mirror of
synced 2025-03-27 12:06:44 +01:00
324 lines
19 KiB
324 lines
19 KiB
" Vim syntax file
" Language: IDL (Interface Description Language)
" Created By: Jody Goldberg
" Maintainer: Michael Geddes <vim@frog.wheelycreek.net>
" Last Change: 2012 Jan 11
" This is an experiment. IDL's structure is simple enough to permit a full
" grammar based approach to rather than using a few heuristics. The result
" is large and somewhat repetitive but seems to work.
" There are some Microsoft extensions to idl files that are here. Some of
" them are disabled by defining idl_no_ms_extensions.
" The more complex of the extensions are disabled by defining idl_no_extensions.
" History:
" 2.0: Michael's new version
" 2.1: Support for Vim 7 spell (Anduin Withers)
if exists("b:current_syntax")
let s:cpo_save = &cpo
set cpo&vim
if exists("idlsyntax_showerror")
syn match idlError +\S+ skipwhite skipempty nextgroup=idlError
syn region idlCppQuote start='\<cpp_quote\s*(' end=')' contains=idlString
" Misc basic
syn match idlId contained "[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*" skipwhite skipempty nextgroup=idlEnumComma,idlEnumNumber
syn match idlEnumComma contained ","
syn match idlEnumNumber contained "=" skipwhite skipempty nextgroup=idlString,idlLiteral
syn match idlSemiColon contained ";"
syn match idlCommaArg contained "," skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlSimpDecl
syn region idlArraySize1 contained start=:\[: end=:\]: skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlArraySize1,idlError,idlSemiColon,idlCommaArg contains=idlArraySize1,idlLiteral
syn match idlSimpDecl contained "[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*" skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlError,idlSemiColon,idlCommaArg,idlArraySize1
syn region idlString contained start=+"+ skip=+\\\(\\\\\)*"+ end=+"+ contains=@Spell
syn match idlLiteral contained "[1-9]\d*\(\.\d*\)\="
syn match idlLiteral contained "0"
syn match idlLiteral contained "\.\d\+"
syn match idlLiteral contained "0x[0-9A-Fa-f]\+"
syn match idlLiteral contained "0[0-7]\+"
syn keyword idlLiteral contained TRUE FALSE
" Comments
syn keyword idlTodo contained TODO FIXME XXX
syn region idlComment start="/\*" end="\*/" contains=idlTodo,@Spell
syn match idlComment "//.*" contains=idlTodo,@Spell
syn match idlCommentError "\*/"
" C style Preprocessor
syn region idlIncluded contained start=+"+ skip=+\\\(\\\\\)*"+ end=+"+
syn match idlIncluded contained "<[^>]*>"
syn match idlInclude "^[ \t]*#[ \t]*include\>[ \t]*["<]" contains=idlIncluded,idlString
syn region idlPreCondit start="^[ \t]*#[ \t]*\(if\>\|ifdef\>\|ifndef\>\|elif\>\|else\>\|endif\>\)" skip="\\$" end="$" contains=idlComment,idlCommentError
syn region idlDefine start="^[ \t]*#[ \t]*\(define\>\|undef\>\)" skip="\\$" end="$" contains=idlLiteral,idlString
" Constants
syn keyword idlConst const skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlBaseType,idlBaseTypeInt
" Attribute
syn keyword idlROAttr readonly skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlAttr
syn keyword idlAttr attribute skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlBaseTypeInt,idlBaseType
" Types
syn region idlD4 contained start="<" end=">" skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlSimpDecl contains=idlSeqType,idlBaseTypeInt,idlBaseType,idlLiteral
syn keyword idlSeqType contained sequence skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlD4
syn keyword idlBaseType contained float double char boolean octet any skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlSimpDecl
syn keyword idlBaseTypeInt contained short long skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlSimpDecl
syn keyword idlBaseType contained unsigned skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlBaseTypeInt
syn region idlD1 contained start="<" end=">" skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlSimpDecl contains=idlString,idlLiteral
syn keyword idlBaseType contained string skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlD1,idlSimpDecl
syn match idlBaseType contained "[a-zA-Z0-9_]\+[ \t]*\(::[ \t]*[a-zA-Z0-9_]\+\)*" skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlSimpDecl
" Modules
syn region idlModuleContent contained start="{" end="}" skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlError,idlSemiColon contains=idlUnion,idlStruct,idlEnum,idlInterface,idlComment,idlTypedef,idlConst,idlException,idlModule
syn match idlModuleName contained "[a-zA-Z0-9_]\+" skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlModuleContent,idlError,idlSemiColon
syn keyword idlModule module skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlModuleName
" Interfaces
syn cluster idlCommentable contains=idlComment
syn cluster idlContentCluster contains=idlUnion,idlStruct,idlEnum,idlROAttr,idlAttr,idlOp,idlOneWayOp,idlException,idlConst,idlTypedef,idlAttributes,idlErrorSquareBracket,idlErrorBracket,idlInterfaceSections
syn region idlInterfaceContent contained start="{" end="}" skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlError,idlSemiColon contains=@idlContentCluster,@idlCommentable
syn match idlInheritFrom2 contained "," skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlInheritFrom
syn match idlInheritFrom contained "[a-zA-Z0-9_]\+[ \t]*\(::[ \t]*[a-zA-Z0-9_]\+\)*" skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlInheritFrom2,idlInterfaceContent
syn match idlInherit contained ":" skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlInheritFrom
syn match idlInterfaceName contained "[a-zA-Z0-9_]\+" skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlInterfaceContent,idlInherit,idlError,idlSemiColon
syn keyword idlInterface interface dispinterface skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlInterfaceName
syn keyword idlInterfaceSections contained properties methods skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlSectionColon,idlError
syn match idlSectionColon contained ":"
syn match idlLibraryName contained "[a-zA-Z0-9_]\+" skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlLibraryContent,idlError,idlSemiColon
syn keyword idlLibrary library skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlLibraryName
syn region idlLibraryContent contained start="{" end="}" skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlError,idlSemiColon contains=@idlCommentable,idlAttributes,idlErrorSquareBracket,idlErrorBracket,idlImportlib,idlCoclass,idlTypedef,idlInterface
syn keyword idlImportlib contained importlib skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlStringArg
syn region idlStringArg contained start="(" end=")" contains=idlString nextgroup=idlError,idlSemiColon,idlErrorBrace,idlErrorSquareBracket
syn keyword idlCoclass coclass contained skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlCoclassName
syn match idlCoclassName "[a-zA-Z0-9_]\+" contained skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlCoclassDefinition,idlError,idlSemiColon
syn region idlCoclassDefinition contained start="{" end="}" contains=idlCoclassAttributes,idlInterface,idlErrorBracket,idlErrorSquareBracket skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlError,idlSemiColon
syn region idlCoclassAttributes contained start=+\[+ end=+]+ skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlInterface contains=idlErrorBracket,idlErrorBrace,idlCoclassAttribute
syn keyword idlCoclassAttribute contained default source
"syn keyword idlInterface interface skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlInterfaceStubName
syn match idlImportString +"\f\+"+ skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlError,idlSemiColon
syn keyword idlImport import skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlImportString
syn region idlAttributes start="\[" end="\]" contains=idlAttribute,idlAttributeParam,idlErrorBracket,idlErrorBrace,idlComment
syn keyword idlAttribute contained propput propget propputref id helpstring object uuid pointer_default
if !exists('idl_no_ms_extensions')
syn keyword idlAttribute contained nonextensible dual version aggregatable restricted hidden noncreatable oleautomation
syn region idlAttributeParam contained start="(" end=")" contains=idlString,idlUuid,idlLiteral,idlErrorBrace,idlErrorSquareBracket
" skipwhite nextgroup=idlArraySize,idlParmList contains=idlArraySize,idlLiteral
syn match idlErrorBrace contained "}"
syn match idlErrorBracket contained ")"
syn match idlErrorSquareBracket contained "\]"
syn match idlUuid contained +[0-9a-zA-Z]\{8}-\([0-9a-zA-Z]\{4}-\)\{3}[0-9a-zA-Z]\{12}+
" Raises
syn keyword idlRaises contained raises skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlRaises,idlContext,idlError,idlSemiColon
" Context
syn keyword idlContext contained context skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlRaises,idlContext,idlError,idlSemiColon
" Operation
syn match idlParmList contained "," skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlOpParms
syn region idlArraySize contained start="\[" end="\]" skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlArraySize,idlParmList contains=idlArraySize,idlLiteral
syn match idlParmName contained "[a-zA-Z0-9_]\+" skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlParmList,idlArraySize
syn keyword idlParmInt contained short long skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlParmName
syn keyword idlParmType contained unsigned skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlParmInt
syn region idlD3 contained start="<" end=">" skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlParmName contains=idlString,idlLiteral
syn keyword idlParmType contained string skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlD3,idlParmName
syn keyword idlParmType contained void float double char boolean octet any skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlParmName
syn match idlParmType contained "[a-zA-Z0-9_]\+[ \t]*\(::[ \t]*[a-zA-Z0-9_]\+\)*" skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlParmName
syn keyword idlOpParms contained in out inout skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlParmType
if !exists('idl_no_ms_extensions')
syn keyword idlOpParms contained retval optional skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlParmType
syn match idlOpParms contained +\<\(iid_is\|defaultvalue\)\s*([^)]*)+ skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlParamType
syn keyword idlVariantType contained BSTR VARIANT VARIANT_BOOL long short unsigned double CURRENCY DATE
syn region idlSafeArray contained matchgroup=idlVariantType start=+SAFEARRAY(\s*+ end=+)+ contains=idlVariantType
syn region idlOpContents contained start="(" end=")" skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlRaises,idlContext,idlError,idlSemiColon contains=idlOpParms,idlSafeArray,idlVariantType,@idlCommentable
syn match idlOpName contained "[a-zA-Z0-9_]\+" skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlOpContents
syn keyword idlOpInt contained short long skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlOpName
syn region idlD2 contained start="<" end=">" skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlOpName contains=idlString,idlLiteral
syn keyword idlOp contained unsigned skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlOpInt
syn keyword idlOp contained string skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlD2,idlOpName
syn keyword idlOp contained void float double char boolean octet any skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlOpName
syn match idlOp contained "[a-zA-Z0-9_]\+[ \t]*\(::[ \t]*[a-zA-Z0-9_]\+\)*" skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlOpName
syn keyword idlOp contained void skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlOpName
syn keyword idlOneWayOp contained oneway skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idOp
" Enum
syn region idlEnumContents contained start="{" end="}" skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlError,idlSemiColon,idlSimpDecl contains=idlId,idlAttributes,@idlCommentable
syn match idlEnumName contained "[a-zA-Z0-9_]\+" skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlEnumContents
syn keyword idlEnum enum skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlEnumName,idlEnumContents
" Typedef
syn keyword idlTypedef typedef skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlTypedefOtherTypeQualifier,idlDefBaseType,idlDefBaseTypeInt,idlDefSeqType,idlDefv1Enum,idlDefEnum,idlDefOtherType,idlDefAttributes,idlError
if !exists('idl_no_extensions')
syn keyword idlTypedefOtherTypeQualifier contained struct enum interface nextgroup=idlDefBaseType,idlDefBaseTypeInt,idlDefSeqType,idlDefv1Enum,idlDefEnum,idlDefOtherType,idlDefAttributes,idlError skipwhite
syn region idlDefAttributes contained start="\[" end="\]" contains=idlAttribute,idlAttributeParam,idlErrorBracket,idlErrorBrace skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlDefBaseType,idlDefBaseTypeInt,idlDefSeqType,idlDefv1Enum,idlDefEnum,idlDefOtherType,idlError
syn keyword idlDefBaseType contained float double char boolean octet any skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlTypedefDecl,idlError
syn keyword idlDefBaseTypeInt contained short long skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlTypedefDecl,idlError
syn match idlDefOtherType contained +\<\k\+\>+ skipempty nextgroup=idlTypedefDecl,idlError
" syn keyword idlDefSeqType contained sequence skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlD4
" Enum typedef
syn keyword idlDefEnum contained enum skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlDefEnumName,idlDefEnumContents
syn match idlDefEnumName contained "[a-zA-Z0-9_]\+" skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlDefEnumContents,idlTypedefDecl
syn region idlDefEnumContents contained start="{" end="}" skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlError,idlTypedefDecl contains=idlId,idlAttributes
syn match idlTypedefDecl contained "[a-zA-Z0-9_]\+" skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlError,idlSemiColon
" Struct
syn region idlStructContent contained start="{" end="}" skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlError,idlSemiColon,idlSimpDecl contains=idlBaseType,idlBaseTypeInt,idlSeqType,@idlCommentable,idlEnum,idlUnion
syn match idlStructName contained "[a-zA-Z0-9_]\+" skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlStructContent
syn keyword idlStruct struct skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlStructName
" Exception
syn keyword idlException exception skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlStructName
" Union
syn match idlColon contained ":" skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlCase,idlSeqType,idlBaseType,idlBaseTypeInt
syn region idlCaseLabel contained start="" skip="::" end=":"me=e-1 skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlColon contains=idlLiteral,idlString
syn keyword idlCase contained case skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlCaseLabel
syn keyword idlCase contained default skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlColon
syn region idlUnionContent contained start="{" end="}" skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlError,idlSemiColon,idlSimpDecl contains=idlCase
syn region idlSwitchType contained start="(" end=")" skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlUnionContent
syn keyword idlUnionSwitch contained switch skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlSwitchType
syn match idlUnionName contained "[a-zA-Z0-9_]\+" skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlUnionSwitch
syn keyword idlUnion union skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlUnionName
if !exists('idl_no_extensions')
syn sync match idlInterfaceSync grouphere idlInterfaceContent "\<\(disp\)\=interface\>\s\+\k\+\s*:\s*\k\+\_s*{" skipempty skipwhite nextgroup=idlError,idlSemiColon contains=@idlContentCluster,@idlCommentable
syn sync maxlines=1000 minlines=100
syn sync lines=200
" syn sync fromstart
if !exists("did_idl_syntax_inits")
let did_idl_syntax_inits = 1
" The default methods for highlighting. Can be overridden later
hi def link idlInclude Include
hi def link idlPreProc PreProc
hi def link idlPreCondit PreCondit
hi def link idlDefine Macro
hi def link idlIncluded String
hi def link idlString String
hi def link idlComment Comment
hi def link idlTodo Todo
hi def link idlLiteral Number
hi def link idlUuid Number
hi def link idlType Type
hi def link idlVariantType idlType
hi def link idlModule Keyword
hi def link idlInterface Keyword
hi def link idlEnum Keyword
hi def link idlStruct Keyword
hi def link idlUnion Keyword
hi def link idlTypedef Keyword
hi def link idlException Keyword
hi def link idlTypedefOtherTypeQualifier keyword
hi def link idlModuleName Typedef
hi def link idlInterfaceName Typedef
hi def link idlEnumName Typedef
hi def link idlStructName Typedef
hi def link idlUnionName Typedef
hi def link idlBaseTypeInt idlType
hi def link idlBaseType idlType
hi def link idlSeqType idlType
hi def link idlD1 Paren
hi def link idlD2 Paren
hi def link idlD3 Paren
hi def link idlD4 Paren
"hi def link idlArraySize Paren
"hi def link idlArraySize1 Paren
hi def link idlModuleContent Paren
hi def link idlUnionContent Paren
hi def link idlStructContent Paren
hi def link idlEnumContents Paren
hi def link idlInterfaceContent Paren
hi def link idlSimpDecl Identifier
hi def link idlROAttr StorageClass
hi def link idlAttr Keyword
hi def link idlConst StorageClass
hi def link idlOneWayOp StorageClass
hi def link idlOp idlType
hi def link idlParmType idlType
hi def link idlOpName Function
hi def link idlOpParms SpecialComment
hi def link idlParmName Identifier
hi def link idlInheritFrom Identifier
hi def link idlAttribute SpecialComment
hi def link idlId Constant
"hi def link idlCase Keyword
hi def link idlCaseLabel Constant
hi def link idlErrorBracket Error
hi def link idlErrorBrace Error
hi def link idlErrorSquareBracket Error
hi def link idlImport Keyword
hi def link idlImportString idlString
hi def link idlCoclassAttribute StorageClass
hi def link idlLibrary Keyword
hi def link idlImportlib Keyword
hi def link idlCoclass Keyword
hi def link idlLibraryName Typedef
hi def link idlCoclassName Typedef
" hi def link idlLibraryContent guifg=red
hi def link idlTypedefDecl Typedef
hi def link idlDefEnum Keyword
hi def link idlDefv1Enum Keyword
hi def link idlDefEnumName Typedef
hi def link idlDefEnumContents Paren
hi def link idlDefBaseTypeInt idlType
hi def link idlDefBaseType idlType
hi def link idlDefSeqType idlType
hi def link idlInterfaceSections Label
if exists("idlsyntax_showerror")
if exists("idlsyntax_showerror_soft")
hi default idlError guibg=#d0ffd0
hi def link idlError Error
let b:current_syntax = "idl"
let &cpo = s:cpo_save
unlet s:cpo_save
" vim: sw=2 et