
hi def link rustIdentifierPrime rustIdentifier
hi def link rustTrait rustType
hi def link rustDeriveTrait rustTrait
hi def link rustMacroRepeatDelimiters Macro
hi def link rustMacroVariable Define
hi def link rustSigil StorageClass
hi def link rustEscape Special
hi def link rustEscapeUnicode rustEscape
hi def link rustEscapeError Error
hi def link rustStringContinuation Special
hi def link rustString String
hi def link rustStringDelimiter String
hi def link rustCharacterInvalid Error
hi def link rustCharacterInvalidUnicode rustCharacterInvalid
hi def link rustCharacter Character
hi def link rustNumber Number
hi def link rustBoolean Boolean
hi def link rustEnum rustType
hi def link rustEnumVariant rustConstant
hi def link rustConstant Constant
hi def link rustSelf Constant
hi def link rustFloat Float
hi def link rustArrowCharacter rustOperator
hi def link rustOperator Operator
hi def link rustKeyword Keyword
hi def link rustDynKeyword rustKeyword
hi def link rustTypedef Keyword " More precise is Typedef, but it doesn't feel right for Rust
hi def link rustStructure Keyword " More precise is Structure
hi def link rustUnion rustStructure
hi def link rustExistential rustKeyword
hi def link rustPubScopeDelim Delimiter
hi def link rustPubScopeCrate rustKeyword
hi def link rustSuper rustKeyword
hi def link rustUnsafeKeyword Exception
hi def link rustReservedKeyword Error
hi def link rustRepeat Conditional
hi def link rustConditional Conditional
hi def link rustIdentifier Identifier
hi def link rustCapsIdent rustIdentifier
hi def link rustModPath Include
hi def link rustModPathSep Delimiter
hi def link rustFunction Function
hi def link rustFuncName Function
hi def link rustFuncCall Function
hi def link rustShebang Comment
hi def link rustCommentLine Comment
hi def link rustCommentLineDoc SpecialComment
hi def link rustCommentLineDocLeader rustCommentLineDoc
hi def link rustCommentLineDocError Error
hi def link rustCommentBlock rustCommentLine
hi def link rustCommentBlockDoc rustCommentLineDoc
hi def link rustCommentBlockDocStar rustCommentBlockDoc
hi def link rustCommentBlockDocError Error
hi def link rustCommentDocCodeFence rustCommentLineDoc
hi def link rustAssert PreCondit
hi def link rustPanic PreCondit
hi def link rustMacro Macro
hi def link rustType Type
hi def link rustTodo Todo
hi def link rustAttribute PreProc
hi def link rustDerive PreProc
hi def link rustDefault StorageClass
hi def link rustStorage StorageClass
hi def link rustObsoleteStorage Error
hi def link rustLifetime Special
hi def link rustLabel Label
hi def link rustExternCrate rustKeyword
hi def link rustObsoleteExternMod Error
hi def link rustQuestionMark Special
hi def link rustAsync rustKeyword
hi def link rustAwait rustKeyword
hi def link rustAsmDirSpec rustKeyword
hi def link rustAsmSym rustKeyword
hi def link rustAsmOptions rustKeyword
hi def link rustAsmOptionsKey rustAttribute
" Other Suggestions:
" hi rustAttribute ctermfg=cyan
" hi rustDerive ctermfg=cyan
" hi rustAssert ctermfg=yellow
" hi rustPanic ctermfg=red
" hi rustMacro ctermfg=magenta
syn sync minlines=200
syn sync maxlines=500
let b:current_syntax = "rust"
" vim: set et sw=4 sts=4 ts=8: