2018-01-28 22:47:25 +01:00

113 lines
5.2 KiB

" Vim syntax file
" Language: SNOBOL4
" Maintainer: Rafal Sulejman <>
" Site:
" Last change: : Thu, 25 Jan 2018 14:21:24 +0100
" Changes:
" - system variables updated for SNOBOL4 2.0+
" - strict snobol4 mode (set snobol4_strict_mode to activate)
" - incorrect HL of dots in strings corrected
" - incorrect HL of dot-variables in parens corrected
" - one character labels weren't displayed correctly.
" - nonexistent Snobol4 keywords displayed as errors.
" Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
if exists("b:current_syntax")
syntax case ignore
" Snobol4 keywords
syn keyword snobol4Keyword any apply arb arbno arg array
syn keyword snobol4Keyword break
syn keyword snobol4Keyword char clear code collect convert copy
syn keyword snobol4Keyword data datatype date define detach differ dump dupl
syn keyword snobol4Keyword endfile eq eval
syn keyword snobol4Keyword field
syn keyword snobol4Keyword ge gt ident
syn keyword snobol4Keyword input integer item
syn keyword snobol4Keyword le len lgt local lpad lt
syn keyword snobol4Keyword ne notany
syn keyword snobol4Keyword opsyn output
syn keyword snobol4Keyword pos prototype
syn keyword snobol4Keyword remdr replace rpad rpos rtab rewind
syn keyword snobol4Keyword size span stoptr
syn keyword snobol4Keyword tab table time trace trim terminal
syn keyword snobol4Keyword unload
syn keyword snobol4Keyword value
" CSNOBOL keywords
syn keyword snobol4ExtKeyword breakx
syn keyword snobol4ExtKeyword char chop
syn keyword snobol4ExtKeyword date delete
syn keyword snobol4ExtKeyword exp
syn keyword snobol4ExtKeyword freeze function
syn keyword snobol4ExtKeyword host
syn keyword snobol4ExtKeyword io_findunit
syn keyword snobol4ExtKeyword label lpad leq lge lle llt lne log
syn keyword snobol4ExtKeyword ord
syn keyword snobol4ExtKeyword reverse rpad rsort rename
syn keyword snobol4ExtKeyword serv_listen sset set sort sqrt substr
syn keyword snobol4ExtKeyword thaw
syn keyword snobol4ExtKeyword vdiffer
syn region snobol4String matchgroup=Quote start=+"+ end=+"+
syn region snobol4String matchgroup=Quote start=+'+ end=+'+
syn match snobol4BogusStatement "^-[^ ][^ ]*"
syn match snobol4Statement "^-\(include\|copy\|module\|line\|plusopts\|case\|error\|noerrors\|list\|unlist\|execute\|noexecute\|copy\)"
syn match snobol4Constant /"[^a-z"']\.[a-z][a-z0-9\-]*"/hs=s+1
syn region snobol4Goto start=":[sf]\{0,1}(" end=")\|$\|;" contains=ALLBUT,snobol4ParenError
syn match snobol4Number "\<\d*\(\.\d\d*\)*\>"
syn match snobol4BogusSysVar "&\w\{1,}"
syn match snobol4SysVar "&\<\(abort\|alphabet\|anchor\|arb\|bal\|case\|code\|digits\|dump\|errlimit\|errtext\|errtype\|fail\|fence\|fnclevel\|ftrace\|fullscan\|input\|lastno\|lcase\|maxlngth\|output\|parm\|rem\|rtntype\|stcount\|stfcount\|stlimit\|stno\|succeed\|trace\|trim\|ucase\)\>"
syn match snobol4ExtSysVar "&\(gtrace\|line\|file\|lastline\|lastfile\)"
syn match snobol4Label "\(^\|;\)[^-\.\+ \t\*\.]\{1,}[^ \t\*\;]*"
syn match snobol4Comment "\(^\|;\)\([\*\|!;#].*$\)"
" Parens matching
syn cluster snobol4ParenGroup contains=snobol4ParenError
syn region snobol4Paren transparent start='(' end=')' contains=ALLBUT,@snobol4ParenGroup,snobol4ErrInBracket
syn match snobol4ParenError display "[\])]"
syn match snobol4ErrInParen display contained "[\]{}]\|<%\|%>"
syn region snobol4Bracket transparent start='\[\|<:' end=']\|:>' contains=ALLBUT,@snobol4ParenGroup,snobol4ErrInParen
syn match snobol4ErrInBracket display contained "[){}]\|<%\|%>"
" optional shell shebang line
" syn match snobol4Comment "^\#\!.*$"
" Define the default highlighting.
" Only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
hi def link snobol4Constant Constant
hi def link snobol4Label Label
hi def link snobol4Goto Repeat
hi def link snobol4Conditional Conditional
hi def link snobol4Repeat Repeat
hi def link snobol4Number Number
hi def link snobol4Error Error
hi def link snobol4Statement PreProc
hi def link snobol4BogusStatement snobol4Error
hi def link snobol4String String
hi def link snobol4Comment Comment
hi def link snobol4Special Special
hi def link snobol4Todo Todo
hi def link snobol4Keyword Keyword
hi def link snobol4Function Function
hi def link snobol4MathsOperator Operator
hi def link snobol4ParenError snobol4Error
hi def link snobol4ErrInParen snobol4Error
hi def link snobol4ErrInBracket snobol4Error
hi def link snobol4SysVar Keyword
hi def link snobol4BogusSysVar snobol4Error
if exists("snobol4_strict_mode")
hi def link snobol4ExtSysVar WarningMsg
hi def link snobol4ExtKeyword WarningMsg
hi def link snobol4ExtSysVar snobol4SysVar
hi def link snobol4ExtKeyword snobol4Keyword
let b:current_syntax = "snobol4"
" vim: ts=8