mirror of
synced 2025-03-26 03:35:11 +01:00
Problem: Coverity warns about a few potential issues Solution: Fix those issues (see details below) 1) Fix overflow warning in highlight.c This happens because we are comparing int with long and assign a potential long value to an int, which could cause an overflow. So add some casts to ensure the value fits into an int. 2) Fix Overflow warning in shift_line(). This happens because we are performing a division/modulo operation of a long type by an int type and assign the result to an int, which could then overflow. So before performing the operation, trim the long to value to at most max int value, so that it can't overflow. 3) Fix overflow warning in syn_list_cluster in syntax.c This is essential the same issue as 1) 4) not checking the return value of vim_mkdir() in spellfile.c Creating the spell directory could fail. Handle this case and return early in this case. 5) qsort() may deref a NULL pointer when fuzzy match does not return a result. Fix this by checking that the accessed growarray fuzzy_indices actually contains data. If not we can silently skip the qsort() and related logic. closes: #15284 Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt <cb@256bit.org>
6718 lines
172 KiB
6718 lines
172 KiB
/* vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4 noet:
* VIM - Vi IMproved by Bram Moolenaar
* Do ":help uganda" in Vim to read copying and usage conditions.
* Do ":help credits" in Vim to see a list of people who contributed.
* See README.txt for an overview of the Vim source code.
* spellfile.c: code for reading and writing spell files.
* See spell.c for information about spell checking.
* Vim spell file format: <HEADER>
* <HEADER>: <fileID> <versionnr>
* <fileID> 8 bytes "VIMspell"
* <versionnr> 1 byte VIMSPELLVERSION
* Sections make it possible to add information to the .spl file without
* making it incompatible with previous versions. There are two kinds of
* sections:
* 1. Not essential for correct spell checking. E.g. for making suggestions.
* These are skipped when not supported.
* 2. Optional information, but essential for spell checking when present.
* E.g. conditions for affixes. When this section is present but not
* supported an error message is given.
* <SECTIONS>: <section> ... <sectionend>
* <section>: <sectionID> <sectionflags> <sectionlen> (section contents)
* <sectionID> 1 byte number from 0 to 254 identifying the section
* <sectionflags> 1 byte SNF_REQUIRED: this section is required for correct
* spell checking
* <sectionlen> 4 bytes length of section contents, MSB first
* <sectionend> 1 byte SN_END
* sectionID == SN_INFO: <infotext>
* <infotext> N bytes free format text with spell file info (version,
* website, etc)
* sectionID == SN_REGION: <regionname> ...
* <regionname> 2 bytes Up to MAXREGIONS region names: ca, au, etc. Lower
* case. First <regionname> is region 1.
* sectionID == SN_CHARFLAGS: <charflagslen> <charflags>
* <folcharslen> <folchars>
* <charflagslen> 1 byte Number of bytes in <charflags> (should be 128).
* <charflags> N bytes List of flags (first one is for character 128):
* 0x01 word character CF_WORD
* 0x02 upper-case character CF_UPPER
* <folcharslen> 2 bytes Number of bytes in <folchars>.
* <folchars> N bytes Folded characters, first one is for character 128.
* sectionID == SN_MIDWORD: <midword>
* <midword> N bytes Characters that are word characters only when used
* in the middle of a word.
* sectionID == SN_PREFCOND: <prefcondcnt> <prefcond> ...
* <prefcondcnt> 2 bytes Number of <prefcond> items following.
* <prefcond> : <condlen> <condstr>
* <condlen> 1 byte Length of <condstr>.
* <condstr> N bytes Condition for the prefix.
* sectionID == SN_REP: <repcount> <rep> ...
* <repcount> 2 bytes number of <rep> items, MSB first.
* <rep> : <repfromlen> <repfrom> <reptolen> <repto>
* <repfromlen> 1 byte length of <repfrom>
* <repfrom> N bytes "from" part of replacement
* <reptolen> 1 byte length of <repto>
* <repto> N bytes "to" part of replacement
* sectionID == SN_REPSAL: <repcount> <rep> ...
* just like SN_REP but for soundfolded words
* sectionID == SN_SAL: <salflags> <salcount> <sal> ...
* <salflags> 1 byte flags for soundsalike conversion:
* <salcount> 2 bytes number of <sal> items following
* <sal> : <salfromlen> <salfrom> <saltolen> <salto>
* <salfromlen> 1 byte length of <salfrom>
* <salfrom> N bytes "from" part of soundsalike
* <saltolen> 1 byte length of <salto>
* <salto> N bytes "to" part of soundsalike
* sectionID == SN_SOFO: <sofofromlen> <sofofrom> <sofotolen> <sofoto>
* <sofofromlen> 2 bytes length of <sofofrom>
* <sofofrom> N bytes "from" part of soundfold
* <sofotolen> 2 bytes length of <sofoto>
* <sofoto> N bytes "to" part of soundfold
* sectionID == SN_SUGFILE: <timestamp>
* <timestamp> 8 bytes time in seconds that must match with .sug file
* sectionID == SN_NOSPLITSUGS: nothing
* sectionID == SN_NOCOMPOUNDSUGS: nothing
* sectionID == SN_WORDS: <word> ...
* <word> N bytes NUL terminated common word
* sectionID == SN_MAP: <mapstr>
* <mapstr> N bytes String with sequences of similar characters,
* separated by slashes.
* sectionID == SN_COMPOUND: <compmax> <compminlen> <compsylmax> <compoptions>
* <comppatcount> <comppattern> ... <compflags>
* <compmax> 1 byte Maximum nr of words in compound word.
* <compminlen> 1 byte Minimal word length for compounding.
* <compsylmax> 1 byte Maximum nr of syllables in compound word.
* <compoptions> 2 bytes COMP_ flags.
* <comppatcount> 2 bytes number of <comppattern> following
* <compflags> N bytes Flags from COMPOUNDRULE items, separated by
* slashes.
* <comppattern>: <comppatlen> <comppattext>
* <comppatlen> 1 byte length of <comppattext>
* <comppattext> N bytes end or begin chars from CHECKCOMPOUNDPATTERN
* sectionID == SN_NOBREAK: (empty, its presence is what matters)
* sectionID == SN_SYLLABLE: <syllable>
* <syllable> N bytes String from SYLLABLE item.
* <LWORDTREE>: <wordtree>
* <KWORDTREE>: <wordtree>
* <PREFIXTREE>: <wordtree>
* <wordtree>: <nodecount> <nodedata> ...
* <nodecount> 4 bytes Number of nodes following. MSB first.
* <nodedata>: <siblingcount> <sibling> ...
* <siblingcount> 1 byte Number of siblings in this node. The siblings
* follow in sorted order.
* <sibling>: <byte> [ <nodeidx> <xbyte>
* | <flags> [<flags2>] [<region>] [<affixID>]
* | [<pflags>] <affixID> <prefcondnr> ]
* <byte> 1 byte Byte value of the sibling. Special cases:
* BY_NOFLAGS: End of word without flags and for all
* regions.
* For PREFIXTREE <affixID> and
* <prefcondnr> follow.
* BY_FLAGS: End of word, <flags> follow.
* For PREFIXTREE <pflags>, <affixID>
* and <prefcondnr> follow.
* BY_FLAGS2: End of word, <flags> and <flags2>
* follow. Not used in PREFIXTREE.
* BY_INDEX: Child of sibling is shared, <nodeidx>
* and <xbyte> follow.
* <nodeidx> 3 bytes Index of child for this sibling, MSB first.
* <xbyte> 1 byte byte value of the sibling.
* <flags> 1 byte bitmask of:
* WF_ALLCAP word must have only capitals
* WF_ONECAP first char of word must be capital
* WF_KEEPCAP keep-case word
* WF_FIXCAP keep-case word, all caps not allowed
* WF_RARE rare word
* WF_BANNED bad word
* WF_REGION <region> follows
* WF_AFX <affixID> follows
* <flags2> 1 byte Bitmask of:
* WF_HAS_AFF >> 8 word includes affix
* WF_NEEDCOMP >> 8 word only valid in compound
* WF_NOSUGGEST >> 8 word not used for suggestions
* WF_COMPROOT >> 8 word already a compound
* WF_NOCOMPBEF >> 8 no compounding before this word
* WF_NOCOMPAFT >> 8 no compounding after this word
* <pflags> 1 byte bitmask of:
* WFP_RARE rare prefix
* WFP_NC non-combining prefix
* WFP_UP letter after prefix made upper case
* <region> 1 byte Bitmask for regions in which word is valid. When
* omitted it's valid in all regions.
* Lowest bit is for region 1.
* <affixID> 1 byte ID of affix that can be used with this word. In
* PREFIXTREE used for the required prefix ID.
* <prefcondnr> 2 bytes Prefix condition number, index in <prefcond> list
* from HEADER.
* All text characters are in 'encoding', but stored as single bytes.
* Vim .sug file format: <SUGHEADER>
* <SUGHEADER>: <fileID> <versionnr> <timestamp>
* <fileID> 6 bytes "VIMsug"
* <versionnr> 1 byte VIMSUGVERSION
* <timestamp> 8 bytes timestamp that must match with .spl file
* <SUGWORDTREE>: <wordtree> (see above, no flags or region used)
* <SUGTABLE>: <sugwcount> <sugline> ...
* <sugwcount> 4 bytes number of <sugline> following
* <sugline>: <sugnr> ... NUL
* <sugnr>: X bytes word number that results in this soundfolded word,
* stored as an offset to the previous number in as
* few bytes as possible, see offset2bytes())
#include "vim.h"
#if defined(FEAT_SPELL) || defined(PROTO)
#ifndef UNIX // it's in os_unix.h for Unix
# include <time.h> // for time_t
#ifndef UNIX // it's in os_unix.h for Unix
# include <time.h> // for time_t
// Special byte values for <byte>. Some are only used in the tree for
// postponed prefixes, some only in the other trees. This is a bit messy...
#define BY_NOFLAGS 0 // end of word without flags or region; for
// postponed prefix: no <pflags>
#define BY_INDEX 1 // child is shared, index follows
#define BY_FLAGS 2 // end of word, <flags> byte follows; for
// postponed prefix: <pflags> follows
#define BY_FLAGS2 3 // end of word, <flags> and <flags2> bytes
// follow; never used in prefix tree
#define BY_SPECIAL BY_FLAGS2 // highest special byte value
#define ZERO_FLAG 65009 // used when flag is zero: "0"
// Flags used in .spl file for soundsalike flags.
#define SAL_F0LLOWUP 1
#define SAL_COLLAPSE 2
#define VIMSPELLMAGIC "VIMspell" // string at start of Vim spell file
// Section IDs. Only renumber them when VIMSPELLVERSION changes!
#define SN_REGION 0 // <regionname> section
#define SN_CHARFLAGS 1 // charflags section
#define SN_MIDWORD 2 // <midword> section
#define SN_PREFCOND 3 // <prefcond> section
#define SN_REP 4 // REP items section
#define SN_SAL 5 // SAL items section
#define SN_SOFO 6 // soundfolding section
#define SN_MAP 7 // MAP items section
#define SN_COMPOUND 8 // compound words section
#define SN_SYLLABLE 9 // syllable section
#define SN_NOBREAK 10 // NOBREAK section
#define SN_SUGFILE 11 // timestamp for .sug file
#define SN_REPSAL 12 // REPSAL items section
#define SN_WORDS 13 // common words
#define SN_NOSPLITSUGS 14 // don't split word for suggestions
#define SN_INFO 15 // info section
#define SN_NOCOMPOUNDSUGS 16 // don't compound for suggestions
#define SN_END 255 // end of sections
#define SNF_REQUIRED 1 // <sectionflags>: required section
#define CF_WORD 0x01
#define CF_UPPER 0x02
* Loop through all the siblings of a node (including the node)
#define FOR_ALL_NODE_SIBLINGS(node, np) \
for ((np) = (node); (np) != NULL; (np) = (np)->wn_sibling)
static int set_spell_finish(spelltab_T *new_st);
static int write_spell_prefcond(FILE *fd, garray_T *gap, size_t *fwv);
static int read_region_section(FILE *fd, slang_T *slang, int len);
static int read_charflags_section(FILE *fd);
static int read_prefcond_section(FILE *fd, slang_T *lp);
static int read_rep_section(FILE *fd, garray_T *gap, short *first);
static int read_sal_section(FILE *fd, slang_T *slang);
static int read_words_section(FILE *fd, slang_T *lp, int len);
static int read_sofo_section(FILE *fd, slang_T *slang);
static int read_compound(FILE *fd, slang_T *slang, int len);
static int set_sofo(slang_T *lp, char_u *from, char_u *to);
static void set_sal_first(slang_T *lp);
static int *mb_str2wide(char_u *s);
static int spell_read_tree(FILE *fd, char_u **bytsp, long *bytsp_len, idx_T **idxsp, int prefixtree, int prefixcnt);
static idx_T read_tree_node(FILE *fd, char_u *byts, idx_T *idxs, int maxidx, idx_T startidx, int prefixtree, int maxprefcondnr);
static void set_spell_charflags(char_u *flags, int cnt, char_u *upp);
static int set_spell_chartab(char_u *fol, char_u *low, char_u *upp);
static void set_map_str(slang_T *lp, char_u *map);
static char *e_afftrailing = N_("Trailing text in %s line %d: %s");
static char *e_affname = N_("Affix name too long in %s line %d: %s");
static char *msg_compressing = N_("Compressing word tree...");
* Load one spell file and store the info into a slang_T.
* This is invoked in three ways:
* - From spell_load_cb() to load a spell file for the first time. "lang" is
* the language name, "old_lp" is NULL. Will allocate an slang_T.
* - To reload a spell file that was changed. "lang" is NULL and "old_lp"
* points to the existing slang_T.
* - Just after writing a .spl file; it's read back to produce the .sug file.
* "old_lp" is NULL and "lang" is NULL. Will allocate an slang_T.
* Returns the slang_T the spell file was loaded into. NULL for error.
slang_T *
char_u *fname,
char_u *lang,
slang_T *old_lp,
int silent) // no error if file doesn't exist
FILE *fd;
char_u *p;
int i;
int n;
int len;
slang_T *lp = NULL;
int c = 0;
int res;
int did_estack_push = FALSE;
fd = mch_fopen((char *)fname, "r");
if (fd == NULL)
if (!silent)
semsg(_(e_cant_open_file_str), fname);
else if (p_verbose > 2)
smsg((const char *)e_cant_open_file_str, fname);
goto endFAIL;
if (p_verbose > 2)
smsg(_("Reading spell file \"%s\""), fname);
if (old_lp == NULL)
lp = slang_alloc(lang);
if (lp == NULL)
goto endFAIL;
// Remember the file name, used to reload the file when it's updated.
lp->sl_fname = vim_strsave(fname);
if (lp->sl_fname == NULL)
goto endFAIL;
// Check for .add.spl (_add.spl for VMS).
lp->sl_add = strstr((char *)gettail(fname), SPL_FNAME_ADD) != NULL;
lp = old_lp;
// Set sourcing_name, so that error messages mention the file name.
estack_push(ETYPE_SPELL, fname, 0);
did_estack_push = TRUE;
* <HEADER>: <fileID>
for (i = 0; i < VIMSPELLMAGICL; ++i)
buf[i] = (c = getc(fd)) == EOF ? 0 : c; // <fileID>
goto endFAIL;
c = getc(fd); // <versionnr>
goto endFAIL;
goto endFAIL;
* <SECTIONS>: <section> ... <sectionend>
* <section>: <sectionID> <sectionflags> <sectionlen> (section contents)
for (;;)
n = getc(fd); // <sectionID> or <sectionend>
if (n == SN_END)
c = getc(fd); // <sectionflags>
len = get4c(fd); // <sectionlen>
if (len < 0)
goto truncerr;
res = 0;
switch (n)
case SN_INFO:
lp->sl_info = read_string(fd, len); // <infotext>
if (lp->sl_info == NULL)
goto endFAIL;
res = read_region_section(fd, lp, len);
res = read_charflags_section(fd);
lp->sl_midword = read_string(fd, len); // <midword>
if (lp->sl_midword == NULL)
goto endFAIL;
res = read_prefcond_section(fd, lp);
case SN_REP:
res = read_rep_section(fd, &lp->sl_rep, lp->sl_rep_first);
res = read_rep_section(fd, &lp->sl_repsal, lp->sl_repsal_first);
case SN_SAL:
res = read_sal_section(fd, lp);
case SN_SOFO:
res = read_sofo_section(fd, lp);
case SN_MAP:
p = read_string(fd, len); // <mapstr>
if (p == NULL)
goto endFAIL;
set_map_str(lp, p);
case SN_WORDS:
res = read_words_section(fd, lp, len);
lp->sl_sugtime = get8ctime(fd); // <timestamp>
lp->sl_nosplitsugs = TRUE;
lp->sl_nocompoundsugs = TRUE;
res = read_compound(fd, lp, len);
lp->sl_nobreak = TRUE;
lp->sl_syllable = read_string(fd, len); // <syllable>
if (lp->sl_syllable == NULL)
goto endFAIL;
if (init_syl_tab(lp) != OK)
goto endFAIL;
// Unsupported section. When it's required give an error
// message. When it's not required skip the contents.
goto endFAIL;
while (--len >= 0)
if (getc(fd) < 0)
goto truncerr;
if (res == SP_FORMERROR)
goto endFAIL;
if (res == SP_TRUNCERROR)
goto endFAIL;
if (res == SP_OTHERERROR)
goto endFAIL;
res = spell_read_tree(fd, &lp->sl_fbyts, &lp->sl_fbyts_len,
&lp->sl_fidxs, FALSE, 0);
if (res != 0)
goto someerror;
res = spell_read_tree(fd, &lp->sl_kbyts, NULL, &lp->sl_kidxs, FALSE, 0);
if (res != 0)
goto someerror;
res = spell_read_tree(fd, &lp->sl_pbyts, NULL, &lp->sl_pidxs, TRUE,
if (res != 0)
goto someerror;
// For a new file link it in the list of spell files.
if (old_lp == NULL && lang != NULL)
lp->sl_next = first_lang;
first_lang = lp;
goto endOK;
if (lang != NULL)
// truncating the name signals the error to spell_load_lang()
*lang = NUL;
if (lp != NULL && old_lp == NULL)
lp = NULL;
if (fd != NULL)
if (did_estack_push)
return lp;
* Fill in the wordcount fields for a trie.
* Returns the total number of words.
static void
tree_count_words(char_u *byts, idx_T *idxs)
int depth;
idx_T arridx[MAXWLEN];
int curi[MAXWLEN];
int c;
idx_T n;
int wordcount[MAXWLEN];
arridx[0] = 0;
curi[0] = 1;
wordcount[0] = 0;
depth = 0;
while (depth >= 0 && !got_int)
if (curi[depth] > byts[arridx[depth]])
// Done all bytes at this node, go up one level.
idxs[arridx[depth]] = wordcount[depth];
if (depth > 0)
wordcount[depth - 1] += wordcount[depth];
// Do one more byte at this node.
n = arridx[depth] + curi[depth];
c = byts[n];
if (c == 0)
// End of word, count it.
// Skip over any other NUL bytes (same word with different
// flags).
while (byts[n + 1] == 0)
// Normal char, go one level deeper to count the words.
arridx[depth] = idxs[n];
curi[depth] = 1;
wordcount[depth] = 0;
* Load the .sug files for languages that have one and weren't loaded yet.
langp_T *lp;
int lpi;
slang_T *slang;
char_u *dotp;
FILE *fd;
char_u buf[MAXWLEN];
int i;
time_t timestamp;
int wcount;
int wordnr;
garray_T ga;
int c;
// Do this for all languages that support sound folding.
for (lpi = 0; lpi < curwin->w_s->b_langp.ga_len; ++lpi)
lp = LANGP_ENTRY(curwin->w_s->b_langp, lpi);
slang = lp->lp_slang;
if (slang->sl_sugtime != 0 && !slang->sl_sugloaded)
// Change ".spl" to ".sug" and open the file. When the file isn't
// found silently skip it. Do set "sl_sugloaded" so that we
// don't try again and again.
slang->sl_sugloaded = TRUE;
dotp = vim_strrchr(slang->sl_fname, '.');
if (dotp == NULL || fnamecmp(dotp, ".spl") != 0)
STRCPY(dotp, ".sug");
fd = mch_fopen((char *)slang->sl_fname, "r");
if (fd == NULL)
goto nextone;
* <SUGHEADER>: <fileID> <versionnr> <timestamp>
for (i = 0; i < VIMSUGMAGICL; ++i)
buf[i] = (c = getc(fd)) == EOF ? 0 : c; // <fileID>
goto nextone;
c = getc(fd); // <versionnr>
goto nextone;
else if (c > VIMSUGVERSION)
goto nextone;
// Check the timestamp, it must be exactly the same as the one in
// the .spl file. Otherwise the word numbers won't match.
timestamp = get8ctime(fd); // <timestamp>
if (timestamp != slang->sl_sugtime)
goto nextone;
* <SUGWORDTREE>: <wordtree>
* Read the trie with the soundfolded words.
if (spell_read_tree(fd, &slang->sl_sbyts, NULL, &slang->sl_sidxs,
FALSE, 0) != 0)
goto nextone;
* <SUGTABLE>: <sugwcount> <sugline> ...
* Read the table with word numbers. We use a file buffer for
* this, because it's so much like a file with lines. Makes it
* possible to swap the info and save on memory use.
slang->sl_sugbuf = open_spellbuf();
if (slang->sl_sugbuf == NULL)
goto someerror;
// <sugwcount>
wcount = get4c(fd);
if (wcount < 0)
goto someerror;
// Read all the wordnr lists into the buffer, one NUL terminated
// list per line.
ga_init2(&ga, 1, 100);
for (wordnr = 0; wordnr < wcount; ++wordnr)
ga.ga_len = 0;
for (;;)
c = getc(fd); // <sugline>
if (c < 0 || ga_grow(&ga, 1) == FAIL)
goto someerror;
((char_u *)ga.ga_data)[ga.ga_len++] = c;
if (c == NUL)
if (ml_append_buf(slang->sl_sugbuf, (linenr_T)wordnr,
ga.ga_data, ga.ga_len, TRUE) == FAIL)
goto someerror;
* Need to put word counts in the word tries, so that we can find
* a word by its number.
tree_count_words(slang->sl_fbyts, slang->sl_fidxs);
tree_count_words(slang->sl_sbyts, slang->sl_sidxs);
if (fd != NULL)
STRCPY(dotp, ".spl");
* Read a length field from "fd" in "cnt_bytes" bytes.
* Allocate memory, read the string into it and add a NUL at the end.
* Returns NULL when the count is zero.
* Sets "*cntp" to SP_*ERROR when there is an error, length of the result
* otherwise.
static char_u *
read_cnt_string(FILE *fd, int cnt_bytes, int *cntp)
int cnt = 0;
int i;
char_u *str;
// read the length bytes, MSB first
for (i = 0; i < cnt_bytes; ++i)
int c = getc(fd);
if (c == EOF)
return NULL;
cnt = (cnt << 8) + (unsigned)c;
*cntp = cnt;
if (cnt == 0)
return NULL; // nothing to read, return NULL
str = read_string(fd, cnt);
if (str == NULL)
return str;
* Read SN_REGION: <regionname> ...
* Return SP_*ERROR flags.
static int
read_region_section(FILE *fd, slang_T *lp, int len)
int i;
int c = 0;
if (len > MAXREGIONS * 2)
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)
lp->sl_regions[i] = (c = getc(fd)) == EOF ? 0 : c; // <regionname>
lp->sl_regions[len] = NUL;
return c == EOF ? SP_TRUNCERROR : 0;
* Read SN_CHARFLAGS section: <charflagslen> <charflags>
* <folcharslen> <folchars>
* Return SP_*ERROR flags.
static int
read_charflags_section(FILE *fd)
char_u *flags;
char_u *fol;
int flagslen, follen;
// <charflagslen> <charflags>
flags = read_cnt_string(fd, 1, &flagslen);
if (flagslen < 0)
return flagslen;
// <folcharslen> <folchars>
fol = read_cnt_string(fd, 2, &follen);
if (follen < 0)
return follen;
// Set the word-char flags and fill SPELL_ISUPPER() table.
if (flags != NULL && fol != NULL)
set_spell_charflags(flags, flagslen, fol);
// When <charflagslen> is zero then <fcharlen> must also be zero.
if ((flags == NULL) != (fol == NULL))
return 0;
* Read SN_PREFCOND section.
* Return SP_*ERROR flags.
static int
read_prefcond_section(FILE *fd, slang_T *lp)
int cnt;
int i;
int n;
int c;
char_u *p;
char_u buf[MAXWLEN + 1];
// <prefcondcnt> <prefcond> ...
cnt = get2c(fd); // <prefcondcnt>
if (cnt <= 0)
lp->sl_prefprog = ALLOC_CLEAR_MULT(regprog_T *, cnt);
if (lp->sl_prefprog == NULL)
lp->sl_prefixcnt = cnt;
for (i = 0; i < cnt; ++i)
// <prefcond> : <condlen> <condstr>
n = getc(fd); // <condlen>
if (n < 0 || n >= MAXWLEN)
// When <condlen> is zero we have an empty condition. Otherwise
// compile the regexp program used to check for the condition.
if (n > 0)
buf[0] = '^'; // always match at one position only
p = buf + 1;
while (n-- > 0)
*p++ = (c = getc(fd)) == EOF ? 0 : c; // <condstr>
if (c == EOF)
*p = NUL;
lp->sl_prefprog[i] = vim_regcomp(buf, RE_MAGIC + RE_STRING);
return 0;
* Read REP or REPSAL items section from "fd": <repcount> <rep> ...
* Return SP_*ERROR flags.
static int
read_rep_section(FILE *fd, garray_T *gap, short *first)
int cnt;
fromto_T *ftp;
int i;
cnt = get2c(fd); // <repcount>
if (cnt < 0)
if (ga_grow(gap, cnt) == FAIL)
// <rep> : <repfromlen> <repfrom> <reptolen> <repto>
for (; gap->ga_len < cnt; ++gap->ga_len)
ftp = &((fromto_T *)gap->ga_data)[gap->ga_len];
ftp->ft_from = read_cnt_string(fd, 1, &i);
if (i < 0)
return i;
if (i == 0)
ftp->ft_to = read_cnt_string(fd, 1, &i);
if (i <= 0)
if (i < 0)
return i;
// Fill the first-index table.
for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i)
first[i] = -1;
for (i = 0; i < gap->ga_len; ++i)
ftp = &((fromto_T *)gap->ga_data)[i];
if (first[*ftp->ft_from] == -1)
first[*ftp->ft_from] = i;
return 0;
* Read SN_SAL section: <salflags> <salcount> <sal> ...
* Return SP_*ERROR flags.
static int
read_sal_section(FILE *fd, slang_T *slang)
int i;
int cnt;
garray_T *gap;
salitem_T *smp;
int ccnt;
char_u *p;
slang->sl_sofo = FALSE;
i = getc(fd); // <salflags>
if (i & SAL_F0LLOWUP)
slang->sl_followup = TRUE;
slang->sl_collapse = TRUE;
slang->sl_rem_accents = TRUE;
cnt = get2c(fd); // <salcount>
if (cnt < 0)
gap = &slang->sl_sal;
ga_init2(gap, sizeof(salitem_T), 10);
if (ga_grow(gap, cnt + 1) == FAIL)
// <sal> : <salfromlen> <salfrom> <saltolen> <salto>
for (; gap->ga_len < cnt; ++gap->ga_len)
int c = NUL;
smp = &((salitem_T *)gap->ga_data)[gap->ga_len];
ccnt = getc(fd); // <salfromlen>
if (ccnt < 0)
if ((p = alloc(ccnt + 2)) == NULL)
smp->sm_lead = p;
// Read up to the first special char into sm_lead.
for (i = 0; i < ccnt; ++i)
c = getc(fd); // <salfrom>
if (vim_strchr((char_u *)"0123456789(-<^$", c) != NULL)
*p++ = c;
smp->sm_leadlen = (int)(p - smp->sm_lead);
*p++ = NUL;
// Put (abc) chars in sm_oneof, if any.
if (c == '(')
smp->sm_oneof = p;
for (++i; i < ccnt; ++i)
c = getc(fd); // <salfrom>
if (c == ')')
*p++ = c;
*p++ = NUL;
if (++i < ccnt)
c = getc(fd);
smp->sm_oneof = NULL;
// Any following chars go in sm_rules.
smp->sm_rules = p;
if (i < ccnt)
// store the char we got while checking for end of sm_lead
*p++ = c;
for (++i; i < ccnt; ++i)
*p++ = (c = getc(fd)) == EOF ? 0 : c; // <salfrom>
*p++ = NUL;
// <saltolen> <salto>
smp->sm_to = read_cnt_string(fd, 1, &ccnt);
if (ccnt < 0)
return ccnt;
if (has_mbyte)
// convert the multi-byte strings to wide char strings
smp->sm_lead_w = mb_str2wide(smp->sm_lead);
smp->sm_leadlen = mb_charlen(smp->sm_lead);
if (smp->sm_oneof == NULL)
smp->sm_oneof_w = NULL;
smp->sm_oneof_w = mb_str2wide(smp->sm_oneof);
if (smp->sm_to == NULL)
smp->sm_to_w = NULL;
smp->sm_to_w = mb_str2wide(smp->sm_to);
if (smp->sm_lead_w == NULL
|| (smp->sm_oneof_w == NULL && smp->sm_oneof != NULL)
|| (smp->sm_to_w == NULL && smp->sm_to != NULL))
if (gap->ga_len > 0)
// Add one extra entry to mark the end with an empty sm_lead. Avoids
// that we need to check the index every time.
smp = &((salitem_T *)gap->ga_data)[gap->ga_len];
if ((p = alloc(1)) == NULL)
p[0] = NUL;
smp->sm_lead = p;
smp->sm_leadlen = 0;
smp->sm_oneof = NULL;
smp->sm_rules = p;
smp->sm_to = NULL;
if (has_mbyte)
smp->sm_lead_w = mb_str2wide(smp->sm_lead);
smp->sm_leadlen = 0;
smp->sm_oneof_w = NULL;
smp->sm_to_w = NULL;
// Fill the first-index table.
return 0;
* Read SN_WORDS: <word> ...
* Return SP_*ERROR flags.
static int
read_words_section(FILE *fd, slang_T *lp, int len)
int done = 0;
int i;
int c;
char_u word[MAXWLEN];
while (done < len)
// Read one word at a time.
for (i = 0; ; ++i)
c = getc(fd);
if (c == EOF)
word[i] = c;
if (word[i] == NUL)
if (i == MAXWLEN - 1)
// Init the count to 10.
count_common_word(lp, word, -1, 10);
done += i + 1;
return 0;
* SN_SOFO: <sofofromlen> <sofofrom> <sofotolen> <sofoto>
* Return SP_*ERROR flags.
static int
read_sofo_section(FILE *fd, slang_T *slang)
int cnt;
char_u *from, *to;
int res;
slang->sl_sofo = TRUE;
// <sofofromlen> <sofofrom>
from = read_cnt_string(fd, 2, &cnt);
if (cnt < 0)
return cnt;
// <sofotolen> <sofoto>
to = read_cnt_string(fd, 2, &cnt);
if (cnt < 0)
return cnt;
// Store the info in slang->sl_sal and/or slang->sl_sal_first.
if (from != NULL && to != NULL)
res = set_sofo(slang, from, to);
else if (from != NULL || to != NULL)
res = SP_FORMERROR; // only one of two strings is an error
res = 0;
return res;
* Read the compound section from the .spl file:
* <compmax> <compminlen> <compsylmax> <compoptions> <compflags>
* Returns SP_*ERROR flags.
static int
read_compound(FILE *fd, slang_T *slang, int len)
int todo = len;
int c;
int atstart;
char_u *pat;
char_u *pp;
char_u *cp;
char_u *ap;
char_u *crp;
int cnt;
garray_T *gap;
if (todo < 2)
return SP_FORMERROR; // need at least two bytes
c = getc(fd); // <compmax>
if (c < 2)
slang->sl_compmax = c;
c = getc(fd); // <compminlen>
if (c < 1)
c = 0;
slang->sl_compminlen = c;
c = getc(fd); // <compsylmax>
if (c < 1)
slang->sl_compsylmax = c;
c = getc(fd); // <compoptions>
if (c != 0)
ungetc(c, fd); // be backwards compatible with Vim 7.0b
c = getc(fd); // only use the lower byte for now
slang->sl_compoptions = c;
gap = &slang->sl_comppat;
c = get2c(fd); // <comppatcount>
if (c < 0)
todo -= 2;
ga_init2(gap, sizeof(char_u *), c);
if (ga_grow(gap, c) == OK)
while (--c >= 0)
((char_u **)(gap->ga_data))[gap->ga_len++] =
read_cnt_string(fd, 1, &cnt);
// <comppatlen> <comppattext>
if (cnt < 0)
return cnt;
todo -= cnt + 1;
if (todo < 0)
// Turn the COMPOUNDRULE items into a regexp pattern:
// "a[bc]/a*b+" -> "^\(a[bc]\|a*b\+\)$".
// Inserting backslashes may double the length, "^\(\)$<Nul>" is 7 bytes.
// Conversion to utf-8 may double the size.
c = todo * 2 + 7;
if (enc_utf8)
c += todo * 2;
pat = alloc(c);
if (pat == NULL)
// We also need a list of all flags that can appear at the start and one
// for all flags.
cp = alloc(todo + 1);
if (cp == NULL)
slang->sl_compstartflags = cp;
*cp = NUL;
ap = alloc(todo + 1);
if (ap == NULL)
slang->sl_compallflags = ap;
*ap = NUL;
// And a list of all patterns in their original form, for checking whether
// compounding may work in match_compoundrule(). This is freed when we
// encounter a wildcard, the check doesn't work then.
crp = alloc(todo + 1);
slang->sl_comprules = crp;
pp = pat;
*pp++ = '^';
*pp++ = '\\';
*pp++ = '(';
atstart = 1;
while (todo-- > 0)
c = getc(fd); // <compflags>
if (c == EOF)
// Add all flags to "sl_compallflags".
if (vim_strchr((char_u *)"?*+[]/", c) == NULL
&& !byte_in_str(slang->sl_compallflags, c))
*ap++ = c;
*ap = NUL;
if (atstart != 0)
// At start of item: copy flags to "sl_compstartflags". For a
// [abc] item set "atstart" to 2 and copy up to the ']'.
if (c == '[')
atstart = 2;
else if (c == ']')
atstart = 0;
if (!byte_in_str(slang->sl_compstartflags, c))
*cp++ = c;
*cp = NUL;
if (atstart == 1)
atstart = 0;
// Copy flag to "sl_comprules", unless we run into a wildcard.
if (crp != NULL)
if (c == '?' || c == '+' || c == '*')
crp = NULL;
*crp++ = c;
if (c == '/') // slash separates two items
*pp++ = '\\';
*pp++ = '|';
atstart = 1;
else // normal char, "[abc]" and '*' are copied as-is
if (c == '?' || c == '+' || c == '~')
*pp++ = '\\'; // "a?" becomes "a\?", "a+" becomes "a\+"
if (enc_utf8)
pp += mb_char2bytes(c, pp);
*pp++ = c;
*pp++ = '\\';
*pp++ = ')';
*pp++ = '$';
*pp = NUL;
if (crp != NULL)
*crp = NUL;
slang->sl_compprog = vim_regcomp(pat, RE_MAGIC + RE_STRING + RE_STRICT);
if (slang->sl_compprog == NULL)
return 0;
* Set the SOFOFROM and SOFOTO items in language "lp".
* Returns SP_*ERROR flags when there is something wrong.
static int
set_sofo(slang_T *lp, char_u *from, char_u *to)
int i;
garray_T *gap;
char_u *s;
char_u *p;
int c;
int *inp;
if (has_mbyte)
// Use "sl_sal" as an array with 256 pointers to a list of wide
// characters. The index is the low byte of the character.
// The list contains from-to pairs with a terminating NUL.
// sl_sal_first[] is used for latin1 "from" characters.
gap = &lp->sl_sal;
ga_init2(gap, sizeof(int *), 1);
if (ga_grow(gap, 256) == FAIL)
vim_memset(gap->ga_data, 0, sizeof(int *) * 256);
gap->ga_len = 256;
// First count the number of items for each list. Temporarily use
// sl_sal_first[] for this.
for (p = from, s = to; *p != NUL && *s != NUL; )
c = mb_cptr2char_adv(&p);
if (c >= 256)
++lp->sl_sal_first[c & 0xff];
if (*p != NUL || *s != NUL) // lengths differ
// Allocate the lists.
for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i)
if (lp->sl_sal_first[i] > 0)
p = alloc(sizeof(int) * (lp->sl_sal_first[i] * 2 + 1));
if (p == NULL)
((int **)gap->ga_data)[i] = (int *)p;
*(int *)p = 0;
// Put the characters up to 255 in sl_sal_first[] the rest in a sl_sal
// list.
vim_memset(lp->sl_sal_first, 0, sizeof(salfirst_T) * 256);
for (p = from, s = to; *p != NUL && *s != NUL; )
c = mb_cptr2char_adv(&p);
i = mb_cptr2char_adv(&s);
if (c >= 256)
// Append the from-to chars at the end of the list with
// the low byte.
inp = ((int **)gap->ga_data)[c & 0xff];
while (*inp != 0)
*inp++ = c; // from char
*inp++ = i; // to char
*inp++ = NUL; // NUL at the end
// mapping byte to char is done in sl_sal_first[]
lp->sl_sal_first[c] = i;
// mapping bytes to bytes is done in sl_sal_first[]
if (STRLEN(from) != STRLEN(to))
for (i = 0; to[i] != NUL; ++i)
lp->sl_sal_first[from[i]] = to[i];
lp->sl_sal.ga_len = 1; // indicates we have soundfolding
return 0;
* Fill the first-index table for "lp".
static void
set_sal_first(slang_T *lp)
salfirst_T *sfirst;
int i;
salitem_T *smp;
int c;
garray_T *gap = &lp->sl_sal;
sfirst = lp->sl_sal_first;
for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i)
sfirst[i] = -1;
smp = (salitem_T *)gap->ga_data;
for (i = 0; i < gap->ga_len; ++i)
if (has_mbyte)
// Use the lowest byte of the first character. For latin1 it's
// the character, for other encodings it should differ for most
// characters.
c = *smp[i].sm_lead_w & 0xff;
c = *smp[i].sm_lead;
if (sfirst[c] == -1)
sfirst[c] = i;
if (has_mbyte)
int n;
// Make sure all entries with this byte are following each
// other. Move the ones that are in the wrong position. Do
// keep the same ordering!
while (i + 1 < gap->ga_len
&& (*smp[i + 1].sm_lead_w & 0xff) == c)
// Skip over entry with same index byte.
for (n = 1; i + n < gap->ga_len; ++n)
if ((*smp[i + n].sm_lead_w & 0xff) == c)
salitem_T tsal;
// Move entry with same index byte after the entries
// we already found.
tsal = smp[i + n];
mch_memmove(smp + i + 1, smp + i,
sizeof(salitem_T) * n);
smp[i] = tsal;
* Turn a multi-byte string into a wide character string.
* Return it in allocated memory (NULL for out-of-memory)
static int *
mb_str2wide(char_u *s)
int *res;
char_u *p;
int i = 0;
res = ALLOC_MULT(int, mb_charlen(s) + 1);
if (res == NULL)
return NULL;
for (p = s; *p != NUL; )
res[i++] = mb_ptr2char_adv(&p);
res[i] = NUL;
return res;
* Read a tree from the .spl or .sug file.
* Allocates the memory and stores pointers in "bytsp" and "idxsp".
* This is skipped when the tree has zero length.
* Returns zero when OK, SP_ value for an error.
static int
FILE *fd,
char_u **bytsp,
long *bytsp_len,
idx_T **idxsp,
int prefixtree, // TRUE for the prefix tree
int prefixcnt) // when "prefixtree" is TRUE: prefix count
long len;
int idx;
char_u *bp;
idx_T *ip;
// The tree size was computed when writing the file, so that we can
// allocate it as one long block. <nodecount>
len = get4c(fd);
if (len < 0)
if (len >= LONG_MAX / (long)sizeof(int))
// Invalid length, multiply with sizeof(int) would overflow.
if (len <= 0)
return 0;
// Allocate the byte array.
bp = alloc(len);
if (bp == NULL)
*bytsp = bp;
if (bytsp_len != NULL)
*bytsp_len = len;
// Allocate the index array.
ip = lalloc_clear(len * sizeof(int), TRUE);
if (ip == NULL)
*idxsp = ip;
// Recursively read the tree and store it in the array.
idx = read_tree_node(fd, bp, ip, len, 0, prefixtree, prefixcnt);
if (idx < 0)
return idx;
return 0;
* Read one row of siblings from the spell file and store it in the byte array
* "byts" and index array "idxs". Recursively read the children.
* NOTE: The code here must match put_node()!
* Returns the index (>= 0) following the siblings.
* Returns SP_TRUNCERROR if the file is shorter than expected.
* Returns SP_FORMERROR if there is a format error.
static idx_T
FILE *fd,
char_u *byts,
idx_T *idxs,
int maxidx, // size of arrays
idx_T startidx, // current index in "byts" and "idxs"
int prefixtree, // TRUE for reading PREFIXTREE
int maxprefcondnr) // maximum for <prefcondnr>
int len;
int i;
int n;
idx_T idx = startidx;
int c;
int c2;
#define SHARED_MASK 0x8000000
len = getc(fd); // <siblingcount>
if (len <= 0)
if (startidx + len >= maxidx)
byts[idx++] = len;
// Read the byte values, flag/region bytes and shared indexes.
for (i = 1; i <= len; ++i)
c = getc(fd); // <byte>
if (c < 0)
if (c <= BY_SPECIAL)
if (c == BY_NOFLAGS && !prefixtree)
// No flags, all regions.
idxs[idx] = 0;
c = 0;
else if (c != BY_INDEX)
if (prefixtree)
// Read the optional pflags byte, the prefix ID and the
// condition nr. In idxs[] store the prefix ID in the low
// byte, the condition index shifted up 8 bits, the flags
// shifted up 24 bits.
if (c == BY_FLAGS)
c = getc(fd) << 24; // <pflags>
c = 0;
c |= getc(fd); // <affixID>
n = get2c(fd); // <prefcondnr>
if (n >= maxprefcondnr)
c |= (n << 8);
else // c must be BY_FLAGS or BY_FLAGS2
// Read flags and optional region and prefix ID. In
// idxs[] the flags go in the low two bytes, region above
// that and prefix ID above the region.
c2 = c;
c = getc(fd); // <flags>
if (c2 == BY_FLAGS2)
c = (getc(fd) << 8) + c; // <flags2>
if (c & WF_REGION)
c = (getc(fd) << 16) + c; // <region>
if (c & WF_AFX)
c = (getc(fd) << 24) + c; // <affixID>
idxs[idx] = c;
c = 0;
else // c == BY_INDEX
// <nodeidx>
n = get3c(fd);
if (n < 0 || n >= maxidx)
idxs[idx] = n + SHARED_MASK;
c = getc(fd); // <xbyte>
byts[idx++] = c;
// Recursively read the children for non-shared siblings.
// Skip the end-of-word ones (zero byte value) and the shared ones (and
// remove SHARED_MASK)
for (i = 1; i <= len; ++i)
if (byts[startidx + i] != 0)
if (idxs[startidx + i] & SHARED_MASK)
idxs[startidx + i] &= ~SHARED_MASK;
idxs[startidx + i] = idx;
idx = read_tree_node(fd, byts, idxs, maxidx, idx,
prefixtree, maxprefcondnr);
if (idx < 0)
return idx;
* Reload the spell file "fname" if it's loaded.
static void
char_u *fname,
int added_word) // invoked through "zg"
slang_T *slang;
int didit = FALSE;
if (fullpathcmp(fname, slang->sl_fname, FALSE, TRUE) == FPC_SAME)
if (spell_load_file(fname, NULL, slang, FALSE) == NULL)
// reloading failed, clear the language
didit = TRUE;
// When "zg" was used and the file wasn't loaded yet, should redo
// 'spelllang' to load it now.
if (added_word && !didit)
* Functions for ":mkspell".
#define MAXLINELEN 500 // Maximum length in bytes of a line in a .aff
// and .dic file.
* Main structure to store the contents of a ".aff" file.
typedef struct afffile_S
char_u *af_enc; // "SET", normalized, alloc'ed string or NULL
int af_flagtype; // AFT_CHAR, AFT_LONG, AFT_NUM or AFT_CAPLONG
unsigned af_rare; // RARE ID for rare word
unsigned af_keepcase; // KEEPCASE ID for keep-case word
unsigned af_bad; // BAD ID for banned word
unsigned af_needaffix; // NEEDAFFIX ID
unsigned af_circumfix; // CIRCUMFIX ID
unsigned af_needcomp; // NEEDCOMPOUND ID
unsigned af_comproot; // COMPOUNDROOT ID
unsigned af_compforbid; // COMPOUNDFORBIDFLAG ID
unsigned af_comppermit; // COMPOUNDPERMITFLAG ID
unsigned af_nosuggest; // NOSUGGEST ID
int af_pfxpostpone; // postpone prefixes without chop string and
// without flags
int af_ignoreextra; // IGNOREEXTRA present
hashtab_T af_pref; // hashtable for prefixes, affheader_T
hashtab_T af_suff; // hashtable for suffixes, affheader_T
hashtab_T af_comp; // hashtable for compound flags, compitem_T
} afffile_T;
#define AFT_CHAR 0 // flags are one character
#define AFT_LONG 1 // flags are two characters
#define AFT_CAPLONG 2 // flags are one or two characters
#define AFT_NUM 3 // flags are numbers, comma separated
typedef struct affentry_S affentry_T;
// Affix entry from ".aff" file. Used for prefixes and suffixes.
struct affentry_S
affentry_T *ae_next; // next affix with same name/number
char_u *ae_chop; // text to chop off basic word (can be NULL)
char_u *ae_add; // text to add to basic word (can be NULL)
char_u *ae_flags; // flags on the affix (can be NULL)
char_u *ae_cond; // condition (NULL for ".")
regprog_T *ae_prog; // regexp program for ae_cond or NULL
char ae_compforbid; // COMPOUNDFORBIDFLAG found
char ae_comppermit; // COMPOUNDPERMITFLAG found
#define AH_KEY_LEN 17 // 2 x 8 bytes + NUL
// Affix header from ".aff" file. Used for af_pref and af_suff.
typedef struct affheader_S
char_u ah_key[AH_KEY_LEN]; // key for hashtab == name of affix
unsigned ah_flag; // affix name as number, uses "af_flagtype"
int ah_newID; // prefix ID after renumbering; 0 if not used
int ah_combine; // suffix may combine with prefix
int ah_follows; // another affix block should be following
affentry_T *ah_first; // first affix entry
} affheader_T;
#define HI2AH(hi) ((affheader_T *)(hi)->hi_key)
// Flag used in compound items.
typedef struct compitem_S
char_u ci_key[AH_KEY_LEN]; // key for hashtab == name of compound
unsigned ci_flag; // affix name as number, uses "af_flagtype"
int ci_newID; // affix ID after renumbering.
} compitem_T;
#define HI2CI(hi) ((compitem_T *)(hi)->hi_key)
* Structure that is used to store the items in the word tree. This avoids
* the need to keep track of each allocated thing, everything is freed all at
* once after ":mkspell" is done.
* Note: "sb_next" must be just before "sb_data" to make sure the alignment of
* "sb_data" is correct for systems where pointers must be aligned on
* pointer-size boundaries and sizeof(pointer) > sizeof(int) (e.g., Sparc).
#define SBLOCKSIZE 16000 // size of sb_data
typedef struct sblock_S sblock_T;
struct sblock_S
int sb_used; // nr of bytes already in use
sblock_T *sb_next; // next block in list
char_u sb_data[1]; // data, actually longer
* A node in the tree.
typedef struct wordnode_S wordnode_T;
struct wordnode_S
union // shared to save space
char_u hashkey[6]; // the hash key, only used while compressing
int index; // index in written nodes (valid after first
// round)
} wn_u1;
union // shared to save space
wordnode_T *next; // next node with same hash key
wordnode_T *wnode; // parent node that will write this node
} wn_u2;
wordnode_T *wn_child; // child (next byte in word)
wordnode_T *wn_sibling; // next sibling (alternate byte in word,
// always sorted)
int wn_refs; // Nr. of references to this node. Only
// relevant for first node in a list of
// siblings, in following siblings it is
// always one.
char_u wn_byte; // Byte for this node. NUL for word end
// Info for when "wn_byte" is NUL.
// In PREFIXTREE "wn_region" is used for the prefcondnr.
// In the soundfolded word tree "wn_flags" has the MSW of the wordnr and
// "wn_region" the LSW of the wordnr.
char_u wn_affixID; // supported/required prefix ID or 0
short_u wn_flags; // WF_ flags
short wn_region; // region mask
int wn_nr; // sequence nr for printing
#define WN_MASK 0xffff // mask relevant bits of "wn_flags"
#define HI2WN(hi) (wordnode_T *)((hi)->hi_key)
* Info used while reading the spell files.
typedef struct spellinfo_S
wordnode_T *si_foldroot; // tree with case-folded words
long si_foldwcount; // nr of words in si_foldroot
wordnode_T *si_keeproot; // tree with keep-case words
long si_keepwcount; // nr of words in si_keeproot
wordnode_T *si_prefroot; // tree with postponed prefixes
long si_sugtree; // creating the soundfolding trie
sblock_T *si_blocks; // memory blocks used
long si_blocks_cnt; // memory blocks allocated
int si_did_emsg; // TRUE when ran out of memory
long si_compress_cnt; // words to add before lowering
// compression limit
wordnode_T *si_first_free; // List of nodes that have been freed during
// compression, linked by "wn_child" field.
long si_free_count; // number of nodes in si_first_free
int si_wordnode_nr; // sequence nr for nodes
buf_T *si_spellbuf; // buffer used to store soundfold word table
int si_ascii; // handling only ASCII words
int si_add; // addition file
int si_clear_chartab; // when TRUE clear char tables
int si_region; // region mask
vimconv_T si_conv; // for conversion to 'encoding'
int si_memtot; // runtime memory used
int si_verbose; // verbose messages
int si_msg_count; // number of words added since last message
char_u *si_info; // info text chars or NULL
int si_region_count; // number of regions supported (1 when there
// are no regions)
char_u si_region_name[MAXREGIONS * 2 + 1];
// region names; used only if
// si_region_count > 1)
garray_T si_rep; // list of fromto_T entries from REP lines
garray_T si_repsal; // list of fromto_T entries from REPSAL lines
garray_T si_sal; // list of fromto_T entries from SAL lines
char_u *si_sofofr; // SOFOFROM text
char_u *si_sofoto; // SOFOTO text
int si_nosugfile; // NOSUGFILE item found
int si_nosplitsugs; // NOSPLITSUGS item found
int si_nocompoundsugs; // NOCOMPOUNDSUGS item found
int si_followup; // soundsalike: ?
int si_collapse; // soundsalike: ?
hashtab_T si_commonwords; // hashtable for common words
time_t si_sugtime; // timestamp for .sug file
int si_rem_accents; // soundsalike: remove accents
garray_T si_map; // MAP info concatenated
char_u *si_midword; // MIDWORD chars or NULL
int si_compmax; // max nr of words for compounding
int si_compminlen; // minimal length for compounding
int si_compsylmax; // max nr of syllables for compounding
int si_compoptions; // COMP_ flags
garray_T si_comppat; // CHECKCOMPOUNDPATTERN items, each stored as
// a string
char_u *si_compflags; // flags used for compounding
char_u si_nobreak; // NOBREAK
char_u *si_syllable; // syllable string
garray_T si_prefcond; // table with conditions for postponed
// prefixes, each stored as a string
int si_newprefID; // current value for ah_newID
int si_newcompID; // current value for compound ID
} spellinfo_T;
static int is_aff_rule(char_u **items, int itemcnt, char *rulename, int mincount);
static void aff_process_flags(afffile_T *affile, affentry_T *entry);
static int spell_info_item(char_u *s);
static unsigned affitem2flag(int flagtype, char_u *item, char_u *fname, int lnum);
static unsigned get_affitem(int flagtype, char_u **pp);
static void process_compflags(spellinfo_T *spin, afffile_T *aff, char_u *compflags);
static void check_renumber(spellinfo_T *spin);
static void aff_check_number(int spinval, int affval, char *name);
static void aff_check_string(char_u *spinval, char_u *affval, char *name);
static int str_equal(char_u *s1, char_u *s2);
static void add_fromto(spellinfo_T *spin, garray_T *gap, char_u *from, char_u *to);
static int sal_to_bool(char_u *s);
static int get_affix_flags(afffile_T *affile, char_u *afflist);
static int get_pfxlist(afffile_T *affile, char_u *afflist, char_u *store_afflist);
static void get_compflags(afffile_T *affile, char_u *afflist, char_u *store_afflist);
static int store_aff_word(spellinfo_T *spin, char_u *word, char_u *afflist, afffile_T *affile, hashtab_T *ht, hashtab_T *xht, int condit, int flags, char_u *pfxlist, int pfxlen);
static void *getroom(spellinfo_T *spin, size_t len, int align);
static char_u *getroom_save(spellinfo_T *spin, char_u *s);
static int store_word(spellinfo_T *spin, char_u *word, int flags, int region, char_u *pfxlist, int need_affix);
static int tree_add_word(spellinfo_T *spin, char_u *word, wordnode_T *tree, int flags, int region, int affixID);
static wordnode_T *get_wordnode(spellinfo_T *spin);
static void free_wordnode(spellinfo_T *spin, wordnode_T *n);
static void wordtree_compress(spellinfo_T *spin, wordnode_T *root, char *name);
static long node_compress(spellinfo_T *spin, wordnode_T *node, hashtab_T *ht, long *tot);
static int node_equal(wordnode_T *n1, wordnode_T *n2);
static void clear_node(wordnode_T *node);
static int put_node(FILE *fd, wordnode_T *node, int idx, int regionmask, int prefixtree);
static int sug_filltree(spellinfo_T *spin, slang_T *slang);
static int sug_maketable(spellinfo_T *spin);
static int sug_filltable(spellinfo_T *spin, wordnode_T *node, int startwordnr, garray_T *gap);
static int offset2bytes(int nr, char_u *buf);
static void sug_write(spellinfo_T *spin, char_u *fname);
static void spell_message(spellinfo_T *spin, char_u *str);
static void init_spellfile(void);
// In the postponed prefixes tree wn_flags is used to store the WFP_ flags,
// but it must be negative to indicate the prefix tree to tree_add_word().
// Use a negative number with the lower 8 bits zero.
#define PFX_FLAGS (-256)
// flags for "condit" argument of store_aff_word()
#define CONDIT_COMB 1 // affix must combine
#define CONDIT_CFIX 2 // affix must have CIRCUMFIX flag
#define CONDIT_SUF 4 // add a suffix for matching flags
#define CONDIT_AFF 8 // word already has an affix
* Tunable parameters for when the tree is compressed. Filled from the
* 'mkspellmem' option.
static long compress_start = 30000; // memory / SBLOCKSIZE
static long compress_inc = 100; // memory / SBLOCKSIZE
static long compress_added = 500000; // word count
* Check the 'mkspellmem' option. Return FAIL if it's wrong.
* Sets "sps_flags".
char_u *p = p_msm;
long start = 0;
long incr = 0;
long added = 0;
if (!VIM_ISDIGIT(*p))
return FAIL;
// block count = (value * 1024) / SBLOCKSIZE (but avoid overflow)
start = (getdigits(&p) * 10) / (SBLOCKSIZE / 102);
if (*p != ',')
return FAIL;
if (!VIM_ISDIGIT(*p))
return FAIL;
incr = (getdigits(&p) * 102) / (SBLOCKSIZE / 10);
if (*p != ',')
return FAIL;
if (!VIM_ISDIGIT(*p))
return FAIL;
added = getdigits(&p) * 1024;
if (*p != NUL)
return FAIL;
if (start == 0 || incr == 0 || added == 0 || incr > start)
return FAIL;
compress_start = start;
compress_inc = incr;
compress_added = added;
return OK;
* For debugging the tree code: print the current tree in a (more or less)
* readable format, so that we can see what happens when adding a word and/or
* compressing the tree.
* Based on code from Olaf Seibert.
#define PRINTLINESIZE 1000
#define PRINTWIDTH 6
#define PRINTSOME(l, depth, fmt, a1, a2) vim_snprintf(l + depth * PRINTWIDTH, \
PRINTLINESIZE - PRINTWIDTH * depth, fmt, a1, a2)
static char line1[PRINTLINESIZE];
static char line2[PRINTLINESIZE];
static char line3[PRINTLINESIZE];
static void
spell_clear_flags(wordnode_T *node)
wordnode_T *np;
np->wn_u1.index = FALSE;
static void
spell_print_node(wordnode_T *node, int depth)
if (node->wn_u1.index)
// Done this node before, print the reference.
PRINTSOME(line1, depth, "(%d)", node->wn_nr, 0);
PRINTSOME(line2, depth, " ", 0, 0);
PRINTSOME(line3, depth, " ", 0, 0);
node->wn_u1.index = TRUE;
if (node->wn_byte != NUL)
if (node->wn_child != NULL)
PRINTSOME(line1, depth, " %c -> ", node->wn_byte, 0);
// Cannot happen?
PRINTSOME(line1, depth, " %c ???", node->wn_byte, 0);
PRINTSOME(line1, depth, " $ ", 0, 0);
PRINTSOME(line2, depth, "%d/%d ", node->wn_nr, node->wn_refs);
if (node->wn_sibling != NULL)
PRINTSOME(line3, depth, " | ", 0, 0);
PRINTSOME(line3, depth, " ", 0, 0);
if (node->wn_byte == NUL)
// do the children
if (node->wn_byte != NUL && node->wn_child != NULL)
spell_print_node(node->wn_child, depth + 1);
// do the siblings
if (node->wn_sibling != NULL)
// get rid of all parent details except |
STRCPY(line1, line3);
STRCPY(line2, line3);
spell_print_node(node->wn_sibling, depth);
static void
spell_print_tree(wordnode_T *root)
if (root == NULL)
// Clear the "wn_u1.index" fields, used to remember what has been done.
// Recursively print the tree.
spell_print_node(root, 0);
* Read the affix file "fname".
* Returns an afffile_T, NULL for complete failure.
static afffile_T *
spell_read_aff(spellinfo_T *spin, char_u *fname)
FILE *fd;
afffile_T *aff;
char_u rline[MAXLINELEN];
char_u *line;
char_u *pc = NULL;
#define MAXITEMCNT 30
char_u *(items[MAXITEMCNT]);
int itemcnt;
char_u *p;
int lnum = 0;
affheader_T *cur_aff = NULL;
int did_postpone_prefix = FALSE;
int aff_todo = 0;
hashtab_T *tp;
char_u *low = NULL;
char_u *fol = NULL;
char_u *upp = NULL;
int do_rep;
int do_repsal;
int do_sal;
int do_mapline;
int found_map = FALSE;
hashitem_T *hi;
int l;
int compminlen = 0; // COMPOUNDMIN value
int compsylmax = 0; // COMPOUNDSYLMAX value
int compoptions = 0; // COMP_ flags
int compmax = 0; // COMPOUNDWORDMAX value
char_u *compflags = NULL; // COMPOUNDFLAG and COMPOUNDRULE
// concatenated
char_u *midword = NULL; // MIDWORD value
char_u *syllable = NULL; // SYLLABLE value
char_u *sofofrom = NULL; // SOFOFROM value
char_u *sofoto = NULL; // SOFOTO value
* Open the file.
fd = mch_fopen((char *)fname, "r");
if (fd == NULL)
semsg(_(e_cant_open_file_str), fname);
return NULL;
vim_snprintf((char *)IObuff, IOSIZE, _("Reading affix file %s..."), fname);
spell_message(spin, IObuff);
// Only do REP lines when not done in another .aff file already.
do_rep = spin->si_rep.ga_len == 0;
// Only do REPSAL lines when not done in another .aff file already.
do_repsal = spin->si_repsal.ga_len == 0;
// Only do SAL lines when not done in another .aff file already.
do_sal = spin->si_sal.ga_len == 0;
// Only do MAP lines when not done in another .aff file already.
do_mapline = spin->si_map.ga_len == 0;
* Allocate and init the afffile_T structure.
aff = (afffile_T *)getroom(spin, sizeof(afffile_T), TRUE);
if (aff == NULL)
return NULL;
* Read all the lines in the file one by one.
while (!vim_fgets(rline, MAXLINELEN, fd) && !got_int)
// Skip comment lines.
if (*rline == '#')
// Convert from "SET" to 'encoding' when needed.
if (spin->si_conv.vc_type != CONV_NONE)
pc = string_convert(&spin->si_conv, rline, NULL);
if (pc == NULL)
smsg(_("Conversion failure for word in %s line %d: %s"),
fname, lnum, rline);
line = pc;
pc = NULL;
line = rline;
// Split the line up in white separated items. Put a NUL after each
// item.
itemcnt = 0;
for (p = line; ; )
while (*p != NUL && *p <= ' ') // skip white space and CR/NL
if (*p == NUL)
if (itemcnt == MAXITEMCNT) // too many items
items[itemcnt++] = p;
// A few items have arbitrary text argument, don't split them.
if (itemcnt == 2 && spell_info_item(items[0]))
while (*p >= ' ' || *p == TAB) // skip until CR/NL
while (*p > ' ') // skip until white space or CR/NL
if (*p == NUL)
*p++ = NUL;
// Handle non-empty lines.
if (itemcnt > 0)
if (is_aff_rule(items, itemcnt, "SET", 2) && aff->af_enc == NULL)
// Setup for conversion from "ENC" to 'encoding'.
aff->af_enc = enc_canonize(items[1]);
if (aff->af_enc != NULL && !spin->si_ascii
&& convert_setup(&spin->si_conv, aff->af_enc,
p_enc) == FAIL)
smsg(_("Conversion in %s not supported: from %s to %s"),
fname, aff->af_enc, p_enc);
spin->si_conv.vc_fail = TRUE;
else if (is_aff_rule(items, itemcnt, "FLAG", 2)
&& aff->af_flagtype == AFT_CHAR)
if (STRCMP(items[1], "long") == 0)
aff->af_flagtype = AFT_LONG;
else if (STRCMP(items[1], "num") == 0)
aff->af_flagtype = AFT_NUM;
else if (STRCMP(items[1], "caplong") == 0)
aff->af_flagtype = AFT_CAPLONG;
smsg(_("Invalid value for FLAG in %s line %d: %s"),
fname, lnum, items[1]);
if (aff->af_rare != 0
|| aff->af_keepcase != 0
|| aff->af_bad != 0
|| aff->af_needaffix != 0
|| aff->af_circumfix != 0
|| aff->af_needcomp != 0
|| aff->af_comproot != 0
|| aff->af_nosuggest != 0
|| compflags != NULL
|| aff->af_suff.ht_used > 0
|| aff->af_pref.ht_used > 0)
smsg(_("FLAG after using flags in %s line %d: %s"),
fname, lnum, items[1]);
else if (spell_info_item(items[0]))
p = (char_u *)getroom(spin,
(spin->si_info == NULL ? 0 : STRLEN(spin->si_info))
+ STRLEN(items[0])
+ STRLEN(items[1]) + 3, FALSE);
if (p != NULL)
if (spin->si_info != NULL)
STRCPY(p, spin->si_info);
STRCAT(p, "\n");
STRCAT(p, items[0]);
STRCAT(p, " ");
STRCAT(p, items[1]);
spin->si_info = p;
else if (is_aff_rule(items, itemcnt, "MIDWORD", 2)
&& midword == NULL)
midword = getroom_save(spin, items[1]);
else if (is_aff_rule(items, itemcnt, "TRY", 2))
// ignored, we look in the tree for what chars may appear
// TODO: remove "RAR" later
else if ((is_aff_rule(items, itemcnt, "RAR", 2)
|| is_aff_rule(items, itemcnt, "RARE", 2))
&& aff->af_rare == 0)
aff->af_rare = affitem2flag(aff->af_flagtype, items[1],
fname, lnum);
// TODO: remove "KEP" later
else if ((is_aff_rule(items, itemcnt, "KEP", 2)
|| is_aff_rule(items, itemcnt, "KEEPCASE", 2))
&& aff->af_keepcase == 0)
aff->af_keepcase = affitem2flag(aff->af_flagtype, items[1],
fname, lnum);
else if ((is_aff_rule(items, itemcnt, "BAD", 2)
|| is_aff_rule(items, itemcnt, "FORBIDDENWORD", 2))
&& aff->af_bad == 0)
aff->af_bad = affitem2flag(aff->af_flagtype, items[1],
fname, lnum);
else if (is_aff_rule(items, itemcnt, "NEEDAFFIX", 2)
&& aff->af_needaffix == 0)
aff->af_needaffix = affitem2flag(aff->af_flagtype, items[1],
fname, lnum);
else if (is_aff_rule(items, itemcnt, "CIRCUMFIX", 2)
&& aff->af_circumfix == 0)
aff->af_circumfix = affitem2flag(aff->af_flagtype, items[1],
fname, lnum);
else if (is_aff_rule(items, itemcnt, "NOSUGGEST", 2)
&& aff->af_nosuggest == 0)
aff->af_nosuggest = affitem2flag(aff->af_flagtype, items[1],
fname, lnum);
else if ((is_aff_rule(items, itemcnt, "NEEDCOMPOUND", 2)
|| is_aff_rule(items, itemcnt, "ONLYINCOMPOUND", 2))
&& aff->af_needcomp == 0)
aff->af_needcomp = affitem2flag(aff->af_flagtype, items[1],
fname, lnum);
else if (is_aff_rule(items, itemcnt, "COMPOUNDROOT", 2)
&& aff->af_comproot == 0)
aff->af_comproot = affitem2flag(aff->af_flagtype, items[1],
fname, lnum);
else if (is_aff_rule(items, itemcnt, "COMPOUNDFORBIDFLAG", 2)
&& aff->af_compforbid == 0)
aff->af_compforbid = affitem2flag(aff->af_flagtype, items[1],
fname, lnum);
if (aff->af_pref.ht_used > 0)
smsg(_("Defining COMPOUNDFORBIDFLAG after PFX item may give wrong results in %s line %d"),
fname, lnum);
else if (is_aff_rule(items, itemcnt, "COMPOUNDPERMITFLAG", 2)
&& aff->af_comppermit == 0)
aff->af_comppermit = affitem2flag(aff->af_flagtype, items[1],
fname, lnum);
if (aff->af_pref.ht_used > 0)
smsg(_("Defining COMPOUNDPERMITFLAG after PFX item may give wrong results in %s line %d"),
fname, lnum);
else if (is_aff_rule(items, itemcnt, "COMPOUNDFLAG", 2)
&& compflags == NULL)
// Turn flag "c" into COMPOUNDRULE compatible string "c+",
// "Na" into "Na+", "1234" into "1234+".
p = getroom(spin, STRLEN(items[1]) + 2, FALSE);
if (p != NULL)
STRCPY(p, items[1]);
STRCAT(p, "+");
compflags = p;
else if (is_aff_rule(items, itemcnt, "COMPOUNDRULES", 2))
// We don't use the count, but do check that it's a number and
// not COMPOUNDRULE mistyped.
if (atoi((char *)items[1]) == 0)
smsg(_("Wrong COMPOUNDRULES value in %s line %d: %s"),
fname, lnum, items[1]);
else if (is_aff_rule(items, itemcnt, "COMPOUNDRULE", 2))
// Don't use the first rule if it is a number.
if (compflags != NULL || *skipdigits(items[1]) != NUL)
// Concatenate this string to previously defined ones,
// using a slash to separate them.
l = (int)STRLEN(items[1]) + 1;
if (compflags != NULL)
l += (int)STRLEN(compflags) + 1;
p = getroom(spin, l, FALSE);
if (p != NULL)
if (compflags != NULL)
STRCPY(p, compflags);
STRCAT(p, "/");
STRCAT(p, items[1]);
compflags = p;
else if (is_aff_rule(items, itemcnt, "COMPOUNDWORDMAX", 2)
&& compmax == 0)
compmax = atoi((char *)items[1]);
if (compmax == 0)
smsg(_("Wrong COMPOUNDWORDMAX value in %s line %d: %s"),
fname, lnum, items[1]);
else if (is_aff_rule(items, itemcnt, "COMPOUNDMIN", 2)
&& compminlen == 0)
compminlen = atoi((char *)items[1]);
if (compminlen == 0)
smsg(_("Wrong COMPOUNDMIN value in %s line %d: %s"),
fname, lnum, items[1]);
else if (is_aff_rule(items, itemcnt, "COMPOUNDSYLMAX", 2)
&& compsylmax == 0)
compsylmax = atoi((char *)items[1]);
if (compsylmax == 0)
smsg(_("Wrong COMPOUNDSYLMAX value in %s line %d: %s"),
fname, lnum, items[1]);
else if (is_aff_rule(items, itemcnt, "CHECKCOMPOUNDDUP", 1))
compoptions |= COMP_CHECKDUP;
else if (is_aff_rule(items, itemcnt, "CHECKCOMPOUNDREP", 1))
compoptions |= COMP_CHECKREP;
else if (is_aff_rule(items, itemcnt, "CHECKCOMPOUNDCASE", 1))
compoptions |= COMP_CHECKCASE;
else if (is_aff_rule(items, itemcnt, "CHECKCOMPOUNDTRIPLE", 1))
compoptions |= COMP_CHECKTRIPLE;
else if (is_aff_rule(items, itemcnt, "CHECKCOMPOUNDPATTERN", 2))
if (atoi((char *)items[1]) == 0)
smsg(_("Wrong CHECKCOMPOUNDPATTERN value in %s line %d: %s"),
fname, lnum, items[1]);
else if (is_aff_rule(items, itemcnt, "CHECKCOMPOUNDPATTERN", 3))
garray_T *gap = &spin->si_comppat;
int i;
// Only add the couple if it isn't already there.
for (i = 0; i < gap->ga_len - 1; i += 2)
if (STRCMP(((char_u **)(gap->ga_data))[i], items[1]) == 0
&& STRCMP(((char_u **)(gap->ga_data))[i + 1],
items[2]) == 0)
if (i >= gap->ga_len && ga_grow(gap, 2) == OK)
((char_u **)(gap->ga_data))[gap->ga_len++]
= getroom_save(spin, items[1]);
((char_u **)(gap->ga_data))[gap->ga_len++]
= getroom_save(spin, items[2]);
else if (is_aff_rule(items, itemcnt, "SYLLABLE", 2)
&& syllable == NULL)
syllable = getroom_save(spin, items[1]);
else if (is_aff_rule(items, itemcnt, "NOBREAK", 1))
spin->si_nobreak = TRUE;
else if (is_aff_rule(items, itemcnt, "NOSPLITSUGS", 1))
spin->si_nosplitsugs = TRUE;
else if (is_aff_rule(items, itemcnt, "NOCOMPOUNDSUGS", 1))
spin->si_nocompoundsugs = TRUE;
else if (is_aff_rule(items, itemcnt, "NOSUGFILE", 1))
spin->si_nosugfile = TRUE;
else if (is_aff_rule(items, itemcnt, "PFXPOSTPONE", 1))
aff->af_pfxpostpone = TRUE;
else if (is_aff_rule(items, itemcnt, "IGNOREEXTRA", 1))
aff->af_ignoreextra = TRUE;
else if ((STRCMP(items[0], "PFX") == 0
|| STRCMP(items[0], "SFX") == 0)
&& aff_todo == 0
&& itemcnt >= 4)
int lasti = 4;
char_u key[AH_KEY_LEN];
if (*items[0] == 'P')
tp = &aff->af_pref;
tp = &aff->af_suff;
// Myspell allows the same affix name to be used multiple
// times. The affix files that do this have an undocumented
// "S" flag on all but the last block, thus we check for that
// and store it in ah_follows.
vim_strncpy(key, items[1], AH_KEY_LEN - 1);
hi = hash_find(tp, key);
cur_aff = HI2AH(hi);
if (cur_aff->ah_combine != (*items[2] == 'Y'))
smsg(_("Different combining flag in continued affix block in %s line %d: %s"),
fname, lnum, items[1]);
if (!cur_aff->ah_follows)
smsg(_("Duplicate affix in %s line %d: %s"),
fname, lnum, items[1]);
// New affix letter.
cur_aff = (affheader_T *)getroom(spin,
sizeof(affheader_T), TRUE);
if (cur_aff == NULL)
cur_aff->ah_flag = affitem2flag(aff->af_flagtype, items[1],
fname, lnum);
if (cur_aff->ah_flag == 0 || STRLEN(items[1]) >= AH_KEY_LEN)
if (cur_aff->ah_flag == aff->af_bad
|| cur_aff->ah_flag == aff->af_rare
|| cur_aff->ah_flag == aff->af_keepcase
|| cur_aff->ah_flag == aff->af_needaffix
|| cur_aff->ah_flag == aff->af_circumfix
|| cur_aff->ah_flag == aff->af_nosuggest
|| cur_aff->ah_flag == aff->af_needcomp
|| cur_aff->ah_flag == aff->af_comproot)
smsg(_("Affix also used for BAD/RARE/KEEPCASE/NEEDAFFIX/NEEDCOMPOUND/NOSUGGEST in %s line %d: %s"),
fname, lnum, items[1]);
STRCPY(cur_aff->ah_key, items[1]);
hash_add(tp, cur_aff->ah_key, "spelling");
cur_aff->ah_combine = (*items[2] == 'Y');
// Check for the "S" flag, which apparently means that another
// block with the same affix name is following.
if (itemcnt > lasti && STRCMP(items[lasti], "S") == 0)
cur_aff->ah_follows = TRUE;
cur_aff->ah_follows = FALSE;
// Myspell allows extra text after the item, but that might
// mean mistakes go unnoticed. Require a comment-starter.
if (itemcnt > lasti && *items[lasti] != '#')
smsg(_(e_afftrailing), fname, lnum, items[lasti]);
if (STRCMP(items[2], "Y") != 0 && STRCMP(items[2], "N") != 0)
smsg(_("Expected Y or N in %s line %d: %s"),
fname, lnum, items[2]);
if (*items[0] == 'P' && aff->af_pfxpostpone)
if (cur_aff->ah_newID == 0)
// Use a new number in the .spl file later, to be able
// to handle multiple .aff files.
cur_aff->ah_newID = ++spin->si_newprefID;
// We only really use ah_newID if the prefix is
// postponed. We know that only after handling all
// the items.
did_postpone_prefix = FALSE;
// Did use the ID in a previous block.
did_postpone_prefix = TRUE;
aff_todo = atoi((char *)items[3]);
else if ((STRCMP(items[0], "PFX") == 0
|| STRCMP(items[0], "SFX") == 0)
&& aff_todo > 0
&& STRCMP(cur_aff->ah_key, items[1]) == 0
&& itemcnt >= 5)
affentry_T *aff_entry;
int upper = FALSE;
int lasti = 5;
// Myspell allows extra text after the item, but that might
// mean mistakes go unnoticed. Require a comment-starter,
// unless IGNOREEXTRA is used. Hunspell uses a "-" item.
if (itemcnt > lasti
&& !aff->af_ignoreextra
&& *items[lasti] != '#'
&& (STRCMP(items[lasti], "-") != 0
|| itemcnt != lasti + 1))
smsg(_(e_afftrailing), fname, lnum, items[lasti]);
// New item for an affix letter.
aff_entry = (affentry_T *)getroom(spin,
sizeof(affentry_T), TRUE);
if (aff_entry == NULL)
if (STRCMP(items[2], "0") != 0)
aff_entry->ae_chop = getroom_save(spin, items[2]);
if (STRCMP(items[3], "0") != 0)
aff_entry->ae_add = getroom_save(spin, items[3]);
// Recognize flags on the affix: abcd/XYZ
aff_entry->ae_flags = vim_strchr(aff_entry->ae_add, '/');
if (aff_entry->ae_flags != NULL)
*aff_entry->ae_flags++ = NUL;
aff_process_flags(aff, aff_entry);
// Don't use an affix entry with non-ASCII characters when
// "spin->si_ascii" is TRUE.
if (!spin->si_ascii || !(has_non_ascii(aff_entry->ae_chop)
|| has_non_ascii(aff_entry->ae_add)))
aff_entry->ae_next = cur_aff->ah_first;
cur_aff->ah_first = aff_entry;
if (STRCMP(items[4], ".") != 0)
char_u buf[MAXLINELEN];
aff_entry->ae_cond = getroom_save(spin, items[4]);
if (*items[0] == 'P')
sprintf((char *)buf, "^%s", items[4]);
sprintf((char *)buf, "%s$", items[4]);
aff_entry->ae_prog = vim_regcomp(buf,
if (aff_entry->ae_prog == NULL)
smsg(_("Broken condition in %s line %d: %s"),
fname, lnum, items[4]);
// For postponed prefixes we need an entry in si_prefcond
// for the condition. Use an existing one if possible.
// Can't be done for an affix with flags, ignoring
if (*items[0] == 'P' && aff->af_pfxpostpone
&& aff_entry->ae_flags == NULL)
// When the chop string is one lower-case letter and
// the add string ends in the upper-case letter we set
// the "upper" flag, clear "ae_chop" and remove the
// letters from "ae_add". The condition must either
// be empty or start with the same letter.
if (aff_entry->ae_chop != NULL
&& aff_entry->ae_add != NULL
&& aff_entry->ae_chop[(*mb_ptr2len)(
aff_entry->ae_chop)] == NUL)
int c, c_up;
c = PTR2CHAR(aff_entry->ae_chop);
c_up = SPELL_TOUPPER(c);
if (c_up != c
&& (aff_entry->ae_cond == NULL
|| PTR2CHAR(aff_entry->ae_cond) == c))
p = aff_entry->ae_add
+ STRLEN(aff_entry->ae_add);
MB_PTR_BACK(aff_entry->ae_add, p);
if (PTR2CHAR(p) == c_up)
upper = TRUE;
aff_entry->ae_chop = NULL;
*p = NUL;
// The condition is matched with the
// actual word, thus must check for the
// upper-case letter.
if (aff_entry->ae_cond != NULL)
char_u buf[MAXLINELEN];
if (has_mbyte)
onecap_copy(items[4], buf, TRUE);
aff_entry->ae_cond = getroom_save(
spin, buf);
*aff_entry->ae_cond = c_up;
if (aff_entry->ae_cond != NULL)
sprintf((char *)buf, "^%s",
aff_entry->ae_prog = vim_regcomp(
if (aff_entry->ae_chop == NULL
&& aff_entry->ae_flags == NULL)
int idx;
char_u **pp;
int n;
// Find a previously used condition.
for (idx = spin->si_prefcond.ga_len - 1; idx >= 0;
p = ((char_u **)spin->si_prefcond.ga_data)[idx];
if (str_equal(p, aff_entry->ae_cond))
if (idx < 0 && ga_grow(&spin->si_prefcond, 1) == OK)
// Not found, add a new condition.
idx = spin->si_prefcond.ga_len++;
pp = ((char_u **)spin->si_prefcond.ga_data)
+ idx;
if (aff_entry->ae_cond == NULL)
*pp = NULL;
*pp = getroom_save(spin,
// Add the prefix to the prefix tree.
if (aff_entry->ae_add == NULL)
p = (char_u *)"";
p = aff_entry->ae_add;
// PFX_FLAGS is a negative number, so that
// tree_add_word() knows this is the prefix tree.
if (!cur_aff->ah_combine)
n |= WFP_NC;
if (upper)
n |= WFP_UP;
if (aff_entry->ae_comppermit)
if (aff_entry->ae_compforbid)
tree_add_word(spin, p, spin->si_prefroot, n,
idx, cur_aff->ah_newID);
did_postpone_prefix = TRUE;
// Didn't actually use ah_newID, backup si_newprefID.
if (aff_todo == 0 && !did_postpone_prefix)
cur_aff->ah_newID = 0;
else if (is_aff_rule(items, itemcnt, "FOL", 2) && fol == NULL)
fol = vim_strsave(items[1]);
else if (is_aff_rule(items, itemcnt, "LOW", 2) && low == NULL)
low = vim_strsave(items[1]);
else if (is_aff_rule(items, itemcnt, "UPP", 2) && upp == NULL)
upp = vim_strsave(items[1]);
else if (is_aff_rule(items, itemcnt, "REP", 2)
|| is_aff_rule(items, itemcnt, "REPSAL", 2))
// Ignore REP/REPSAL count
if (!SAFE_isdigit(*items[1]))
smsg(_("Expected REP(SAL) count in %s line %d"),
fname, lnum);
else if ((STRCMP(items[0], "REP") == 0
|| STRCMP(items[0], "REPSAL") == 0)
&& itemcnt >= 3)
// REP/REPSAL item
// Myspell ignores extra arguments, we require it starts with
// # to detect mistakes.
if (itemcnt > 3 && items[3][0] != '#')
smsg(_(e_afftrailing), fname, lnum, items[3]);
if (items[0][3] == 'S' ? do_repsal : do_rep)
// Replace underscore with space (can't include a space
// directly).
for (p = items[1]; *p != NUL; MB_PTR_ADV(p))
if (*p == '_')
*p = ' ';
for (p = items[2]; *p != NUL; MB_PTR_ADV(p))
if (*p == '_')
*p = ' ';
add_fromto(spin, items[0][3] == 'S'
? &spin->si_repsal
: &spin->si_rep, items[1], items[2]);
else if (is_aff_rule(items, itemcnt, "MAP", 2))
// MAP item or count
if (!found_map)
// First line contains the count.
found_map = TRUE;
if (!SAFE_isdigit(*items[1]))
smsg(_("Expected MAP count in %s line %d"),
fname, lnum);
else if (do_mapline)
int c;
// Check that every character appears only once.
for (p = items[1]; *p != NUL; )
c = mb_ptr2char_adv(&p);
if ((spin->si_map.ga_len > 0
&& vim_strchr(spin->si_map.ga_data, c)
!= NULL)
|| vim_strchr(p, c) != NULL)
smsg(_("Duplicate character in MAP in %s line %d"),
fname, lnum);
// We simply concatenate all the MAP strings, separated by
// slashes.
ga_concat(&spin->si_map, items[1]);
ga_append(&spin->si_map, '/');
// Accept "SAL from to" and "SAL from to #comment".
else if (is_aff_rule(items, itemcnt, "SAL", 3))
if (do_sal)
// SAL item (sounds-a-like)
// Either one of the known keys or a from-to pair.
if (STRCMP(items[1], "followup") == 0)
spin->si_followup = sal_to_bool(items[2]);
else if (STRCMP(items[1], "collapse_result") == 0)
spin->si_collapse = sal_to_bool(items[2]);
else if (STRCMP(items[1], "remove_accents") == 0)
spin->si_rem_accents = sal_to_bool(items[2]);
// when "to" is "_" it means empty
add_fromto(spin, &spin->si_sal, items[1],
STRCMP(items[2], "_") == 0 ? (char_u *)""
: items[2]);
else if (is_aff_rule(items, itemcnt, "SOFOFROM", 2)
&& sofofrom == NULL)
sofofrom = getroom_save(spin, items[1]);
else if (is_aff_rule(items, itemcnt, "SOFOTO", 2)
&& sofoto == NULL)
sofoto = getroom_save(spin, items[1]);
else if (STRCMP(items[0], "COMMON") == 0)
int i;
for (i = 1; i < itemcnt; ++i)
if (HASHITEM_EMPTY(hash_find(&spin->si_commonwords,
p = vim_strsave(items[i]);
if (p == NULL)
hash_add(&spin->si_commonwords, p, "spelling");
smsg(_("Unrecognized or duplicate item in %s line %d: %s"),
fname, lnum, items[0]);
if (fol != NULL || low != NULL || upp != NULL)
if (spin->si_clear_chartab)
// Clear the char type tables, don't want to use any of the
// currently used spell properties.
spin->si_clear_chartab = FALSE;
* Don't write a word table for an ASCII file, so that we don't check
* for conflicts with a word table that matches 'encoding'.
* Don't write one for utf-8 either, we use utf_*() and
* mb_get_class(), the list of chars in the file will be incomplete.
if (!spin->si_ascii && !enc_utf8)
if (fol == NULL || low == NULL || upp == NULL)
smsg(_("Missing FOL/LOW/UPP line in %s"), fname);
(void)set_spell_chartab(fol, low, upp);
// Use compound specifications of the .aff file for the spell info.
if (compmax != 0)
aff_check_number(spin->si_compmax, compmax, "COMPOUNDWORDMAX");
spin->si_compmax = compmax;
if (compminlen != 0)
aff_check_number(spin->si_compminlen, compminlen, "COMPOUNDMIN");
spin->si_compminlen = compminlen;
if (compsylmax != 0)
if (syllable == NULL)
smsg(_("COMPOUNDSYLMAX used without SYLLABLE"));
aff_check_number(spin->si_compsylmax, compsylmax, "COMPOUNDSYLMAX");
spin->si_compsylmax = compsylmax;
if (compoptions != 0)
aff_check_number(spin->si_compoptions, compoptions, "COMPOUND options");
spin->si_compoptions |= compoptions;
if (compflags != NULL)
process_compflags(spin, aff, compflags);
// Check that we didn't use too many renumbered flags.
if (spin->si_newcompID < spin->si_newprefID)
if (spin->si_newcompID == 127 || spin->si_newcompID == 255)
msg(_("Too many postponed prefixes"));
else if (spin->si_newprefID == 0 || spin->si_newprefID == 127)
msg(_("Too many compound flags"));
msg(_("Too many postponed prefixes and/or compound flags"));
if (syllable != NULL)
aff_check_string(spin->si_syllable, syllable, "SYLLABLE");
spin->si_syllable = syllable;
if (sofofrom != NULL || sofoto != NULL)
if (sofofrom == NULL || sofoto == NULL)
smsg(_("Missing SOFO%s line in %s"),
sofofrom == NULL ? "FROM" : "TO", fname);
else if (spin->si_sal.ga_len > 0)
smsg(_("Both SAL and SOFO lines in %s"), fname);
aff_check_string(spin->si_sofofr, sofofrom, "SOFOFROM");
aff_check_string(spin->si_sofoto, sofoto, "SOFOTO");
spin->si_sofofr = sofofrom;
spin->si_sofoto = sofoto;
if (midword != NULL)
aff_check_string(spin->si_midword, midword, "MIDWORD");
spin->si_midword = midword;
return aff;
* Return TRUE when items[0] equals "rulename", there are "mincount" items or
* a comment is following after item "mincount".
static int
char_u **items,
int itemcnt,
char *rulename,
int mincount)
return (STRCMP(items[0], rulename) == 0
&& (itemcnt == mincount
|| (itemcnt > mincount && items[mincount][0] == '#')));
* ae_flags to ae_comppermit and ae_compforbid.
static void
aff_process_flags(afffile_T *affile, affentry_T *entry)
char_u *p;
char_u *prevp;
unsigned flag;
if (entry->ae_flags != NULL
&& (affile->af_compforbid != 0 || affile->af_comppermit != 0))
for (p = entry->ae_flags; *p != NUL; )
prevp = p;
flag = get_affitem(affile->af_flagtype, &p);
if (flag == affile->af_comppermit || flag == affile->af_compforbid)
STRMOVE(prevp, p);
p = prevp;
if (flag == affile->af_comppermit)
entry->ae_comppermit = TRUE;
entry->ae_compforbid = TRUE;
if (affile->af_flagtype == AFT_NUM && *p == ',')
if (*entry->ae_flags == NUL)
entry->ae_flags = NULL; // nothing left
* Return TRUE if "s" is the name of an info item in the affix file.
static int
spell_info_item(char_u *s)
return STRCMP(s, "NAME") == 0
|| STRCMP(s, "HOME") == 0
|| STRCMP(s, "VERSION") == 0
|| STRCMP(s, "AUTHOR") == 0
|| STRCMP(s, "EMAIL") == 0
|| STRCMP(s, "COPYRIGHT") == 0;
* Turn an affix flag name into a number, according to the FLAG type.
* returns zero for failure.
static unsigned
int flagtype,
char_u *item,
char_u *fname,
int lnum)
unsigned res;
char_u *p = item;
res = get_affitem(flagtype, &p);
if (res == 0)
if (flagtype == AFT_NUM)
smsg(_("Flag is not a number in %s line %d: %s"),
fname, lnum, item);
smsg(_("Illegal flag in %s line %d: %s"),
fname, lnum, item);
if (*p != NUL)
smsg(_(e_affname), fname, lnum, item);
return 0;
return res;
* Get one affix name from "*pp" and advance the pointer.
* Returns ZERO_FLAG for "0".
* Returns zero for an error, still advances the pointer then.
static unsigned
get_affitem(int flagtype, char_u **pp)
int res;
if (flagtype == AFT_NUM)
if (!VIM_ISDIGIT(**pp))
++*pp; // always advance, avoid getting stuck
return 0;
res = getdigits(pp);
if (res == 0)
res = ZERO_FLAG;
res = mb_ptr2char_adv(pp);
if (flagtype == AFT_LONG || (flagtype == AFT_CAPLONG
&& res >= 'A' && res <= 'Z'))
if (**pp == NUL)
return 0;
res = mb_ptr2char_adv(pp) + (res << 16);
return res;
* Process the "compflags" string used in an affix file and append it to
* spin->si_compflags.
* The processing involves changing the affix names to ID numbers, so that
* they fit in one byte.
static void
spellinfo_T *spin,
afffile_T *aff,
char_u *compflags)
char_u *p;
char_u *prevp;
unsigned flag;
compitem_T *ci;
int id;
int len;
char_u *tp;
char_u key[AH_KEY_LEN];
hashitem_T *hi;
// Make room for the old and the new compflags, concatenated with a / in
// between. Processing it makes it shorter, but we don't know by how
// much, thus allocate the maximum.
len = (int)STRLEN(compflags) + 1;
if (spin->si_compflags != NULL)
len += (int)STRLEN(spin->si_compflags) + 1;
p = getroom(spin, len, FALSE);
if (p == NULL)
if (spin->si_compflags != NULL)
STRCPY(p, spin->si_compflags);
STRCAT(p, "/");
spin->si_compflags = p;
tp = p + STRLEN(p);
for (p = compflags; *p != NUL; )
if (vim_strchr((char_u *)"/?*+[]", *p) != NULL)
// Copy non-flag characters directly.
*tp++ = *p++;
// First get the flag number, also checks validity.
prevp = p;
flag = get_affitem(aff->af_flagtype, &p);
if (flag != 0)
// Find the flag in the hashtable. If it was used before, use
// the existing ID. Otherwise add a new entry.
vim_strncpy(key, prevp, p - prevp);
hi = hash_find(&aff->af_comp, key);
id = HI2CI(hi)->ci_newID;
ci = (compitem_T *)getroom(spin, sizeof(compitem_T), TRUE);
if (ci == NULL)
STRCPY(ci->ci_key, key);
ci->ci_flag = flag;
// Avoid using a flag ID that has a special meaning in a
// regexp (also inside []).
id = spin->si_newcompID--;
} while (vim_strchr((char_u *)"/?*+[]\\-^", id) != NULL);
ci->ci_newID = id;
hash_add(&aff->af_comp, ci->ci_key, "spelling");
*tp++ = id;
if (aff->af_flagtype == AFT_NUM && *p == ',')
*tp = NUL;
* Check that the new IDs for postponed affixes and compounding don't overrun
* each other. We have almost 255 available, but start at 0-127 to avoid
* using two bytes for utf-8. When the 0-127 range is used up go to 128-255.
* When that is used up an error message is given.
static void
check_renumber(spellinfo_T *spin)
if (spin->si_newprefID == spin->si_newcompID && spin->si_newcompID < 128)
spin->si_newprefID = 127;
spin->si_newcompID = 255;
* Return TRUE if flag "flag" appears in affix list "afflist".
static int
flag_in_afflist(int flagtype, char_u *afflist, unsigned flag)
char_u *p;
unsigned n;
switch (flagtype)
case AFT_CHAR:
return vim_strchr(afflist, flag) != NULL;
case AFT_LONG:
for (p = afflist; *p != NUL; )
n = mb_ptr2char_adv(&p);
if ((flagtype == AFT_LONG || (n >= 'A' && n <= 'Z'))
&& *p != NUL)
n = mb_ptr2char_adv(&p) + (n << 16);
if (n == flag)
return TRUE;
case AFT_NUM:
for (p = afflist; *p != NUL; )
n = getdigits(&p);
if (n == 0)
if (n == flag)
return TRUE;
if (*p != NUL) // skip over comma
return FALSE;
* Give a warning when "spinval" and "affval" numbers are set and not the same.
static void
aff_check_number(int spinval, int affval, char *name)
if (spinval != 0 && spinval != affval)
smsg(_("%s value differs from what is used in another .aff file"), name);
* Give a warning when "spinval" and "affval" strings are set and not the same.
static void
aff_check_string(char_u *spinval, char_u *affval, char *name)
if (spinval != NULL && STRCMP(spinval, affval) != 0)
smsg(_("%s value differs from what is used in another .aff file"), name);
* Return TRUE if strings "s1" and "s2" are equal. Also consider both being
* NULL as equal.
static int
str_equal(char_u *s1, char_u *s2)
if (s1 == NULL || s2 == NULL)
return s1 == s2;
return STRCMP(s1, s2) == 0;
* Add a from-to item to "gap". Used for REP and SAL items.
* They are stored case-folded.
static void
spellinfo_T *spin,
garray_T *gap,
char_u *from,
char_u *to)
fromto_T *ftp;
char_u word[MAXWLEN];
if (ga_grow(gap, 1) == FAIL)
ftp = ((fromto_T *)gap->ga_data) + gap->ga_len;
(void)spell_casefold(curwin, from, (int)STRLEN(from), word, MAXWLEN);
ftp->ft_from = getroom_save(spin, word);
(void)spell_casefold(curwin, to, (int)STRLEN(to), word, MAXWLEN);
ftp->ft_to = getroom_save(spin, word);
* Convert a boolean argument in a SAL line to TRUE or FALSE;
static int
sal_to_bool(char_u *s)
return STRCMP(s, "1") == 0 || STRCMP(s, "true") == 0;
* Free the structure filled by spell_read_aff().
static void
spell_free_aff(afffile_T *aff)
hashtab_T *ht;
hashitem_T *hi;
int todo;
affheader_T *ah;
affentry_T *ae;
// All this trouble to free the "ae_prog" items...
for (ht = &aff->af_pref; ; ht = &aff->af_suff)
todo = (int)ht->ht_used;
ah = HI2AH(hi);
for (ae = ah->ah_first; ae != NULL; ae = ae->ae_next)
if (ht == &aff->af_suff)
* Read dictionary file "fname".
* Returns OK or FAIL;
static int
spell_read_dic(spellinfo_T *spin, char_u *fname, afffile_T *affile)
hashtab_T ht;
char_u line[MAXLINELEN];
char_u *p;
char_u *afflist;
char_u store_afflist[MAXWLEN];
int pfxlen;
int need_affix;
char_u *dw;
char_u *pc;
char_u *w;
int l;
hash_T hash;
hashitem_T *hi;
FILE *fd;
int lnum = 1;
int non_ascii = 0;
int retval = OK;
char_u message[MAXLINELEN + MAXWLEN];
int flags;
int duplicate = 0;
time_T last_msg_time = 0;
* Open the file.
fd = mch_fopen((char *)fname, "r");
if (fd == NULL)
semsg(_(e_cant_open_file_str), fname);
return FAIL;
// The hashtable is only used to detect duplicated words.
vim_snprintf((char *)IObuff, IOSIZE,
_("Reading dictionary file %s..."), fname);
spell_message(spin, IObuff);
// start with a message for the first line
spin->si_msg_count = 999999;
// Read and ignore the first line: word count.
if (vim_fgets(line, MAXLINELEN, fd) || !vim_isdigit(*skipwhite(line)))
semsg(_(e_no_word_count_in_str), fname);
* Read all the lines in the file one by one.
* The words are converted to 'encoding' here, before being added to
* the hashtable.
while (!vim_fgets(line, MAXLINELEN, fd) && !got_int)
if (line[0] == '#' || line[0] == '/')
continue; // comment line
// Remove CR, LF and white space from the end. White space halfway
// the word is kept to allow e.g., "et al.".
l = (int)STRLEN(line);
while (l > 0 && line[l - 1] <= ' ')
if (l == 0)
continue; // empty line
line[l] = NUL;
// Convert from "SET" to 'encoding' when needed.
if (spin->si_conv.vc_type != CONV_NONE)
pc = string_convert(&spin->si_conv, line, NULL);
if (pc == NULL)
smsg(_("Conversion failure for word in %s line %d: %s"),
fname, lnum, line);
w = pc;
pc = NULL;
w = line;
// Truncate the word at the "/", set "afflist" to what follows.
// Replace "\/" by "/" and "\\" by "\".
afflist = NULL;
for (p = w; *p != NUL; MB_PTR_ADV(p))
if (*p == '\\' && (p[1] == '\\' || p[1] == '/'))
STRMOVE(p, p + 1);
else if (*p == '/')
*p = NUL;
afflist = p + 1;
// Skip non-ASCII words when "spin->si_ascii" is TRUE.
if (spin->si_ascii && has_non_ascii(w))
// This takes time, print a message every 10000 words, but not more
// often than once per second.
if (spin->si_verbose && spin->si_msg_count > 10000)
spin->si_msg_count = 0;
if (vim_time() > last_msg_time)
last_msg_time = vim_time();
vim_snprintf((char *)message, sizeof(message),
_("line %6d, word %6ld - %s"),
lnum, spin->si_foldwcount + spin->si_keepwcount, w);
msg_outtrans_long_attr(message, 0);
msg_didout = FALSE;
msg_col = 0;
// Store the word in the hashtable to be able to find duplicates.
dw = getroom_save(spin, w);
if (dw == NULL)
retval = FAIL;
hash = hash_hash(dw);
hi = hash_lookup(&ht, dw, hash);
if (p_verbose > 0)
smsg(_("Duplicate word in %s line %d: %s"),
fname, lnum, dw);
else if (duplicate == 0)
smsg(_("First duplicate word in %s line %d: %s"),
fname, lnum, dw);
hash_add_item(&ht, hi, dw, hash);
flags = 0;
store_afflist[0] = NUL;
pfxlen = 0;
need_affix = FALSE;
if (afflist != NULL)
// Extract flags from the affix list.
flags |= get_affix_flags(affile, afflist);
if (affile->af_needaffix != 0 && flag_in_afflist(
affile->af_flagtype, afflist, affile->af_needaffix))
need_affix = TRUE;
if (affile->af_pfxpostpone)
// Need to store the list of prefix IDs with the word.
pfxlen = get_pfxlist(affile, afflist, store_afflist);
if (spin->si_compflags != NULL)
// Need to store the list of compound flags with the word.
// Concatenate them to the list of prefix IDs.
get_compflags(affile, afflist, store_afflist + pfxlen);
// Add the word to the word tree(s).
if (store_word(spin, dw, flags, spin->si_region,
store_afflist, need_affix) == FAIL)
retval = FAIL;
if (afflist != NULL)
// Find all matching suffixes and add the resulting words.
// Additionally do matching prefixes that combine.
if (store_aff_word(spin, dw, afflist, affile,
&affile->af_suff, &affile->af_pref,
CONDIT_SUF, flags, store_afflist, pfxlen) == FAIL)
retval = FAIL;
// Find all matching prefixes and add the resulting words.
if (store_aff_word(spin, dw, afflist, affile,
&affile->af_pref, NULL,
CONDIT_SUF, flags, store_afflist, pfxlen) == FAIL)
retval = FAIL;
if (duplicate > 0)
smsg(_("%d duplicate word(s) in %s"), duplicate, fname);
if (spin->si_ascii && non_ascii > 0)
smsg(_("Ignored %d word(s) with non-ASCII characters in %s"),
non_ascii, fname);
return retval;
* Check for affix flags in "afflist" that are turned into word flags.
* Return WF_ flags.
static int
get_affix_flags(afffile_T *affile, char_u *afflist)
int flags = 0;
if (affile->af_keepcase != 0 && flag_in_afflist(
affile->af_flagtype, afflist, affile->af_keepcase))
if (affile->af_rare != 0 && flag_in_afflist(
affile->af_flagtype, afflist, affile->af_rare))
flags |= WF_RARE;
if (affile->af_bad != 0 && flag_in_afflist(
affile->af_flagtype, afflist, affile->af_bad))
flags |= WF_BANNED;
if (affile->af_needcomp != 0 && flag_in_afflist(
affile->af_flagtype, afflist, affile->af_needcomp))
flags |= WF_NEEDCOMP;
if (affile->af_comproot != 0 && flag_in_afflist(
affile->af_flagtype, afflist, affile->af_comproot))
flags |= WF_COMPROOT;
if (affile->af_nosuggest != 0 && flag_in_afflist(
affile->af_flagtype, afflist, affile->af_nosuggest))
flags |= WF_NOSUGGEST;
return flags;
* Get the list of prefix IDs from the affix list "afflist".
* Put the resulting flags in "store_afflist[MAXWLEN]" with a terminating NUL
* and return the number of affixes.
static int
afffile_T *affile,
char_u *afflist,
char_u *store_afflist)
char_u *p;
char_u *prevp;
int cnt = 0;
int id;
char_u key[AH_KEY_LEN];
hashitem_T *hi;
for (p = afflist; *p != NUL; )
prevp = p;
if (get_affitem(affile->af_flagtype, &p) != 0)
// A flag is a postponed prefix flag if it appears in "af_pref"
// and its ID is not zero.
vim_strncpy(key, prevp, p - prevp);
hi = hash_find(&affile->af_pref, key);
id = HI2AH(hi)->ah_newID;
if (id != 0)
store_afflist[cnt++] = id;
if (affile->af_flagtype == AFT_NUM && *p == ',')
store_afflist[cnt] = NUL;
return cnt;
* Get the list of compound IDs from the affix list "afflist" that are used
* for compound words.
* Puts the flags in "store_afflist[]".
static void
afffile_T *affile,
char_u *afflist,
char_u *store_afflist)
char_u *p;
char_u *prevp;
int cnt = 0;
char_u key[AH_KEY_LEN];
hashitem_T *hi;
for (p = afflist; *p != NUL; )
prevp = p;
if (get_affitem(affile->af_flagtype, &p) != 0)
// A flag is a compound flag if it appears in "af_comp".
vim_strncpy(key, prevp, p - prevp);
hi = hash_find(&affile->af_comp, key);
store_afflist[cnt++] = HI2CI(hi)->ci_newID;
if (affile->af_flagtype == AFT_NUM && *p == ',')
store_afflist[cnt] = NUL;
* Apply affixes to a word and store the resulting words.
* "ht" is the hashtable with affentry_T that need to be applied, either
* prefixes or suffixes.
* "xht", when not NULL, is the prefix hashtable, to be used additionally on
* the resulting words for combining affixes.
* Returns FAIL when out of memory.
static int
spellinfo_T *spin, // spell info
char_u *word, // basic word start
char_u *afflist, // list of names of supported affixes
afffile_T *affile,
hashtab_T *ht,
hashtab_T *xht,
int condit, // CONDIT_SUF et al.
int flags, // flags for the word
char_u *pfxlist, // list of prefix IDs
int pfxlen) // nr of flags in "pfxlist" for prefixes, rest
// is compound flags
int todo;
hashitem_T *hi;
affheader_T *ah;
affentry_T *ae;
char_u newword[MAXWLEN];
int retval = OK;
int i, j;
char_u *p;
int use_flags;
char_u *use_pfxlist;
int use_pfxlen;
int need_affix;
char_u store_afflist[MAXWLEN];
char_u pfx_pfxlist[MAXWLEN];
size_t wordlen = STRLEN(word);
int use_condit;
todo = (int)ht->ht_used;
for (hi = ht->ht_array; todo > 0 && retval == OK; ++hi)
ah = HI2AH(hi);
// Check that the affix combines, if required, and that the word
// supports this affix.
if (((condit & CONDIT_COMB) == 0 || ah->ah_combine)
&& flag_in_afflist(affile->af_flagtype, afflist,
// Loop over all affix entries with this name.
for (ae = ah->ah_first; ae != NULL; ae = ae->ae_next)
// Check the condition. It's not logical to match case
// here, but it is required for compatibility with
// Myspell.
// Another requirement from Myspell is that the chop
// string is shorter than the word itself.
// For prefixes, when "PFXPOSTPONE" was used, only do
// prefixes with a chop string and/or flags.
// When a previously added affix had CIRCUMFIX this one
// must have it too, if it had not then this one must not
// have one either.
if ((xht != NULL || !affile->af_pfxpostpone
|| ae->ae_chop != NULL
|| ae->ae_flags != NULL)
&& (ae->ae_chop == NULL
|| STRLEN(ae->ae_chop) < wordlen)
&& (ae->ae_prog == NULL
|| vim_regexec_prog(&ae->ae_prog, FALSE,
word, (colnr_T)0))
&& (((condit & CONDIT_CFIX) == 0)
== ((condit & CONDIT_AFF) == 0
|| ae->ae_flags == NULL
|| !flag_in_afflist(affile->af_flagtype,
ae->ae_flags, affile->af_circumfix))))
// Match. Remove the chop and add the affix.
if (xht == NULL)
// prefix: chop/add at the start of the word
if (ae->ae_add == NULL)
*newword = NUL;
vim_strncpy(newword, ae->ae_add, MAXWLEN - 1);
p = word;
if (ae->ae_chop != NULL)
// Skip chop string.
if (has_mbyte)
i = mb_charlen(ae->ae_chop);
for ( ; i > 0; --i)
p += STRLEN(ae->ae_chop);
STRCAT(newword, p);
// suffix: chop/add at the end of the word
vim_strncpy(newword, word, MAXWLEN - 1);
if (ae->ae_chop != NULL)
// Remove chop string.
p = newword + STRLEN(newword);
i = (int)MB_CHARLEN(ae->ae_chop);
for ( ; i > 0; --i)
MB_PTR_BACK(newword, p);
*p = NUL;
if (ae->ae_add != NULL)
STRCAT(newword, ae->ae_add);
use_flags = flags;
use_pfxlist = pfxlist;
use_pfxlen = pfxlen;
need_affix = FALSE;
use_condit = condit | CONDIT_COMB | CONDIT_AFF;
if (ae->ae_flags != NULL)
// Extract flags from the affix list.
use_flags |= get_affix_flags(affile, ae->ae_flags);
if (affile->af_needaffix != 0 && flag_in_afflist(
affile->af_flagtype, ae->ae_flags,
need_affix = TRUE;
// When there is a CIRCUMFIX flag the other affix
// must also have it and we don't add the word
// with one affix.
if (affile->af_circumfix != 0 && flag_in_afflist(
affile->af_flagtype, ae->ae_flags,
use_condit |= CONDIT_CFIX;
if ((condit & CONDIT_CFIX) == 0)
need_affix = TRUE;
if (affile->af_pfxpostpone
|| spin->si_compflags != NULL)
if (affile->af_pfxpostpone)
// Get prefix IDS from the affix list.
use_pfxlen = get_pfxlist(affile,
ae->ae_flags, store_afflist);
use_pfxlen = 0;
use_pfxlist = store_afflist;
// Combine the prefix IDs. Avoid adding the
// same ID twice.
for (i = 0; i < pfxlen; ++i)
for (j = 0; j < use_pfxlen; ++j)
if (pfxlist[i] == use_pfxlist[j])
if (j == use_pfxlen)
use_pfxlist[use_pfxlen++] = pfxlist[i];
if (spin->si_compflags != NULL)
// Get compound IDS from the affix list.
get_compflags(affile, ae->ae_flags,
use_pfxlist + use_pfxlen);
// Combine the list of compound flags.
// Concatenate them to the prefix IDs list.
// Avoid adding the same ID twice.
for (i = pfxlen; pfxlist[i] != NUL; ++i)
for (j = use_pfxlen;
use_pfxlist[j] != NUL; ++j)
if (pfxlist[i] == use_pfxlist[j])
if (use_pfxlist[j] == NUL)
use_pfxlist[j++] = pfxlist[i];
use_pfxlist[j] = NUL;
// Obey a "COMPOUNDFORBIDFLAG" of the affix: don't
// use the compound flags.
if (use_pfxlist != NULL && ae->ae_compforbid)
vim_strncpy(pfx_pfxlist, use_pfxlist, use_pfxlen);
use_pfxlist = pfx_pfxlist;
// When there are postponed prefixes...
if (spin->si_prefroot != NULL
&& spin->si_prefroot->wn_sibling != NULL)
// ... add a flag to indicate an affix was used.
use_flags |= WF_HAS_AFF;
// ... don't use a prefix list if combining
// affixes is not allowed. But do use the
// compound flags after them.
if (!ah->ah_combine && use_pfxlist != NULL)
use_pfxlist += use_pfxlen;
// When compounding is supported and there is no
// "COMPOUNDPERMITFLAG" then forbid compounding on the
// side where the affix is applied.
if (spin->si_compflags != NULL && !ae->ae_comppermit)
if (xht != NULL)
use_flags |= WF_NOCOMPAFT;
use_flags |= WF_NOCOMPBEF;
// Store the modified word.
if (store_word(spin, newword, use_flags,
spin->si_region, use_pfxlist,
need_affix) == FAIL)
retval = FAIL;
// When added a prefix or a first suffix and the affix
// has flags may add a(nother) suffix. RECURSIVE!
if ((condit & CONDIT_SUF) && ae->ae_flags != NULL)
if (store_aff_word(spin, newword, ae->ae_flags,
affile, &affile->af_suff, xht,
use_condit & (xht == NULL
? ~0 : ~CONDIT_SUF),
use_flags, use_pfxlist, pfxlen) == FAIL)
retval = FAIL;
// When added a suffix and combining is allowed also
// try adding a prefix additionally. Both for the
// word flags and for the affix flags. RECURSIVE!
if (xht != NULL && ah->ah_combine)
if (store_aff_word(spin, newword,
afflist, affile,
xht, NULL, use_condit,
use_flags, use_pfxlist,
pfxlen) == FAIL
|| (ae->ae_flags != NULL
&& store_aff_word(spin, newword,
ae->ae_flags, affile,
xht, NULL, use_condit,
use_flags, use_pfxlist,
pfxlen) == FAIL))
retval = FAIL;
return retval;
* Read a file with a list of words.
static int
spell_read_wordfile(spellinfo_T *spin, char_u *fname)
FILE *fd;
long lnum = 0;
char_u rline[MAXLINELEN];
char_u *line;
char_u *pc = NULL;
char_u *p;
int l;
int retval = OK;
int did_word = FALSE;
int non_ascii = 0;
int flags;
int regionmask;
* Open the file.
fd = mch_fopen((char *)fname, "r");
if (fd == NULL)
semsg(_(e_cant_open_file_str), fname);
return FAIL;
vim_snprintf((char *)IObuff, IOSIZE, _("Reading word file %s..."), fname);
spell_message(spin, IObuff);
* Read all the lines in the file one by one.
while (!vim_fgets(rline, MAXLINELEN, fd) && !got_int)
// Skip comment lines.
if (*rline == '#')
// Remove CR, LF and white space from the end.
l = (int)STRLEN(rline);
while (l > 0 && rline[l - 1] <= ' ')
if (l == 0)
continue; // empty or blank line
rline[l] = NUL;
// Convert from "/encoding={encoding}" to 'encoding' when needed.
if (spin->si_conv.vc_type != CONV_NONE)
pc = string_convert(&spin->si_conv, rline, NULL);
if (pc == NULL)
smsg(_("Conversion failure for word in %s line %ld: %s"),
fname, lnum, rline);
line = pc;
pc = NULL;
line = rline;
if (*line == '/')
if (STRNCMP(line, "encoding=", 9) == 0)
if (spin->si_conv.vc_type != CONV_NONE)
smsg(_("Duplicate /encoding= line ignored in %s line %ld: %s"),
fname, lnum, line - 1);
else if (did_word)
smsg(_("/encoding= line after word ignored in %s line %ld: %s"),
fname, lnum, line - 1);
char_u *enc;
// Setup for conversion to 'encoding'.
line += 9;
enc = enc_canonize(line);
if (enc != NULL && !spin->si_ascii
&& convert_setup(&spin->si_conv, enc,
p_enc) == FAIL)
smsg(_("Conversion in %s not supported: from %s to %s"),
fname, line, p_enc);
spin->si_conv.vc_fail = TRUE;
if (STRNCMP(line, "regions=", 8) == 0)
if (spin->si_region_count > 1)
smsg(_("Duplicate /regions= line ignored in %s line %ld: %s"),
fname, lnum, line);
line += 8;
if (STRLEN(line) > MAXREGIONS * 2)
smsg(_("Too many regions in %s line %ld: %s"),
fname, lnum, line);
spin->si_region_count = (int)STRLEN(line) / 2;
STRCPY(spin->si_region_name, line);
// Adjust the mask for a word valid in all regions.
spin->si_region = (1 << spin->si_region_count) - 1;
smsg(_("/ line ignored in %s line %ld: %s"),
fname, lnum, line - 1);
flags = 0;
regionmask = spin->si_region;
// Check for flags and region after a slash.
p = vim_strchr(line, '/');
if (p != NULL)
*p++ = NUL;
while (*p != NUL)
if (*p == '=') // keep-case word
else if (*p == '!') // Bad, bad, wicked word.
flags |= WF_BANNED;
else if (*p == '?') // Rare word.
flags |= WF_RARE;
else if (VIM_ISDIGIT(*p)) // region number(s)
if ((flags & WF_REGION) == 0) // first one
regionmask = 0;
flags |= WF_REGION;
l = *p - '0';
if (l == 0 || l > spin->si_region_count)
smsg(_("Invalid region nr in %s line %ld: %s"),
fname, lnum, p);
regionmask |= 1 << (l - 1);
smsg(_("Unrecognized flags in %s line %ld: %s"),
fname, lnum, p);
// Skip non-ASCII words when "spin->si_ascii" is TRUE.
if (spin->si_ascii && has_non_ascii(line))
// Normal word: store it.
if (store_word(spin, line, flags, regionmask, NULL, FALSE) == FAIL)
retval = FAIL;
did_word = TRUE;
if (spin->si_ascii && non_ascii > 0)
vim_snprintf((char *)IObuff, IOSIZE,
_("Ignored %d words with non-ASCII characters"), non_ascii);
spell_message(spin, IObuff);
return retval;
* Get part of an sblock_T, "len" bytes long.
* This avoids calling free() for every little struct we use (and keeping
* track of them).
* The memory is cleared to all zeros.
* Returns NULL when out of memory.
static void *
spellinfo_T *spin,
size_t len, // length needed
int align) // align for pointer
char_u *p;
sblock_T *bl = spin->si_blocks;
if (align && bl != NULL)
// Round size up for alignment. On some systems structures need to be
// aligned to the size of a pointer (e.g., SPARC).
bl->sb_used = (bl->sb_used + sizeof(char *) - 1)
& ~(sizeof(char *) - 1);
if (bl == NULL || bl->sb_used + len > SBLOCKSIZE)
if (len >= SBLOCKSIZE)
bl = NULL;
// Allocate a block of memory. It is not freed until much later.
bl = alloc_clear(offsetof(sblock_T, sb_data) + SBLOCKSIZE + 1);
if (bl == NULL)
if (!spin->si_did_emsg)
spin->si_did_emsg = TRUE;
return NULL;
bl->sb_next = spin->si_blocks;
spin->si_blocks = bl;
bl->sb_used = 0;
p = bl->sb_data + bl->sb_used;
bl->sb_used += (int)len;
return p;
* Make a copy of a string into memory allocated with getroom().
* Returns NULL when out of memory.
static char_u *
getroom_save(spellinfo_T *spin, char_u *s)
char_u *sc;
sc = (char_u *)getroom(spin, STRLEN(s) + 1, FALSE);
if (sc != NULL)
STRCPY(sc, s);
return sc;
* Free the list of allocated sblock_T.
static void
free_blocks(sblock_T *bl)
sblock_T *next;
while (bl != NULL)
next = bl->sb_next;
bl = next;
* Allocate the root of a word tree.
* Returns NULL when out of memory.
static wordnode_T *
wordtree_alloc(spellinfo_T *spin)
return (wordnode_T *)getroom(spin, sizeof(wordnode_T), TRUE);
* Return TRUE if "word" contains valid word characters.
* Control characters and trailing '/' are invalid. Space is OK.
static int
valid_spell_word(char_u *word, char_u *end)
char_u *p;
if (enc_utf8 && !utf_valid_string(word, end))
return FALSE;
for (p = word; *p != NUL && p < end; p += mb_ptr2len(p))
if (*p < ' ' || (p[0] == '/' && p[1] == NUL))
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
* Store a word in the tree(s).
* Always store it in the case-folded tree. For a keep-case word this is
* useful when the word can also be used with all caps (no WF_FIXCAP flag) and
* used to find suggestions.
* For a keep-case word also store it in the keep-case tree.
* When "pfxlist" is not NULL store the word for each postponed prefix ID and
* compound flag.
static int
spellinfo_T *spin,
char_u *word,
int flags, // extra flags, WF_BANNED
int region, // supported region(s)
char_u *pfxlist, // list of prefix IDs or NULL
int need_affix) // only store word with affix ID
int len = (int)STRLEN(word);
int ct = captype(word, word + len);
char_u foldword[MAXWLEN];
int res = OK;
char_u *p;
// Avoid adding illegal bytes to the word tree.
if (!valid_spell_word(word, word + len))
return FAIL;
(void)spell_casefold(curwin, word, len, foldword, MAXWLEN);
for (p = pfxlist; res == OK; ++p)
if (!need_affix || (p != NULL && *p != NUL))
res = tree_add_word(spin, foldword, spin->si_foldroot, ct | flags,
region, p == NULL ? 0 : *p);
if (p == NULL || *p == NUL)
if (res == OK && (ct == WF_KEEPCAP || (flags & WF_KEEPCAP)))
for (p = pfxlist; res == OK; ++p)
if (!need_affix || (p != NULL && *p != NUL))
res = tree_add_word(spin, word, spin->si_keeproot, flags,
region, p == NULL ? 0 : *p);
if (p == NULL || *p == NUL)
return res;
* Add word "word" to a word tree at "root".
* When "flags" < 0 we are adding to the prefix tree where "flags" is used for
* "rare" and "region" is the condition nr.
* Returns FAIL when out of memory.
static int
spellinfo_T *spin,
char_u *word,
wordnode_T *root,
int flags,
int region,
int affixID)
wordnode_T *node = root;
wordnode_T *np;
wordnode_T *copyp, **copyprev;
wordnode_T **prev = NULL;
int i;
// Add each byte of the word to the tree, including the NUL at the end.
for (i = 0; ; ++i)
// When there is more than one reference to this node we need to make
// a copy, so that we can modify it. Copy the whole list of siblings
// (we don't optimize for a partly shared list of siblings).
if (node != NULL && node->wn_refs > 1)
copyprev = prev;
// Allocate a new node and copy the info.
np = get_wordnode(spin);
if (np == NULL)
return FAIL;
np->wn_child = copyp->wn_child;
if (np->wn_child != NULL)
++np->wn_child->wn_refs; // child gets extra ref
np->wn_byte = copyp->wn_byte;
if (np->wn_byte == NUL)
np->wn_flags = copyp->wn_flags;
np->wn_region = copyp->wn_region;
np->wn_affixID = copyp->wn_affixID;
// Link the new node in the list, there will be one ref.
np->wn_refs = 1;
if (copyprev != NULL)
*copyprev = np;
copyprev = &np->wn_sibling;
// Let "node" point to the head of the copied list.
if (copyp == node)
node = np;
// Look for the sibling that has the same character. They are sorted
// on byte value, thus stop searching when a sibling is found with a
// higher byte value. For zero bytes (end of word) the sorting is
// done on flags and then on affixID.
while (node != NULL
&& (node->wn_byte < word[i]
|| (node->wn_byte == NUL
&& (flags < 0
? node->wn_affixID < (unsigned)affixID
: (node->wn_flags < (unsigned)(flags & WN_MASK)
|| (node->wn_flags == (flags & WN_MASK)
&& (spin->si_sugtree
? (node->wn_region & 0xffff) < region
: node->wn_affixID
< (unsigned)affixID)))))))
prev = &node->wn_sibling;
node = *prev;
if (node == NULL
|| node->wn_byte != word[i]
|| (word[i] == NUL
&& (flags < 0
|| spin->si_sugtree
|| node->wn_flags != (flags & WN_MASK)
|| node->wn_affixID != affixID)))
// Allocate a new node.
np = get_wordnode(spin);
if (np == NULL)
return FAIL;
np->wn_byte = word[i];
// If "node" is NULL this is a new child or the end of the sibling
// list: ref count is one. Otherwise use ref count of sibling and
// make ref count of sibling one (matters when inserting in front
// of the list of siblings).
if (node == NULL)
np->wn_refs = 1;
np->wn_refs = node->wn_refs;
node->wn_refs = 1;
if (prev != NULL)
*prev = np;
np->wn_sibling = node;
node = np;
if (word[i] == NUL)
node->wn_flags = flags;
node->wn_region |= region;
node->wn_affixID = affixID;
prev = &node->wn_child;
node = *prev;
smsg("Added \"%s\"", word);
// count nr of words added since last message
if (spin->si_compress_cnt > 1)
if (--spin->si_compress_cnt == 1)
// Did enough words to lower the block count limit.
spin->si_blocks_cnt += compress_inc;
* When we have allocated lots of memory we need to compress the word tree
* to free up some room. But compression is slow, and we might actually
* need that room, thus only compress in the following situations:
* 1. When not compressed before (si_compress_cnt == 0): when using
* "compress_start" blocks.
* 2. When compressed before and used "compress_inc" blocks before
* adding "compress_added" words (si_compress_cnt > 1).
* 3. When compressed before, added "compress_added" words
* (si_compress_cnt == 1) and the number of free nodes drops below the
* maximum word length.
if (spin->si_compress_cnt == 1
? spin->si_free_count < MAXWLEN
: spin->si_blocks_cnt >= compress_start)
// Decrement the block counter. The effect is that we compress again
// when the freed up room has been used and another "compress_inc"
// blocks have been allocated. Unless "compress_added" words have
// been added, then the limit is put back again.
spin->si_blocks_cnt -= compress_inc;
spin->si_compress_cnt = compress_added;
if (spin->si_verbose)
msg_didout = FALSE;
msg_col = 0;
// Compress both trees. Either they both have many nodes, which makes
// compression useful, or one of them is small, which means
// compression goes fast. But when filling the soundfold word tree
// there is no keep-case tree.
wordtree_compress(spin, spin->si_foldroot, "case-folded");
if (affixID >= 0)
wordtree_compress(spin, spin->si_keeproot, "keep-case");
return OK;
* Get a wordnode_T, either from the list of previously freed nodes or
* allocate a new one.
* Returns NULL when out of memory.
static wordnode_T *
get_wordnode(spellinfo_T *spin)
wordnode_T *n;
if (spin->si_first_free == NULL)
n = (wordnode_T *)getroom(spin, sizeof(wordnode_T), TRUE);
n = spin->si_first_free;
spin->si_first_free = n->wn_child;
if (n != NULL)
n->wn_nr = ++spin->si_wordnode_nr;
return n;
* Decrement the reference count on a node (which is the head of a list of
* siblings). If the reference count becomes zero free the node and its
* siblings.
* Returns the number of nodes actually freed.
static int
deref_wordnode(spellinfo_T *spin, wordnode_T *node)
wordnode_T *np;
int cnt = 0;
if (--node->wn_refs == 0)
if (np->wn_child != NULL)
cnt += deref_wordnode(spin, np->wn_child);
free_wordnode(spin, np);
++cnt; // length field
return cnt;
* Free a wordnode_T for re-use later.
* Only the "wn_child" field becomes invalid.
static void
free_wordnode(spellinfo_T *spin, wordnode_T *n)
n->wn_child = spin->si_first_free;
spin->si_first_free = n;
* Compress a tree: find tails that are identical and can be shared.
static void
wordtree_compress(spellinfo_T *spin, wordnode_T *root, char *name)
hashtab_T ht;
long n;
long tot = 0;
long perc;
// Skip the root itself, it's not actually used. The first sibling is the
// start of the tree.
if (root->wn_sibling == NULL)
n = node_compress(spin, root->wn_sibling, &ht, &tot);
if (spin->si_verbose || p_verbose > 2)
if (tot > 1000000)
perc = (tot - n) / (tot / 100);
else if (tot == 0)
perc = 0;
perc = (tot - n) * 100 / tot;
vim_snprintf((char *)IObuff, IOSIZE,
_("Compressed %s: %ld of %ld nodes; %ld (%ld%%) remaining"),
name, n, tot, tot - n, perc);
spell_message(spin, IObuff);
* Compress a node, its siblings and its children, depth first.
* Returns the number of compressed nodes.
static long
spellinfo_T *spin,
wordnode_T *node,
hashtab_T *ht,
long *tot) // total count of nodes before compressing,
// incremented while going through the tree
wordnode_T *np;
wordnode_T *tp;
wordnode_T *child;
hash_T hash;
hashitem_T *hi;
long len = 0;
unsigned nr, n;
long compressed = 0;
* Go through the list of siblings. Compress each child and then try
* finding an identical child to replace it.
* Note that with "child" we mean not just the node that is pointed to,
* but the whole list of siblings of which the child node is the first.
for (np = node; np != NULL && !got_int; np = np->wn_sibling)
if ((child = np->wn_child) != NULL)
// Compress the child first. This fills hashkey.
compressed += node_compress(spin, child, ht, tot);
// Try to find an identical child.
hash = hash_hash(child->wn_u1.hashkey);
hi = hash_lookup(ht, child->wn_u1.hashkey, hash);
// There are children we encountered before with a hash value
// identical to the current child. Now check if there is one
// that is really identical.
for (tp = HI2WN(hi); tp != NULL; tp = tp->wn_u2.next)
if (node_equal(child, tp))
// Found one! Now use that child in place of the
// current one. This means the current child and all
// its siblings is unlinked from the tree.
compressed += deref_wordnode(spin, child);
np->wn_child = tp;
if (tp == NULL)
// No other child with this hash value equals the child of
// the node, add it to the linked list after the first
// item.
tp = HI2WN(hi);
child->wn_u2.next = tp->wn_u2.next;
tp->wn_u2.next = child;
// No other child has this hash value, add it to the
// hashtable.
hash_add_item(ht, hi, child->wn_u1.hashkey, hash);
*tot += len + 1; // add one for the node that stores the length
* Make a hash key for the node and its siblings, so that we can quickly
* find a lookalike node. This must be done after compressing the sibling
* list, otherwise the hash key would become invalid by the compression.
node->wn_u1.hashkey[0] = len;
nr = 0;
if (np->wn_byte == NUL)
// end node: use wn_flags, wn_region and wn_affixID
n = np->wn_flags + (np->wn_region << 8) + (np->wn_affixID << 16);
// byte node: use the byte value and the child pointer
n = (unsigned)(np->wn_byte + ((long_u)np->wn_child << 8));
nr = nr * 101 + n;
// Avoid NUL bytes, it terminates the hash key.
n = nr & 0xff;
node->wn_u1.hashkey[1] = n == 0 ? 1 : n;
n = (nr >> 8) & 0xff;
node->wn_u1.hashkey[2] = n == 0 ? 1 : n;
n = (nr >> 16) & 0xff;
node->wn_u1.hashkey[3] = n == 0 ? 1 : n;
n = (nr >> 24) & 0xff;
node->wn_u1.hashkey[4] = n == 0 ? 1 : n;
node->wn_u1.hashkey[5] = NUL;
// Check for CTRL-C pressed now and then.
return compressed;
* Return TRUE when two nodes have identical siblings and children.
static int
node_equal(wordnode_T *n1, wordnode_T *n2)
wordnode_T *p1;
wordnode_T *p2;
for (p1 = n1, p2 = n2; p1 != NULL && p2 != NULL;
p1 = p1->wn_sibling, p2 = p2->wn_sibling)
if (p1->wn_byte != p2->wn_byte
|| (p1->wn_byte == NUL
? (p1->wn_flags != p2->wn_flags
|| p1->wn_region != p2->wn_region
|| p1->wn_affixID != p2->wn_affixID)
: (p1->wn_child != p2->wn_child)))
return p1 == NULL && p2 == NULL;
static int rep_compare(const void *s1, const void *s2);
* Function given to qsort() to sort the REP items on "from" string.
static int
rep_compare(const void *s1, const void *s2)
fromto_T *p1 = (fromto_T *)s1;
fromto_T *p2 = (fromto_T *)s2;
return STRCMP(p1->ft_from, p2->ft_from);
* Write the Vim .spl file "fname".
* Return FAIL or OK;
static int
write_vim_spell(spellinfo_T *spin, char_u *fname)
FILE *fd;
int regionmask;
int round;
wordnode_T *tree;
int nodecount;
int i;
int l;
garray_T *gap;
fromto_T *ftp;
char_u *p;
int rr;
int retval = OK;
size_t fwv = 1; // collect return value of fwrite() to avoid
// warnings from picky compiler
fd = mch_fopen((char *)fname, "w");
if (fd == NULL)
semsg(_(e_cant_open_file_str), fname);
return FAIL;
// <HEADER>: <fileID> <versionnr>
// <fileID>
fwv &= fwrite(VIMSPELLMAGIC, VIMSPELLMAGICL, (size_t)1, fd);
if (fwv != (size_t)1)
// Catch first write error, don't try writing more.
goto theend;
putc(VIMSPELLVERSION, fd); // <versionnr>
* <SECTIONS>: <section> ... <sectionend>
// SN_INFO: <infotext>
if (spin->si_info != NULL)
putc(SN_INFO, fd); // <sectionID>
putc(0, fd); // <sectionflags>
i = (int)STRLEN(spin->si_info);
put_bytes(fd, (long_u)i, 4); // <sectionlen>
fwv &= fwrite(spin->si_info, (size_t)i, (size_t)1, fd); // <infotext>
// SN_REGION: <regionname> ...
// Write the region names only if there is more than one.
if (spin->si_region_count > 1)
putc(SN_REGION, fd); // <sectionID>
putc(SNF_REQUIRED, fd); // <sectionflags>
l = spin->si_region_count * 2;
put_bytes(fd, (long_u)l, 4); // <sectionlen>
fwv &= fwrite(spin->si_region_name, (size_t)l, (size_t)1, fd);
// <regionname> ...
regionmask = (1 << spin->si_region_count) - 1;
regionmask = 0;
// SN_CHARFLAGS: <charflagslen> <charflags> <folcharslen> <folchars>
// The table with character flags and the table for case folding.
// This makes sure the same characters are recognized as word characters
// when generating and when using a spell file.
// Skip this for ASCII, the table may conflict with the one used for
// 'encoding'.
// Also skip this for an .add.spl file, the main spell file must contain
// the table (avoids that it conflicts). File is shorter too.
if (!spin->si_ascii && !spin->si_add)
char_u folchars[128 * 8];
int flags;
putc(SN_CHARFLAGS, fd); // <sectionID>
putc(SNF_REQUIRED, fd); // <sectionflags>
// Form the <folchars> string first, we need to know its length.
l = 0;
for (i = 128; i < 256; ++i)
if (has_mbyte)
l += mb_char2bytes(spelltab.st_fold[i], folchars + l);
folchars[l++] = spelltab.st_fold[i];
put_bytes(fd, (long_u)(1 + 128 + 2 + l), 4); // <sectionlen>
fputc(128, fd); // <charflagslen>
for (i = 128; i < 256; ++i)
flags = 0;
if (spelltab.st_isw[i])
flags |= CF_WORD;
if (spelltab.st_isu[i])
flags |= CF_UPPER;
fputc(flags, fd); // <charflags>
put_bytes(fd, (long_u)l, 2); // <folcharslen>
fwv &= fwrite(folchars, (size_t)l, (size_t)1, fd); // <folchars>
// SN_MIDWORD: <midword>
if (spin->si_midword != NULL)
putc(SN_MIDWORD, fd); // <sectionID>
putc(SNF_REQUIRED, fd); // <sectionflags>
i = (int)STRLEN(spin->si_midword);
put_bytes(fd, (long_u)i, 4); // <sectionlen>
fwv &= fwrite(spin->si_midword, (size_t)i, (size_t)1, fd);
// <midword>
// SN_PREFCOND: <prefcondcnt> <prefcond> ...
if (spin->si_prefcond.ga_len > 0)
putc(SN_PREFCOND, fd); // <sectionID>
putc(SNF_REQUIRED, fd); // <sectionflags>
l = write_spell_prefcond(NULL, &spin->si_prefcond, &fwv);
put_bytes(fd, (long_u)l, 4); // <sectionlen>
write_spell_prefcond(fd, &spin->si_prefcond, &fwv);
// SN_REP: <repcount> <rep> ...
// SN_SAL: <salflags> <salcount> <sal> ...
// SN_REPSAL: <repcount> <rep> ...
// round 1: SN_REP section
// round 2: SN_SAL section (unless SN_SOFO is used)
// round 3: SN_REPSAL section
for (round = 1; round <= 3; ++round)
if (round == 1)
gap = &spin->si_rep;
else if (round == 2)
// Don't write SN_SAL when using a SN_SOFO section
if (spin->si_sofofr != NULL && spin->si_sofoto != NULL)
gap = &spin->si_sal;
gap = &spin->si_repsal;
// Don't write the section if there are no items.
if (gap->ga_len == 0)
// Sort the REP/REPSAL items.
if (round != 2)
qsort(gap->ga_data, (size_t)gap->ga_len,
sizeof(fromto_T), rep_compare);
i = round == 1 ? SN_REP : (round == 2 ? SN_SAL : SN_REPSAL);
putc(i, fd); // <sectionID>
// This is for making suggestions, section is not required.
putc(0, fd); // <sectionflags>
// Compute the length of what follows.
l = 2; // count <repcount> or <salcount>
for (i = 0; i < gap->ga_len; ++i)
ftp = &((fromto_T *)gap->ga_data)[i];
l += 1 + (int)STRLEN(ftp->ft_from); // count <*fromlen> and <*from>
l += 1 + (int)STRLEN(ftp->ft_to); // count <*tolen> and <*to>
if (round == 2)
++l; // count <salflags>
put_bytes(fd, (long_u)l, 4); // <sectionlen>
if (round == 2)
i = 0;
if (spin->si_followup)
if (spin->si_collapse)
if (spin->si_rem_accents)
putc(i, fd); // <salflags>
put_bytes(fd, (long_u)gap->ga_len, 2); // <repcount> or <salcount>
for (i = 0; i < gap->ga_len; ++i)
// <rep> : <repfromlen> <repfrom> <reptolen> <repto>
// <sal> : <salfromlen> <salfrom> <saltolen> <salto>
ftp = &((fromto_T *)gap->ga_data)[i];
for (rr = 1; rr <= 2; ++rr)
p = rr == 1 ? ftp->ft_from : ftp->ft_to;
l = (int)STRLEN(p);
putc(l, fd);
if (l > 0)
fwv &= fwrite(p, l, (size_t)1, fd);
// SN_SOFO: <sofofromlen> <sofofrom> <sofotolen> <sofoto>
// This is for making suggestions, section is not required.
if (spin->si_sofofr != NULL && spin->si_sofoto != NULL)
putc(SN_SOFO, fd); // <sectionID>
putc(0, fd); // <sectionflags>
l = (int)STRLEN(spin->si_sofofr);
put_bytes(fd, (long_u)(l + STRLEN(spin->si_sofoto) + 4), 4);
// <sectionlen>
put_bytes(fd, (long_u)l, 2); // <sofofromlen>
fwv &= fwrite(spin->si_sofofr, l, (size_t)1, fd); // <sofofrom>
l = (int)STRLEN(spin->si_sofoto);
put_bytes(fd, (long_u)l, 2); // <sofotolen>
fwv &= fwrite(spin->si_sofoto, l, (size_t)1, fd); // <sofoto>
// SN_WORDS: <word> ...
// This is for making suggestions, section is not required.
if (spin->si_commonwords.ht_used > 0)
putc(SN_WORDS, fd); // <sectionID>
putc(0, fd); // <sectionflags>
// round 1: count the bytes
// round 2: write the bytes
for (round = 1; round <= 2; ++round)
int todo;
int len = 0;
hashitem_T *hi;
todo = (int)spin->si_commonwords.ht_used;
FOR_ALL_HASHTAB_ITEMS(&spin->si_commonwords, hi, todo)
l = (int)STRLEN(hi->hi_key) + 1;
len += l;
if (round == 2) // <word>
fwv &= fwrite(hi->hi_key, (size_t)l, (size_t)1, fd);
if (round == 1)
put_bytes(fd, (long_u)len, 4); // <sectionlen>
// SN_MAP: <mapstr>
// This is for making suggestions, section is not required.
if (spin->si_map.ga_len > 0)
putc(SN_MAP, fd); // <sectionID>
putc(0, fd); // <sectionflags>
l = spin->si_map.ga_len;
put_bytes(fd, (long_u)l, 4); // <sectionlen>
fwv &= fwrite(spin->si_map.ga_data, (size_t)l, (size_t)1, fd);
// <mapstr>
// SN_SUGFILE: <timestamp>
// This is used to notify that a .sug file may be available and at the
// same time allows for checking that a .sug file that is found matches
// with this .spl file. That's because the word numbers must be exactly
// right.
if (!spin->si_nosugfile
&& (spin->si_sal.ga_len > 0
|| (spin->si_sofofr != NULL && spin->si_sofoto != NULL)))
putc(SN_SUGFILE, fd); // <sectionID>
putc(0, fd); // <sectionflags>
put_bytes(fd, (long_u)8, 4); // <sectionlen>
// Set si_sugtime and write it to the file.
spin->si_sugtime = time(NULL);
put_time(fd, spin->si_sugtime); // <timestamp>
// SN_NOSPLITSUGS: nothing
// This is used to notify that no suggestions with word splits are to be
// made.
if (spin->si_nosplitsugs)
putc(SN_NOSPLITSUGS, fd); // <sectionID>
putc(0, fd); // <sectionflags>
put_bytes(fd, (long_u)0, 4); // <sectionlen>
// This is used to notify that no suggestions with compounds are to be
// made.
if (spin->si_nocompoundsugs)
putc(SN_NOCOMPOUNDSUGS, fd); // <sectionID>
putc(0, fd); // <sectionflags>
put_bytes(fd, (long_u)0, 4); // <sectionlen>
// SN_COMPOUND: compound info.
// We don't mark it required, when not supported all compound words will
// be bad words.
if (spin->si_compflags != NULL)
putc(SN_COMPOUND, fd); // <sectionID>
putc(0, fd); // <sectionflags>
l = (int)STRLEN(spin->si_compflags);
for (i = 0; i < spin->si_comppat.ga_len; ++i)
l += (int)STRLEN(((char_u **)(spin->si_comppat.ga_data))[i]) + 1;
put_bytes(fd, (long_u)(l + 7), 4); // <sectionlen>
putc(spin->si_compmax, fd); // <compmax>
putc(spin->si_compminlen, fd); // <compminlen>
putc(spin->si_compsylmax, fd); // <compsylmax>
putc(0, fd); // for Vim 7.0b compatibility
putc(spin->si_compoptions, fd); // <compoptions>
put_bytes(fd, (long_u)spin->si_comppat.ga_len, 2);
// <comppatcount>
for (i = 0; i < spin->si_comppat.ga_len; ++i)
p = ((char_u **)(spin->si_comppat.ga_data))[i];
putc((int)STRLEN(p), fd); // <comppatlen>
fwv &= fwrite(p, (size_t)STRLEN(p), (size_t)1, fd);
// <comppattext>
// <compflags>
fwv &= fwrite(spin->si_compflags, (size_t)STRLEN(spin->si_compflags),
(size_t)1, fd);
if (spin->si_nobreak)
putc(SN_NOBREAK, fd); // <sectionID>
putc(0, fd); // <sectionflags>
// It's empty, the presence of the section flags the feature.
put_bytes(fd, (long_u)0, 4); // <sectionlen>
// SN_SYLLABLE: syllable info.
// We don't mark it required, when not supported syllables will not be
// counted.
if (spin->si_syllable != NULL)
putc(SN_SYLLABLE, fd); // <sectionID>
putc(0, fd); // <sectionflags>
l = (int)STRLEN(spin->si_syllable);
put_bytes(fd, (long_u)l, 4); // <sectionlen>
fwv &= fwrite(spin->si_syllable, (size_t)l, (size_t)1, fd);
// <syllable>
// end of <SECTIONS>
putc(SN_END, fd); // <sectionend>
spin->si_memtot = 0;
for (round = 1; round <= 3; ++round)
if (round == 1)
tree = spin->si_foldroot->wn_sibling;
else if (round == 2)
tree = spin->si_keeproot->wn_sibling;
tree = spin->si_prefroot->wn_sibling;
// Clear the index and wnode fields in the tree.
// Count the number of nodes. Needed to be able to allocate the
// memory when reading the nodes. Also fills in index for shared
// nodes.
nodecount = put_node(NULL, tree, 0, regionmask, round == 3);
// number of nodes in 4 bytes
put_bytes(fd, (long_u)nodecount, 4); // <nodecount>
spin->si_memtot += nodecount + nodecount * sizeof(int);
// Write the nodes.
(void)put_node(fd, tree, 0, regionmask, round == 3);
// Write another byte to check for errors (file system full).
if (putc(0, fd) == EOF)
retval = FAIL;
if (fclose(fd) == EOF)
retval = FAIL;
if (fwv != (size_t)1)
retval = FAIL;
if (retval == FAIL)
return retval;
* Clear the index and wnode fields of "node", it siblings and its
* children. This is needed because they are a union with other items to save
* space.
static void
clear_node(wordnode_T *node)
wordnode_T *np;
if (node != NULL)
np->wn_u1.index = 0;
np->wn_u2.wnode = NULL;
if (np->wn_byte != NUL)
* Dump a word tree at node "node".
* This first writes the list of possible bytes (siblings). Then for each
* byte recursively write the children.
* NOTE: The code here must match the code in read_tree_node(), since
* assumptions are made about the indexes (so that we don't have to write them
* in the file).
* Returns the number of nodes used.
static int
FILE *fd, // NULL when only counting
wordnode_T *node,
int idx,
int regionmask,
int prefixtree) // TRUE for PREFIXTREE
int newindex = idx;
int siblingcount = 0;
wordnode_T *np;
int flags;
// If "node" is zero the tree is empty.
if (node == NULL)
return 0;
// Store the index where this node is written.
node->wn_u1.index = idx;
// Count the number of siblings.
// Write the sibling count.
if (fd != NULL)
putc(siblingcount, fd); // <siblingcount>
// Write each sibling byte and optionally extra info.
if (np->wn_byte == 0)
if (fd != NULL)
// For a NUL byte (end of word) write the flags etc.
if (prefixtree)
// In PREFIXTREE write the required affixID and the
// associated condition nr (stored in wn_region). The
// byte value is misused to store the "rare" and "not
// combining" flags
if (np->wn_flags == (short_u)PFX_FLAGS)
putc(BY_NOFLAGS, fd); // <byte>
putc(BY_FLAGS, fd); // <byte>
putc(np->wn_flags, fd); // <pflags>
putc(np->wn_affixID, fd); // <affixID>
put_bytes(fd, (long_u)np->wn_region, 2); // <prefcondnr>
// For word trees we write the flag/region items.
flags = np->wn_flags;
if (regionmask != 0 && np->wn_region != regionmask)
flags |= WF_REGION;
if (np->wn_affixID != 0)
flags |= WF_AFX;
if (flags == 0)
// word without flags or region
putc(BY_NOFLAGS, fd); // <byte>
if (np->wn_flags >= 0x100)
putc(BY_FLAGS2, fd); // <byte>
putc(flags, fd); // <flags>
putc((unsigned)flags >> 8, fd); // <flags2>
putc(BY_FLAGS, fd); // <byte>
putc(flags, fd); // <flags>
if (flags & WF_REGION)
putc(np->wn_region, fd); // <region>
if (flags & WF_AFX)
putc(np->wn_affixID, fd); // <affixID>
if (np->wn_child->wn_u1.index != 0
&& np->wn_child->wn_u2.wnode != node)
// The child is written elsewhere, write the reference.
if (fd != NULL)
putc(BY_INDEX, fd); // <byte>
// <nodeidx>
put_bytes(fd, (long_u)np->wn_child->wn_u1.index, 3);
else if (np->wn_child->wn_u2.wnode == NULL)
// We will write the child below and give it an index.
np->wn_child->wn_u2.wnode = node;
if (fd != NULL)
if (putc(np->wn_byte, fd) == EOF) // <byte> or <xbyte>
return 0;
// Space used in the array when reading: one for each sibling and one for
// the count.
newindex += siblingcount + 1;
// Recursively dump the children of each sibling.
if (np->wn_byte != 0 && np->wn_child->wn_u2.wnode == node)
newindex = put_node(fd, np->wn_child, newindex, regionmask,
return newindex;
* ":mkspell [-ascii] outfile infile ..."
* ":mkspell [-ascii] addfile"
ex_mkspell(exarg_T *eap)
int fcount;
char_u **fnames;
char_u *arg = eap->arg;
int ascii = FALSE;
if (STRNCMP(arg, "-ascii", 6) == 0)
ascii = TRUE;
arg = skipwhite(arg + 6);
// Expand all the remaining arguments (e.g., $VIMRUNTIME).
if (get_arglist_exp(arg, &fcount, &fnames, FALSE) != OK)
mkspell(fcount, fnames, ascii, eap->forceit, FALSE);
FreeWild(fcount, fnames);
* Create the .sug file.
* Uses the soundfold info in "spin".
* Writes the file with the name "wfname", with ".spl" changed to ".sug".
static void
spell_make_sugfile(spellinfo_T *spin, char_u *wfname)
char_u *fname = NULL;
int len;
slang_T *slang;
int free_slang = FALSE;
* Read back the .spl file that was written. This fills the required
* info for soundfolding. This also uses less memory than the
* pointer-linked version of the trie. And it avoids having two versions
* of the code for the soundfolding stuff.
* It might have been done already by spell_reload_one().
if (fullpathcmp(wfname, slang->sl_fname, FALSE, TRUE) == FPC_SAME)
if (slang == NULL)
spell_message(spin, (char_u *)_("Reading back spell file..."));
slang = spell_load_file(wfname, NULL, NULL, FALSE);
if (slang == NULL)
free_slang = TRUE;
* Clear the info in "spin" that is used.
spin->si_blocks = NULL;
spin->si_blocks_cnt = 0;
spin->si_compress_cnt = 0; // will stay at 0 all the time
spin->si_free_count = 0;
spin->si_first_free = NULL;
spin->si_foldwcount = 0;
* Go through the trie of good words, soundfold each word and add it to
* the soundfold trie.
spell_message(spin, (char_u *)_("Performing soundfolding..."));
if (sug_filltree(spin, slang) == FAIL)
goto theend;
* Create the table which links each soundfold word with a list of the
* good words it may come from. Creates buffer "spin->si_spellbuf".
* This also removes the wordnr from the NUL byte entries to make
* compression possible.
if (sug_maketable(spin) == FAIL)
goto theend;
smsg(_("Number of words after soundfolding: %ld"),
* Compress the soundfold trie.
spell_message(spin, (char_u *)_(msg_compressing));
wordtree_compress(spin, spin->si_foldroot, "case-folded");
* Write the .sug file.
* Make the file name by changing ".spl" to ".sug".
fname = alloc(MAXPATHL);
if (fname == NULL)
goto theend;
vim_strncpy(fname, wfname, MAXPATHL - 1);
len = (int)STRLEN(fname);
fname[len - 2] = 'u';
fname[len - 1] = 'g';
sug_write(spin, fname);
if (free_slang)
* Build the soundfold trie for language "slang".
static int
sug_filltree(spellinfo_T *spin, slang_T *slang)
char_u *byts;
idx_T *idxs;
int depth;
idx_T arridx[MAXWLEN];
int curi[MAXWLEN];
char_u tword[MAXWLEN];
char_u tsalword[MAXWLEN];
int c;
idx_T n;
unsigned words_done = 0;
int wordcount[MAXWLEN];
// We use si_foldroot for the soundfolded trie.
spin->si_foldroot = wordtree_alloc(spin);
if (spin->si_foldroot == NULL)
return FAIL;
// let tree_add_word() know we're adding to the soundfolded tree
spin->si_sugtree = TRUE;
* Go through the whole case-folded tree, soundfold each word and put it
* in the trie. Bail out if the tree is empty.
byts = slang->sl_fbyts;
idxs = slang->sl_fidxs;
if (byts == NULL || idxs == NULL)
return FAIL;
arridx[0] = 0;
curi[0] = 1;
wordcount[0] = 0;
depth = 0;
while (depth >= 0 && !got_int)
if (curi[depth] > byts[arridx[depth]])
// Done all bytes at this node, go up one level.
idxs[arridx[depth]] = wordcount[depth];
if (depth > 0)
wordcount[depth - 1] += wordcount[depth];
// Do one more byte at this node.
n = arridx[depth] + curi[depth];
c = byts[n];
if (c == 0)
// Sound-fold the word.
tword[depth] = NUL;
spell_soundfold(slang, tword, TRUE, tsalword);
// We use the "flags" field for the MSB of the wordnr,
// "region" for the LSB of the wordnr.
if (tree_add_word(spin, tsalword, spin->si_foldroot,
words_done >> 16, words_done & 0xffff,
0) == FAIL)
return FAIL;
// Reset the block count each time to avoid compression
// kicking in.
spin->si_blocks_cnt = 0;
// Skip over any other NUL bytes (same word with different
// flags). But don't go over the end.
while (n + 1 < slang->sl_fbyts_len && byts[n + 1] == 0)
// Normal char, go one level deeper.
tword[depth++] = c;
arridx[depth] = idxs[n];
curi[depth] = 1;
wordcount[depth] = 0;
smsg(_("Total number of words: %d"), words_done);
return OK;
* Make the table that links each word in the soundfold trie to the words it
* can be produced from.
* This is not unlike lines in a file, thus use a memfile to be able to access
* the table efficiently.
* Returns FAIL when out of memory.
static int
sug_maketable(spellinfo_T *spin)
garray_T ga;
int res = OK;
// Allocate a buffer, open a memline for it and create the swap file
// (uses a temp file, not a .swp file).
spin->si_spellbuf = open_spellbuf();
if (spin->si_spellbuf == NULL)
return FAIL;
// Use a buffer to store the line info, avoids allocating many small
// pieces of memory.
ga_init2(&ga, 1, 100);
// recursively go through the tree
if (sug_filltable(spin, spin->si_foldroot->wn_sibling, 0, &ga) == -1)
res = FAIL;
return res;
* Fill the table for one node and its children.
* Returns the wordnr at the start of the node.
* Returns -1 when out of memory.
static int
spellinfo_T *spin,
wordnode_T *node,
int startwordnr,
garray_T *gap) // place to store line of numbers
wordnode_T *p, *np;
int wordnr = startwordnr;
int nr;
int prev_nr;
if (p->wn_byte == NUL)
gap->ga_len = 0;
prev_nr = 0;
for (np = p; np != NULL && np->wn_byte == NUL; np = np->wn_sibling)
if (ga_grow(gap, 10) == FAIL)
return -1;
nr = (np->wn_flags << 16) + (np->wn_region & 0xffff);
// Compute the offset from the previous nr and store the
// offset in a way that it takes a minimum number of bytes.
// It's a bit like utf-8, but without the need to mark
// following bytes.
nr -= prev_nr;
prev_nr += nr;
gap->ga_len += offset2bytes(nr,
(char_u *)gap->ga_data + gap->ga_len);
// add the NUL byte
((char_u *)gap->ga_data)[gap->ga_len++] = NUL;
if (ml_append_buf(spin->si_spellbuf, (linenr_T)wordnr,
gap->ga_data, gap->ga_len, TRUE) == FAIL)
return -1;
// Remove extra NUL entries, we no longer need them. We don't
// bother freeing the nodes, they won't be reused anyway.
while (p->wn_sibling != NULL && p->wn_sibling->wn_byte == NUL)
p->wn_sibling = p->wn_sibling->wn_sibling;
// Clear the flags on the remaining NUL node, so that compression
// works a lot better.
p->wn_flags = 0;
p->wn_region = 0;
wordnr = sug_filltable(spin, p->wn_child, wordnr, gap);
if (wordnr == -1)
return -1;
return wordnr;
* Convert an offset into a minimal number of bytes.
* Similar to utf_char2byters, but use 8 bits in followup bytes and avoid NUL
* bytes.
static int
offset2bytes(int nr, char_u *buf)
int rem;
int b1, b2, b3, b4;
// Split the number in parts of base 255. We need to avoid NUL bytes.
b1 = nr % 255 + 1;
rem = nr / 255;
b2 = rem % 255 + 1;
rem = rem / 255;
b3 = rem % 255 + 1;
b4 = rem / 255 + 1;
if (b4 > 1 || b3 > 0x1f) // 4 bytes
buf[0] = 0xe0 + b4;
buf[1] = b3;
buf[2] = b2;
buf[3] = b1;
return 4;
if (b3 > 1 || b2 > 0x3f ) // 3 bytes
buf[0] = 0xc0 + b3;
buf[1] = b2;
buf[2] = b1;
return 3;
if (b2 > 1 || b1 > 0x7f ) // 2 bytes
buf[0] = 0x80 + b2;
buf[1] = b1;
return 2;
// 1 byte
buf[0] = b1;
return 1;
* Write the .sug file in "fname".
static void
sug_write(spellinfo_T *spin, char_u *fname)
FILE *fd;
wordnode_T *tree;
int nodecount;
int wcount;
char_u *line;
linenr_T lnum;
int len;
// Create the file. Note that an existing file is silently overwritten!
fd = mch_fopen((char *)fname, "w");
if (fd == NULL)
semsg(_(e_cant_open_file_str), fname);
vim_snprintf((char *)IObuff, IOSIZE,
_("Writing suggestion file %s..."), fname);
spell_message(spin, IObuff);
* <SUGHEADER>: <fileID> <versionnr> <timestamp>
if (fwrite(VIMSUGMAGIC, VIMSUGMAGICL, (size_t)1, fd) != 1) // <fileID>
goto theend;
putc(VIMSUGVERSION, fd); // <versionnr>
// Write si_sugtime to the file.
put_time(fd, spin->si_sugtime); // <timestamp>
spin->si_memtot = 0;
tree = spin->si_foldroot->wn_sibling;
// Clear the index and wnode fields in the tree.
// Count the number of nodes. Needed to be able to allocate the
// memory when reading the nodes. Also fills in index for shared
// nodes.
nodecount = put_node(NULL, tree, 0, 0, FALSE);
// number of nodes in 4 bytes
put_bytes(fd, (long_u)nodecount, 4); // <nodecount>
spin->si_memtot += nodecount + nodecount * sizeof(int);
// Write the nodes.
(void)put_node(fd, tree, 0, 0, FALSE);
* <SUGTABLE>: <sugwcount> <sugline> ...
wcount = spin->si_spellbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count;
put_bytes(fd, (long_u)wcount, 4); // <sugwcount>
for (lnum = 1; lnum <= (linenr_T)wcount; ++lnum)
// <sugline>: <sugnr> ... NUL
line = ml_get_buf(spin->si_spellbuf, lnum, FALSE);
len = ml_get_buf_len(spin->si_spellbuf, lnum) + 1;
if (fwrite(line, (size_t)len, (size_t)1, fd) == 0)
goto theend;
spin->si_memtot += len;
// Write another byte to check for errors.
if (putc(0, fd) == EOF)
vim_snprintf((char *)IObuff, IOSIZE,
_("Estimated runtime memory use: %d bytes"), spin->si_memtot);
spell_message(spin, IObuff);
// close the file
* Create a Vim spell file from one or more word lists.
* "fnames[0]" is the output file name.
* "fnames[fcount - 1]" is the last input file name.
* Exception: when "fnames[0]" ends in ".add" it's used as the input file name
* and ".spl" is appended to make the output file name.
int fcount,
char_u **fnames,
int ascii, // -ascii argument given
int over_write, // overwrite existing output file
int added_word) // invoked through "zg"
char_u *fname = NULL;
char_u *wfname;
char_u **innames;
int incount;
afffile_T *(afile[MAXREGIONS]);
int i;
int len;
stat_T st;
int error = FALSE;
spellinfo_T spin;
spin.si_verbose = !added_word;
spin.si_ascii = ascii;
spin.si_followup = TRUE;
spin.si_rem_accents = TRUE;
ga_init2(&spin.si_rep, sizeof(fromto_T), 20);
ga_init2(&spin.si_repsal, sizeof(fromto_T), 20);
ga_init2(&spin.si_sal, sizeof(fromto_T), 20);
ga_init2(&spin.si_map, sizeof(char_u), 100);
ga_init2(&spin.si_comppat, sizeof(char_u *), 20);
ga_init2(&spin.si_prefcond, sizeof(char_u *), 50);
spin.si_newcompID = 127; // start compound ID at first maximum
// default: fnames[0] is output file, following are input files
// When "fcount" is 1 there is only one file.
innames = &fnames[fcount == 1 ? 0 : 1];
incount = fcount - 1;
wfname = alloc(MAXPATHL);
if (wfname == NULL)
if (fcount >= 1)
len = (int)STRLEN(fnames[0]);
if (fcount == 1 && len > 4 && STRCMP(fnames[0] + len - 4, ".add") == 0)
// For ":mkspell path/en.latin1.add" output file is
// "path/en.latin1.add.spl".
incount = 1;
vim_snprintf((char *)wfname, MAXPATHL, "%s.spl", fnames[0]);
else if (fcount == 1)
// For ":mkspell path/vim" output file is "path/vim.latin1.spl".
incount = 1;
vim_snprintf((char *)wfname, MAXPATHL, SPL_FNAME_TMPL,
fnames[0], spin.si_ascii ? (char_u *)"ascii" : spell_enc());
else if (len > 4 && STRCMP(fnames[0] + len - 4, ".spl") == 0)
// Name ends in ".spl", use as the file name.
vim_strncpy(wfname, fnames[0], MAXPATHL - 1);
// Name should be language, make the file name from it.
vim_snprintf((char *)wfname, MAXPATHL, SPL_FNAME_TMPL,
fnames[0], spin.si_ascii ? (char_u *)"ascii" : spell_enc());
// Check for .ascii.spl.
if (strstr((char *)gettail(wfname), SPL_FNAME_ASCII) != NULL)
spin.si_ascii = TRUE;
// Check for .add.spl.
if (strstr((char *)gettail(wfname), SPL_FNAME_ADD) != NULL)
spin.si_add = TRUE;
if (incount <= 0)
emsg(_(e_invalid_argument)); // need at least output and input names
else if (vim_strchr(gettail(wfname), '_') != NULL)
else if (incount > MAXREGIONS)
semsg(_(e_only_up_to_nr_regions_supported), MAXREGIONS);
// Check for overwriting before doing things that may take a lot of
// time.
if (!over_write && mch_stat((char *)wfname, &st) >= 0)
goto theend;
if (mch_isdir(wfname))
semsg(_(e_str_is_directory), wfname);
goto theend;
fname = alloc(MAXPATHL);
if (fname == NULL)
goto theend;
* Init the aff and dic pointers.
* Get the region names if there are more than 2 arguments.
for (i = 0; i < incount; ++i)
afile[i] = NULL;
if (incount > 1)
len = (int)STRLEN(innames[i]);
if (STRLEN(gettail(innames[i])) < 5
|| innames[i][len - 3] != '_')
semsg(_(e_invalid_region_in_str), innames[i]);
goto theend;
spin.si_region_name[i * 2] = TOLOWER_ASC(innames[i][len - 2]);
spin.si_region_name[i * 2 + 1] =
TOLOWER_ASC(innames[i][len - 1]);
spin.si_region_count = incount;
spin.si_foldroot = wordtree_alloc(&spin);
spin.si_keeproot = wordtree_alloc(&spin);
spin.si_prefroot = wordtree_alloc(&spin);
if (spin.si_foldroot == NULL
|| spin.si_keeproot == NULL
|| spin.si_prefroot == NULL)
goto theend;
// When not producing a .add.spl file clear the character table when
// we encounter one in the .aff file. This means we dump the current
// one in the .spl file if the .aff file doesn't define one. That's
// better than guessing the contents, the table will match a
// previously loaded spell file.
if (!spin.si_add)
spin.si_clear_chartab = TRUE;
* Read all the .aff and .dic files.
* Text is converted to 'encoding'.
* Words are stored in the case-folded and keep-case trees.
for (i = 0; i < incount && !error; ++i)
spin.si_conv.vc_type = CONV_NONE;
spin.si_region = 1 << i;
vim_snprintf((char *)fname, MAXPATHL, "%s.aff", innames[i]);
if (mch_stat((char *)fname, &st) >= 0)
// Read the .aff file. Will init "spin->si_conv" based on the
// "SET" line.
afile[i] = spell_read_aff(&spin, fname);
if (afile[i] == NULL)
error = TRUE;
// Read the .dic file and store the words in the trees.
vim_snprintf((char *)fname, MAXPATHL, "%s.dic",
if (spell_read_dic(&spin, fname, afile[i]) == FAIL)
error = TRUE;
// No .aff file, try reading the file as a word list. Store
// the words in the trees.
if (spell_read_wordfile(&spin, innames[i]) == FAIL)
error = TRUE;
// Free any conversion stuff.
convert_setup(&spin.si_conv, NULL, NULL);
if (spin.si_compflags != NULL && spin.si_nobreak)
msg(_("Warning: both compounding and NOBREAK specified"));
if (!error && !got_int)
* Combine tails in the tree.
spell_message(&spin, (char_u *)_(msg_compressing));
wordtree_compress(&spin, spin.si_foldroot, "case-folded");
wordtree_compress(&spin, spin.si_keeproot, "keep-case");
wordtree_compress(&spin, spin.si_prefroot, "prefixes");
if (!error && !got_int)
* Write the info in the spell file.
vim_snprintf((char *)IObuff, IOSIZE,
_("Writing spell file %s..."), wfname);
spell_message(&spin, IObuff);
error = write_vim_spell(&spin, wfname) == FAIL;
spell_message(&spin, (char_u *)_("Done!"));
vim_snprintf((char *)IObuff, IOSIZE,
_("Estimated runtime memory use: %d bytes"), spin.si_memtot);
spell_message(&spin, IObuff);
* If the file is loaded need to reload it.
if (!error)
spell_reload_one(wfname, added_word);
// Free the allocated memory.
hash_clear_all(&spin.si_commonwords, 0);
// Free the .aff file structures.
for (i = 0; i < incount; ++i)
if (afile[i] != NULL)
// Free all the bits and pieces at once.
* If there is soundfolding info and no NOSUGFILE item create the
* .sug file with the soundfolded word trie.
if (spin.si_sugtime != 0 && !error && !got_int)
spell_make_sugfile(&spin, wfname);
* Display a message for spell file processing when 'verbose' is set or using
* ":mkspell". "str" can be IObuff.
static void
spell_message(spellinfo_T *spin, char_u *str)
if (spin->si_verbose || p_verbose > 2)
if (!spin->si_verbose)
msg((char *)str);
if (!spin->si_verbose)
* ":[count]spellgood {word}"
* ":[count]spellwrong {word}"
* ":[count]spellundo {word}"
* ":[count]spellrare {word}"
ex_spell(exarg_T *eap)
spell_add_word(eap->arg, (int)STRLEN(eap->arg),
eap->cmdidx == CMD_spellwrong ? SPELL_ADD_BAD :
eap->cmdidx == CMD_spellrare ? SPELL_ADD_RARE : SPELL_ADD_GOOD,
eap->forceit ? 0 : (int)eap->line2,
eap->cmdidx == CMD_spellundo);
* Add "word[len]" to 'spellfile' as a good, rare or bad word.
char_u *word,
int len,
int what, // SPELL_ADD_ values
int idx, // "zG" and "zW": zero, otherwise index in
// 'spellfile'
int undo) // TRUE for "zug", "zuG", "zuw" and "zuW"
FILE *fd = NULL;
buf_T *buf = NULL;
int new_spf = FALSE;
char_u *fname;
char_u *fnamebuf = NULL;
char_u line[MAXWLEN * 2];
long fpos, fpos_next = 0;
int i;
char_u *spf;
if (!valid_spell_word(word, word + len))
if (idx == 0) // use internal wordlist
if (int_wordlist == NULL)
int_wordlist = vim_tempname('s', FALSE);
if (int_wordlist == NULL)
fname = int_wordlist;
// If 'spellfile' isn't set figure out a good default value.
if (*curwin->w_s->b_p_spf == NUL)
new_spf = TRUE;
if (*curwin->w_s->b_p_spf == NUL)
semsg(_(e_option_str_is_not_set), "spellfile");
fnamebuf = alloc(MAXPATHL);
if (fnamebuf == NULL)
for (spf = curwin->w_s->b_p_spf, i = 1; *spf != NUL; ++i)
copy_option_part(&spf, fnamebuf, MAXPATHL, ",");
if (i == idx)
if (*spf == NUL)
semsg(_(e_spellfile_does_not_have_nr_entries), idx);
// Check that the user isn't editing the .add file somewhere.
buf = buflist_findname_exp(fnamebuf);
if (buf != NULL && buf->b_ml.ml_mfp == NULL)
buf = NULL;
if (buf != NULL && bufIsChanged(buf))
fname = fnamebuf;
if (what == SPELL_ADD_BAD || undo)
// When the word appears as good word we need to remove that one,
// since its flags sort before the one with WF_BANNED.
fd = mch_fopen((char *)fname, "r");
if (fd != NULL)
while (!vim_fgets(line, MAXWLEN * 2, fd))
fpos = fpos_next;
fpos_next = ftell(fd);
if (fpos_next < 0)
break; // should never happen
if (STRNCMP(word, line, len) == 0
&& (line[len] == '/' || line[len] < ' '))
// Found duplicate word. Remove it by writing a '#' at
// the start of the line. Mixing reading and writing
// doesn't work for all systems, close the file first.
fd = mch_fopen((char *)fname, "r+");
if (fd == NULL)
if (fseek(fd, fpos, SEEK_SET) == 0)
fputc('#', fd);
if (undo)
home_replace(NULL, fname, NameBuff, MAXPATHL, TRUE);
smsg(_("Word '%.*s' removed from %s"),
len, word, NameBuff);
if (fseek(fd, fpos_next, SEEK_SET) != 0)
PERROR(_("Seek error in spellfile"));
if (fd != NULL)
if (!undo)
fd = mch_fopen((char *)fname, "a");
if (fd == NULL && new_spf)
char_u *p;
// We just initialized the 'spellfile' option and can't open the
// file. We may need to create the "spell" directory first. We
// already checked the runtime directory is writable in
// init_spellfile().
if (!dir_of_file_exists(fname) && (p = gettail_sep(fname)) != fname)
int c = *p;
// The directory doesn't exist. Try creating it and opening
// the file again.
*p = NUL;
vim_mkdir(fname, 0755);
*p = c;
fd = mch_fopen((char *)fname, "a");
if (fd == NULL)
semsg(_(e_cant_open_file_str), fname);
if (what == SPELL_ADD_BAD)
fprintf(fd, "%.*s/!\n", len, word);
else if (what == SPELL_ADD_RARE)
fprintf(fd, "%.*s/?\n", len, word);
fprintf(fd, "%.*s\n", len, word);
home_replace(NULL, fname, NameBuff, MAXPATHL, TRUE);
smsg(_("Word '%.*s' added to %s"), len, word, NameBuff);
if (fd != NULL)
// Update the .add.spl file.
mkspell(1, &fname, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE);
// If the .add file is edited somewhere, reload it.
if (buf != NULL)
buf_reload(buf, buf->b_orig_mode, FALSE);
* Initialize 'spellfile' for the current buffer.
static void
char_u *buf;
int l;
char_u *fname;
char_u *rtp;
char_u *lend;
int aspath = FALSE;
char_u *lstart = curbuf->b_s.b_p_spl;
if (*curwin->w_s->b_p_spl == NUL || curwin->w_s->b_langp.ga_len <= 0)
buf = alloc(MAXPATHL);
if (buf == NULL)
// Find the end of the language name. Exclude the region. If there
// is a path separator remember the start of the tail.
for (lend = curwin->w_s->b_p_spl; *lend != NUL
&& vim_strchr((char_u *)",._", *lend) == NULL; ++lend)
if (vim_ispathsep(*lend))
aspath = TRUE;
lstart = lend + 1;
// Loop over all entries in 'runtimepath'. Use the first one where we
// are allowed to write.
rtp = p_rtp;
while (*rtp != NUL)
if (aspath)
// Use directory of an entry with path, e.g., for
// "/dir/lg.utf-8.spl" use "/dir".
vim_strncpy(buf, curbuf->b_s.b_p_spl,
lstart - curbuf->b_s.b_p_spl - 1);
// Copy the path from 'runtimepath' to buf[].
copy_option_part(&rtp, buf, MAXPATHL, ",");
if (filewritable(buf) == 2)
// Use the first language name from 'spelllang' and the
// encoding used in the first loaded .spl file.
if (aspath)
vim_strncpy(buf, curbuf->b_s.b_p_spl,
lend - curbuf->b_s.b_p_spl);
// Create the "spell" directory if it doesn't exist yet.
l = (int)STRLEN(buf);
vim_snprintf((char *)buf + l, MAXPATHL - l, "/spell");
if (filewritable(buf) != 2)
if (vim_mkdir(buf, 0755) != 0)
l = (int)STRLEN(buf);
vim_snprintf((char *)buf + l, MAXPATHL - l,
"/%.*s", (int)(lend - lstart), lstart);
l = (int)STRLEN(buf);
fname = LANGP_ENTRY(curwin->w_s->b_langp, 0)
vim_snprintf((char *)buf + l, MAXPATHL - l, ".%s.add",
fname != NULL
&& strstr((char *)gettail(fname), ".ascii.") != NULL
? (char_u *)"ascii" : spell_enc());
set_option_value_give_err((char_u *)"spellfile",
0L, buf, OPT_LOCAL);
aspath = FALSE;
* Set the spell character tables from strings in the affix file.
static int
set_spell_chartab(char_u *fol, char_u *low, char_u *upp)
// We build the new tables here first, so that we can compare with the
// previous one.
spelltab_T new_st;
char_u *pf = fol, *pl = low, *pu = upp;
int f, l, u;
while (*pf != NUL)
if (*pl == NUL || *pu == NUL)
return FAIL;
f = mb_ptr2char_adv(&pf);
l = mb_ptr2char_adv(&pl);
u = mb_ptr2char_adv(&pu);
// Every character that appears is a word character.
if (f < 256)
new_st.st_isw[f] = TRUE;
if (l < 256)
new_st.st_isw[l] = TRUE;
if (u < 256)
new_st.st_isw[u] = TRUE;
// if "LOW" and "FOL" are not the same the "LOW" char needs
// case-folding
if (l < 256 && l != f)
if (f >= 256)
return FAIL;
new_st.st_fold[l] = f;
// if "UPP" and "FOL" are not the same the "UPP" char needs
// case-folding, it's upper case and the "UPP" is the upper case of
// "FOL" .
if (u < 256 && u != f)
if (f >= 256)
return FAIL;
new_st.st_fold[u] = f;
new_st.st_isu[u] = TRUE;
new_st.st_upper[f] = u;
if (*pl != NUL || *pu != NUL)
return FAIL;
return set_spell_finish(&new_st);
* Set the spell character tables from strings in the .spl file.
static void
char_u *flags,
int cnt, // length of "flags"
char_u *fol)
// We build the new tables here first, so that we can compare with the
// previous one.
spelltab_T new_st;
int i;
char_u *p = fol;
int c;
for (i = 0; i < 128; ++i)
if (i < cnt)
new_st.st_isw[i + 128] = (flags[i] & CF_WORD) != 0;
new_st.st_isu[i + 128] = (flags[i] & CF_UPPER) != 0;
if (*p != NUL)
c = mb_ptr2char_adv(&p);
new_st.st_fold[i + 128] = c;
if (i + 128 != c && new_st.st_isu[i + 128] && c < 256)
new_st.st_upper[c] = i + 128;
static int
set_spell_finish(spelltab_T *new_st)
int i;
if (did_set_spelltab)
// check that it's the same table
for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i)
if (spelltab.st_isw[i] != new_st->st_isw[i]
|| spelltab.st_isu[i] != new_st->st_isu[i]
|| spelltab.st_fold[i] != new_st->st_fold[i]
|| spelltab.st_upper[i] != new_st->st_upper[i])
return FAIL;
// copy the new spelltab into the one being used
spelltab = *new_st;
did_set_spelltab = TRUE;
return OK;
* Write the table with prefix conditions to the .spl file.
* When "fd" is NULL only count the length of what is written and return it.
static int
write_spell_prefcond(FILE *fd, garray_T *gap, size_t *fwv)
int i;
char_u *p;
int len;
int totlen;
if (fd != NULL)
put_bytes(fd, (long_u)gap->ga_len, 2); // <prefcondcnt>
totlen = 2 + gap->ga_len; // length of <prefcondcnt> and <condlen> bytes
for (i = 0; i < gap->ga_len; ++i)
// <prefcond> : <condlen> <condstr>
p = ((char_u **)gap->ga_data)[i];
if (p != NULL)
len = (int)STRLEN(p);
if (fd != NULL)
fputc(len, fd);
*fwv &= fwrite(p, (size_t)len, (size_t)1, fd);
totlen += len;
else if (fd != NULL)
fputc(0, fd);
return totlen;
* Use map string "map" for languages "lp".
static void
set_map_str(slang_T *lp, char_u *map)
char_u *p;
int headc = 0;
int c;
int i;
if (*map == NUL)
lp->sl_has_map = FALSE;
lp->sl_has_map = TRUE;
// Init the array and hash tables empty.
for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i)
lp->sl_map_array[i] = 0;
* The similar characters are stored separated with slashes:
* "aaa/bbb/ccc/". Fill sl_map_array[c] with the character before c and
* before the same slash. For characters above 255 sl_map_hash is used.
for (p = map; *p != NUL; )
c = mb_cptr2char_adv(&p);
if (c == '/')
headc = 0;
if (headc == 0)
headc = c;
// Characters above 255 don't fit in sl_map_array[], put them in
// the hash table. Each entry is the char, a NUL the headchar and
// a NUL.
if (c >= 256)
int cl = mb_char2len(c);
int headcl = mb_char2len(headc);
char_u *b;
hash_T hash;
hashitem_T *hi;
b = alloc(cl + headcl + 2);
if (b == NULL)
mb_char2bytes(c, b);
b[cl] = NUL;
mb_char2bytes(headc, b + cl + 1);
b[cl + 1 + headcl] = NUL;
hash = hash_hash(b);
hi = hash_lookup(&lp->sl_map_hash, b, hash);
hash_add_item(&lp->sl_map_hash, hi, b, hash);
// This should have been checked when generating the .spl
// file.
lp->sl_map_array[c] = headc;
#endif // FEAT_SPELL