
111 lines
6.5 KiB
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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

" Vim syntax file
" Language: git commit file
" Maintainer: Tim Pope <>
" Filenames: *.git/COMMIT_EDITMSG
" Last Change: 2023 Dec 28
if exists("b:current_syntax")
scriptencoding utf-8
syn case match
syn sync minlines=50
syn sync linebreaks=1
if has("spell")
syn spell toplevel
syn include @gitcommitDiff syntax/diff.vim
syn region gitcommitDiff start=/\%(^diff --\%(git\|cc\|combined\) \)\@=/ end=/^\%(diff --\|$\|@@\@!\|[^[:alnum:]\ +-]\S\@!\)\@=/ fold contains=@gitcommitDiff
if get(g:, 'gitcommit_summary_length') < 0
syn match gitcommitSummary "^.*$" contained containedin=gitcommitFirstLine nextgroup=gitcommitOverflow contains=@Spell
elseif get(g:, 'gitcommit_summary_length', 1) > 0
exe 'syn match gitcommitSummary "^.*\%<' . (get(g:, 'gitcommit_summary_length', 50) + 1) . 'v." contained containedin=gitcommitFirstLine nextgroup=gitcommitOverflow contains=@Spell'
syn match gitcommitOverflow ".*" contained contains=@Spell
syn match gitcommitBlank "^.\+" contained contains=@Spell
syn match gitcommitFirstLine "\%^.*" nextgroup=gitcommitBlank,gitcommitComment skipnl
let s:scissors = 0
let s:l = search('^[#;@!$%^&|:] -\{24,\} >8 -\{24,\}$', 'cnW', '', 100)
if s:l == 0
let s:l = line('$')
elseif getline(s:l)[0] !=# getline(s:l - 1)[0]
let s:scissors = 1
let s:comment = escape((matchstr(getline(s:l), '^[#;@!$%^&|:]\S\@!') . '#')[0], '^$.*[]~\"/')
if s:scissors
let s:comment .= ' -\{24,\} >8 -\{24,\}$'
exe 'syn region gitcommitComment start="^' . s:comment . '" end="\%$" contains=gitcommitDiff'
exe 'syn match gitcommitComment "^' . s:comment . '.*"'
exe 'syn match gitcommitTrailers "\n\@<=\n\%([[:alnum:]-]\+\s*:.*\|(cherry picked from commit .*\)\%(\n\s.*\|\n[[:alnum:]-]\+\s*:.*\|\n(cherry picked from commit .*\)*\%(\n\n*\%(' . s:comment . '\)\|\n*\%$\)\@="'
unlet s:l s:comment s:scissors
syn match gitcommitTrailerToken "^[[:alnum:]-]\+\s*:" contained containedin=gitcommitTrailers
syn match gitcommitHash "\<\x\{40,}\>" contains=@NoSpell display
syn match gitcommitOnBranch "\%(^. \)\@<=On branch" contained containedin=gitcommitComment nextgroup=gitcommitBranch skipwhite
syn match gitcommitOnBranch "\%(^. \)\@<=Your branch .\{-\} '" contained containedin=gitcommitComment nextgroup=gitcommitBranch skipwhite
syn match gitcommitBranch "[^ ']\+" contained
syn match gitcommitNoBranch "\%(^. \)\@<=Not currently on any branch." contained containedin=gitcommitComment
syn match gitcommitHeader "\%(^. \)\@<=\S.*[:]\%(\n^$\)\@!$" contained containedin=gitcommitComment
syn region gitcommitAuthor matchgroup=gitCommitHeader start=/\%(^. \)\@<=\%(Author\|Committer\|Date\):/ end=/$/ keepend oneline contained containedin=gitcommitComment transparent
syn match gitcommitHeader "\%(^. \)\@<=commit\%( \x\{40,\}$\)\@=" contained containedin=gitcommitComment nextgroup=gitcommitHash skipwhite
syn match gitcommitNoChanges "\%(^. \)\@<=No changes$" contained containedin=gitcommitComment
syn match gitcommitType "\%(^.\t\)\@<=[^[:punct:][:space:]][^/:]*[^[:punct:][:space:]][:]\ze "he=e-1 contained containedin=gitcommitComment nextgroup=gitcommitFile skipwhite
syn match gitcommitFile ".\{-\}\%($\| -> \)\@=" contained nextgroup=gitcommitArrow
syn match gitcommitArrow " -> " contained nextgroup=gitcommitFile
syn match gitcommitUntrackedFile "\%(^.\t\)\@<=[^:/]*\%(/.*\)\=$" contained containedin=gitcommitComment
syn region gitcommitUntracked start=/^\z(.\) Untracked files:$/ end=/^\z1\=$\|^\z1\@!/ contains=gitcommitHeader containedin=gitcommitComment containedin=gitcommitComment contained transparent fold
syn region gitcommitDiscarded start=/^\z(.\) Change\%(s not staged for commit\|d but not updated\):$/ end=/^\z1\=$\|^\z1\@!/ contains=gitcommitHeader,gitcommitDiscardedType containedin=gitcommitComment containedin=gitcommitComment contained transparent fold
syn region gitcommitSelected start=/^\z(.\) Changes to be committed:$/ end=/^\z1$\|^\z1\@!/ contains=gitcommitHeader,gitcommitSelectedType containedin=gitcommitComment containedin=gitcommitComment contained transparent fold
syn region gitcommitUnmerged start=/^\z(.\) Unmerged paths:$/ end=/^\z1\=$\|^\z1\@!/ contains=gitcommitHeader,gitcommitUnmergedType containedin=gitcommitComment containedin=gitcommitComment contained transparent fold
syn match gitcommitUntrackedFile "\%(^.\t\)\@<=.*" contained containedin=gitcommitUntracked
syn match gitcommitDiscardedType "\%(^.\t\)\@<=[^[:punct:][:space:]][^/:]*[^[:punct:][:space:]][:]\ze "he=e-1 contained nextgroup=gitcommitDiscardedFile skipwhite
syn match gitcommitSelectedType "\%(^.\t\)\@<=[^[:punct:][:space:]][^/:]*[^[:punct:][:space:]][:]\ze "he=e-1 contained nextgroup=gitcommitSelectedFile skipwhite
syn match gitcommitUnmergedType "\%(^.\t\)\@<=[^[:punct:][:space:]][^/:]*[^[:punct:][:space:]][:]\ze "he=e-1 contained nextgroup=gitcommitUnmergedFile skipwhite
syn match gitcommitDiscardedFile "\S.\{-\}\%($\| -> \)\@=" contained nextgroup=gitcommitDiscardedArrow
syn match gitcommitSelectedFile "\S.\{-\}\%($\| -> \)\@=" contained nextgroup=gitcommitSelectedArrow
syn match gitcommitUnmergedFile "\S.\{-\}\%($\| -> \)\@=" contained nextgroup=gitcommitUnmergedArrow
syn match gitcommitDiscardedArrow " -> " contained nextgroup=gitcommitDiscardedFile
syn match gitcommitSelectedArrow " -> " contained nextgroup=gitcommitSelectedFile
syn match gitcommitUnmergedArrow " -> " contained nextgroup=gitcommitUnmergedFile
hi def link gitcommitSummary Keyword
hi def link gitcommitTrailerToken Label
hi def link gitcommitComment Comment
hi def link gitcommitHash Identifier
hi def link gitcommitOnBranch Comment
hi def link gitcommitBranch Special
hi def link gitcommitNoBranch gitCommitBranch
hi def link gitcommitDiscardedType gitcommitType
hi def link gitcommitSelectedType gitcommitType
hi def link gitcommitUnmergedType gitcommitType
hi def link gitcommitType Type
hi def link gitcommitNoChanges gitcommitHeader
hi def link gitcommitHeader PreProc
hi def link gitcommitUntrackedFile gitcommitFile
hi def link gitcommitDiscardedFile gitcommitFile
hi def link gitcommitSelectedFile gitcommitFile
hi def link gitcommitUnmergedFile gitcommitFile
hi def link gitcommitFile Constant
hi def link gitcommitDiscardedArrow gitcommitArrow
hi def link gitcommitSelectedArrow gitcommitArrow
hi def link gitcommitUnmergedArrow gitcommitArrow
hi def link gitcommitArrow gitcommitComment
"hi def link gitcommitOverflow Error
hi def link gitcommitBlank Error
let b:current_syntax = "gitcommit"