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synced 2025-03-27 12:06:44 +01:00
Problem: SpotBugs compiler can be improved Solution: runtime(compiler): Improve defaults and error handling for SpotBugs; update test_compiler.vim (Aliaksei Budavei) runtime(compiler): Improve defaults and error handling for SpotBugs * Keep "spotbugs#DefaultPreCompilerTestAction()" defined but do not assign its Funcref to the "PreCompilerTestAction" key of "g:spotbugs_properties": there are no default and there can only be introduced arbitrary "*sourceDirPath" entries; therefore, this assignment is confusing at best, given that the function's implementation delegates to whatever "PreCompilerAction" is. * Allow for the possibility of relative source pathnames passed as arguments to Vim for the Javac default actions, and the necessity to have them properly reconciled when the current working directory is changed. * Do not expect users to remember or know that new source files ‘must be’ ":argadd"'d to be then known to the Javac default actions; so collect the names of Java-file buffers and Java-file Vim arguments; and let users providing the "@sources" file-lists in the "g:javac_makeprg_params" variable update these file-lists themselves. * Strive to not leave behind a fire-once Syntax ":autocmd" for a Java buffer whenever an arbitrary pre-compile action errors out. * Only attempt to run a post-compiler action in the absence of failures for a pre-compiler action. Note that warnings and failures are treated alike (?!) by the Javac compiler, so when previews are tried out with "--enable-preview", remember about passing "-Xlint:-preview" too to also let SpotBugs have a go. * Properly group conditional operators when testing for key entries in a user-defined variable. * Also test whether "javaExternal" is defined when choosing an implementation for source-file parsing. * Two commands are provided to toggle actions for buffer-local autocommands: - SpotBugsRemoveBufferAutocmd; - SpotBugsDefineBufferAutocmd. For example, try this from "~/.vim/after/ftplugin/java.vim": ------------------------------------------------------------ if exists(':SpotBugsDefineBufferAutocmd') == 2 SpotBugsDefineBufferAutocmd BufWritePost SigUSR1 endif ------------------------------------------------------------ And ":doautocmd java_spotbugs User" can be manually used at will. closes: #16140 Signed-off-by: Aliaksei Budavei <0x000c70@gmail.com> Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt <cb@256bit.org>
254 lines
9.7 KiB
254 lines
9.7 KiB
" Vim compiler file
" Compiler: Spotbugs (Java static checker; needs javac compiled classes)
" Maintainer: @konfekt and @zzzyxwvut
" Last Change: 2024 Dec 14
if exists('g:current_compiler') || bufname() !~# '\.java\=$' || wordcount().chars < 9
let s:cpo_save = &cpo
set cpo&vim
" Unfortunately Spotbugs does not output absolute paths, so you need to
" pass the directory of the files being checked as `-sourcepath` parameter.
" The regex, auxpath and glob try to include all dependent classes of the
" current buffer. See https://github.com/spotbugs/spotbugs/issues/856
" FIXME: When "search()" is used with the "e" flag, it makes no _further_
" progress after claiming an EOL match (i.e. "\_" or "\n", but not "$").
" XXX: Omit anonymous class declarations
let s:keywords = '\C\<\%(\.\@1<!class\|@\=interface\|enum\|record\|package\)\%(\s\|$\)'
let s:type_names = '\C\<\%(\.\@1<!class\|@\=interface\|enum\|record\)\s*\(\K\k*\)\>'
" Capture ";" for counting a class file directory (see s:package_dir_heads below)
let s:package_names = '\C\<package\s*\(\K\%(\k*\.\=\)\+;\)'
let s:package = ''
if has('syntax') && exists('g:syntax_on') &&
\ exists('b:current_syntax') && b:current_syntax == 'java' &&
\ hlexists('javaClassDecl') && hlexists('javaExternal')
function! s:GetDeclaredTypeNames() abort
if bufname() =~# '\<\%(module\|package\)-info\.java\=$'
return [expand('%:t:r')]
defer execute('silent! normal! g``')
call cursor(1, 1)
let type_names = []
let lnum = search(s:keywords, 'eW')
while lnum > 0
let name_attr = synIDattr(synID(lnum, (col('.') - 1), 0), 'name')
if name_attr ==# 'javaClassDecl'
let tokens = matchlist(getline(lnum)..getline(lnum + 1), s:type_names)
if !empty(tokens) | call add(type_names, tokens[1]) | endif
elseif name_attr ==# 'javaExternal'
let tokens = matchlist(getline(lnum)..getline(lnum + 1), s:package_names)
if !empty(tokens) | let s:package = tokens[1] | endif
let lnum = search(s:keywords, 'eW')
return type_names
function! s:GetDeclaredTypeNames() abort
if bufname() =~# '\<\%(module\|package\)-info\.java\=$'
return [expand('%:t:r')]
" Undo the unsetting of &hls, see below
if &hls
defer execute('set hls')
" Possibly restore the current values for registers '"' and "y", see below
defer call('setreg', ['"', getreg('"'), getregtype('"')])
defer call('setreg', ['y', getreg('y'), getregtype('y')])
defer execute('silent bwipeout')
" Copy buffer contents for modification
silent %y y
" Apply ":help scratch-buffer" effects and match "$" in Java (generated)
" type names (see s:type_names)
setlocal iskeyword+=$ buftype=nofile bufhidden=hide noswapfile nohls
0put y
" Discard text blocks and strings
silent keeppatterns %s/\\\@<!"""\_.\{-}\\\@<!"""\|\\"//ge
silent keeppatterns %s/".*"//ge
" Discard comments
silent keeppatterns %s/\/\/.\+$//ge
silent keeppatterns %s/\/\*\_.\{-}\*\///ge
call cursor(1, 1)
let type_names = []
let lnum = search(s:keywords, 'eW')
while lnum > 0
let line = getline(lnum)
if line =~# '\<package\>'
let tokens = matchlist(line..getline(lnum + 1), s:package_names)
if !empty(tokens) | let s:package = tokens[1] | endif
let tokens = matchlist(line..getline(lnum + 1), s:type_names)
if !empty(tokens) | call add(type_names, tokens[1]) | endif
let lnum = search(s:keywords, 'eW')
return type_names
if has('win32')
function! s:GlobClassFiles(src_type_name) abort
return glob(a:src_type_name..'$*.class', 1, 1)
function! s:GlobClassFiles(src_type_name) abort
return glob(a:src_type_name..'\$*.class', 1, 1)
if exists('b:spotbugs_properties')
" Let "ftplugin/java.vim" merge global entries, if any, in buffer-local
" entries
function! s:GetProperty(name, default) abort
return get(b:spotbugs_properties, a:name, a:default)
elseif exists('g:spotbugs_properties')
function! s:GetProperty(name, default) abort
return get(g:spotbugs_properties, a:name, a:default)
function! s:GetProperty(dummy, default) abort
return a:default
if (exists('g:spotbugs_properties') || exists('b:spotbugs_properties')) &&
\ ((!empty(s:GetProperty('sourceDirPath', [])) &&
\ !empty(s:GetProperty('classDirPath', []))) ||
\ (!empty(s:GetProperty('testSourceDirPath', [])) &&
\ !empty(s:GetProperty('testClassDirPath', []))))
function! s:CommonIdxsAndDirs() abort
let src_dir_path = s:GetProperty('sourceDirPath', [])
let bin_dir_path = s:GetProperty('classDirPath', [])
let test_src_dir_path = s:GetProperty('testSourceDirPath', [])
let test_bin_dir_path = s:GetProperty('testClassDirPath', [])
let dir_cnt = min([len(src_dir_path), len(bin_dir_path)])
let test_dir_cnt = min([len(test_src_dir_path), len(test_bin_dir_path)])
" Do not break up path pairs with filtering!
return [[range(dir_cnt),
\ src_dir_path[0 : dir_cnt - 1],
\ bin_dir_path[0 : dir_cnt - 1]],
\ [range(test_dir_cnt),
\ test_src_dir_path[0 : test_dir_cnt - 1],
\ test_bin_dir_path[0 : test_dir_cnt - 1]]]
let s:common_idxs_and_dirs = s:CommonIdxsAndDirs()
delfunction s:CommonIdxsAndDirs
function! s:FindClassFiles(src_type_name) abort
let class_files = []
" Match pairwise the components of source and class pathnames
for [idxs, src_dirs, bin_dirs] in s:common_idxs_and_dirs
" Do not use "fnamemodify(a:src_type_name, ':p:s?src?bin?')" because
" only the rightmost "src" is looked for
for idx in idxs
let tail_idx = strridx(a:src_type_name, src_dirs[idx])
" No such directory or no such inner type (i.e. without "$")
if tail_idx < 0 | continue | endif
" Substitute "bin_dirs[idx]" for the rightmost "src_dirs[idx]"
let candidate_type_name = strpart(a:src_type_name, 0, tail_idx)..
\ bin_dirs[idx]..
\ strpart(a:src_type_name, (tail_idx + strlen(src_dirs[idx])))
for candidate in insert(s:GlobClassFiles(candidate_type_name),
\ candidate_type_name..'.class')
if filereadable(candidate) | call add(class_files, shellescape(candidate)) | endif
if !empty(class_files) | break | endif
if !empty(class_files) | break | endif
return class_files
function! s:FindClassFiles(src_type_name) abort
let class_files = []
for candidate in insert(s:GlobClassFiles(a:src_type_name),
\ a:src_type_name..'.class')
if filereadable(candidate) | call add(class_files, shellescape(candidate)) | endif
return class_files
if exists('g:spotbugs_alternative_path') &&
\ !empty(get(g:spotbugs_alternative_path, 'fromPath', '')) &&
\ !empty(get(g:spotbugs_alternative_path, 'toPath', ''))
" See https://github.com/spotbugs/spotbugs/issues/909
function! s:ResolveAbsolutePathname() abort
let pathname = expand('%:p')
let head_idx = stridx(pathname, g:spotbugs_alternative_path.toPath)
" No such file: a mismatched path request for a project
if head_idx < 0 | return pathname | endif
" Settle for failure with file readability tests _in s:FindClassFiles()_
return strpart(pathname, 0, head_idx)..
\ g:spotbugs_alternative_path.fromPath..
\ strpart(pathname, (head_idx + strlen(g:spotbugs_alternative_path.toPath)))
function! s:ResolveAbsolutePathname() abort
return expand('%:p')
function! s:CollectClassFiles() abort
" Possibly obtain a symlinked path for an unsupported directory name
let pathname = s:ResolveAbsolutePathname()
" Get a platform-independent pathname prefix, cf. "expand('%:p:h')..'/'"
let tail_idx = strridx(pathname, expand('%:t'))
let src_pathname = strpart(pathname, 0, tail_idx)
let all_class_files = []
" Get all type names in the current buffer and let the filename globbing
" discover inner type names from arbitrary type names
for type_name in s:GetDeclaredTypeNames()
call extend(all_class_files, s:FindClassFiles(src_pathname..type_name))
return all_class_files
" Expose class files for removal etc.
let b:spotbugs_class_files = s:CollectClassFiles()
let s:package_dir_heads = repeat(':h', (1 + strlen(substitute(s:package, '[^.;]', '', 'g'))))
let s:package_root_dir = fnamemodify(s:ResolveAbsolutePathname(), s:package_dir_heads..':S')
let g:current_compiler = 'spotbugs'
" CompilerSet makeprg=spotbugs
let &l:makeprg = 'spotbugs'..(has('win32') ? '.bat' : '')..' '..
\ get(b:, 'spotbugs_makeprg_params', get(g:, 'spotbugs_makeprg_params', '-workHard -experimental'))..
\ ' -textui -emacs -auxclasspath '..s:package_root_dir..' -sourcepath '..s:package_root_dir..' '..
\ join(b:spotbugs_class_files, ' ')
" Emacs expects doubled line numbers
setlocal errorformat=%f:%l:%*[0-9]\ %m,%f:-%*[0-9]:-%*[0-9]\ %m
" " This compiler is meant to be used for a single buffer only
" exe 'CompilerSet makeprg='..escape(&l:makeprg, ' \|"')
" exe 'CompilerSet errorformat='..escape(&l:errorformat, ' \|"')
delfunction s:CollectClassFiles
delfunction s:ResolveAbsolutePathname
delfunction s:FindClassFiles
delfunction s:GetProperty
delfunction s:GlobClassFiles
delfunction s:GetDeclaredTypeNames
let &cpo = s:cpo_save
unlet! s:package_root_dir s:package_dir_heads s:common_idxs_and_dirs s:package
unlet! s:package_names s:type_names s:keywords s:cpo_save
" vim: set foldmethod=syntax shiftwidth=2 expandtab: