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Christian Brabandt c6ed816761
runtime(yaml): do not re-indent when commenting out lines
It's a personal annoyance for me. I have to edit yaml files on a lot of
customer environments and whenever you type '#' at the start of the
line, the commented line will be indented by whatever indent the
previous line had.

I hate this seriously, because it makes un-commenting painful. So let's
fix this. But instead of messing with the indent function, let's just
remove the '0#' from cinkeys, so that Vim won't perform re-indenting
when commenting out such a yaml file.


Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt <cb@256bit.org>
2024-08-15 22:29:47 +02:00

160 lines
5.7 KiB

" Vim indent file
" Language: YAML
" Maintainer: Nikolai Pavlov <zyx.vim@gmail.com>
" Last Updates: Lukas Reineke, "lacygoill"
" Last Change: 2022 Jun 17
" 2024 Feb 29 by Vim project: disable mulitline indent by default
" 2024 Aug 14 by Vim project: fix re-indenting when commenting out lines
" Only load this indent file when no other was loaded.
if exists('b:did_indent')
let b:did_indent = 1
setlocal indentexpr=GetYAMLIndent(v:lnum)
setlocal indentkeys=!^F,o,O,0},0],<:>,0-
setlocal nosmartindent
let b:undo_indent = 'setlocal indentexpr< indentkeys< smartindent<'
" Only define the function once.
if exists('*GetYAMLIndent')
let s:save_cpo = &cpo
set cpo&vim
function s:FindPrevLessIndentedLine(lnum, ...)
let prevlnum = prevnonblank(a:lnum-1)
let curindent = a:0 ? a:1 : indent(a:lnum)
while prevlnum
\ && indent(prevlnum) >= curindent
\ && getline(prevlnum) !~# '^\s*#'
let prevlnum = prevnonblank(prevlnum-1)
return prevlnum
function s:FindPrevLEIndentedLineMatchingRegex(lnum, regex)
let plilnum = s:FindPrevLessIndentedLine(a:lnum, indent(a:lnum)+1)
while plilnum && getline(plilnum) !~# a:regex
let plilnum = s:FindPrevLessIndentedLine(plilnum)
return plilnum
let s:mapkeyregex = '\v^\s*\#@!\S@=%(\''%([^'']|\''\'')*\''' ..
\ '|\"%([^"\\]|\\.)*\"' ..
\ '|%(%(\:\ )@!.)*)\:%(\ |$)'
let s:liststartregex = '\v^\s*%(\-%(\ |$))'
let s:c_ns_anchor_char = '\v%([\n\r\uFEFF \t,[\]{}]@!\p)'
let s:c_ns_anchor_name = s:c_ns_anchor_char .. '+'
let s:c_ns_anchor_property = '\v\&' .. s:c_ns_anchor_name
let s:ns_word_char = '\v[[:alnum:]_\-]'
let s:ns_tag_char = '\v%(\x\x|' .. s:ns_word_char .. '|[#/;?:@&=+$.~*''()])'
let s:c_named_tag_handle = '\v\!' .. s:ns_word_char .. '+\!'
let s:c_secondary_tag_handle = '\v\!\!'
let s:c_primary_tag_handle = '\v\!'
let s:c_tag_handle = '\v%(' .. s:c_named_tag_handle.
\ '|' .. s:c_secondary_tag_handle.
\ '|' .. s:c_primary_tag_handle .. ')'
let s:c_ns_shorthand_tag = '\v' .. s:c_tag_handle .. s:ns_tag_char .. '+'
let s:c_non_specific_tag = '\v\!'
let s:ns_uri_char = '\v%(\x\x|' .. s:ns_word_char .. '\v|[#/;?:@&=+$,.!~*''()[\]])'
let s:c_verbatim_tag = '\v\!\<' .. s:ns_uri_char.. '+\>'
let s:c_ns_tag_property = '\v' .. s:c_verbatim_tag.
\ '\v|' .. s:c_ns_shorthand_tag.
\ '\v|' .. s:c_non_specific_tag
let s:block_scalar_header = '\v[|>]%([+-]?[1-9]|[1-9]?[+-])?'
function GetYAMLIndent(lnum)
if a:lnum == 1 || !prevnonblank(a:lnum-1)
return 0
let prevlnum = prevnonblank(a:lnum-1)
let previndent = indent(prevlnum)
let line = getline(a:lnum)
if line =~# '^\s*#' && getline(a:lnum-1) =~# '^\s*#'
" Comment blocks should have identical indent
return previndent
elseif line =~# '^\s*[\]}]'
" Lines containing only closing braces should have previous indent
return indent(s:FindPrevLessIndentedLine(a:lnum))
" Ignore comment lines when calculating indent
while getline(prevlnum) =~# '^\s*#'
let prevlnum = prevnonblank(prevlnum-1)
if !prevlnum
return previndent
let prevline = getline(prevlnum)
let previndent = indent(prevlnum)
" Any examples below assume that shiftwidth=2
if prevline =~# '\v[{[:]$|[:-]\ [|>][+\-]?%(\s+\#.*|\s*)$'
" Mapping key:
" nested mapping: ...
" - {
" key: [
" list value
" ]
" }
" - |-
" Block scalar without indentation indicator
return previndent+shiftwidth()
elseif prevline =~# '\v[:-]\ [|>]%(\d+[+\-]?|[+\-]?\d+)%(\#.*|\s*)$'
" - |+2
" block scalar with indentation indicator
"#^^ indent+2, not indent+shiftwidth
return previndent + str2nr(matchstr(prevline,
\'\v([:-]\ [|>])@<=[+\-]?\d+%([+\-]?%(\s+\#.*|\s*)$)@='))
elseif prevline =~# '\v\"%([^"\\]|\\.)*\\$'
" "Multiline string \
" with escaped end"
let qidx = match(prevline, '\v\"%([^"\\]|\\.)*\\')
return virtcol([prevlnum, qidx+1])
elseif line =~# s:liststartregex
" List line should have indent equal to previous list line unless it was
" caught by one of the previous rules
return indent(s:FindPrevLEIndentedLineMatchingRegex(a:lnum,
\ s:liststartregex))
elseif line =~# s:mapkeyregex
" Same for line containing mapping key
let prevmapline = s:FindPrevLEIndentedLineMatchingRegex(a:lnum,
\ s:mapkeyregex)
if getline(prevmapline) =~# '^\s*- '
return indent(prevmapline) + 2
return indent(prevmapline)
elseif get(g:, 'yaml_indent_multiline_scalar', 0) &&
\ prevline =~# '^\s*- '
" - List with
" multiline scalar
return previndent+2
elseif get(g:, 'yaml_indent_multiline_scalar', 0) &&
\ prevline =~# s:mapkeyregex .. '\v\s*%(%(' .. s:c_ns_tag_property ..
\ '\v|' .. s:c_ns_anchor_property ..
\ '\v|' .. s:block_scalar_header ..
\ '\v)%(\s+|\s*%(\#.*)?$))*'
" Mapping with: value
" that is multiline scalar
return previndent+shiftwidth()
return previndent
let &cpo = s:save_cpo