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goweol 8cfe52e6fb
man.vim: Recognise hyphenated-at-eol cross-references ()
Manual pages requested for output may undergo formatting
arranged by some roff-descendant program. Lines longer
than MANWIDTH or COLUMNS or real-estate width of a device
(with support for horizontal scrolling considered) can be
divided at either blank characters and/or at groups of word
characters (syllables) according to supported hyphenation
rules (although page authors are free to disable hyphenation
or prevent particular words from being hyphenated).

Groff‘s manual describes it as follows:

    5.1.2 Hyphenation

    Since the odds are not great for finding a set of words, for
    every output line, which fit nicely on a line without
    inserting excessive amounts of space between words, gtroff
    hyphenates words so that it can justify lines without
    inserting too much space between words. It uses an internal
    hyphenation algorithm (a simplified version of the algorithm
    used within TeX) to indicate which words can be hyphenated
    and how to do so. When a word is hyphenated, the first part
    of the word is added to the current filled line being output
    (with an attached hyphen), and the other portion is added to
    the next line to be filled.

It would be expedient for autoload/dist/man.vim (along with
syntax/man.vim‘s highlighting and ftplugin/man.vim‘s Ctrl-],
\K mappings) to allow for hyphenation of cross-references
to manual pages.

For example,

  # Launch Vim [v9.0; patched: 1-1378, 1499] as follows:
  MANWIDTH=80 vim --not-a-term +MANPAGER '+Man man' '+/conv(1)' '+norm B'

  # Press Ctrl-] with cursor on _m_: "... use man‐
  # conv(1) directly."_______________________[^]
  # (Man v2.11.2)

  # Launch Vim as follows:
  MANWIDTH=80 vim --not-a-term +MANPAGER '+Man git' '+/config(1)' '+norm B'

  # Press Ctrl-] with cursor on _g_: "... in git-
  # config(1) for a more ..."_______________[^]
  # (Git v2.39.2)

Co-authored-by: Aliaksei Budavei <0x000c70@gmail.com>
2023-08-17 23:13:29 +02:00

58 lines
1.8 KiB

" Vim syntax file
" Language: Man page
" Maintainer: Jason Franklin <vim@justemail.net>
" Previous Maintainer: SungHyun Nam <goweol@gmail.com>
" Previous Maintainer: Gautam H. Mudunuri <gmudunur@informatica.com>
" Version Info:
" Last Change: 2020 Sep 19
" Additional highlighting by Johannes Tanzler <johannes.tanzler@aon.at>:
" * manSubHeading
" * manSynopsis (only for sections 2 and 3)
" quit when a syntax file was already loaded
if exists("b:current_syntax")
" Get the CTRL-H syntax to handle backspaced text
runtime! syntax/ctrlh.vim
syn case ignore
" See notes about hyphenation in s:ParseIntoPageAndSection of
" autoload/dist/man.vim.
syn match manReference "\%(\f\+[\u2010-]\%(\n\|\r\n\=\)\s\+\)\=\f\+([1-9]\l*)"
syn match manSectionHeading "^\a.*$"
syn match manSubHeading "^\s\{3\}\a.*$"
syn match manOptionDesc "^\s*[+-][a-z0-9]\S*"
syn match manLongOptionDesc "^\s*--[a-z0-9-]\S*"
" syn match manHistory "^[a-z].*last change.*$"
syn match manHeader '\%1l.*'
exe 'syn match manFooter ''\%' . line('$') . 'l.*'''
if getline(1) =~ '^[a-zA-Z_]\+([23])'
syntax include @cCode <sfile>:p:h/c.vim
syn match manCFuncDefinition display "\<\h\w*\>\s*("me=e-1 contained
syn region manSynopsis start="^SYNOPSIS"hs=s+8 end="^\u\+\s*$"me=e-12 keepend contains=manSectionHeading,@cCode,manCFuncDefinition
" Define the default highlighting.
" Only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
hi def link manHeader Title
hi def link manFooter PreProc
hi def link manSectionHeading Statement
hi def link manOptionDesc Constant
hi def link manLongOptionDesc Constant
hi def link manReference PreProc
hi def link manSubHeading Function
hi def link manCFuncDefinition Function
let b:current_syntax = "man"
" vim:ts=8 sts=2 sw=2: